
Dear Gurumayi,

Thank you for initiating the training for young adults. I have really come to appreciate everything that the SYDA Foundation does, and I feel grateful to have had this opportunity to learn so much about the Foundation and to study the Siddha Yoga Mission Briefing.

I loved the many discussions and role plays the trainees engaged in, which helped us to fully understand and articulate the material in the Briefing. The purpose of the training was fulfilled.

I would like to share with you how exhilarating it has been for me to come home to Kansas City and apply my new learning and understanding so quickly to my daily life. For the first time I have had the confidence and ability to fully articulate to one of my very close friends, who is not a Siddha Yogi, what the Siddha Yoga path is for me. Not only that, we had such an interesting and engaging conversation that by the end of the night she asked to borrow one of your books, The Yoga of Discipline. She felt so intrigued by what I shared with her about the Siddha Yoga teachings.

Life is so fantastic, and mine just keeps getting better and better! Thank you!

Love always,
      a Siddha Yogi from United States