
सकलभुवनसृष्टिः कल्पिताशेषपुष्टिर्
निखिलनिगमदृष्टिः सम्पदां व्यर्थदृष्टिः।
अवगुणपरिमार्ष्टिस् तत्पदार्थैकदृष्टिर्
भवगुणपरमेष्टिर् मोक्षमार्गैकदृष्टिः॥

सकरुणरसवृष्टिस् तत्त्वमालासमष्टिः।
सकलसमयसृष्टिः सच्चिदानन्ददृष्टिर्
निवसतु मयि नित्यं श्रीगुरोर्दिव्यदृष्टिः॥

sakala-bhuvana-sṛṣṭiḥ kalpitāśeṣapuṣṭir
nikhila-nigama-dṛṣṭiḥ sampadāṁ vyarthadṛṣṭiḥ ।
avaguṇa-parimārṣṭis tat-padārthaika-dṛṣṭir
bhava-guṇa-parameṣṭir mokṣa-mārgaika-dṛṣṭiḥ ॥

sakaruṇa-rasa-vṛṣṭis tattva-mālāsamaṣṭiḥ ।
sakala-samaya-sṛṣṭiḥ sac-cid-ānanda-dṛṣṭir
nivasatu mayi nityaṁ śrīguror divyadṛṣṭiḥ ॥

May the divine glance of the Guru ever dwell upon me. It creates all the worlds. It brings all nourishment. It has the viewpoint of all holy scriptures. It regards wealth as useless. It removes faults. It remains focused on the Ultimate. It is the highest ruler of the three gunas, which constitute the world. Its only goal is to lead others on the path of liberation. It is the central pillar supporting the stage of all the worlds. It showers the nectar of compassion. It is the aggregate of all tattvas, the principles of creation. It creates all time. It is sac-cid-ananda.

Shri Guru Gita, verses 59–60


नित्यं शुद्धं निराभासं निराकारं निरञ्जनम्।
नित्यबोधं चिदानन्दं गुरुं ब्रह्म नमाम्यहम्॥

nityaṁ śuddhaṁ nirābhāsaṁ
nirākāraṁ nirañjanam ।
nityabodhaṁ cidānandaṁ
guruṁ brahma namāmyaham ॥

I bow to the Guru, who is Brahman, eternal and pure. He is beyond perception, formless, and without taint. He is eternal knowledge, Consciousness, and bliss.

Shri Guru Gita, verse 90