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Introduction to Krishna Gayatri Mantra
Each year, everyone who participates in Sweet Surprise and studies Gurumayi’s Message has many means for practicing the teachings in Gurumayi’s Message talk. One of those is recitation of and meditation on mantras from the scriptures. These include gayatri mantras, which, when recited, are a powerful method for centering the mind.
In her Message talk for 2019, Gurumayi elucidates teachings from Shri Bhagavad Gita. This scriptural text is a song wherein Lord Krishna imparts wisdom to his disciple Arjuna, a great warrior whose mind is struggling with the prospect of going into battle with his own kinsmen. The wisdom that Arjuna receives from Lord Krishna strengthens him and enables him to fulfill his dharma .
This is a gayatri mantra whose deity is Lord Krishna. You may recite and meditate on the Krishna Gayatri mantra as part of your study and practice of Gurumayi’s Message for 2019. The melody of this gayatri mantra was composed especially for this study purpose. It is set in the Sarang raga, which is associated with Lord Krishna. Sarang raga evokes overflowing devotion, the longing and fervent love a person has for their chosen deity.
Last night I meditated with the
Krishna Gayatri mantra. It was a meditation like no other—its shape was different, its colors were different, the intensity of its images and colors was different. Bade Baba appeared in my consciousness and filled it to such an extent that I did not know where he began and I ended. It was so wonderful and so powerful that I was reluctant to come out of meditation. What a path!
Washington, United States
How sublime is the
Krishna Gayatri mantra, how profound its melody when sung in unison.
My heartfelt gratitude to all the angels who are singing this great mantra for us with so much love and feeling that it is making me dive so deep within, opening me to the divine within.
Versoix, Switzerland
At the begining of the recitation, my mind was very active. As I recited the mantra, my mind moved incessantly. After a while, in an organic way I started to meditate, focused on the sound of the mantra. Suddenly, I had this revelation: "The mind is dense. The mind is dense if I compare it with the energy of Krishna, with the space of Consciousness where I am." Finally, I understood that the true nature of the mind is Consciousness.
Havana, Cuba
This morning I repeated this beautiful
gayatri mantra. As I absorbed and remembered each syllable, I was aware of being drawn into that place beyond the mind, into my highest nature—the Self.
Thank you, beloved Gurumayi, for your Message and all the ways you are giving us to release its power in our lives.
Ironbridge, United Kingdom
I have been playing the
Krishna Gayatri mantra
in the morning as our family gets ready for work or school, or simply prepares for another day full of action. The sweet melody centers me. I feel at peace, and I begin my day with a sense of surrender as to how the day will unfold. I love these peaceful beginnings to the day. I think of them as a gift of the divine music— like the
Krishna Gayatri mantra— that I receive via the Siddha Yoga path.
Mumbai, India
During the last few weeks I had been experiencing some challenges to my mental serenity. Yesterday my dad invited me to meditate while listening to this new, enchanting mantra, and he guided me through it.
As soon as the music started to play and the voices began to chant, I experienced complete, overwhelming, pure joy and gratitude, and felt as if all the challenges were melting as snow would in the sun’s warmth.
Vicenza, Italy
This morning I sat for meditation, as I do every morning. I had been feeling disturbed by a bad dream. I meditated with the
Krishna Gayatri mantra and followed Gurumayi's guidance in her Message for 2019. Gradually I began hearing my mind saying to me: "Don't worry. I am there with you." The disturbance dissolved, and I felt fearless.
Mumbai, India
When I chant the
Krishna Gayatri mantra, I feel the vibrations of each syllable vibrating in the different chakras, from the
muladhara to the
sahasrara. This mantra leads me into deep meditation in the
sahasrara. I experience my Self and it gives me great love, great respect, and great confidence for my own Self, my
sadhana, and my Guru.
With this gift, Gurumayi has given us a great and precious tool to sustain our
sadhana. I feel very blessed.
Magalas, France
I have been reciting the
Krishna Gayatri mantra each day since it was posted on the Siddha Yoga path website.
The other day I was participating in a legal proceeding on behalf of a client. As I was listening to one attorney cross-examine an expert who had testified for the other side, my awareness suddenly changed. I became aware that all the parties to the matter in the room were Shiva. We were all divine.
