During the magical time with our beloved Gurumayi, I felt she was expressing her
samanubhuti for each one of us. I felt her love flowing so fully. As we chanted the mantra, I imagined myself sending my love to her, as if each repetition of the mantra was a new shoot of growth from a plant. And with each repetition, I felt I was receiving the love from her heart.
New York, United States

After participating with the beloved Siddha Yoga sangham in the transformative Mahashivaratri celebration and after having the darshan of our Shri Guru, I arose from the satsang feeling cleansed by our Guru’s grace.
I was so floating in gratitude for this gift that dakshina became an urgent next step. Dakshina has long been a life-enhancing practice for me. But this was new—after I offered dakshina, the grace of this practice produced yet more gratitude and an undeniable joy streamed from my heart.
This gratitude has stayed with me and has deepened my commitment to, and focus on, Shri Guru and the Siddha Yoga practices. It has brought new life to Baba’s oft-repeated teaching about the impossibility of repaying our Shri Guru. May this gratitude be unceasing!
Tennessee, United States

After singing the
Shiva Arati and chanting
Om Namah Shivaya with Gurumayi during the Mahashivaratri
satsang, I felt a sense of divine peace within myself. Chanting the mantra allowed me to enter a deep meditative state. In meditation, I experienced that Gurumayi was seated in my heart reciting the mantra.
Ahmedabad, India
My winter months have been spent traveling long distances for my teen’s sport competitions. With all the demands this entails, I have found it more difficult to meditate, and I had begun to worry about this.
Toward the end of the Mahashivaratri
satsang, I felt Gurumayi was speaking directly to me with her guidance. I realized that I can engage in
mantra japa anywhere and that my Siddha Yoga
sadhana is portable. I felt Gurumayi was gently encouraging me to keep going, with both
sadhana and service to my son.
Nelson, Canada

Two nights before the
satsang, I slept soundly and received a beautiful vision: a very large reddish-orange flower with abundant and luminous petals in the middle of my chest—the
anahata chakra. This experience came from the depth of my being! I felt totally regenerated, renewed, and light! I then prepared for the
satsang with confidence in my ability to wake up in the middle of the night. I enjoyed humming with Gurumayi during the
satsang; I felt one with her.
Spiez, Switzerland

I participated in the Siddha Yoga
satsang with my two sons, ages 3 and 4.
At the very beginning when the statue of Shiva was on the screen, my 3-year-old exclaimed, “Shiva is there and Shiva is in my heart.”
Earlier in the day, he had asked me several times what we would be chanting in the
satsang. Each time, I told him
Om Namah Shivaya and the
Shiva Arati, and each time he said he wanted to chant the
Shiva Manasa Puja. During the
satsang when Gurumayi said she had recited
Shiva Manasa Puja earlier, he looked at me and with great delight said, “Told you”!
When my 4-year-old first saw Bade Baba on the screen, he joyfully said, “Bade Baba is surrounded by white roses. Today we offered white roses to our statue of Shiva, so Bade Baba received the flowers from our
puja too.”
When Gurumayi asked what we wanted her to say, he responded, “Love.”
New York, United States

During meditation, I felt waves of energy gently rising from the base of my spine to the crown of my head. As the
satsang concluded, my heart swelled with love, and I couldn’t control my tears.
I am so grateful for this
satsang and for the Guru’s compassionate love and constant presence in my life.
a Gurukula student in Gurudev Siddha Peeth
I prepared my mind, body, and soul for the
satsang in honor of Mahashivaratri by chanting the mantra
Om Namah Shivaya throughout the day. The
satsang was so powerful for me; I felt as though I was attending a Shaktipat Intensive
. I feel it
was truly
mahaprasad from Lord Shiva!
The Houghton, South Africa

What a profound delight to be with Gurumayi on this auspicious night of Lord Shiva!
Bade Baba’s eyes were sparkling. In them were infinite lapis-blue skies and the light of millions of stars. And I saw Gurumayi’s eyes glistening with shimmering light and felt that I could drop into them forever.
Waves of the mantra bathed my being. Now, when I hum the mantra Om Namah Shivaya in the Bhupali raga, I feel my heart being gently bathed in my Guru’s love. It is a sweet lullaby I can dip into at any time. Even if I wake in the night, I remember those shimmering, glistening doorways into the universe and repeat the mantra, and off I glide into sleep again.
How reassuring it is to know with certainty that this divine and powerful mantra is with me, no matter what is happening on this Earth.
New York, United States

