The months of May and October have, in particular, become known as “Baba’s month.” I say have become, using a construction that would imply a natural, organic unfolding, because it was in just such a fashion that this name was established. In a satsang in the 1990s, Gurumayi spoke about how these months belonged to Baba—how they were “Baba’s month.” Those who were present and participating in that glorious satsang loved when Gurumayi said this, so they too started referring to May and October as Baba’s month. Just like that, the name took hold; it became a part of the Siddha Yoga tradition.
As though to reinforce the point, the natural world—and even the more mundane aspects of our environment (the sights and sounds in the places we live and work, for example)—will often reflect when it is time to celebrate Baba. Gurumayi has spoken about how she will come upon such signs of Baba during the months of May, August, and October. In turn, many Siddha Yogis have also come to perceive signs of Baba: the colors of his robes in the leaves and etched across the sky, flashes of the Blue Pearl here, there, everywhere.
One sign of Baba that Gurumayi has brought to our attention is the letter “M.” Baba was known for his spontaneity; similarly, the letter “M” will appear with seeming spontaneity in our immediate surroundings and in the wider world around us. We might find it formed in the clouds, shaped by the branches of a tree, or arranged in the blue-gray pebbles beneath our feet. There might be an “M” in the ripples on the surface of a lake we’re walking by, or in a hunk of bark that’s been chewed up by an especially industrious worm. Maybe there’s an “M” to be found in our cup of tea, and another one in the swirl of milk in our coffee. We might even start hearing it with greater frequency as we go about our day: people saying “mmmm” to express understanding, uncertainty, delight, satisfaction.
As is the case with so many of the teachings and images on the Siddha Yoga path website, it is Gurumayi’s wish that everyone who visits the Siddha Yoga path website have the opportunity to see what she sees in Shree Muktananda Ashram. Therefore, this page features photographs of some of the many “Ms” that are revealing themselves on the grounds of Shree Muktananda Ashram. In some, the “M” is obvious to make out; in others, it is less so and you may need to do some searching.
Gurumayi’s hope is that as you view these photographs, you too will tangibly experience Baba’s presence wherever you are—that you will recognize Baba saying to you, “I am here.”