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The auspicious
Surya Gayatri mantra is such a blessing for me! Listening to it and reciting it awaken in me a strong feeling of joy, love, and inner peace. I just want to keep repeating it and to stay continuously connected to these immaculate feelings.
Mersin, Turkey
For the last six years I have been meditating on the
Surya Gayatri mantra in the auspicious
muhurta time of morning. This practice nourishes my whole being with light, love, and enthusiasm. I am ready to face the day with focused attention for my daily chores.
This year, before meditation I will pray to Surya Devata to help me practice Gurumayi’s Message.
Gurugram, India
Looking at the clear sky late last night, I was amazed by the almost full moon. This morning, I saw the sun starting to emerge from beneath the horizon. The sun’s rays illuminated the countryside and made the frost covering it shine.
In the comfort of my home, echoing this spectacle, I recited the
Surya Gayatri mantra. Every Sanskrit syllable was crystal clear, reflecting the purity and silence of the winter atmosphere. I felt in communion and harmony with the universe.
Rodez, France
I am grateful that this mantra has been recorded and made available on the Siddha Yoga path website. When I listen to it, I immediately feel safe—like the feeling on a warm summer day combined with the feeling of being all tucked in by the fire in winter. I have kept it on “repeat” for the last couple of days.
California, United States
I meditated with the Surya Gayatri mantra this morning. First I repeated it out loud and then silently to myself, while listening to its sweet melody. I was pulled inward and saw my whole body repeating the mantra. It seemed as if I was being drawn by the sound of the mantra toward the radiant light of the sun. This made my whole being feel pure and uplifted. After a time, everything became completely silent, and I entered into a deep meditation. Afterward, I felt tranquil and peaceful. I experienced a state of pure silence, which remained with me for quite a while.
Udaipur, India
While listening to the
Surya Gayatri mantra, I stood at my window with eyes closed, bathing in the warm rays of the sun. My breathing became deep and long; my feet felt the strong support of the Earth. I felt great inner strength.
Tokyo, Japan
This morning I meditated with the
Surya Gayatri mantra. This was a completely new and fascinating way of meditating for me.
I had a wondrous vision and a powerful vibration that expanded throughout my body. My thoughts dissolved completely, as never before. All that remained was sublime meditation.
San Giorgio a Cremano, Italy
I have been reciting the Surya Gayatri mantra for many years. However, it was only today that I truly understood the significance of Lord Surya in my life. The sun has illumined my insight and brought spiritual growth to my life. My heart is filled with the light of the sun and gratitude for its many blessings. I will now recite it with a full heart and deeper understanding.
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
In honor of Makara Sankranti, this morning I woke up early, much before the crack of dawn, and recited Shri Guru Gita. Throughout the recitation I felt every cell of my being purified and creating silence within. Following my recitation, I meditated on the Surya Gayatri mantra and had a glimpse of the rising sun. As I came out of meditation, I prayed to Lord Surya to hug the whole world and remove the darkness from it.
Nairobi, Kenya
Every morning, without exception, I begin each day reciting the Surya Gayatri mantra silently to myself. Without fail, it leads me into a tranquil and cozy state. As my reciting continues, a golden-white light slowly emerges and leads me into a nectarean meditation.
For me, the Surya Gayatri mantra is like the key that unlocks the door to a golden, deep state of meditation.
St. Laurent, Canada