We have stepped into Baba’s month of May. My eyes are wide open to look for the letter
M. I know from past experience that each time I spot it, a feeling of Baba’s warmth envelops me.
Nairobi, Kenya
prasad! This is so special for me because May 5 is my son’s birthday. His entry into the world and survival were a manifestation of pure grace. The opportunity to gather in the Universal Hall with our beloved Gurumayi to celebrate Baba’s birthday is an opportunity for me to express my great gratitude.
Vermont, United States
A feeling of elation came over me as I discovered this announcement of the
satsang in honor of Baba’s lunar birthday
on May 5. I feel overjoyed and deeply grateful to Shri Gurumayi for this golden gift. I look forward to chanting with love and gratitude to Baba for blessing us with Shri Gurumayi and the Siddha Yoga path!
Ville St. Laurent, Canada