Swami Muktananda, Meditate: Happiness Lies Within You, first ed. (South Fallsburg, NY: SYDA Foundation, 1999), p. 36.
I like to envision that my thoughts are clouds in the blue sky of consciousness, which is illuminated by the sun of the Self.
I have learned that the witness of the mind is the Self. Therefore, when I am able to truly witness my thoughts, I am one with the Self that illuminates them with the light of consciousness. When I meditate with this awareness, my thoughts often dissolve into Consciousness. By being simmered in this way, my thoughts take on the flavor of the Self.
Rodez, France
As I was meditating this morning, I was also contemplating this teaching of Baba’s. Suddenly I observed a strong tingling that moved from the base of my muladhara chakra to the manipura chakra; this movement of shakti went back and forth two or three times. In the profound silence of my meditation, I experienced witness consciousness. I was just looking at how all this drama was being played during my meditation. It was so nice to experience both detachment and, simultaneously, a palpable joy.
When the meditation was at its conclusion, my mind felt more free and my heart more powerful. My experience of the freedom that arose from my detachment was so soothing to me.
I’m so grateful for this teaching because it gave straight direction to my heart to dive into the ocean of silence and witness consciousness.
Bhandara, India
Even repeating these words from Baba enables my mind to stop and witness consciousness to come to the forefront. I immediately feel great inner peace and the deepest contentment.
Such is the power of the Guru's grace.
Sydney, Australia
What came to light for me in contemplating this teaching of Baba’s was the recognition that his teaching “You are the witness of the mind” actually refers to my higher Self watching my mind during divine meditation.
Ville St. Laurent, Canada
When I meditated today “with the awareness that you are the witness of the mind,” I felt like I was entering a whole new level of consciousness. It felt as if Baba was blessing me through this teaching so that I would become even more anchored in witness consciousness.
It is with great gratitude that I realize again and again that the teachings of the Siddhas are filled with divine Shakti, with great blessings, and with the clear intention of taking the student further.
Unterlangenegg, Switzerland