With my love of the physical and the outdoors, participating in the workshops of
Embodying Gurumayi’s Message for 2024 has been a transforming blessing for me. On my walks in the woods, I felt I was having
darshan of the Message everywhere. As I was looking at the trees—so tall and strong, open to sunshine and rain, and deeply rooted in Mother Earth—my heart filled with delight and gratitude.
New York, United States

When I took the first workshop of
Embodying Gurumayi's Message for 2024, I noticed that my hands, arms, and torso started moving spontaneously during my daily meditation practice, as if to symbolize the lines of the Message. Through my meditation practice, as well as my physicalization practice in the workshops, I was able to recognize that these movements were the embodiment of the Guru grace and the
These palpable movements within my own being have helped me to remember that something divine exists within me. I am finding that this is invaluable when I am faced with difficult times, or even when I simply pause for a moment. It is also helping me to shift away from my limited perspective and access my expanded inner vision and attitude.
From this experience, I have learned that, in order to become one with Gurumayi’s teachings, I have to make the effort over and over again.
Toyama, Japan

I love practicing the physicalization of Gurumayi’s Message. From the beginning, doing this has opened my heart and helped me experience the divinity that lies within it.
Yesterday, while practicing Gurumayi’s Message, I offered it to my breathing and to the tensions in my physical body. To my amazement, my breathing became natural instead of forced, and my bodily tensions were greatly reduced. I experienced childhood anxieties being lifted and replaced by the grace of the Message. I felt I could “stand tall” and “be open” to a larger vision of myself than the one from my childhood. It was an experience of Guru’s grace and a realization that the experience of God dwells within everyone.
Canberra, Australia

I’m so grateful to have learned the three physicalization routines for Gurumayi’s Message for 2024. It’s so meaningful to me to experience the Message in my being and express it through the movements. As I become more familiar with the movements and don’t need to concentrate as intensely on how to perform them as I do them, I feel myself becoming lighter and the energy of Gurumayi’s Message becoming more alive in my being. It’s a beautiful experience!
California, United States
It is wonderful for me to practice the physicalization of Gurumayi’s Message each morning! When I do so, I have a direct experience of the Message; I feel an alive consciousness coursing within me and in the world around me. I feel happy, content, confident, uplifted, and ready to begin my day.
California, United States
I have been practicing the first physicalization routine almost daily. The second routine gave me the experience of great freedom for the first line of Gurumayi’s Message. In practicing the whole routine, I felt like it was a divine dance which filled my entire body with nectarean bliss. I feel deep, heartfelt gratitude for Gurumayi and for her grace and benevolence.
Patiala, India
For me, the fourth workshop was a great reward for all of my self-effort in learning the movements from the first three workshops. I loved practicing the flow of the movements. Sometimes I struggled and wavered in my balance, but I would continually come back to the movements. This is how I am in life. I may waver at times but I always come back! I am always on the path. The Guru’s grace helps me all the time.
I feel like all four workshops were united into a beautiful whole in this final one. It was an amazing experience, for which I feel supreme gratitude.
Maryland, United States

Participating in Workshop 4 brought me many valuable insights. As we repeated the physicalization exercises from Workshop 1, I remembered what it was like when I first began doing them and my original attitude toward myself. I realized how doing the daily physicalization exercises has subtly and gently changed my inner attitude, my feeling toward myself. I now know how dignity feels, how to open myself to grace, and what my inner divinity feels like.
Embodying Gurumayi’s Message for 2024 is, for me, an initiation into a completely new self-awareness and a new way of being that I can consolidate daily with the physicalization exercises.
Konolfingen, Switzerland

I loved the first physicalization routine so much that I resisted the second. Then I loved the second physicalization routine so much that I resisted the third. Now, after participating in each session multiple times, I see that I can embrace them all.
When I make the physicalization movements my own, allowing for the freedom, release, creativity, and self-acceptance that are suggested by the wonderful teachers, I experience an understanding of Baba’s words “God dwells within you as you.” I know I must choose this gift of understanding again and again.
Ohio, United States

I have decided to take up chanting Om Namo Bhagavate Muktanandaya in the Dhani raga all this month. There have been a couple of occasions already in which I do the last physical movement taught in Workshop 3 while I chant.
It is making me see that everything is a cycle—there are highs and lows, ebbs and flows, crests and peaks, kinetic energy alternating with the storing up of potential energy in everything. No matter what, though, the music and the Name and the movement are all always blissful. I know this is the power of Guru’s grace and of singing the divine name. It really is “a play of Consciousness.”
Washington, United States

