As I have been contemplating Baba’s teachings on the Self, I have started considering that maybe my life is perfectly designed for me to know the Self.
On Sunday, I really took the time to menu plan, including foods my daughter would enjoy. At the grocery store, I walked down each aisle thinking about the wonderful meals we would enjoy and making sure I picked the best ingredients. I realized how fortunate we are. My appreciation extended to just being in a well-stocked grocery store with other families providing for their loved ones. Everyone I saw or interacted with became a part of something bigger, something quite beautiful and expansive.
As warmth and love spread throughout my entire being, I slowly felt grounded in a consistent strength and opening in my heart. This love accompanied me the entire day and has given me a fresh outlook on daily life as a spiritual practice. How I care for myself and others is not just a part of my
sadhana, it
is my
Texas, United States

It is the time for encouraging people to vote in my town. As I was going around, hanging posters and knocking on doors to talk to potential voters, I found that a shyness and sense of vulnerability would arise in me just before I knocked.
Then Baba’s teaching to always remember the Self would come to my awareness. This was just so lovely! I was able to overcome my shyness and just embrace the beautiful Self in the other person and greet them with enthusiasm and love. Of course, some people were more challenging than others. One woman seemed to be a really unhappy person, and yet I felt that I could shine the light of the Self upon her. I felt that just staying aware of the Self as we talked was a blessing both for me and for her.
It has been very powerful for me to contemplate how to apply this beautiful teaching in my daily actions. I see doing so as “love in action”!
New York, United States

As I put Baba’s words into practice, I have become more aware of the task at hand. I repeat the mantra and observe my breathing as I focus on the task. I have experienced silence and one-pointedness. As my day progresses, I have been able to maintain my focus on the Self, the divine energy flowing within me.
Florida, United States

As I looked at the image for “Share Your Experience,” the golden circles, one inside the other and spiraling inwards, reminded me of a hula hoop. As I contemplated the design further, it became a metaphor and a guide for my
sadhana. On the one hand, a hula hoop must be kept constantly swinging, and if the motion is stopped for even a moment, the hula hoop will fall down. This is true for me in regard to my
sadhana: when I keep the practices constant, I feel one with divine Consciousness.
But hula hooping is also a playful game! If the hula hoop falls down, it can be picked up again. This is true for my
sadhana too. If I forget or fail to accomplish a practice one day, I can pick it up the next day—as long as I don’t give up!
Hindelang, Germany

Reading this teaching of Baba’s, I felt an anchor had been dropped in my mind. My mind became so calm and steadfast.
Several hours later, I got a phone call with an invitation from a friend. I had mixed feelings about whether to accept the invitation. In that context, Baba’s words gave me great guidance about what to do and what is the most important and essential thing for me right now.
Yokohama, Japan
I am so grateful for the generous sharing of this wisdom, which reverberates with the living
shakti pulsating within it. I relished each word. Then, when I read the words again at the end, my eyes filled with tears of love. I saw these words as Baba’s life, the very journey he himself took, and this was deeply moving to me.
Connecticut, United States
I have set sail
With Guru’s grace
Over ocean of
yoga bhumi
Over choppy wave and gale
I am content
I am content
I am content
Nothing on this journey to lament
Direction of prow may vary
Yet ever more finely aligned
No longer is the journey scary
This boat’s destined for the Divine.
Intuition, grace, scriptures, the light
Gurubhav, gurudrishti allows sight.
Hallelujah —the journey bright.
California, United States
I sat in my meditation room in absolute quietude to absorb Baba’s words. Since I had been anticipating this commentary on Baba’s teaching, I was very excited. The experience of reading Baba's words was like being in a meditative state with Baba urging me on—to go deeper inside, to find that gift of the Self, and to seek solitude in silence. Baba’s words were pure unconditional love. I will ponder those words and the commentary for a long time to come.
South Carolina, United States