I’m visiting my parents in India. Given their strong connection to the Siddha Yoga path, they start each day by repeating the mantra in call-and-response fashion. Because of health problems, my mother has lost most of her speech. But among the few words she can still say, two of them are
Namah Shivaya.
My father shared that many years back my mother was with Baba ji in
darshan. Baba ji blessed her with his hands in
abhaya mudra (“Have no fear!”) and gave her a framed copy of the mantra, which still hangs in my parents’
puja room. So their daily practice of mantra repetition was at my mother’s initiative. There is so much sweetness in my mother’s mantra repetition!
When Gurumayi ji spoke about how one can take the mantra everywhere, I could truly relate to that for the mantra is my parents’ companion. Every time I return home from India, I repeat, “I am with God and God is with me,” and I know God is also with my parents. And one reason they are so strong is because they have this companion—the mantra.
New Jersey, United States

Gurumayi’s humming during the
Om Namah Shivaya chant was the sweetest thing! I found myself in the most exquisite and peaceful abode, my body swaying gently under the soft melody of
hummmm. I also experienced the Guru’s glance as being all at once so powerful and loving, sometimes very ecstatic, and at other times so clear and piercing. It felt as if there was no screen between us, just Gurumayi and me chanting and humming together. At the end of the chant, I remember thinking, “This chant was like a real conversation between my Guru and me.”
Ever since the
satsang concluded, I can feel a subtle humming vibrating in my heart and keeping my focus turned within. The mantra has taking refuge in my heart in this most exquisite form: humming.
Quebec, Canada

I had my first experience of Mahashivaratri by participating in this
satsang honoring it. I had read a book about Lord Shiva twice before, and had cried both times in joy and at the expanding of my thoughts, my consciousness, and my heart.
Last night in this celebration with Gurumayi, culminating in the
Om Namah Shivaya chant, I had no words, only experience. I awoke chanting
Om Namah Shivaya, as if it had continued within me after the
satsang. The joy of being with Gurumayi, and chanting this mantra, seems to live deeply within me now. I have not stopped cleaning, rearranging, and clearing my house since the morning before that evening’s
satsang, except to sleep.
The Shakti has been profoundly awakened in me. I am smiling!
Texas, United States

After chanting Om Namah Shivaya with Gurumayi in the Mahashivaratri satsang this morning, my whole being is filled with a deep silence. My home is also steeped in that silence. It’s alive and has a subtle vibration. It feels like the divine silence that emanates from Bade Baba. Even though work is going on as usual at home, the presence of silence is powerful. It’s been seven hours since the Mahashivaratri satsang and the experience of silence is still strong.
I offer my deepest gratitude to Gurumayi for this profound experience!
Bangalore, India

For many years I was fortunate enough to be able to participate in the Mahashivaratri saptah and abhisheka in Gurudev Siddha Peeth. But what I experienced yesterday in chanting and humming the mantra with my beloved Shri Gurumayi is beyond everything! In just a moment I glided into the divine experience of Shri Gurumayi chanting within my heart, merging with her divine formless form, and merging with my beloved Lord Shiva within my heart.
Yes, the sacred mantra
Om Namah Shivaya is truly the best “filter,” as it brings me to my own divine Self. Since I chanted until the sun was rising, I am still feeling intoxicated with love and ecstasy. Now I will try my best to hold onto this divine state.
Palzing, Germany

Last night, chanting with Shri Gurumayi was an absolutely divine and very purifying experience, like bathing in the holy waters of the river Ganges. This chant connects me to my very first experience of chanting the mantra in a satsang in Mumbai.
As I was chanting the mantra with Shri Gurumayi, I felt as if all the lotuses in my subtle body were slowly opening up and connecting my being with divine Consciousness.
Now I never ask myself the question, “Where is God?” because I have the feeling that I am always connected to the divine cosmic Shakti. All I can say is “We are blessed, we are blessed, we are blessed.”
Florida, United States

How many memories are aroused in me by hearing Om Namah Shivaya chanted in the Bhupali raga! In addition to feeling an immense sweetness when I chant it, especially with others, all the Shaktipat Intensives, courses and satsangs that I have participated in during my years on the Siddha Yoga path come back to my mind and to my heart.
I remember the intervals between one session and another, which created such silence that you could not do anything but tune into the vibrations of the heart. Everything became still, pure, and immaculate. And every time I hear Gurumayi’s voice guiding us in this mantra, I feel all the divinity that exists within each of us.
San Giorgio a Cremano, Italy

