I have been meditating daily with the dharana “Bhagavan Nityananda—The Golden One” ever since we celebrated his solar punyatithi in 2021.
I meditate at night, as I’ve been doing since the start of the pandemic. The day is done, my work is done, no traffic or phone calls disturb the stillness; the house is quiet, dark but for one happy candle in front of me. It's the “date” I look forward to throughout the day.
Just before meditation I repeat along with the dharana presenter: “Bhagavan Nityananda dwells in my heart. I am in Bhagavan Nityananda’s heart. His heart is my heart. My heart is his heart. We are one in the heart.” These final words of the dharana are the “passcode” for the doors to my inner temple to open and let me in.
This nightly date with my Self in the safety of Bhagavan’s heart has become the cornerstone of my life.
California, United States
Participating in this color-filled dharana was a rich, powerful, redolent experience. Color and smell led my senses to the greens of evening, and to the fragrances of “the rain-soaked earth” and of the flowers. I followed the dharana into the golden colors and the heavenly scents of the Temple.
In the Temple of Shree Muktananda Ashram—in the temple of my heart—Bade Baba and I danced back and forth. As I breathed in, Bade Baba joined me in my heart for a while. And then I entered Bade Baba's heart. With head buzzing and heart soothed, my meditation lasted a long time.
North Carolina, United States
This glorious dharana takes me back to my very first Siddha Yoga evening satsang, held at Shree Muktananda Ashram. After the satsang, I participated in singing the Shiva Arati in front of Bade Baba’s murti. Back then, the murti was situated on a raised marble platform in an open rotunda.
After singing the Arati, I followed what the people in front of me were doing, and so I rang the heavy bell that hung just outside the rotunda. It felt as if the reverberating ring of that bell woke up my soul to a new life. I can still feel myself pulling on the rope attached to the bell, and can still hear its echoing ring.
California, United States
In these turbulent times, the sweet and deep voice of the narrator helped me to calm down and visit the depths of my heart. When I heard the words, "Are you smiling? Of course you are," a smile did come upon my face. This dharana offers me a bridge to better connect with the Guru's grace and infinite love.
Versailles, France
I am grateful for this precious
dharana, in which I experienced that every word was alive with Bade Baba’s essence. The
dharana choreographed the most exquisite journey to my Heart, to Bade Baba.
After meditating, guided by the
dharana, I went for a walk along a forest path. I felt the earth breathing underfoot. I heard the sounds of the leaves and the birds and the frogs and associated them with the sounds of the instruments that accompany the chants in the Temple. I smelled the fragrance of the damp earth and the eucalyptus. I was the only person around so I let myself express my joy. I felt like laughing so I laughed in the company of the trees, and it felt so good! I opened my arms as if to embrace all the beauty I was seeing. I felt attuned to the golden, throbbing, alive essence of Consciousness in everything. I was able to take the experience from meditation into my walk, and, though active, I was very still.
Apollo Bay, Australia
I listened to this
dharana and meditated just as the sun was setting. I heard the sounds, I felt the grass under my feet, the wind caressing me. Bade Baba was before me. My mind was still, my heart full of love and longing. I am so grateful.
Sydney, Australia
I am feeling love and deepest gratitude for this most exquisite
dharana, taking me into the presence of Shri Bade Baba in the beloved Temple at Shree Muktananda Ashram!
Whenever I think of Bhagavan Nityananda, I see radiant, golden light—glorious, scintillating, sacred, healing light. Returning to the Temple in this meditation brings me such deep peace in the most sacred presence of our Siddha Yoga Gurus.
I am supremely fortunate to be touched by the blessings of this most beloved Siddha Yoga path, a wellspring of divine grace and love. My heart is ever grateful.
New Mexico, United States
I offer my heartfelt thanks for this wonderful dharana!
During the meditation I saw Bade Baba standing in front of me with open arms. My great longing to embrace him was greater than my fear of him. Our embrace was so profound that I felt like I was melting. Suddenly there was neither me nor Bade Baba—only oneness, peace, pulsating silence. Blue light flooded through me like the waves in the ocean. Silent ecstasy washed through me.
Then my body felt like it was the body of Bade Baba. I looked out of his eyes and saw Gurumayi lovingly placing flowers in front of me. I felt each flower, the love, the tenderness of her offering. I became aware that there is one Consciousness and that this Consciousness is God.
Unterlangenegg, Switzerland
I woke up just after midnight and realized that it was now Bade Baba's Solar Punyatithi. I responded to the pull to open the Siddha Yoga website so I could participate in the Celebration Satsang in Honor of Bhagavan Nityananda's Punyatithi.
After reading the Satsang Invitation , I was drawn first to watch the video of Gurumayi performing maha abhishek on Bade Baba's murti and then to meditate with the extraordinary dharana. After a short while I was drawn deeply into a state of soundlessness even as the audio version of the dharana continued, until at one point I experienced an unfamiliar but pleasant fluttering in my heart as I returned to awareness of the reader’s voice along with the sensation of being enveloped in Bade Baba's love.
I am very grateful to Gurumayi for her immeasurable gift of love through sharing Bade Baba's darshan in these ways.
Ancona, Italy