The Happy Bell
Dear Gurumayi,
Eleven years ago on your birthday you gave everyone a “Happy Bell.” I want to let you know how important that bell has been in my life over the years.
As I recall, you asked Swami Vasudevananda to teach us how to use the bell. He said, “Ring it, say the mantra, and make a wish or a prayer.” I have done this virtually every day for eleven years. The bell sits on my puja, still tied with its crisp yellow ribbon, and I ring it as part of my morning practice.
For a few years, I made a wish or a prayer when I rang the bell. Then, after you taught us about creating an intention, I used the sharp focus of intention to guide my bell ringing—I would set a specific intention for each day. For a couple of years after that I would close my eyes and say, “My wish for today is Guru’s…” and ask for a specific quality of yours to arise in me that day—such as Guru’s vision, Guru’s warmth, Guru’s clarity, Guru’s laughter.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for the miracle of your grace. And so, as we approach another birthday—both of us, for June 24 is my birthday too—I bow at your feet in deep gratitude.
With love and devotion always,
a Siddha Yogi from New York, United States