In the Sanskrit language, divya means divine and sūkta refers to a statement that
illumines the highest Truth. Divya Sūkta: Teachings about the Divine.
I breathe.
It rustles a million leaves
of thoughts… daydreams,
And I long for stillness and for silence.
Focusing on the air
—the way it feels as it’s coming in—
Just before, unheeded,
it goes rushing out
To re-stir all those leaves…
I pause.
And through the narrow gap
that shows up in that space,
I swing.
And for a moment, I behold
The abode of light and peace
I know as my true home.
I breathe.
Sydney, Australia
How bright, clear, and unmistakable is the image of the golden leaves against the azure sky! It reminds me that mindfulness and clarity go together.
Lately, I have become aware of an ongoing mental buzz caused by a number of accumulating commitments. During this past week, I’ve been reflecting upon how I can streamline my commitments so that I can live my life with greater integrity and clarity and a quieter mind.
When I beheld the image and the word
mindfulness, I realized that as I give up what I can’t properly care for, the buzz will fade, and I will be freer to be more fully present in each moment.
Alaska, United States
This posting is an answer to my questions: What teaching do I need to practice at this time, in this situation? What virtue do I need to cultivate?
Mindfulness. Everything is worthy of my loving care and attention. After seeing this, I went outside to prune the citrus, and as I pruned, I heard the local piper playing “Amazing Grace” on his bagpipes.
Thank you for this guidance.
Sydney, Australia
“The colors of grace”—what a beautiful description of the ways grace can reveal itself!
I realize that grace has given me room, a kind of capacity to be mindful in the midst of daily activities. I remember that before I received
shaktipat initiation, it felt that I was always rushing from one moment to another; I felt pushed with no room for a pause. Now, when I try to give attention to the action necessary in any given moment, when I try to give myself time for it, when I breathe in a relaxed way, I feel a sweet love towards myself. To me, it feels like I’m taking care of myself in a loving and gentle way.
I have made this now into a resolution: wherever I am, whatever I do, I want to make myself comfortable by giving myself room and time. And then, naturally, mindfulness settles in and a subtle, nectarean love follows. With mindfulness, there is no fear, no rush, no stress.
Zurich, Switzerland