I have been focusing on the first half of Gurumayi’s Message for 2025: the words “Make your time.” I think about Gurumayi and her teachings on time as I go to sleep at night. The other night I had a dream that Gurumayi and I were getting out our knitting needles and continuing on our knitting projects together.
That dream made me realize that we create the “fabric” of our time by the thoughts and experiences we choose in each moment. When we weave together moments of beautiful thoughts and golden company, time feels like a warm embrace, like a homemade blanket of love.
Buenos Aires, Argentina
As if jumping from channel to channel on a TV,
My mind jumps from moment to moment in time,
Sometimes leaping into the future with worry or hope,
Sometimes crawling back in time with regret or nostalgia,
Until, by some miracle, I remember to come home to the present,
At which point all regret, nostalgia, and worry disappear.
At moments like this, time is a friend,
A present from my Guru in the present moment.
Despite my self-effort to stay established in the present,
Maya cleverly entices me with morsels of the future or past;
And then…I am gone again,
Riding the roller coaster of time.
But when I’m able to step off that ride into the present moment,
I clearly sense my Guru is there.
In my heart.
She never left,
But I was away.
Florida, United States
Toward the end of one meditation, I had a vision of innumerable skeletons standing close together. One after another raised its skull above the others and, while speaking directly to me, repeated three times, “Don’t waste your time. Don’t waste your time. Don’t waste your time."
Before this happened, I had behaved in ways that not only wasted my time but also left me feeling more drained. I was aware of this but somehow felt unable to break these wasteful habits. I have been praying for Guru’s grace for help with this issue. After this meditation, my awareness expanded and the strength arose in me to more easily let go of these old habits.
Now I am feeling better about myself. I feel more present within myself and in my relationships. I feel I am implementing Gurumayi’s Message for 2025 more consistently. I am grateful for Gurumayi’s grace and support.
California, United States
When I was a child, it concerned me greatly that I would not be able to remember each moment in time, as the moments passed so quickly. I wanted to hold on to each moment because I intuited that each one was tremendously valuable and precious.
Now that I am much older and my memory is not as sharp as it once was, I am grateful that, as a Siddha Yoga student, I can place my focus on remembering and applying the Siddha Yoga teachings in each moment. When I do that, I experience the immediacy of the Self and the love in the hearts of all. The teachings give me the key to fulfilling each moment’s potential, and then I remember goodness and love, which are timeless.
Also, I find that in sharing experiences and memories with my fellow Siddha Yogis, we help each other to remember the amazing blessings in our lives.
New York, United States
Time is like a fertile piece of earth, ready and willing to nurture whichever seeds we sow.
Time is like a blank canvas; the possibilities for our creative expressions are vast.
We are the farmers and the artists who care for whatever we choose to cultivate within time.
May the paintings we create and the fields we cultivate bring boundless love, joy, nourishment, goodness, and exquisite beauty to our inner and outer worlds and to all beings everywhere.
a staff member at Shree Muktananda Ashram
When I read Gurumayi’s daily “In the Presence of Time” teachings, I experience them as individual movements of energy. When I read the teaching of the day, a feeling of energy arises in me, from which I gain an experience of the teaching. Rather than intellectual understandings, these are subtle, energetic experiences. Each one seems to fit harmoniously into my growing treasure trove of energetic experiences. As a result, I feel a daily sense of enrichment and expansion.
Konolfingen, Switzerland
Today I was early for a meeting and was given an hour’s extra time. It so happened an outdoor labyrinth behind a church was close by. I walked the labyrinth very slowly, asking myself a question about how best to deal with a situation where an important sale is not happening according to plan.
When I reached the center of the labyrinth and sat quietly, Gurumayi’s teachings on time began to scroll through my mind. I first recalled “An understanding of time.” I realized I’d been feeling time as a pressure and not understanding its true nature. I then remembered Gurumayi’s teaching, “The value of time,” followed by “A wise use of time,” and contemplated how I might use “the gift of time” as I wait for the sale.
The depth of these teachings took me out of that feeling of “time pressure” into a still place of acceptance and trust. There is so much more to time than I had imagined!
Auckland, New Zealand
In meditation this morning, my mind drifted back to a long-held past impression that I have worked hard to overcome. This impression floated into my awareness, but it did not derail me as it used to; it was just there. A gentle voice rose up from within me, saying, “Time to let go.” I released the impression and returned to the quiet space inside.
The words “Time to let go” showed me how time empowers me when I take the correct action, make the right effort at the appropriate time. As I honor time, time supports my growth and fuels my progress in sadhana. I am ever so grateful for this study and daily exploration of Gurumayi’s Message for 2025.
New York, United States
Reflecting on each of Gurumayi’s teachings is a beautiful chance to keenly notice my perceptions and limiting beliefs about time. I am so grateful for this opportunity to work with these limiting beliefs and to let them go. Through Gurumayi’s grace, I experience with fresh insight the absolute importance of each moment as the gateway to the Self. When I hold the intention to open fully to each moment, my heart softens, my breathing deepens, and the moment expands in beauty. Time becomes spacious, and this very moment is everything.
My new relationship with time feels precious and tender, and I pray to honor this understanding by continuing to reflect on Gurumayi’s teachings and by returning, over and again, to the present moment.
Connecticut, United States
The Jewel of Time
In the firmament of God’s creation
The kaleidoscope of time is turning,
Wheeling stars singing anthems of praise
As each new moment appears.
At the very source of our being
Resonating in the hearts of all,
A dimensionless unstruck sound,
The still point in this ever-changing world.
Within, silent and eternal,
The pure One resides,
And without, appears
As the precious form of our Guru.
God’s hidden treasure,
Along with keys to the kingdom
Of our own Self.
Tucked away within creation itself
Is the secret jewel of time!
New York, United States