Viewing the gorgeous photos of nature in Shree Muktananda Ashram, I feel I am being showered with a cornucopia of love, beauty, and the highest consciousness.
In the midst of a world so full of angst right now, I am grateful to have this cushion of love to always come back to, helping me remember who I am and what our planet truly is.
With each picture, I feel the love of my beloved Guru pouring into my heart.
California, United States
I live in the American West, and to take in the photos here today is nectar for me. The spring-green hillside and trees with various shades of green, all reflected in Lake Nityananda, fill me with peace and gratitude for the abundance and blessings from nature and from Bade Baba.
Colorado, United States
For me, the images of nature in this gallery are so inspiring. A sweet bird perched on a tree branch, a bee feasting on a juicy flower, the forest reflected in the lake’s water—all speak to me of the interdependence that exists in nature. Each picture brings peace and joy to my heart and reconnects me to the beauty in our world.
Paris, France
It’s difficult for me to leave the two photos of Gurumayi’s cupped hands holding the clear glass diya with the perfectly still flame in offering to Bade Baba—the photo in Nature Gallery II and the one in Nature Gallery III. It is so difficult to break away that I have installed them in my heart.
I am so indelibly moved by Gurumayi’s exquisite worship.
Texas, United States
The golden hands
holding a golden lotus
and the white flame
waving arati
to golden Bade Baba
The golden voice
singing Jyota se Jyota Jagao
I feel the golden Heart
melting my heart
I read the chapter
in Play of Consciousness
“A Golden Lotus
Falls on My Head”—
a touch
from Siddhaloka
Hindelang, Germany
When I look at the image of Gurumayi’s hands cupping the flame, I feel that, in the same way, the Guru is holding my heart in her love and protection.
Thornbury , Australia
The light illuminating the tulips in this gallery evoked in my mind the flame in front of Bade Baba’s
murti. As I continued to view the photos, the light in all of them drew me to the light inside myself. My eyes rejoiced in this beauty and my heart opened. I felt gratitude for the sharp eye of the photographers, and I wished for this light to illuminate my understanding when in a difficult situation.
Sarrebourg, France
Looking at the “Nature in Shree Muktananda Ashram” photo gallery is one of my regular practices.
In looking at the gallery today, I saw a burst of spring color that lifted my heart. It occurred to me that the winter stillness and beautiful ice crystals are like Lord Shiva, still and indrawn. Today, when I saw all the flowers, the raindrops, and the arc of a rainbow that was like a beautiful stroke of calligraphy in the sky, it felt like divine Shakti had just burst forth!
Hawaii, United States
The lovely crystal-clear transparent splash of raindrops on the emerald-green leaf reminds me of the refreshing wave of calmness and peace that I experience during my meditations.
Ville St. Laurent, Canada