Gurumayi's powerful words, “Demonstrate Normalcy, Decency, Courtesy," made me look at myself in the mirror and ask whether I was demonstrating these virtues. I realized that occasionally, during a disagreement, I was not.
Contemplating her words, I have shifted my attitude and now, instead of reacting I let go, and become normal, decent, and courteous. Wow! What relief and lightness I feel within myself! And my attitude often inspires others to shift into demonstrating the same virtues.
Thank you, Gurumayi, for this priceless
Divya Sukta.
Nairobi, Kenya
This teaching steadies my whole being. I feel my mind settling, and the tension melting from my body. Right now, as I hold this teaching in my awareness, my face softens and my shoulders relax, and I find myself sighing deeply with a feeling of well-being and appreciation.
Saying these words—
normalcy, decency, courtesy—over to myself feels so nurturing and grounding. I am very drawn to these qualities and I have resolved to dedicate my day to demonstrating them.
Thank you so much for this teaching, Gurumayi.
Castlemaine, Australia
My soul is drinking these
Divya Sukta postings like clear cool water in a desert. It is my prayer that I may be able to imbibe them completely.
Thank you, Gurumayi, for this support.
Massachusetts, USA
The word
normalcy stood out for me. Wondering exactly what it meant, I looked it up in the dictionary and found this definition: "the condition of being normal; the state of being usual, typical, or expected."
After reflecting on how I would "demonstrate normalcy" in my daily life, I came up with these two ways: to continue in my usual rhythms and routines of spiritual practice and daily life which are beneficial and nurturing to myself and my family; and to continue to practice Gurumayi's Message for this year.
As I "demonstrate normalcy" in these ways, I experience that I am grounding myself in the Self. As I make the effort to continue with my normal routines, I am living out the experience that right here, right now, everything is all right. That important recognition can serve as a source of support to myself and those around me.
California, USA