Majesty and joy arise. Vastness is evoked in the smallest creature. The Nature Gallery always brings a wave of contentment to my soul. The humility in each photo teaches me to smile and be at peace.
New York, USA
I have been taking particular delight in the close-up photos of flowers in the June Nature Galleries. The exquisite design of each flower and all the vibrant and variegated colors bring joy to my eyes and to my heart. I relish the beneficence of the Creator in granting this beauty to behold.
The delicacy and softness of the petals, so evident in the close-up views, also add something precious to my experience, like a visual caress emanating from the images to soothe my soul.
Connecticut, USA
For me, roaming through the monthly Nature Galleries is like roaming through a great art gallery: one magnificent work of art leads the visitor on to another. And each photo reveals both the exquisite work of the consummate artist Mother Nature, and the wonderfully sensitive eyes of these talented photographers.
This month, as I viewed the first
Nature Gallery, I took particular delight in recognizing that the various photos showing Ashram landscapes reflected in the waters of Lake Nityananda are like the "theme and variations" in some musical compositions. It was as if Mother Nature were not satisfied with giving us the lush greens and deep blues of the springtime landscape itself; she also wanted us to enjoy a variation on that theme. And so she provides us with the shimmery reflections of the landscape in the water, where we can take pleasure in appreciating her gifts from yet another intriguing perspective.
Illinois, USA
Still dark
verdant grasses
the essential
Missouri, USA
I feel renewed when I glide through these photographs. For me, the beauty and love emanating from each flower, leaf, animal, and cloud offers true compassion, and calls forth my own compassion in return.
New York, USA