After we had basked in the radiance of Bade Baba’s smile for a few moments, Gurumayi said, “Good night,” and many of us exclaimed in melodious voices, “Happy Birthday, Gurumayi!”
Gurumayi seemed to love this spontaneous outburst of love. She laughed, and we cheered and applauded. Gurumayi said, “Oh, yes. Let’s sing.”
With great enjoyment we sang the “Happy Birthday” song to Gurumayi three times, ending with a jubilant “Sadgurunath Maharaj ki Jay!”
On the Siddha Yoga path, we have come to learn that hearing, reading, and engaging with the Guru’s teachings are prasad; having the Guru’s darshan is prasad; receiving gifts from the Guru is prasad; hearing the Guru’s voice is prasad; being in the Guru’s presence is prasad. Gurumayi’s Celebration Satsang was maha kripa-prasad—for all those who were present in the satsang, all those who experienced the benefits by osmosis during the satsang, and all those who participate in the satsang through this account on the Siddha Yoga path website.
Soon after, Meera invited us to come forward for darshan of Bade Baba, and said that we were also invited to go to the Amrit Café after darshan to enjoy even more prasad from Gurumayi, in the form of sweets and drinks that had been offered to Bade Baba during the satsang.
For me, this satsang was an experience of the unceasing, eternal flow of blessings—from prasad to prasad, from the earth to the heavens, from the heavens to the earth.
Before we all got up for Bade Baba’s darshan, we beheld Gurumayi approaching the silver padukas. Gurumayi completed her obeisance to Bade Baba. 
She then walked past the large bass drum in the Temple breezeway that I had played for the Evening Arati, and sounded it with her hand. The deep tone reverberated through the Temple. I smiled as I remembered the great thunderclaps that had heralded the beginning of the satsang.
In step with the heavenly beat, we began forming lines to receive Bade Baba’s darshan. As I stepped forward to the padukas with my wife and our daughter and offered pranam to Bade Baba, I experienced complete fulfillment of the heart.

After receiving Bade Baba’s darshan, we walked quietly to the Amrit Café, my wife holding our baby. We felt as if we were floating in the timeless space of the heart. We entered the Amrit Café and—you can imagine our joy—Gurumayi was sitting on one of the benches. We were receiving our beloved Guru’s darshan once again!
I paused, placed my hand on my heart, and bowed my head in homage. Then my family and I were ushered over to the tables, where once again we marveled at Gurumayi’s generosity—the prasad was a beautiful array of sweets, nuts, tea, and warm spiced milk.
I thought about the immensity of Gurumayi’s love and compassion. I recalled these verses from the Marathi hymn Pasayadan, “The Gift of Divine Grace,” by the poet-saint Jnaneshwar Maharaj.
Click here to read Part X