
श्वेताम्बरं श्वेतविलेपपुष्पं
मुक्ताविभूषं मुदितं द्विनेत्रम्।
मन्दस्मितं सान्द्रकृपानिधानम्॥

śvetāmbaraṁ śveta-vilepa-puṣpaṁ
muktā-vibhūṣaṁ muditaṁ dvinetram ।
mandasmitaṁ sāndra-kṛpā-nidhānam ॥

He has two eyes. He is clad in white garments. He is besmeared with white paste and is adorned with garlands of white flowers and pearls. He is joyous. He has a gentle smile. He is a treasure house of abundant grace. The divine Shakti is seated on the left side of his lap.

Shri Guru Gita, verse 92