I am so grateful for the exquisite images of nature that appear on the Siddha Yoga path website. The intricate detail revealed in the photos reminds me to look more deeply into "everyday" objects, and to see the beauty all around me. Thank you!
Pennsylvania, USA
When the new photographs of the Nature Gallery greeted me this morning, a word arose in my mind and repeated itself, like a mantra—
Trust, Trust, Trust. I closed my eyes to meditate and let the subtle energy of the message in the word percolate through my being. I sensed it flowing from the top of my head down my back. I sensed it arrive into my hands and gently break through some constraints. I relaxed. Then, like raindrops, I could sense it enliven my entire body.
After I emerged from meditation, I viewed the Nature Gallery again. I could feel Gurumayi’s presence in all the images. And the word “trust” keeps singing in my mind.
Summer Hill, Australia
As the days get colder here in the American Midwest, my mind was viewing November as a month in which the earth shuts down, withdrawing into herself as winter approaches. But then I viewed the November Nature Gallery II, and my consciousness was reawakened to the never-ending beauty in nature.
I felt as if Mother Nature were showing her autumnal treasures off to me, one after the other: the soft pastels behind the plump red berries, the focused flight of the hawk, the vines and dry grasses forming
mudras as they reached up to catch the breeze, the splendor of a deep blue sky, and the serenity of that contented cat.
The lesson I take is to stay awake to nature's beauty in
every month, for it can warm my heart and bring me joy no matter what the outdoor temperature may be!
Illinois, USA