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January 2021

Glimpses of the New Year’s Day Sunrise III

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On January 1, I woke up very early and went up to the roof of my house. I wanted to capture the first rays of sunlight with my phone’s camera and send them to the Siddha Yoga path website.
There was a great silence and stillness. In the west I saw the beautiful and bright moon, and in the east the first rays of light slowly peeked out, illuminating the clear blue sky. The birds—little by little—began to sing. I experienced such happiness to feel part of nature.
I’m so grateful for Gurumayi’s invitations to observe and appreciate nature.

Mexico City, Mexico

As I viewed the gallery of sunrises from all over the world, I was reminded of the diversity and beauty of nature’s gifts and the unity I feel with Siddha Yogis everywhere when I visit the Siddha Yoga path website. I often thank God for the wonders of nature. Having experienced these images, now when I see a sunrise, I will give thanks for the Siddha Yoga path and the Siddha Yogi community.

Wattamolla, Australia

I feel we are all connected as we all share the light of the blessed sun and all reside together on Earth.

Oregon, United States

After watching the series of sunrise photos, I closed my eyes and a new affirmation wanted to arise: I sense the Guru's golden sun within my heart. I felt the healing rays of the inner sun—the Guru's sun—offering warmth, protection, and love.

Deggendorf, Germany

I awoke this New Year's Day and went straight to the Siddha Yoga path website, like a child on Christmas morning, filled with enthusiasm for the magic to come. As I viewed the sunrise photos, I felt the inner sunrise of my heart rising with gratitude for the gift of shaktipat.
I look outside my bedroom window and it's grey and misty here in Sweden. Even though I haven't seen the sunrise for days, my heart is content with my inner sunrise as I enter the New Year filled with so much gratitude for this path—and for Gurumayi, who shines her light on me, my family, and the world.

Nora, Sweden

I welcomed this magnificent array of sunrise images as the inaugurating experience of the new year of 2021. I found it to be a nourishing, comforting, and inspiring way to begin the new year. The very image of a sunrise, anywhere in the world, carries with it the radiant energy of a new beginning, evoking hope and freshness and the idea of a clean start. So that made exploring this gallery an ideal way for me to start the new year.
In addition, recognizing that these photos have been planned, taken, and submitted by Siddha Yogis all over the world reminds me that Siddha Yogis in so many countries, who share my love and devotion for Gurumayi and for the Siddha Yoga path, have arisen in the wee hours of the morning to give this New Year’s gift to the entire global sangham. For that commitment, and for our innermost connections in the heart, I am deeply grateful.

Illinois, United States

I am so grateful for these beautiful photos of sunrise from all over the world! This beauty of the sunrise puts my heart at peace and unites me with the entire world. I am grateful to Gurumayi for this sweet opportunity to relish it.

Warsaw, Poland

I feel such gratitude for the dawn. I experience the photos of the sunrise on New Year's Day, 2021, from across the world as harbingers of great joy. The gift of light seen through other eyes enters my eyes, purifying each cell.

New York, United States

As I watch night turn slowly into morn, I plan to capture a few photos of the sun from my window. I hold up my phone as the burning sunrise on the horizon shines in all its glory, and a humongous pink cloud blankets half the sky, while everywhere else there is baby blue. How lucky am I to see this glorious scene!
When I view the many glorious images of the January 1, 2021, sunrise that have already been shared from other countries to the East, I enjoy the variety of the images—some extraordinarily powerful, with waves crashing, while others are gentle and serene. Yet there was one constant throughout all the photos I viewed and those I took: just one sun. I am so happy to start the New Year remembering that the One has become many, and the many are the One.  

New Jersey, United States

This photo gallery is a New Year’s gift for me. While looking at the sunrise pictures, I felt the power of sunshine flowing down over me—the light of hope, power, and Guru's grace. I can feel Gurumayi’s power in the sunshine.

New Delhi, India

So beautiful to see—one light, one sun, one world. Watching the new year rise in one country after another took me to the one heart in which we are all welcoming it. Loving that light, thanking that fresh promise, reveling in its steady magnificence and simplicity, my head bows, my heart expands. Knowing that we are that light, I pray that I may live by it, for it, as it.

Washington, United States

As these exquisite pictures started to appear on the Siddha Yoga path website, they inspired me to go up the hill from our house and take sunrise pictures. What I didn't fully anticipate was how breathtaking it would be to watch the sun rise over the hills. As I looked out over the valley, my thoughts went to the Guru's light dawning upon all of us in the New Year, to how I was prompted to go out to see this light, and how I was filled with the wonder of the morning sunrise.
What a divine meditation! What a blessed way to begin the New Year!

California, United States

I love this New Year’s Day tradition of viewing the early images of sunrises from across the globe. I go out nearly every year to capture my own sunrise, but mostly—like this morning—it's foggy! A typical English landscape, but I'm used to this so I never feel disappointed. Instead, I feel grateful that I can come out and look at the sky whatever face it's presenting. This New Year’s Day makes me reflect on how much Gurumayi has given me all year through the Siddha Yoga path website, with all the opportunities we've had to “Be in the Temple”—and to enjoy the serenity from within.

Hampton Hill, United Kingdom

Toward the end of the last night of 2020, I opened the Siddha Yoga path website and was delighted to see the sunrise in the parts of world where the new year had already begun. I felt so connected to knowing that the dawning of 2021 was upon me.
As midnight arrived in Massachusetts, my feeling was one of joy in welcoming this new year. A midnight walk with the moon and stars in the silence of the night brought me serenity inside. This morning brought me a welcoming song from a Carolina wren, who arrived a few days ago to herald the first day of this new year.

Massachusetts, United States

No matter whether the clouds are dark or bright, my beloved Guru brings us the light from all over the world and unites us, under the same sky, with the same powerful shimmering light. May we all be blessed and touched by the splendor of the sun as it dawns around the world every day of our blessed life. May the golden rays of the sun in these photos bring everyone the most delicious Happy New Year!

Trevi, Italy

Even though it is cloudy on this New Year’s Day, I took a picture of the sunrise. The act of photographing the sunrise was like a miracle—the light evolving as the orb rose above the horizon; it radiated, was very colorful, and then the whole sky brightened!

New York, United States