Every part of our being is divine—the body, the mind, the energy that enlivens us. We practice hatha yoga to recognize that a divine light shines within us.
At the same time, we receive many physical benefits from hatha yoga. Our bodies become stronger and more flexible, allowing the muscles to relax. As our body gets more supple, we can sit comfortably and easily for longer periods of meditation.
After working the body in various postures, the hatha yoga classes end with shavasana, the relaxation pose. At this point in the practice, our subtle energy channels are open and the spiritual energy flows freely. The wave-like motion of the breath stills the mind, so that we become conscious of the divine light inside. In this way, hatha yoga prepares us for meditation.
There are certified Siddha Yoga hatha yoga teachers in many of the Siddha Yoga meditation centers and ashrams around the world. Contact a local center to see if a class is being offered near you.