Through the grace and love of my beloved Guru, Gurumayi, I have experienced the value of a human birth. One way I respect and honor my human birth is through a regular practice of meditation. And, in meditation, I have experienced oneness with my own Self.
Thank you, Gurumayi!
Nairobi, Kenya
For me, each of these Words of Illumination has further expanded the wisdom of those previously presented. The teaching on
mumukshutva reawakened my wholehearted intention to know the Truth and led me to focused study of the subsequent Words of Illumination. I have taken in these exquisite teachings over and over, immersed myself in their grace and wisdom, and recognized their invitation for me to embrace the power they invoke to know the Truth and act with grace in the world.
Washington, USA
I felt very happy and encouraged after reading this teaching. I am grateful to Gurumayi for reminding me of the importance of human birth. This inspires me to meditate more to know the Self.
Pune, India
I am reading these wise words on my birthday, and I take this teaching of Gurumayi as a precious gift.
I offer my deepest gratitude to the Gurus of the Siddha Yoga lineage for the gift of
shaktipat, the awakening of Kundalini Shakti. Through the Guru’s great compassion, I have become aware of the power of grace in unexpected situations in life, and I am able to put the Master’s teachings into practice.
Thank you, Gurumayi, for your benevolent grace.
Johannesburg, South Africa
These words of my beloved Guru illumine the incredible value of every human birth: in this very body we can know God!
Thank you, Gurumayi, for reminding me of how precious my time on earth is!
Rome, Italy
I feel deeply grateful as I read these words, knowing that the purpose of my life has become crystal clear—to know God as my own Self. Through the Guru’s grace, I have experienced this Truth. Even if only for a fleeting moment, the profoundly intimate and personal connection with my true Self is such a powerful experience—one that I can remember and relish. I also rekindle this incredible gift of grace by actively engaging with the teachings and spiritual practices given by the Guru. Over time, the experience of myself as innately divine is more frequent and sustained.
Massachusetts, USA
This teaching sheds light on what it means for me to know God. By noticing the movement of grace within my days, I become more familiar with God's ways, recognizing the divine logic of this world. I feel inspired to know that I have the capacity to apply the power of grace in my life!
Summer Hill, Australia