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Baba's Divya Diksha 2014

Swami Muktananda's Divya Diksha Nature Gallery 2014

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When I look at the pictures in the Nature Gallery, I experience the Guru's shakti—awesome, perfect, and infinite!

New York, USA

Today I drove out to a finger of land stretching into the huge ocean beneath the vast sky. As I looked at each cloud, each flower-flushed meadow, the pebbles on the beach, the impossible blue of the ocean and the sky, I felt recognition. Here was the Guru, beckoning me into the experience of beauty.

Now back home, looking at the images in this Nature Gallery, I recognize again the experience of beauty. I realize that these visits to the website have been cleansing my vision. Even when I don't understand or realize it, something magical and unfathomable is happening behind my eyes as I engage in what I can only name a sadhana of perceiving. It is beyond the answers of my mind. It is as if love itself is permeating my senses and, with its soundless sound, taking me to an experience of pure color, pure element, pure silence.

New York, USA

A day before seeing these beautiful photographs, I had read Gurumayi's talk, "Seva Creates a Pond of Nectar," included in her book Enthusiasm. In it she describes how seva has transformed the Ashram gardens. Having been a garden sevite for many years, and reflecting on Gurumayi's direct and indirect effects on the development of the landscape, I realized how much that is reflected in these photographs. Nature is informed by the Guru's teachings and example, so that the spectrum of a prism cast on the floor, or a crystal, or a flower are all manifestations of nature as illuminated by Gurumayi. For that I am deeply grateful.

Florida, USA

Thank you, Baba, for being with us always. As I started watching this nature slide show, I became aware that the beautiful chant Om Namo Bhagavate Muktanandaya was going on inside me. I became more and more blissful as I viewed each exquisite photograph with the incredible colors and shapes of nature.

I am so in awe of the uplifting energy that comes right off the screen, entering my heart. I could even smell the yellow rose!

Thank you, Gurumayi, for this grace-filled website and your love for us all.

Thank you to all the sevites on our beautiful Path of the Heart!

Sydney, Australia

I was at Shree Muktananda Ashram for two weeks this summer as a visiting sevite in the Garden Department. It is so powerful to offer garden seva. Each leaf holds a lesson, a message. The trees, the rocks—every element of the garden—are reminders of some very special teaching in a precise moment. I am so grateful.

Now back in Mexico City, I was reciting Sri Guru Gita last Saturday. While we were chanting Shri Krishna Govinda, I had the image of all the participants as petals. Through chanting, we were uniting ourselves into a beautiful, pulsating red flower, emanating grace. It was so deep and powerful!

Thank you, Gurumayi. Thank you, garden seva.

Mexico City, Mexico

These beautiful pictures have made me aware of the heart of God in nature. My awareness is more subtle than before. When I am walking or biking, I see nature as Baba or Bade Baba in another form.
Thank you, Gurumayi, for this wonderful teaching.

Rosendahl, Germany

These photos are amazing! I feel so fortunate that almost every day I can contemplate and receive teachings through them. 
Thank you, Gurumayi, for showing us the essence of life through these beautiful works of art. The artist is the Self.

Rome, Italy

At the awesome sight of Bade Baba's Temple this morning, I can feel not only how my heart opens up joyfully but also how my mind stays transfixed on the stunning purity and beauty of the scene. It simply can't get enough of it and is filling itself up to the brim.
I feel elated and deeply thankful to be on this mystical path of Siddha Yoga.

Cologne, Germany

I basked in peace as I viewed the new entrancing photos. While viewing them, I saw them as representative of the auspicious, sacred path of Siddha Yoga. First my eyes behold our beloved Bade Baba, who graced the earth with his presence to lead others to the divinity within. His gift of shaktipat initiation to Baba has multiplied many, many times through Baba and through Gurumayi, enfolding the earth in waves of love.

As I gaze at the central dancing flame of the arati tray, I feel the inner shakti rising up, warming my being with love. The little candle flames surrounding the central flame are the Siddha Yoga practices. The beautiful bowl of fruit represents for me the many shapes, sizes, and colors of my Guru's grace that has blessed and guided me through the years.

The crystal represents the crystal clarity of the teachings through which the Siddha Yoga Gurus guide us to the divinity within.

New York, USA

I experienced a perfect synchronicity and beautiful remembrance when I saw the photograph of the Queen Anne's lace flower in the Nature Gallery today, on Baba's Divya Diksha day.

Some years ago, I was walking alone between Anugraha and Atma Nidhi at Shree Muktananda Ashram. I stopped to look closely at a Queen Anne's lace flower by the side of the path. For a moment, time became suspended, and in that flower I "saw" and grasped intuitively the truth of the One in the many, and the many in the One, which Baba describes in his own experience while walking back to Vajreshwari: "For a moment I had an intuition of the One in the many..."

When I reached Atma Nidhi, I shared my experience with another person, who said she had had exactly the same thing happen for her on the path that day. I am grateful that nature—the flowers themselves—reflect the Guru's teachings. And I feel blessed to be reminded today, through the Nature Gallery, that Baba's experience of the One in the many is available to each of us, as part of his legacy to us.

Thank you, Baba.

Arizona, USA

When I am looking at the images of the clouds and the rainbow, I feel they are like a divine umbrella of protection. It’s as if Baba were walking over the rainbow bridge, showering his support and blessings over us, speaking with his language of beauty, joy, and unity.

Maryland, USA