As I contemplated this verse from the
Brihadaranyakopanishad, I had a vision of my breath, thoughts and desires spinning out worlds of my own creation, using threads made from the light of the Self.
I realized how easy it is for me to get entangled in the web and forget the Self. Yet tracing those threads back to their origin in the Self, then seeing them spin out again but with the awareness of the Self, illuminated each thread like a spider’s web sparkling in the morning light.
Thank you, Gurumayi, for illuminating my path.
Illinois, USA
After reading and contemplating this beautiful verse, I became more fully aware of the breath as the generous gift of the Self. With each breath, gratitude arises—gratitude for the gift of life, the gift of pure awareness, and for the grace that reveals to me the inner peace, bliss, and unconditional love of the Self.
With each breath gratitude arises, and with it my wish to offer back to the Self and to Gurumayi.
California, USA
This verse led me to reflect on my true nature and to acknowledge the deep interconnectedness of all created things.
After reading the verse several times, I sat under a tree in my backyard, just breathing in and out with awareness. I experienced my breath weaving a vibrant web of love, within and without. The tree trunk I was leaning on, the grass under my feet, the birds chirping around me were all pulsating in unison with my heart. It dawned on me that everything was attuned to the unfathomable breath of the supreme Self. I realized I was breathing and being breathed at the same time. This illumined a deeper truth for me: the supreme Self was the means and the source.
What a humbling and awe-inspiring experience!
Buenos Aires, Argentina