I begin my daily hatha yoga practice by physicalizing Gurumayi’s Message for 2024. While doing the motions, I repeat the Message internally and affirm my goal to remain connected to my divinity throughout the practice.
Each new
asana becomes a new opportunity to turn within. I remember I am the Self while I hold the posture. I try to maintain that connection with my divinity as I move to the next
asana. The practice of turning within while engaging in physical action reminds me that I can practice the Siddha Yoga teachings while living my daily life.
As I finish my practice, I rest in
shavasana for a time and repeat, “I am light. I am Consciousness.” Then I continue to meditate, aligning the mantra
Om Namah Shivaya with my in-breath and out-breath, and witnessing the pulsation throughout my body.
I am grateful to Gurumayi for the Siddha Yoga Message for 2024 and for her
sankalpa that we physicalize it. I am grateful for my healthy body and mind.
California, United States

The third workshop of
Embodying Gurumayi’s Message for 2024 has touched me on many levels. I really appreciate the high quality of the workshop and the clear instructions it offers. I will take Gurumayi’s valuable teachings about pausing to heart. The tenderness of the chant and the blessings in meditation are great gifts that continue to move my soul.
After three days of practicing, I was able to implement the new movement sequence correctly. Every time that I do the movements, I experience new inner images, feelings, and sensations. Sometimes, I feel that I am moving like a wave in the endless ocean of love. Other times it is like I am a samurai helping to bring peace to the earth, or a medicine woman sending powerful energy around the world. Every experience has shown me my own divinity in a playful way. I love the way that performing this sequence invites the
shakti to express itself through me.
Konolfingen, Switzerland

Siddha Yoga has been the lodestar of my existence since 1980. Gurumayi’s Message for 2024 is alive for me like no other.
Now, with the physicalization patterns I have learned in the workshops, the Message goes deeper within me. I connected with the first pattern and the second one sings even more in me. The movement with the words is magic. Surely we will all be dancing before year’s end!
I am so grateful for these practices that I am, literally, incorporating into my daily life.
California, United States

The energy of the second workshop was enthralling, so intoxicating that I found myself unable to recall the movements. When it came to repeating them on my own, I could not remember a single pose. All right, then— humility, self-effort, and trusting grace. Next day when I returned to the instructions, I remembered a few poses, but felt no inner connection with the teaching they’re empowered to embody.
Day three: Aha! I realized that I’d failed to grasp how to move from one pose to the next. As I studied the moments of transition, thrills of recognition began to arise. At moments my hands were expressing receptivity... or openness... or steadfastness. Most vitally, I realized that the entire exercise depends on my core remaining stable, no matter how the limbs move and in what direction my gaze is fixed.
Now, as I continue to master the sequence, I’ve begun to absorb to my core what it teaches, just as Gurumayi’s Message does: to hold fast to the awareness of my divine essence, no matter what.
California, United States

I participated in the first workshop of Embodying Gurumayi’s Message for 2024 just before leaving on a trip to Sequoia and Redwood National Parks. I had planned this trip over a year ago, before Gurumayi imparted her Message for 2024.
On my trip, I spent two weeks hiking miles through forests of giant trees, all the while immersed in Gurumayi’s teachings. I stood at the base of the largest tree in the world and performed the postures that embody Gurumayi’s Message. I stopped beside giant trees to listen to their wisdom, and experienced my heart flood with gratitude, reverence, and devotion to my Guru. I felt so firmly absorbed in the awareness of grace.
It was a most profound experience, one which helped to crack the shell of my delusions of smallness and inferiority. I came away with a visceral experience of my own dignity and divinity.
Missouri, United States

I am so grateful for this new way to study and experience Gurumayi’s teachings.
At different times in my life, I have had a sporadic hatha yoga practice but never seemed able to find the commitment and motivation to maintain it. Now in my seventh decade, and with a number of physical issues, I have often wished for the inner and outer benefits that a steady hatha yoga practice might have offered.
So I was happily surprised that the simple and very doable movements we were taught in the first workshop of
Embodying Gurumayi’s Message for 2024 are actually hatha yoga
asanas. And the encouragement we were given to make them a regular practice is something I see that I can, and want, to do.
I have felt for some time now that “physicalization” might be a missing element in deepening my otherwise steady and motivated
sadhana and learning. What a delightful and easeful guide into this missing link for my growth this is!
Massachusetts, United States

As always, Gurumayi’s teachings come at just the right time for me. A very challenging interpersonal situation awaits me in the near future. The embodying techniques I learned in the workshop are providing me with a roadmap of immediate and visceral guidance for ways in which I will be able to participate in this situation more fully and compassionately. They are helping me greatly to experience each line of Gurumayi’s Message. I have already experienced a shift of heart that will support me to meet the movements in others and myself in ways that will be beneficial to all involved. These embodiment practices are helping me to participate from the best of who I am. I’m so, so grateful.
Nanaimo, Canada

I participated in the first workshop of
Embodying Gurumayi’s Message for 2024 on Baba’s solar birthday, May 16. Now each morning before I meditate, I perform the physicalization routine before repeating Gurumayi’s Message. I can see that this has allowed me to imbibe Gurumayi’s Message more fully.
Throughout the day, I frequently elongate my spine and repeat Gurumayi’s Message, and I see that I have become more fearless and more present in the moment. I find I’m not worrying so much about what comes next. Therefore, I get things done during my day without procrastination.
If I get into challenging circumstances, I repeat “Stand tall in your dignity,” and I become the embodiment of the protection I seek.
This is a very enlightening experience, and I am very grateful to move to this next level of my
San Felipe, Mexico

