Proverbs on Gratitude

From ancient times and in every language, culture, and community, people have distilled profound wisdom into forms that are concise, portable, and memorable. One popular form of neatly encapsulated wisdom is known as the proverb. A proverb—which is also called an adage, maxim, or epigram—is potent; in a single, pithy statement, it conveys a universal truth or a valuable piece of advice. Proverbs articulate principles that are passed from one generation to the next—principles about how to live with meaning and purpose, how to cope with any sort of situation a person might encounter in life.

In the United States, the Thanksgiving holiday is an occasion for remembering and celebrating gratitude. On the Siddha Yoga path, Gurumayi Chidvilasananda has established the entire month of November as a time dedicated to gratitude, as well as reflection. Throughout the month, enjoy and reflect on this banquet of proverbs from around the world on the topic of gratitude.

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