Gurumayi’s words captured my heart immediately. To begin with, the first two lines evoke an eternal presence and connection between me and the Guru. The fourth line for me brings the cosmos into this feeling of having intimate protection. The fifth line reinforces my feeling of being cared for by a benevolent God and the grace of our Gurumayi. And the sixth line fills me with gratitude for how this vast universe is relational, arising out of love and light to illuminate and sustain the ever-present Now.
I am so grateful, especially when I realize that even one word from my Guru can carry me across.
California, United States
When I first read Gurumayi’s “Gift of Words,” I immediately experienced a sense of oneness with the world. It evoked in me a recognition of the presence of divinity in all of God’s creation. As a result, I have begun to experience greater respect and compassion for everyone and everything around me.
I have been repeating these words from Gurumayi several times each day. As I do so, it helps me to center myself throughout the day and remain connected to my experience of inner and outer divinity.
Fairhaven, Australia
Reading these words fills me with bliss. The words of Shri Guru convey the powerful truth that we are one with the Guru in the place where space and time do not exist and separate us. Where is the place where there is no space and time? It is now. So here and now we are all together with Gurumayi—in love, for love, and made of love.
I am grateful to Gurumayi for her beautiful words.
Chennai, India
The “Gift of Words” with its golden illustration that we have received from Gurumayi has brought back a dream I had when I was young. In that dream, I was spinning in a cosmic spiral made of blissful energy.
Now, thanks to the teachings of my Guru, I understand that this blissful energy is my true identity and that my sadhana prepares me to merge again in the universal Consciousness that is shining in the stars.
Rodez, France