As my eyes marveled at all the exquisite heart forms in nature in this gallery, an overwhelming feeling of unity overcame me. I started to see my own heart in all these heart shapes. It was a very powerful state of oneness that I experienced, which was especially poignant for me as this was the anniversary of my own
divya diksha.
St. Laurent, Canada
When I saw the photo of the cat in the tree, I immediately thought of Gurumayi’s Message for 2024. The cat looked tall, magnificent, brave. Standing against the tree, it seemed to be drawing grace and support directly from nature. It made me feel like sitting up straight. As the feeling went into my heart, I smiled.
Minnesota, United States
The gallery of heart images is so beautiful. It has softened my heart this morning and has created a smile deep inside.
Oregon, United States
Seeing the hearts outlined in the snow is like hearing, “I send you my love.” It is so sweet and I smile. And for me, when I myself find hearts in nature, it is the same message from God and I smile.
Reminders like these are very helpful and uplifting. This “Hearts in Nature” site is a daily reminder and I like it very much.
Hindelang, Germany
I was viewing the pictures in the Hearts in Nature gallery as I was eating lunch today. When I finished eating, I discovered the last tiny piece of salad left on my plate was a perfect heart! I savored it with great love and gratitude.
Finding natural hearts in my own world always makes me feel love, gratitude, and oneness with my Guru—the embodiment of the great Heart.
Auckland, New Zealand