I had just finished reveling in this gallery, having never once considered the possibility, much less the myriad of ways, of seeing Lord Ganesh in nature. A bit later, I was outside and happened to glance up at the sky. To my amazement, there he was, Lord Ganesh, in a cloud formation! Who would ever have believed I would see that? I was enthralled, thrilled, and so grateful to Shri Gurumayi for showing me this new way to find and remember my beloved Lord Ganesh.
Colorado, United States
In the last ten days I have been recovering from surgery. Returning home from the hospital, I was amazed to see “armies” of Ganesh clouds forming across the blue sky. They were all lined up in a parade, holding on to one another as they marched across the sky.
On my post-op visit to the surgeon, once again, before and after the appointment, large Ganesh clouds were scattered across the blue sky.
I thought to myself, “What an amazing life I have on the Siddha Yoga path!” My mind is full of wonder and my heart is full of gratitude. Guru’s grace is so abundant. I am humbled by the constant presence of beloved Gurumayi in my life and the
darshan of Lord Ganesh.
Florida, United States
Contemplating the pictures of Lord Ganesh in nature quieted my mind and my breath. I felt the rhythm of my being becoming attuned, step by step, with the rhythm of nature. And by taking this time, I could feel myself honoring Lord Ganesh, and Lord Ganesh honoring me.
Paris, France
I loved these images of Ganesh! I have always looked for faces in designs, so I had a smile on my face the whole time. It was so much fun to see, like a treasure hunt of sorts. I noticed that I sensed a smile on all the elephant faces as well as a gentleness. I felt joy in my being!
Pennsylvania, United States
I looked through these images very slowly, not moving on until I had found Lord Ganesh in each one. As I engaged in this practice, I felt the great kindness, fun, gentleness, sweetness, and unfailing help that Lord Ganesh brings to my life and to my awareness whenever I am reminded of him.
London, United Kingdom
I was recently walking upon some very old lava rock. It had such a beautiful texture, much like the skin of an elephant. This led to a sense of walking on sacred ground, and I imagined I was walking upon the holy back of Lord Ganesh himself! Later, when I viewed the invitation to share images of Lord Ganesh in Nature, pure joy welled up in my heart.
I am grateful to Gurumayi, for teaching us to look to nature with reverence and delight.
New York, United States
I was delighted to see this new series of photos of Lord Ganesh in nature. While trying to find Lord Ganesh in the various images, I felt joy and a childlike energy surged in my being. It also gave me this insight: sometimes it is difficult to understand other people’s perspective or to see what others see right away.
Gurukula student in Ganeshpuri Siddha Peeth
How excellent and wonderful to see Lord Ganesh in nature! I took great delight both in seeing him in pictures where his image was more obvious, and in finding him hiding in others.
I am thankful to Gurumayi, for opening my heart so that I can experience so much joy and love.
Oregon, United States
Finding Lord Ganesh in the nature images fills me with delight. Sometimes it takes a while for his form to reveal itself. As soon as I see it, though, spontaneous laughter arises. How delightful he is! How fun loving! I feel he is playfully teaching me a lesson: the Truth is always there—I just have to open my eyes to it.
Melbourne, Australia
I’ve never seen such detail in a cloud before! It is indeed Lord Ganesh! Flying Lord Ganesh, no less! I think he is flying to me, to remove obstacles from my mind so I may experience Gurumayi’s Message more constantly!
Colorado, United States