Baba Muktananda, Meditate: Happiness Lies Within You
(South Fallsburg, NY: SYDA Foundation, 1999), p. 6.
During my extended Saturday meditation, I found myself in a deep-blue, scintillating stillness. I had been meditating on Baba's words about the "awareness that removes all suffering and delusion" once "we see, face to face, our own inner Self."
From this space of inner stillness, I asked, "Is this my inner Self, Baba?" I felt a slow welling up deep within my heart space and from this, Gurumayi's face emerged in my awareness. I cried tears of gratitude for this experience of oneness.
Colorado, USA
I took my first Shaktipat Intensive with Baba 40 years ago. During the meditation session I had a vision of myself, a bright, shiny-looking me. I realized after a while that this was my ego manifesting before me. I thought it looked good, and I wondered why Baba wanted us to go beyond the ego. At that point, Baba entered the vision. He was holding a beautiful blue gem that was radiating rays of light. He looked at the gem and asked me why I didn’t identify with who I really am. I asked, “How do I do that?” In the vision, Baba told me I could take refuge in the Guru’s feet. I realized that through devotion to the Guru, I had the perfect means to move beyond the duality of the ego.
Montreal, Canada
After reading the teaching a second time, I sat for meditation and my mind became clear. Thank you for this teaching.
Reading Baba’s words, I recall the most sublime experiences of seeing my own inner Self, directly, “face to face.” This often happens in Shaktipat Intensives—starting with my first one, when I was amazed to discover the vast unconditional love, the brilliant light, and the profound stillness at the core of my being, my own Self.
Experiencing this peace and love again and again, and learning to witness my thoughts during meditation, I have come to see how so much of the suffering I’ve experienced had been a product of my own mind. In time, I have gained the ability to let go of a propensity for needless drama and to turn my focus towards the beauty and blessings that surround me.
Massachusetts, USA