Over the years, re-reading Swami ji’s exposition inspires my recitation of
Shri Guru Gita. Swami ji takes us on a journey that explores many aspects of
Shri Guru Gita. Every time I read it, new insights are revealed for me into the wonders of the recitation of
Shri Guru Gita.
California, United States
A major shift in my
sadhana has taken place since the
Shri Guru Gita Recitation Satsang this summer. I am now regularly chanting
Shri Guru Gita. My early years of Siddha Yoga practice were spent offering
seva in the ashram kitchen. We heard
Shri Guru Gita over the speakers every day, but never went because we were cooking breakfast at that time.
In the years that followed, I had never regularly participated in the chanting of
Shri Guru Gita. That all changed after the live audio stream. It was very powerful and moving for me. I told my wife after the event that I wanted to chant with her once a week from that point on. I am happy to say that I have kept to that commitment. And I am enjoying the practice! What a wonderful gift it has been to engage in this essential Siddha Yoga practice fully for the first time in over thirty years.
California, USA
I fell in serious love with Shri Guru Gita at the Siddha Yoga Ashram in Oakland in the mid-1990s. There was a seven-hour saptah of the chant, which I never want to forget. I had just begun my sadhana, and attempting to recite the text felt intimidating and lengthy (to say the least). I just couldn't sit still. By the end (with pauses, of course) I was resting in complete serenity and couldn't wait to chant it again. What's really great is I still feel that way now, only more so! Shri Guru Gita is extremely powerful.
New York, USA
While reading Swami Shantananda's letter, I was struck by how fortunate we are to be able to chant all the sacred texts that are available to us on the Siddha Yoga path. These texts from the scriptures have not always been widely known. Sacred texts like Shri Guru Gita, Shri Rudram, Kundalini Stavah, and Shiva Mahimna Stotram are gems. They used to be hidden in ancient texts and in a variety of scriptural renderings, and were accessible only to a few. It was Baba who brought these scriptures to us out of his compassion and his wish for us to experience what they describe: our own true nature—conscious and blissful and one with all creation.
Thank you, Baba, for your compassion. Thank you, Gurumayi, for guiding us towards the experience of our own true nature.
Vienna, Austria
I realize, every time a devotee's heart leaps with joy at the thought of all the blessings the world will receive on September 1, in that moment, blessings flow out to the world from the heart of the devotee!
Thank you, Gurumayi, for giving us the opportunity to bless the world as we wait in joyful anticipation for September 1, 2013.
New York, USA
Initially, when I started reciting Shri Guru Gita, I did so very occasionally. I found it hard to make enough time in my day. However, I loved this practice so much that I kept praying to be shown how I could fit the repetition of this holy scripture into my daily practices.
Then one day, about ten years ago, I was inspired to read Shri Guru Gita silently to myself each morning. This has become a regular practice. It takes me about twenty minutes. I don't always get to the very end, but hardly a day goes by that I don't read at least some verses. On the days when life is too busy for even a few verses, I remind myself that even one letter, one verse of Shri Guru Gita is a holy mantra. Over the years, this daily reading has become a most precious time, where I sit with my beloved Shri Guru.
California, USA
From the time the upcoming Shri Guru Gita Recitation Satsang was announced, I've been having an amazing experience. I've been noticing that my mind has been spontaneously repeating the verses of this sacred mantra, pretty much all the time. I even noticed this taking place in my dream state.
Reciting Shri Guru Gita has always been the Siddha Yoga practice that I perform most regularly, almost daily. Since the announcement of the upcoming event, I've increased my attention on study and practice of this scripture.
I always experience blessings from the recitation of Shri Guru Gita—sometimes incredible bliss, sometimes tears of gratitude and devotion welling up. At other times, I notice that my mind is rested and I feel centered throughout the day.
Thank you, Gurumayi, for these wondrous gifts.
New York, USA
Thank you, Gurumayi, for giving us the opportunity to recite Shri Guru Gita with all the Siddha Yogis throughout the world. What a wonderful, auspicious event it will be! I am waiting for it eagerly.
Gandhinagar, India
Like so many Siddha Yoga devotees around the world, I am feeling excited, grateful, and blessed at the prospect of participating in such a powerful practice with the global sangham. It feels like a truly historical event on this great path for all of us to be able to recite Shri Guru Gita together on the same day, wherever we are. I know the blessings will be enormous, for the world and for each of us.
This special event is also part of the wonderful way in which the SYDA Foundation has been using the Internet to bring us together. The Siddha Yoga path website has become such a great support for the worldwide sangham.
Thank you, Gurumayi, for giving us this avenue to stay connected to you, to your teachings, and to the Siddha Yoga legacy.
Bogotá, Colombia
I was fascinated to read in Swami Shantananda's letter about the research project that Gurumayi initiated on the origins and history of Shri Guru Gita. I've long appreciated the spiritual power and resonance of reciting a text with such ancient roots, but what was new to me was learning about the specific ways in which Baba and Gurumayi have made Shri Guru Gita into such a vibrant and deeply meaningful component of Siddha Yoga sadhana.
Thank you, Swamiji, for giving us these new insights into our Siddha Yoga legacy.
Hamburg, Germany