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  • March 2025
  • March 2025
  • March 2025

In the Presence of Time

In the Presence of Time
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I received Gurumayi’s Message for 2025 as an invitation to reclaim my own ability to mold each day in the shape I wish. It is my time, and making it “worth my time” is a choice I always have.
I experienced such depth of freedom when I first heard Gurumayi announce her Message. Paradoxically, it seemed to me that time stopped for a split second—which felt eternal—while limitless possibilities unfolded within me.
Since then, Gurumayi’s daily teachings, “In the Presence of Time,” have been treasures that highlight the newness and goodness of each day and remind me that I am the one who chooses how to approach that day.
I am forever grateful to Gurumayi for her life-transforming teachings and grace. 

New York, United States

The perception of time—the now, the before, the not yet—can be confusing while in the waking state, but in my dreams it is all the same. I see people I have met in the past or not met yet, in a mixture of now, before, and yet-to-come, but the Gurus’ presence is always there for me.
Last night I dreamt that I was in an auditorium for a class I am currently taking at the university. Suddenly everyone—over four hundred students—began to chant “Om namo bhagavate muktanandaya” as a heartfelt prayer. To me it felt like a way of showing what is needed and what is important at this moment in time.

Hørsholm, Denmark

I have been realizing that all we have in our lives on earth is time—the second-to-second, minute-to-minute, day-to-day experience of this ineffable presence within which everything happens. And I see that the most powerful way to transform my experience of this constant presence through which my very being is realized is through the Siddha Yoga practices. 
For example, what began for me as an ordinary, mundane, even boring period of time this morning before I recited Shri Guru Gita became something totally different during and after my recitation. My sense of being, my reality were transformed into the sensation of sweetness, of significance, of the power to make a difference in my life—and in such a harmonious, elevated way.
This experience feels to me like a major breakthrough in my sadhana.

New York, United States

When I reflect on the teachings from “In the Presence of Time,” I think of the light we receive from stars in the sky. They are so far away from the earth that their distances are measured in light-years—the distance it takes light to travel in a single year. The closer a star is to our planet, and the larger it is, the brighter its light will twinkle in the vast dome of the night sky.

As suggested by the adage “As above, so below,” I live my life under the dome of my own timeline of experiences—some twinkling brightly in their beauty, others starting to dim. Each constellation of events—from my birth to the moment that just passed—has formed and shaped me. The imprints or impressions left on my body and soul reflect the weight of each event as well as its distance in time from the present moment. “In the Presence of Time” inspires me to love and honor the whole timeline of my life—just as I honor the beautiful, endless, evocative, and inspiring firmament above.

California, United States

The Soul of God
Is that time ticking?
Measuring the breaths,
The metronome of a life’s 
Doing and undoing?
But wait! 
Don’t you remember that beat?
The vibration of the damaru?
It’s the heart of God
Throbbing as time!
The breath of God
Propelling the movement
Of time!
It’s the soul of God
Appearing as the Guru
In this ever-changing 
Body of time!

New York, United States

Through actively engaging with Gurumayi’s teachings for 2025, I have come to believe I can bring positivity to each and every moment. Therefore, when I woke up yesterday morning feeling disgruntled and overwhelmed, I said to myself, “Okay, let me apply that teaching now.” Amazingly, the shift came readily! 
As I stood in front of Gurumayi’s photo at my puja altar, I acknowledged my negative attitude. Without judging it, I mentally placed this mindset on a shelf to witness it. This lessened its hold on me. I then tried to aim my being toward positivity without any idea of how that might work. It seems this small effort allowed me to become receptive to grace. 
Next, I did a short task at the computer. When I was done, my heart felt light. And the rest of the day was productive and wonderful. The action I took was so subtle yet the grace I received was so profound. 

Michigan, United States

I have been focusing on the first half of Gurumayi’s Message for 2025: the words “Make your time.” I think about Gurumayi and her teachings on time as I go to sleep at night. The other night I had a dream that Gurumayi and I were getting out our knitting needles and continuing on our knitting projects together.
That dream made me realize that we create the “fabric” of our time by the thoughts and experiences we choose in each moment. When we weave together moments of beautiful thoughts and golden company, time feels like a warm embrace, like a homemade blanket of love. 

Buenos Aires, Argentina

As if jumping from channel to channel on a TV,
My mind jumps from moment to moment in time,
Sometimes leaping into the future with worry or hope,
Sometimes crawling back in time with regret or nostalgia,
Until, by some miracle, I remember to come home to the present,
At which point all regret, nostalgia, and worry disappear.
At moments like this, time is a friend,
A present from my Guru in the present moment.
Despite my self-effort to stay established in the present,
Maya cleverly entices me with morsels of the future or past;
And then…I am gone again,
Riding the roller coaster of time.
But when I’m able to step off that ride into the present moment,
I clearly sense my Guru is there.
In my heart.
She never left,
But I was away.

Florida, United States

Toward the end of one meditation, I had a vision of innumerable skeletons standing close together. One after another raised its skull above the others and, while speaking directly to me, repeated three times, “Don’t waste your time. Don’t waste your time. Don’t waste your time."
Before this happened, I had behaved in ways that not only wasted my time but also left me feeling more drained. I was aware of this but somehow felt unable to break these wasteful habits. I have been praying for Guru’s grace for help with this issue. After this meditation, my awareness expanded and the strength arose in me to more easily let go of these old habits. 
Now I am feeling better about myself. I feel more present within myself and in my relationships. I feel I am implementing Gurumayi’s Message for 2025 more consistently. I am grateful for Gurumayi’s grace and support.

California, United States

When I was a child, it concerned me greatly that I would not be able to remember each moment in time, as the moments passed so quickly. I wanted to hold on to each moment because I intuited that each one was tremendously valuable and precious.
Now that I am much older and my memory is not as sharp as it once was, I am grateful that, as a Siddha Yoga student, I can place my focus on remembering and applying the Siddha Yoga teachings in each moment. When I do that, I experience the immediacy of the Self and the love in the hearts of all. The teachings give me the key to fulfilling each moment’s potential, and then I remember goodness and love, which are timeless.
Also, I find that in sharing experiences and memories with my fellow Siddha Yogis, we help each other to remember the amazing blessings in our lives.

New York, United States