In this first workshop of
Embodying Gurumayi’s Message for 2024, I experienced the power of physicalization to help me imbibe Gurumayi’s teachings. After attending the workshop, I was inspired to engage in activities that would further help me assimilate the teachings.
I took creative art classes, and as I immersed myself in colors, I felt the dignity in myself I had always sought. I went to a forest with tall trees like the trees in the Message Artwork and experienced the healing power of the forest. When I hugged one of the trees and hummed, many emotions came up, and I cried in happiness, feeling my soul’s connection to nature. Gazing up at the sky, I could feel the grace all around me.
It has always taken effort on my part to slow down and observe things silently. But when I practice
mantra japa now, I can slow down more easily and feel myself “standing tall.”
I am looking forward to attending the next three workshops and applying the new learnings in my daily life.
Pune, India

After participating in the workshop Embodying Gurumayi’s Message for 2024, reflecting on the workshop, and reviewing what I wrote in my journal, I feel like I’ve entered a grand room of light and love. This physicalizing of Gurumayi’s Message is another step on the eternal pathway to knowing my oneness with God. And what a gift it is to be able to review the material again and again!
California, United States

Since I participated in the first workshop of Embodying Gurumayi’s Message for 2024, I have practiced focusing on Gurumayi’s Message mentally and physically every day. What I have experienced in my daily life since I started doing this has been most amazing to me.
I now go through each day with a new sense of naturalness, self-confidence, and strength. It seems as though my body is somehow storing the energy of Gurumayi’s Message. I feel both very uplifted and grounded at the same time. I am also experiencing inner stability, even in difficult situations. Additionally, I have new creative ideas and am experiencing more joie de vivre. I feel like I am increasingly starting to see myself as who I truly am.
Konolfingen, Switzerland

I am amazed to see how physicalizing Gurumayi’s Message is not limited to the physical level of the body. During the workshop, I felt the power of the Message spread across all levels of my being and enter the innermost space of my heart.
Since participating in the workshop, my meditations have been deeper and my mind has become quieter. I am able to accept that grace is all-pervasive and accessible to me all the time.
Thane West, India
Until now, I had just listened to Gurumayi’s Message and memorized it. This workshop allowed me to actually experience and live the Message. The physicalization was powerful for me. It calmed my mind and aligned my energies to each word of the Message. I love practicing this physicalization twice a day—sometimes even more often in my mind. I have seen that it supports my state. I feel closer to the space of “dignity” and “divinity” within my own being. My heart is full of gratitude!
New Delhi, India

I am so grateful for having participated in the first workshop of Embodying Gurumayi’s Message for 2024; it was a profound experience for me. Later, in the afternoon, I felt the need to go to a lakeshore bordered by beautiful trees. I had with me Smile, Smile, Smile, the book of poems by Gurumayi. I just let it choose the pages it wanted to open to. One after another, it opened to poems related to the themes in Gurumayi’s Message that we had physicalized in the workshop.
I meditated and I saw the earth completely aligned with each line of Gurumayi’s Message.
Candiac, Canada

Since I first heard about the workshop, I was very excited to take part in it. I participated on the very first day it was available. For me, this workshop provided the most powerful and effective means to imbibe Gurumayi’s Message for 2024.
Throughout the whole day after participating in it, the learnings from the workshop were spontaneously arising in my mind and body.
I feel I’ve been given
mahaprasad, a great gift from Shri Guru.
Nagpur, India
What a wonderful boon this workshop has been for me! I’ve always been a physical person; physicality is most important in my profession and my life. So I knew this workshop was right up my alley!
My experience in the workshop was one of feeling refreshed, grounded, rooted in my
sadhana, and knowing that by embodying and implementing Gurumayi’s Message for 2024, I can continue my
sadhana with joy and enthusiasm. I plan to repeat the workshop as often as time allows.
California, United States
The first workshop of Embodying Gurumayi’s Message for 2024 was a profound, life-changing experience for me. It was unlike anything I have done previously. I’m recommending participation to my Siddha Yoga friends, and telling them to be prepared for insightful realizations!
Kingston, United Kingdom

Yesterday I took the time to take part in the first workshop of Embodying Gurumayi’s Message for 2024 in a undisturbed atmosphere.
I soon realized how deeply the steps we took in the workshop touched me. Suddenly a deep sadness arose in me, one which I have known for several years but whose source I had never previously found. I simply continued with the workshop and noticed how the sad energy was released and I could breathe more freely.
Today on a walk in the forest I repeated some of the steps from the workshop, and felt how deeply and extensively I could absorb the positive energy of the forest. I was aware of how much energy I could absorb in this simple way. It was wonderful!
Konolfingen, Switzerland