Baba Muktananda, “Investigate The Inner Realms,” Darshan 77/78: (1993), p. 14.
When I began practicing Siddha Yoga in 1984, I was surprised to find that I felt sensations in my body whenever I heard the mantra,
Om Namah Shivaya, and sometimes, the sound of the tamboura. In those days it was most often a tingling feeling in the top of my head. And sometimes, during meditation, I experienced a strong, involuntary movement, as if there had been a small explosion of energy in my body.
Later, when I learned that
shaktipat is the awakening of dormant Kundalini Shakti, these sensations all made sense. Over the thirty intervening years, “the soul’s own energy” has made itself manifest and felt within me on so many different occasions, in so many different ways—including one that remains so memorable: great spontaneous peals of the most joyful and liberating laughter.
Each time it does, it confirms and reinforces my experience of, and belief in, the Siddha Yoga teachings. These teachings, along with my meditation practice, continue to expand my understanding that to be fully human is to know oneself as divine.
I am eternally grateful to have the Guru’s grace, and teachings, in my life.
Corsham, United Kingdom
I am continually in awe of the unfolding of my soul’s own energy, the inner
shakti, since I received
shaktipat diksha from Baba in 1980.
Each morning, I offer gratitude and make an intention for the day, invoking the Guru’s grace to support me in my
sadhana and in my service to others.
In my work as a teacher of students with disabilities, some challenging situations arose this week. In the midst of these situations, I recognized a conscious energy moving within me, bringing my attention to the core of my being, a place filled with connectedness and empathy, which anchored me in a pool of wisdom. From that place, I was able to respond to these challenging moments with easefulness.
Thank you, Gurumayi, for the continuing stream of grace that nourishes my spiritual practice, as I fulfill my dharma in the world.
Maryland, USA
When I sit for meditation, I experience the powerful movement of Kundalini Shakti. I know this Shakti has been awakened by the Guru’s grace, and I can truly sense that it is, as Baba says, “the soul’s own energy.” I can feel that energy spinning upward from the base of the spine through the top of the head as it releases a stream of sweet nectar that flows throughout my body.
It’s astonishing to me that this classic experience, described by sages and yogis since ancient times, is available to us in the 21st century through the grace of the Siddha Guru.
I offer salutations to the Guru, who shows us the divine within ourselves.
Massachusetts, USA