The Siddha Yoga path website is a living treasure house of wisdom, designed to direct each of us to the experience of the Truth that lies within. The website is the primary means through which Gurumayi imparts her teachings to seekers around the world. Just as students learn through varying modalities, the Siddha Yoga path website provides a cornucopia of ways to access the Heart. On the website, students can participate in the sacred practice of darshan, enter the world of a story, sing along with a bhajan, rejoice in the divinity of nature, and so much more.

To support students in accessing this treasure house, Sandeep Knoesel, SYDA Foundation Website Department Head, held a tutorial on navigating the Siddha Yoga path website in 2020. This tutorial was part of Svadhyaya Study Session I, which was live streamed on Saturday, September 12, 2020.

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This tutorial includes instructions on how to access the following sections of the Siddha Yoga path website. Click the links below to view these portions of the tutorial:

After you select a section, click “play” in the video player to listen to it.