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Birthday Bliss

Birthday Wish

Birthday Bliss, the month of Gurumayi Chidvilasananda’s Birthday, has arrived. At Shree Muktananda Ashram, nature is celebrating. Trees are wearing their full cloak of fresh green leaves; flowers adorn shrubs and tiny plants. And, as you will see in the images above, dandelions are sprouting across the Ashram’s sacred grounds.

It is Gurumayi’s wish that each day of Birthday Bliss, everyone easily experience bliss. So that you may have a sweet entry, a doorway, into this experience, Gurumayi is inviting you to make a wish on these dandelions, as their feathery seeds scatter in the wind.

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Years ago, when I first saw this gallery of dandelions, I found it difficult to make a wish because of my understanding that dandelions were considered a weed. Over time though, I have made the effort to learn more about dandelions, and I have discovered how nourishing they are to people and to the earth. I also found out that they are named for the teeth of the lion. This encouraged me to start researching more about other plants that were considered to be weeds, many of which I learned are edible or medicinal—or both. Now, I feel fortunate to see a dandelion growing.

Visiting this gallery this year, I feel inspired to make a wish for the health of the earth and all the beings who live on it. I wish for the fulfilment of my sadhana and for the blossoming of the qualities of the dandelion within my being. May I and everyone be tenacious, generous, abundant, joyful, radiant, and courageous.

Watson, Australia

I love what I think of as the “Dandelion minisite” on the Siddha Yoga path website. I visit it each year. These extraordinary photos depict scenes that are so humble and yet majestic at the same time. When I looked at them this morning, they spoke to me of simplicity, stillness, and transformation. They took me straight to the Self, where every wish is fulfilled.

London, United Kingdom

I felt so much joy while watching these slides of nature celebrating Birthday Bliss. I made a wish: “May Gurumayi’s grace always shower upon us.”

Ratlam, India

Last year this minisite changed my relationship to dandelions. While in prior years I have dug them out to create a tidy lawn, now I let them grow and spread.
This year, many dandelions grew. I cherish them, feeling a kind of worship as I step around them, praising them, seeing their beauty, or collecting them gently, aware of their healing power and divinity. I feel joy in allowing wild herbs to grow wherever they like to pop up. I see them as a gift of nature and of God. Sometimes I feel them smile at me, as if they are telling me that they grow for a good reason.
Having a cup of dandelion tea, I feel gratitude for this powerful gift, especially in the midst of winter. I thank Gurumayi for initiating this change in me. And I am aware that this “initiation” may represent symbolically many aspects of my sadhana.
My wish today: May I—and all of us—feel the bliss of being guided by a Master whose sweetness is incomparable.

Munich, Germany