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Gurupurnima 2017

Gurupurnima Celebration 2017
A Photo Gallery

From the dawn’s first golden rays to the rising of the moon that night, every moment of Gurupurnima 2017 was suffused with the light of the Guru’s grace.

In Shree Muktananda Ashram, sevites and families celebrated Gurupurnima 2017 in the presence of our beloved Guru, Gurumayi Chidvilasananda. The day was replete with offerings of puja and arati as well as satsang, and darshan of Gurumayi, Baba Muktananda, Bhagavan Nityananda, and Lord Shiva. At night, the rising of the perfect full moon illumined the landscape, and our hearts and minds, with its radiance.

As you view these photographs throughout this month of July, may the luminosity and joy of Gurupurnima continue to permeate your days and nights.

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I love to see Gurumayi spending time with young people and families, especially babies. In these pictures, I recognize the Guru's compassion for all of us. The pictures seem to fall straight into my heart, and I feel my connection to the Siddha Yoga sangham!
Thank you, Gurumayi, for your generosity!

Tuxtla Gutierrez, Mexico

What an incredible mahaprasad! These pictures are exquisite. It felt like I was participating step by step in this auspicious event. All these images will stay indelibly in my memory as I intend to watch them again and again.
Thank you for opening the temple of the Heart so widely and so generously.

Montreal, Canada

Watching every one of those beautiful pictures opens my heart more with every new click! What a delight to be right there in Shree Muktananda Ashram, celebrating this incredibly beautiful day of Gurupurnima and being there with my beloved Guru. I am so grateful for this possibility of taking part in the Gurupurnima celebrations through these photos.
Thank you for your grace in my life, Gurumayi!

Berlin, Germany