An underlying sense of oneness filled my awareness. Waves of energy and bliss began to surge through my being, so much so that tears welled up in my eyes. My perception shifted, and I saw the legal process as though it were a battlefield in the
Bhagavad Gita, with each person simply performing their dharma. There was no sense of right or wrong.
As I continued to witness the proceedings, I inwardly thanked Gurumayi and Lord Krishna for their grace, and for this wonderful glimpse into the nature of reality and the oneness of all beings.
New Jersey, United States
After participating in the meditation on the
Krishna Gayatri mantra, I felt a wave of intense heat throughout my body, even though at that early hour of the night it was very cold. I fully experienced the power of the Guru’s grace leading me from darkness to light. My mind supported my intention to be deeply established in the Guru’s light, and I felt so much gratitude for this precious gift.
Milan, Italy
As I have been chanting and meditating with the
Krishna Gayatri mantra, this vision came up for me: I am in a desert, it is just before dawn, and there is a wonderful warm glow to the sky. I look down at my feet. I see pebbles and can hear the sound of crunching as I walk on them. Off in the distance is a mountain range.
Since there is no particular pathway, I'm not sure which direction to take. But then I realize that the divine light is within me and that where I am looking is where the light is. My eyes are illuminating the path for me and the light is the light of the
Krishna Gayatri mantra. Now I am headed for the mountain range.
Tennessee, United States
This morning in Gurudev Siddha Peeth, we recited
Shri Guru Gita and then joined the Universal Hall for meditation on the
Krishna Gayatri mantra via live audio stream. Sublime!
Before breakfast, I walked in the garden and then returned to my room and wrote in my journal. A word describing my state arose. I needed to open the dictionary to verify the spelling and meaning, as the word is not one I had ever used to describe myself:
ebullient. The definition pinpointed exactly how I felt:
full of confidence and energy.
I’m so grateful for this experience as I begin practicing the Message for 2019.
Gurudev Siddha Peeth
Knowing that we will be studying the
Krishna Gayatri mantra throughout this year has shifted my inner state in a profound way. It feels to me now that we are being given the tools to witness the events of the outer world by remembering the light of the Self.
Reading and reciting this mantra makes me feel like I am billions of tiny lights blinking all at once.
Texas, United States
Listening to the
Krishna Gayatri mantra this morning, I immediately felt a great power. I felt the
shakti move in my spinal column. It was as if Krishna himself was saying, "Once you taste the sweetness of my love, everything that you think of as you melts in Me."
Rome, Italy
A little while after the meditation with the
Krishna Gayatri mantra began, I felt a movement at the base of my spine. A very sweet energy was released. As meditation continued, I felt this sweet energy flow gently upward to my heart. There was a movement in my heart, and then the sweet energy flowed on, all the way up to the top of my spine.
Sydney, Australia
While reciting the
Krishna Gayatri mantra, I experienced immense love for myself. I was drawn to a serene beauty and calmness within and a longing to be with my own true nature. During meditation, I saw a golden sun rising from deep within and shimmering golden rays filling my whole body.
Mumbai, India
As we meditated with the
Krishna Gayatri mantra, I felt
shakti moving through me very strongly. Bursts of energy pulsated in my body. I felt deeply connected and contented inside.
At a certain point, I saw a wide streak of soft light crossing my inner vision. It looked like the morning sun coming up behind some clouds that rested on the horizon. Then flashes of light burst along the horizon. It was beautiful. I felt that this light was my
sadhana, and the flashes of light key moments along the way.
I realized that I am protected and guided as I walk the Siddha Yoga path. I am filled with gratitude and love for all that I receive from my Guru.
California, United States
It is such a delight to begin my day with the
Krishna Gayatri mantra!
This year, listening to this mantra to welcome the dawn will be the very first action of my day. It inspires my whole day!
Krishna Gayatri mantra holds a special warmth for me during this dawning of Makara Sankranti.
New York, United States
So sweet, so sweet— such a sweet melody that my voice became likewise sweet!
I did not want to stop listening to and chanting the
Krishna Gayatri mantra, so when it ended I played it again, and just allowed myself to enjoy the blessing of this divine melody.
My heart is full and I offer the fullness of my heart to my Guru! She is the sun of my life and my being!
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil