I wasn’t sure whether adults could participate in this
satsang. Then I read the shares and saw that many adults had participated and enjoyed it! So my husband, our young adult daughter, and I went for it!
It was an amazing experience. We remembered the beautiful and happy
satsangs we used to participate in when our daughter was a little child. We had such fun, and each of us discovered a different gift that Gurumayi had placed in our hearts.
During this challenging time, I’m really grateful that we had this occasion to smile and connect to joy. This
satsang left us with increased cohesiveness and gentleness that reverberates in our interactions as a family.
Rome, Italy

As we were chanting
Shri Krishna Nila Krishna, I remembered seeing a play about Krishna from the Golden Tales. At the end of the play there were many children of all ages who walked out from behind the curtains. Each person was dressed as Krishna, with blue skin and a peacock feather in their hair. My heart leaped up with joy and love knowing that each one of us is Krishna.
Oregon, United States
After the satsang I felt peace and the true love God has shared with me. It was just so relaxing and peaceful listening to Shri Krishna Nila Krishna. For me, the more we chanted, the more peace I felt. I loved it. I knew the Guru's gift to me was full, devoted love. I felt the Guru's gift coming into my heart.
a ten-year-old from Connecticut, United States
While I was meditating, I felt like I was in the meditation hall, Shri Nilaya, and there were golden snowflakes falling, dancing, and floating all around the room. I felt very peaceful and joyful.
At the end of the
satsang, during
darshan, I felt like I was on a donut-shaped platform that was spinning in a circle. Gurumayi's gift that I discovered during the
satsang was love, happiness, and joy.
an eight-year-old from Lamentin, Martinique
I liked the satsang a lot. It made me feel love. Gurumayi's gift to me is a hug. I liked how when the heart was smaller, it kept growing bigger and bigger. That was my heart.
I liked how the candle went in, in, and all the way into the sky. I felt love. I also felt God. I also felt blissed out. I also felt blown away. I also felt happy. When I saw the children and animals with Gurumayi, I felt really, really, really, really good. And I felt God again.
a four-year-old from New York, United States
According to the date in my birth certificate (showing that I am almost seventy years old), I am not a child. But when I watched this children’s
satsang, I felt so much warmth and love that I kept thinking, “I am not just my parents' child. I am God's child, I am the Guru's child, and this makes me forever young.”
Russian Federation
When I was attending the
satsang, I felt so open in my heart! In meditation, I felt as if the gift was slowly being opened, and as soon as I felt it open, I felt very rooted and “
Om Namah Shivaya” came from deep inside me. I knew what the gift for me was:
And when I heard “
looooove” and that it sounded like “Bring it” in Hindi, I felt as if the meaning was “Bring the love!”
Also, I loved Gurumayi's photos with different animals.
a ten-year-old from Thane West, India
satsang for children, “Find the Guru's Gift,” was truly a gift from Gurumayi for my six-year-old son. After chanting
Shri Krishna Nila Krishna and meditating, my son told me he felt love and happiness. He shared, “I have never experienced this happiness before. Now I will sing this chant every day to feel this secret love.”
Pune, India
My two sons, aged three and a half and two years old, participated together with great delight in the satsang, “Find the Guru's Gift.” When the host asked questions, they both answered each time with great gusto.
When she asked what the children felt when they saw Gurumayi's “Season’s Greetings,” my older son exclaimed, “Hundreds of love!” We are very grateful to Gurumayi for this special Christmas gift, which we continue to explore as a family.
New York, United States

I was very excited about participating in the children’s Christmas satsang even though I am approaching my 60s. As soon as it started, I was in a state of joyful anticipation, with an open heart. When I heard Gurumayi sing, I felt so much love. The second time I participated, Gurumayi’s love for children and animals filled my heart as well.
The next day a friend called to ask if I’d seen that my son and I were in one of the photos. Well! Not at all! I’d been so absorbed in contemplating the love emanating from Gurumayi that I had not noticed that photo from twenty-one years earlier. When I did see this picture, tears of profound gratitude flowed. At that moment I knew I have always been in the love of the Guru, in her radiance, in her protection. I keep this precious feeling in my heart. This was Gurumayi’s gift to me.
Sherbrooke, Canada

I really loved chanting and seeing photos of Gurumayi with the parrot and the cat. I felt very calm and comfortable and felt a lot of love and joy.
a six-year-old from Hong Kong
When we did
arati, I felt so blessed and loved. When we chanted
Shri Krishna Nila Krishna, my mother and I felt very looooooooved, and felt the gift from Gurumayi open slightly. Then when we did meditation and had
darshan, I found out what the gift for me was: it was
an eight-year-old in Mumbai, India
What a great gift from Gurumayi! This
satsang was so beautiful. My six-year-old son watched the video with me. After the meditation session he said he felt calm and relaxed, and felt love in his heart.
When it was time for
darshan, I asked my son to make a wish or say something to Bade Baba. He responded, “Thank you for making me safe, Bade Baba.” When the
satsang had concluded, my son asked, “When will we have another video or gift from God?”
When I told him he could watch the gift of this video anytime he wanted to, he smiled.
London, United Kingdom

At the beginning of the satsang the macaw bird in the illustration stood out to me as a Christmas joy! Each color of its feathers represented the Christmas colors—red, blue, green and yellow, but mostly red. The red head of the macaw and its shape as half a heart made me realize Christmas itself is a gift from God.
Then I heard the word looove. Chanting and seeing all the nature photos made me see all the "loove" in this world in every single form and shape. The biggest gift I could receive for this Christmas is the love from Gurumayi!
a fifteen-year-old from Midstream, South Africa

