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Images of Nature III

On the Siddha Yoga path, we acknowledge the presence of the Divine in all of creation—and this divinity is revealed in myriad forms in the natural world. The beauty and wonder we find in nature can inspire us, as seekers, to recognize the beauty within us and everywhere around us.

The Nature Gallery contains photographs taken in the wondrous environs of Shree Muktananda Ashram, where Gurumayi currently resides. The Ashram is located in upstate New York, surrounded by expansive forests and rolling hills, brimming with wildlife. Take your time as you view the gallery. Allow the images to transport you to the serene stillness of the Guru’s abode, and let nature’s splendor connect you to the splendor of your own great heart.


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I so appreciate the nature photos. During the day as I work at my computer, I look at them when I need a break or when I start feeling fatigued. They draw me back to the moment; they put me in touch with my Self.

Texas, United States

Peerless purple
flavored flowers
drink drops,
radiant delight.

Missouri, United States

Ah, these photos of spring finally arriving in its full glory at Shree Muktananda Ashram are so heartwarming! Everywhere in these photos, Mother Nature’s beauty is so evident, from the majestic clouds rolling by far above, to the pearl-like water droplets decorating the tips of countless leaves. And the colors! There is something so moving about the unique color of fresh springtime greenery. To me, that vibrant color serves to proclaim the triumph of life that has survived throughout the long winter, and in doing so, evokes my admiration and appreciation. I also always love to see how the sun-colored daffodils, so delicate in form, nevertheless stand up proudly as they trumpet the arrival of spring.

In all these ways, I experience that Mother Nature is truly a consummate artist, and the bestower of precious gifts.

Illinois, United States

As I viewed the series of photos of a tulip opening her petals from bud to blossom, so, too, did my heart open and open and OPEN. I am still experiencing the fullness of my heart and oneness with nature and Self.

I've decided to write down my experiences of Baba's presence each day this month. Today, Baba's presence is revealed in this photo gallery, so joyously! I am deeply grateful.

New York, United States