What a divine satsang we experienced on the night of Lord Shiva! Every single moment was filled with light and bliss.
When Gurumayi mentioned after the chant that she heard Bade Baba humming with us, my heart jumped with joy about this new idea—chanting and humming with Gurumayi and Bade Baba in the Temple! Since Gurumayi made me aware that Bade Baba likes to hum, it gave me the inspiration to invite Bade Baba to hum with me whenever I practice humming the mantra. I have heard that chanting the mantra in Bhupali raga makes you happy—indeed, that is what I experienced today.
Großkarolinenfeld, Germany

Humming the sacred mantra Om Namah Shivaya is something that I love doing throughout the day. I find it to be my companion, which arises spontaneously in elevators, in the car, at work.
I smiled when Gurumayi confirmed that for those who worship him, Lord Shiva, through his compassionate nature, will grant wishes at any time. I am grateful to have received this exquisite means to pray to Lord Shiva.
Maine, United States
What an amazing satsang! To be in the Temple with Gurumayi and Bade Baba while sitting in my living room—such a gift! I find myself this morning spontaneously humming the mantra as it wells up from within my heart, and will savor this new invitation to keep it humming within!
North Carolina, United States
What an immense blessing it was to be part of that auspicious Mahashivaratri
satsang while repeating the wonderful mantra
Om Namah Shivaya! Its vibration was resonating in each of my cells from head to toe. No matter where we are, no matter what the difference in space or time, I could feel that mystical force inside myself being one with Gurumayi and all the other Siddha Yogis.
Mersin, Turkey

During the satsang, I had a vivid experience that the Guru within and Gurumayi ji are one.
A few months ago, I started repeating “Gurumayi, Baba, Bade Baba” like a mantra. I love repeating it out loud. Gradually I noticed that when I don’t recite it out loud, it vibrates within. Once, when I was repeating it, it automatically became Om Namah Shivaya, and Om Namah Shivaya started repeating itself within me.
Today, during the satsang, when Gurumayi ji started speaking, I heard a voice within me saying, “Lord Shiva is so compassionate that even if I repeat the mantra at other times, he gives me so very much.” Within a fraction of a second, Gurumayi ji said virtually the same thing!
I was in awe! I had experienced that the Guru within me and Gurumayi ji sitting in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall are one! I was amazed to see the perfect alignment of my inner Guru with Gurumayi ji. The experience was so immediate, so tangible. This experience has strengthened my sadhana, my devotion, and my trust in my Guru.
Nasik, India

The Mahashivaratri satsang began at 1 a.m. here in Europe. The night was very dark and the stars were shining brightly.
It was magical to be in the Bhagavan Nityananda Temple participating in the satsang while immersed in total silence here. I was drawn inside all the time and could feel the presence of the Lord. I experienced so much sweetness and love during the chant of the mantra. The Bhupali raga is so beautiful, haunting, beyond time.
I am so grateful to Gurumayi for this mystical night!
Marval, France

I feel enveloped and permeated with Gurumayi’s grace and love from the Mahashivaratri celebration
satsang. When it concluded, I went to be with my 103-year-old mother at the long-term care facility she is now living in. My mom is not familiar with the syllables
Om Namah Shivaya, but with a little help she was able to repeat the mantra a few times. Then, we sat together for some time holding hands and listening to the recording of Gurumayi chanting
Om Namah Shivaya in the
Bhupali raga. I spend time with my mom every day, but it was especially precious to share this with her on Mahashivaratri.
I am so thankful that grace and destiny brought me to the Siddha Yoga path, for the sacred Siddha Yoga practices and teachings that are the guiding light of my life, and for the cherished, priceless Guru-disciple relationship.
West Vancouver, Canada

