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Shiva Arati

Worship of Lord Shiva

Sung by the music ensemble in Gurudev Siddha Peeth.

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Shiva Arati
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When I took the Pilgrimage to the Heart Retreat in Gurudev Siddha Peeth, we sang the Shiva Arati in front of the murti of Bhagavan Nityananda. As we did so, I had an experience in which Bade Baba disappeared from my vision and instead I saw an antelope standing there. It had a shining dot in between its two horns, which then exploded into light. At that same instant, an explosion of light and love occurred within my own heart. After a while, I again saw Bade Baba’s murti. I will remember and cherish this experience for the rest of this life. 

Falun, Sweden

This arati to Shiva is pure joy. It reminds me that Shiva’s divine dance and play can be experienced as just that—pure joy. I just have to remember it. What a wonderful thing to know. I thank Gurumayi for continuing to remind me of this.

Pennsylvania, United States

Since the first time I sang the Shiva Arati, I have always been moved by the grace of this hymn. Today, as I was singing the Shiva Arati, I came to realize that this hymn reflects perfectly the dance of Shiva.

While singing the Shiva Arati, I dance in my heart.

Rodez, France

Since the beautiful night of Shiva, my soul has been singing the Shiva Arati. While involved in mundane things, I will suddenly become aware that the arati is within me, singing itself in the deepest recesses of my heart. I feel Gurumayi’s shakti vividly surrounding me. I feel loved, and I am deeply aware of the sweetness of devotion and the love of my Guru. What a beautiful experience!

South Carolina, United States

For me, this is such a beautiful, visual prayer. As I listen to it, I feel as though I can actually see the forest, with the bees, the flowers, the swans, and peacocks. I can see the Goddess Parvati, and I can see Lord Shiva. It bathes me in a feeling of joy and contentment.

The words of the last verse inspire me to sing this arati every day, especially in these days leading up to Mahashivaratri.

New Delhi, India

Although I am sitting at my computer in Queenstown, New Zealand, listening to this beautiful hymn on the Siddha Yoga path website, I feel as though I am transported to the courtyard in Gurudev Siddha Peeth. As I listen, I remember and relive the experience of singing this arati in front of the murti of Bhagavan Nityananda. I feel at peace, protected and enfolded by the sacred atmosphere of the Ashram.

Even though it has been twelve years since I last visited Gurudev Siddha Peeth, I have bathed in the glow of this experience almost every single day since then. My being resounds with enormous gratitude.

Queenstown, New Zealand

Lord Shiva has been my favorite deity ever since childhood. I feel his gaze upon me, and I feel him with me. Singing this arati makes me feel connected to him.

Vapi, India

The Shiva Arati has been close to my heart since childhood. During these challenging times, when my family and I are quarantined, listening to it fills us with an enormous amount of energy.

Gandhinagar, India

This Arati connects swiftly into my inner need for worship of the Self. I feel it vibrating with a glowing awareness of the love that dwells in my heart. As I listen to it, I sense life flowing in a joyous feeling of happiness, brilliant as sunlight.

Ohio, United States

Listening to the Shiva Arati, I feel Lord Shiva’s blessings pouring into me. Every time I listen to it, I go deeper and deeper in my connection to Shiva—the great Self of all!

Mersin, Turkey

Since returning home in December 2017 from the Pilgrimage to the Heart Retreat in Gurudev Siddha Peeth, I've been singing the Shiva Arati along with this recording.
Each time I do this, I feel I am sitting right in front of Bade Baba's murti. As I sing, my heart melts into the music.

Ancona, Italy

While I hear this arati, I feel sweetness and joy in my heart.

Hod HaSharon, Israel

As I sang Shiva Arati tonight, it was full of positive energy and joy. Memories came back to me of singing it in front of Bade Baba's murti in Gurudev Siddha Peeth many years ago. That night was dark and tranquil, and the singing was full of sweetness and joy.

Hong Kong, Hong Kong

When our family visited Gurudev Siddha Peeth, we sang the Shiva Arati in the Bhagawan Nityananda Temple. My six-year-old daughter loved it! She wanted to stand in the front row. She loved the words and the tabla music between the verses. At home, every evening for the past month she has been reciting the Shiva Arati with the recording on the Siddha Yoga path website. She puts on special clothes and waves an arati tray the whole time.

Mumbai, India

My heart is smiling when I hear or sing the Shiva Arati. I connect with the sweet joy and bliss of the Siddha Yoga path and recall the Bade Baba Temple where I sang this glorious hymn. It makes me feel uplifted and happy. 
Thank you, Gurumayi, for the opportunity to sing the Shiva Arati along with the musicians.

Florida, USA

As I listen and sing along with the uplifting and lilting melody of the Shiva Arati, I feel as though my entire body is singing "Glory to Shiva! Glory to God! Glory to the Self!" This chant inspires me to dance and move with the shakti that is pulsing in my heart. As I do, I feel at one with Shiva's dance of creation, maintenance, and dissolution.

New Jersey, USA

As I listen to the audio of the Shiva Arati, I go deeper and deeper inside the music. The melody and music fill me with energy and joy.

Agra, India

Every time I hear and sing this arati, I feel that my day is full of great energy, enthusiasm, and happiness.
Thank you, Gurumayi, for helping me to remember this joy.

Berlin, Germany

When my daughter was a baby, I sang the Shiva Arati every night at bedtime. After she started speaking, she sang with me, using correct pronunciation from a very early age.
The sweet melody easily draws my attention to the divine meaning of the verses. I especially enjoy singing the sixth verse and visualizing my heart as a lotus in which Bade Baba is standing.

Dombivli, India

I felt so grateful when I saw that the audio recording of the Shiva Arati was available on the Siddha Yoga path website. As I began to sing, I vividly heard Baba´s voice singing along with me. I felt so happy, loved, and protected.
 Thank you, Gurumayi, for this priceless gift.

Monterrey, Mexico

I love the Shiva Arati and its accompaniment with drum and cymbals. I experience it as full of enthusiasm and energy and yet so tranquil.
Every time I listen to it, in my mind’s eye I see the murti of Bhagawan Nityananda in Gurudev Siddha Peeth, and my heart fills with love and gratitude.

Rajasthab, India

When I saw this post of the Shiva Arati, I became so happy. As I was singing it, I mentally entered into Bade Baba’s temple in Gurudev Siddha Peeth. I saw Bade Baba's radiant murti in front of me. I naturally fell into meditation.

Tokyo, Japan

One morning, I went into my garden and noticed that the boundary fence was broken, so I called someone to come and repair it. He said the fence was being pulled over by the neighbor's creepers or climbing vines. I noticed a lot of creepers on my side of the fence, too.
Later, as I was taking steps to rectify the situation on my side, I opened the website and read the words of the Shiva Arati. When I saw that this beautiful prayer describes Mount Kailas as covered in creepers too, I was delighted to think of my own home as Mount Kailas and of myself as Lord Shiva!

Sydney, Australia

When I sing or listen to the Shiva Arati, I experience a blissful sense of detachment and can see Gurudev Siddha Peeth and its sacred surroundings in my mind’s eye.

Indore, India

I played the Shiva Arati on the CD “Hymns to Shiva” while inwardly chanting along with Baba.

I am experiencing profound inner stillness, expansion, peace, and contentment. This beautiful arati is vibrating through my body, as I reverberate with the teaching “I am Shiva.”

My heart is filled with gratitude for our very own Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, who awakens us to our true essence—Shiva, the Self of all.

California, USA