By simply reading this beautiful prayer, I can relish the power of fearlessness—and I'm now inspired to embrace it!
Hermosillo, Mexico
As the earth quaked beneath my feet this morning and people continued to mill around in the streets, I found myself succumbing to fear. By the grace of the Guru, I was drawn to the Siddha Yoga path website and to this timely prayer.
I then stood out in the sunshine, with my eyes closed and face to the sky. With each breath I took, the fear I’d held dissolved into the atmosphere. I am now radiant with gratitude to Gurumayi and her ever-present bliss.
Brunswick, Australia
I am compelled to contemplate and develop fearlessness at this time—so succinctly prayed for in this beautiful prayer.
The words boundless atmosphere are what jumped out at me. Although I’ve known that the atmosphere in which I live and breathe protects life on earth, I've never thought of it as “boundless.” This expands my concept of the world.
I feel so protected.
Sydney, Australia
I am very grateful for this priceless “Autumn Prayer.” I could sense it embracing me by feeling Gurumayi in each word. This blessing reached me at just the right moment—when I needed it the most.
Mersin, Turkey
My heart leapt up and responded, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” to each line of this Vedic prayer.
Just as the autumn leaves fall, flutter, and dance on the sidewalks and grass, I pray that everyone may release their fears and trust, with the wisdom of the trees, that they too will stand through the winters of their lives.
California, United States
I am so thankful to Gurumayi for this beautiful prayer, set against the backdrop of the image of an ethereal tree. I feel that I truly needed to read and assimilate these profound words this morning as I begin my day, wherever it may lead me.
New York, United States