I was fully present and chanted the mantra with devotion. First I felt my body getting warm, then my palms got very hot, and then I realized that the energy was getting so strong that I had to lie down.
The question rose in me: “Who am I?” The answer came first as a feeling, as if a spring was bubbling up from the earth. Great joy rose in me and then came the answer: “I am Shiva.” For the first time in my
sadhana, my mind raised no objections to this and I laughed with joy and deep gratitude.
Unterlangenegg, Switzerland
What a wonderful
satsang! Every element was perfect. Chanting the mantra with Gurumayi on Mahashivaratri was divine. Everyone in the hall at the local Siddha Yoga meditation center was so still and indrawn. And then we got to hum with Gurumayi!
My heart is full of gratitude for this path I have loved for over forty years.
California, United States
From the moment Gurumayi began leading us into chanting
Om Namah Shivaya in the
Bhupali raga, I was immediately drawn to the mesmerizing expression on her face, with the most love-filled empathetic eyes piercing my heart. It was as though she knew that I had a few desires weighing me down that I wanted to offer to Lord Shiva on this auspicious Mahashivaratri.
I could feel her gaze urging me to let go of the desires. With teary eyes I surrendered and let go, emptying my heart. The empty space in my heart gradually filled up with her love and presence. Lord Shiva had answered my prayers in the form of my beloved Guru, Gurumayi!
Nairobi, Kenya
Every time that I see Gurumayi, I have wonderful emotions in my heart and become full of joy and happiness. I’m really thankful for all the teachings that she has given to us. On this night of Mahashivaratri, I have only one precious desire: to become a good instrument of God’s love and to live like a witness in this world.
Verbania, Italy
I have always been blessed to receive Shri Guru’s divine love and grace ever since Gurupurnima in 1977. At the time I didn’t know what it meant to be with a Sadguru, but both Baba and Gurumayi have been very compassionate in guiding me all along.
mahaprasad on Mahashivaratri again makes me wonder, “How can I ever repay my Guru’s love?”
I experienced today that Shri Guru is the benevolent Lord Shiva and anything that we do as we follow her is
prasad from Lord Shiva himself.
California, United States
Chanting with Gurumayi has always brought me happiness, peace, and inner stillness. I am the luckiest person on this earth to have a living Guru by my side.
Melbourne, Australia
As we chanted Om Namah Shivaya in the Bhupali raga, it took me back to a time when I had a profound experience during a Mahashivaratri saptah at Shree Muktananda Ashram.
I had just arrived from the UK and in my heart I felt called to go to the Shakti Mandap. I followed that call, and as I entered the Mandap, Gurumayi was chanting there with only a handful of Siddha Yogis. During the chant I felt that Gurumayi was teaching me how to chant inwardly; as we began to chant from heart to heart, it became the language of the heart.
I had the same experience today, and to top it up, tonight Gurumayi was guiding me in how to hum the mantra. I experienced that she was humming to my heart and I was humming to her heart. I could have stayed in that moment forever!
Eastbourne, United Kingdom

What a divine experience this Mahashivaratri Satsang has been! It was so great to end our Mahashivaratri celebration and to welcome a new day by singing
Shiva Arati and chanting
Om Namah Shivaya with Gurumayi.
Thane, India

The timing of this satsang fitted in magically with my travel plans. As I began a 24-hour-long journey, I turned to the satsang on my laptop while sitting in the airport lounge. I was greeted on time! Inwardly, I sang Shiva Arati and recited Om Namah Shivaya with Gurumayi in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall.
After boarding the plane, I turned the satsang on again. There was a soft silence in the plane as I hummed the mantra with Gurumayi. As soon as the satsang concluded, it was time for the plane to take off!
As the plane climbed high into the sky, I continued to inwardly recite the sacred mantra. My eyes were moist with gratitude. I realized that I had experienced the compassion of Lord Shiva, who has fulfilled my desire to participate in this satsang in this unique way.
Sydney, Australia

I am filled with gratitude after participating in tonight’s Mahashivaratri celebration. Chanting the mantra to the Bhupali raga took me back to the time when I received shaktipat diksha while chanting with Gurumayi. Ever since then, I play this particular chant 24/7 in my home.
With great enthusiasm, I chanted the mantra tonight, experiencing how the mantra has guided my sadhana over the last twenty-five years. I am so very grateful for the Siddha Yoga path and for Gurumayi’s teachings on the power of the mantra.
Massachusetts, United States
When we were chanting Om Namah Shivaya, I felt the mantra was pulling me into the state of divinity. And humming the mantra with Gurumayi ji has given me a new vision, a new way of chanting it. The melodious humming sound of the mantra creates a deep peacefulness in me and the feeling of supreme joy. Having darshan of Bade Baba and Gurumayi was amazing, as it always is.
Ahmedabad, India
Participating in this Mahashivaratri Satsang was a really great experience for me. Every time Gurumayi shares her wonderful presence, I feel immediately connected with love, joy, and gratitude. It inspires me to reconnect with my Self.
Cancun, Mexico