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Invitation to Gurupurnima

Invitation to Gurupurnima
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At the beginning of July, I started to offer dakshina every day from my daily budget and put it in a box on my puja.  

At the culmination of the Gurupurnima celebration at the Siddha Yoga meditation center I attend, I offered my dakshina during darshan. In that moment, I experienced that Gurumayi is constantly imparting the knowledge of the Self to me in so many ways. I felt grateful for my transformation and for the sense of freedom and love I feel within me.
I am inspired to support the Siddha Yoga path by offering dakshina, so the experience of the Self will be available to generations to come.

Konolfingen, Switzerland

I read the first paragraph of Swami ji’s letter as an affirmation of all it means to be a Siddha Yoga student. It is beautiful—we do indeed “live blessed lives”! 
When I began to offer dakshina regularly and approach it as a spiritual practice, I also experienced it as an act of self-recognition—an affirmation of the fact that I am a student on the Siddha Yoga path. I also now see that another gift of this path is to be able to be on the giving side, as well as on the receiving side, of the Guru-disciple relationship. The practice of dakshina was one of the many things that made me feel completely at home on the Siddha Yoga path.
Gurupurnima for me is a celebration of the revelation of my ultimate destination within my own being.

a staff member at Shree Muktananda Ashram

For me, offering dakshina feels sacred. Through this practice, my day-to-day job and life are transmuted into seva. When I experience this practice in this way, my heart becomes so much happier and lighter, and I feel my life has a divine purpose. Also, for me, offering dakshina is a way to express my gratitude to Shri Gurumayi, who has taught me so much.

Hawaii, United States

The image on this invitation is so beautiful.

As I looked at it, I contemplated that lotuses often grow in ponds that do not always have pure, clean water. But still they grow, breaking through the surface and blooming in the light of the sun and moon.

I thought about how this is similar to the goal of my spiritual life. I strive to rise tall, break through the veil of superficiality, and offer my heart and head to God’s light—wholeheartedly.

Munich, Germany

Over the years, I have had the good fortune to be with both Baba and Gurumayi on a number of occasions. I notice that when I am in the physical presence of the Guru, I experience my heart beating and shakti pulsating throughout my body.
Today, I offered dakshina in honor of Gurupurnima via the Siddha Yoga path website. As soon as I made the offering, that same divine energy that I have come to recognize as the presence of the Guru pulsated within me. I was drawn deep into meditation and savored the bliss of the Guru’s company within.

Langwarrin, Australia

I have received so much from studying and reflecting on both the imagery and the words of this exquisite invitation.
From the words, I especially loved how Swami ji weaves the theme of connectedness and oneness through the invitation. It helped me recognize that on July 20, in celebration of Gurupurnima, I can connect with Siddha Yogis around the world in offering dakshina and honor our oneness in this way.
From the imagery, I had a powerful sense of identification with the lotus flower moving towards the light. When I returned to the image a few days later, my experience deepened as I recognized that I too am light—light drawn to the light of the Guru, light merging into light to become one.
Through both the image of the lotus flower and the words, I understood and experienced oneness, that there is indeed only One. 

Havant, United Kingdom

As I look at the diaphanous petals of the lotus, reflecting the blue effulgence and rising from the deep emerald green, I feel myself entering the landscape of my own heart, where my Shri Guru dwells.
When I reflect on offering dakshina wholeheartedly on this most auspicious occasion of Gurupurnima, I see myself sitting at the lotus feet of my Guru in the abode of the Heart, and in this offering my whole being becomes dyed in the color of divine love.
Ever since I have received shaktipat diksha, what I have most wished for is to give one hundred percent of myself to my beloved Guru. When I first discovered the practice of dakshina as a Siddha Yoga student, I realized that this practice gives me one way to do so. I have found over the years that making a special offering of dakshina at Gurupurnima is a uniquely powerful way to remember what I receive from the Guru and to become steeped in the bliss of this remembrance.

a staff member at Shree Muktananda Ashram

While viewing the exquisite image on the cover of this “Invitation to Offer Gurupurnima Dakshina,” I felt vibrations of love and protection emanating from the luminous lotus of light. These vibrations became the words of Gurumayi speaking to me. I heard: “I love you, and I am here for you.” I spoke back, saying, “I love you too, Gurumayi, and I thank you for the generosity of your heart. I wholeheartedly offer my love in the form of dakshina.”
I look forward to daily conversations with Gurumayi in the form of this lotus throughout the month. I will continue to make dakshina offerings wholeheartedly as well!

New York, United States

I just made a dakshina offering in honor of Gurupurnima, and I feel so blessed. I am grateful to be able to give something tangible back to the Guru who is truly my life’s support!

Vancouver, Canada

I am amazed at how every aspect of this card explores the richness and complexity of the Guru’s grace: the photos of the lotus flower and the full moon, as well as the touching words from Swami Indirananda. It seems that this simple card is speaking to me in many different modes, giving me the opportunity to explore in depth the relationship between myself and the abundance that comes from the presence of Gurumayi in my life. A sense of apparent infinity has appeared inside me, leaving me with a deep desire to give and give and give. 

Rome, Italy