I am very grateful to Gurumayi ji for the gift of her love in the form of Find the Guru’s Gift. My wife and I participated in the satsang, along with my ten-year-old son and my daughter, who has just turned four.
My son and daughter feel very connected to Gurumayi. My daughter loves Gurumayi a lot. While looking at Gurumayi's photos during the chant, she kept saying, “Come back, Gurumayi; come back, Gurumayi! I love you.” We remembered the Christmas Satsang which all four of us attended in Shree Muktananda Ashram in 2018. Today we really felt how our kids are connected to Gurumayi through the Guru’s love.
Connecticut, United States

Gratitude. My experience was gratitude for a Guru who allowed me, an adult, to slip into the back of the room and be a child again. To feel so much love, to have tears rolling down my cheeks, feeling the love of my Guru in my heart—the gift she gave me years ago and that has been my “constant companion.” Today, I offer my tears in gratitude, love, and awe.
Florida, United States
On Christmas morning I woke up and turned excitedly to the Siddha Yoga path website. I opened to the satsang called Find the Guru's Gift, and started chanting Shri Krishna Nila Krishna. What a surprise it was to have not only a melodious chant but also the Guru's darshan in the many photos of Gurumayi ji with children!
As I watched this video, my heart was flowing with joy and love. As I viewed Gurumayi ji, my soul filled with love. Really, this satsang was the Guru’s gift for me.
Udhna, India
I am sixty-nine years young. This very sweet satsang was the perfect gift for me on Christmas. I feel my heart so soft and filled with love. And that love is extending outward.
Artarmon, Australia
Oh, to be a child again! What delight! I definitely felt like a child as I participated in this delightful
satsang. I was floating in love and joy. I have so savored this gift of love that Gurumayi has so kindly placed inside my heart! I know it will always be there, pulsating inside me.
Porto, Portugal

In participating in Find the Guru’s Gift, I experienced lots of joy, and that joy was reflected in profound silence. I felt so connected today. A few days ago I was thinking of the gopis’ intense love for Lord Krishna. Immediately I was inspired to pray to all these gopis to bless me by giving me the same love for my Gurumayi ji. In that moment I felt such a deep yearning to love Gurumayi and to experience oneness with her. And this yearning and love are what I found in my heart as a gift from Gurumayi.
During the satsang, when the host asked, “Have you received the gift Gurumayi has placed inside of your heart?” both the host and I immediately said, “Yes!” Throughout the satsang my heart was immersed in that inner joy and peace, and I started dancing at the end of the chant. The rays of love in my heart were flowing out continuously.
Bhandara, India

I am already an adult, but I asked inside if I could participate in this satsang for children. A big “Yes!” rose up in me.
The gift from Gurumayi that I found in my heart is a ball of energy that always radiates love and attracts love, like a magnet.
Unterlangenegg, Switzerland
I loved participating in the satsang called Find the Guru’s Gift. The answer I got from Gurumayi ji inside my heart is that her grace is always with me. Seeing her with all the children filled me with lots of love. This lovely satsang makes me ready for a golden future.
Jaipur, India
I am so grateful for this Christmas satsang for children. My two daughters, aged six and seven, loved watching and experiencing the global sangham. They had many things to say and ask. Here are some of them: “Gurumayi holds everything, Mama!” and “She feeds everything too!” “When can I see her?”
Byron Bay, Australia
I “sneaked” into the children's Christmas satsang—and it was great! I chanted, I meditated, I listened, I looked, and I found the Guru's gift for me in my own heart. This coming summer, when I turn 80 years old, I will remember it all with such love!
Washington, United States

I am so grateful for this Siddha Yoga Satsang for Children, in which we can all rediscover the divine gift Gurumayi has placed within us.
Having offered seva for Taruna Poshana events in Toronto and at Shree Muktananda Ashram, I have had the great opportunity to take part in satsangs designed especially for children, young people, and families. In doing so, I've often felt I was able to learn at least as much as I have in satsangs designed for adults! There is something extra sweet and special about Gurumayi's love for children that I experience palpably in Siddha Yoga satsangs designed for children.
I started on the Siddha Yoga path as a child; however, due to my shyness and not wanting to be separated from my mother, I attended only adult satsangs during that time. So now I'm getting to experience the wonder of my inner child through the seva I offer in Taruna Poshana, where I see the love and care that goes into all the activities and events designed for children on the Siddha Yoga path.
Guelph, Canada

“What will the Guru's gift for me be? Love?” These were my thoughts as I read the invitation to the Celebration Satsang Find the Guru’s Gift.
By the conclusion of the satsang, I received the answer: Gurumayi’s gift to me is the Siddha Yoga practices!
Mumbai, India
When I saw the Celebration Satsang Find the Guru's Gift, I immediately sent the link to my nieces. I have always wished that they could meet Gurumayi and they have meditated before with their mother, my sister. It was so exciting that I instantly participated in the satsang myself!
The satsang is permeated with shakti and sweetness. Gurumayi's love for the children and animals that we see in the photos is so palpable. The satsang made it so simple for me to find the Guru’s gift in my own heart! I am going to send the link to other children in my life.
Hawaii, United States
This lovely program brought the gift of joy into my heart. I loved the images of joyful children, and my own inner child reached out for the happiness. May I take courage and strength in the practice of my meditation, and by coming together with the sangham in this way, may I find the love in my heart and my community.
Michigan, United States