The image of the leaf with a single, dangling drop of water reflecting the forest stirs my heart. It inspires the joyful knowledge that I exist everywhere as the Self, and that the Self of all exists within me. The video of flowing water allows me to feel as if I am present on these sacred grounds. I experience that each image in this gallery has been so consciously and beautifully captured and presented. The photos remind me that God is present in each moment, and it is up to me to have the eyes to see this.
California, United States
I very much enjoy this gallery, which is filled with extraordinary beauty. Looking at each picture and listening to the great silence each one evokes gives me so much peace. Everything seems to be in perfect harmony. The images of the white snow outside, the Bhagavan Nityananda Temple’s pristine interior, and Bade Baba’s
murti clothed in red like the color of the heart make me feel completely nourished.
Milan, Italy
I have noticed that, after spending some time looking at the images of nature in Shree Muktananda Ashram, the mantra begins to repeat itself, my mind becomes calmer, and often I experience the Self. The more attention I pay to the images and the more I slow down, the stronger the experience.
It is for this reason that, in recent months, I’ve made the intention to view these galleries at least once a day. I see the act of observing these galleries as a wonderful and practical way to practice the third line of Gurumayi’s Message.
California, United States
For over a year now I’ve been coming to the Nature Gallery most nights before bed as a way of connecting to the divine. I feel God is inviting me to see through an uplifted lens, as though I am seeing the images through the eyes of Shiva. This vision is exquisitely pure and vibrant, scintillating with light and color.
This practice of receiving the beauty and energy of the grounds of Shree Muktananda Ashram creates a space of deep peace and connection to the Guru before sleep. It is a reminder to release the day and its activities, to enter the sublime presence of divinity, and recollect the purity and pulsating energy of nature.
I am delighted to see that this is a way I can practice Gurumayi’s Message for 2024.
Rhode Island, United States