I am writing to express my gratitude for the “Be in the Temple” satsangs which have been archived. For me, during this time of the distressing increase in the COVID-19 illness and the ongoing social tensions connected to that, it has been very helpful to reread Gurumayi’s teachings and the other talks. My hope is that others who feel as I do about the pandemic are able to locate this valuable resource.
California, United States

I have been fortunate enough to participate in most of the “Be in the Temple”
satsangs. And I am so grateful for the outcome, as well as for each and every
satsang itself! I have come to know that a place of inner refuge is always there for me to return to—a place that is peaceful and full of joy, that can sustain and truly fulfill me, independent of outer circumstance.
This pandemic, along with other social, economic, and political crises, has been an incredible opportunity to learn this. I am blessed to have the Siddha Yoga practices and the grace of the Guru to carry my efforts to fruition, to this place of refuge, to the Self, to “
Atma ki Prashanti.” I only have to make the effort to do the practices, and this place of refuge will always be there for me. Such an incredible, life-changing gift! And one that I am now able to carry into the world around me.
California, United States

When I sing the Arati, I feel I’m one with Shri Guru, and it always makes me so happy!
When I heard the drums at the beginning of the Arati, I felt they were calling me to pay attention to my
sadhana. The sweet ringing of the bells seemed to dispel the challenges in my life. The beautiful garlands heralded for me the arrival of beautiful days, enveloped within the grace of Bhagavan Nityananda.
Allahabad, India
In this “Be in the Temple”
satsang, I felt that there was no separation between Gurumayi and me. I experienced Bade Baba as the wish-fulfilling tree, and this realization made my heart light and free. It was truly a
satsang full of miracles for me.
Rome, Italy

All the “Be in the Temple”
satsangs have been wonderful, but there was something special about the one last night. It was so simple—no amazing stories, no guided meditation or delightful opening photographs. “Just” the singing of the Arati and the recitation of the Upanishad Mantras. No host to say “Hello, and welcome” or “Goodbye”—because none of those is needed when there
is no coming or going, when we are always and continually together in the heart of the Self.
It was such a deep symbol and affirmation for me of the truth that connecting to and honoring the Self do not require remarkable displays. If we allow ourselves to become aware of it, the Self is such a totally integral, ongoing presence in our lives. How fortunate I feel to be invited to fully partake of the sweetness of that attunement to the Self through this gift of
Michigan, United States

The “Be in the Temple”
satsang was so simple and so profound. I have been recovering from the seasonal flu and was rejoicing in the opportunity to participate in the Arati in gratitude for the grace I had received in feeling better. I was filled with warmth and love from Bade Baba's golden presence, and as I closed my eyes in meditation, it was as though I disappeared into the halo of his heart. In this space there was so much peace, so much healing light and protection.
As I reflected on this wonderful experience, I offered a prayer that everyone everywhere could experience these same blessings.
Perth, Australia

During the "Be in the Temple
"satsang, I felt drawn into it, just as if I were physically present in the Temple. Fortunately, I had just purchased some incense, so I lit it. I tried to find the perfect place to put it, and decided on the window sill just below the window screen. As I listened to the Arati, I watched the trail of incense waft from inside to outside. I imagined the bliss and joy I was feeling were wafting outside, along with the incense, inviting others to experience the feeling of the Temple.
Just then, the doorbell rang. Very unexpectedly, I was being offered cupcakes for my family from a distant neighbor's birthday party. It felt to me as if the Temple energy had arrived in the form of neighborly cupcakes. I ate one with this in mind, and then rejoined the
Georgia, United States

Today’s “Be in the Temple”
satsang was perfectly scheduled for me, at 7:30 a.m. in Hong Kong. This allowed me to rise at my usual hour, with time to prepare for the Arati. I lit the candle at my
puja and waved some incense, before taking a seat in front of my computer.
Throughout these last months I have come to relish the opportunity to be transported to Bade Baba’s Temple in Shree Muktananda Ashram, a holy place of which I have many wonderful memories. Today, the Guru went one step further. As I rose to my feet when the drums began, Bade Baba’s
murti appeared—in my mind’s eye—in the middle of the living room. Instead of bringing me to the Temple, the
satsang brought the Temple to me!
As the vibrations of the Arati filled the room, I realized that this space in my house, where so much of my daily activity takes place, was being sanctified and I was filled with a newfound sense of gratitude for the Siddha Yoga path.
Hong Kong

Today's “Be in the Temple”
satsang was again wonderful. I loved Bade Baba's flowers and garments. It looked like fall is coming with the yellow and red flowers and the tall greens. Bade Baba’s orange garment was so beautiful too, adorned with the garland of jasmine flowers and orange roses. At the end I offered
pranam to Bade Baba's sandals and felt completely as though I were in the Temple with my forehead resting on his
padukas. It was a profound experience.
I am so grateful. These
satsangs are the focus of my life now. They are such an incredible gift of grace during these times. I have grown so much from meeting the challenges of the pandemic and from the support I receive from these beautiful
satsangs. I have become stronger and more able to support others and myself. It’s been a huge gift of transformation.
Washington, United States

What a powerful
satsang we just had! As I experienced the profound silence of Bade Baba's presence, I realized how silence is the language that needs no translation. Truly, the silence of today's
satsang filled my being with serenity.
Thane West, India
“Be in the Temple”
satsangs are such a blessed time! Yesterday, my heart was experiencing so much peace while singing the Arati, followed by the Upanishad Mantras. Baba' s prayer to his Guru for all beings and the world filled my heart with confidence. I joined in the prayer and imagined that the five exquisite
pujaris represented every people on every continent. I felt my heart was like a pulsating blue earth, joining in the prayer with love.
Annecy-le-Vieux, France

On the anniversary of Baba Muktananda's
divya diksha, I feel I have once more entered the temple of my heart. Each wave of sweet bliss holds precious memories for me of Baba's form, his glance, his touch, and the sound of his voice as he chanted the sacred mantra
Om Namah Shivaya.
As I receive Gurumayi’s gift of the "Be in the Temple"
satsangs, my preoccupation with everyday trials and tribulations recedes. I find the bounty of the Siddha Yoga path expressed in each
satsang element.
I feel deep gratitude to our Gurus for their abiding presence in my life.
Washington, United States

After attending the “Be in Temple”
satsang in honor of Bade Baba's
punyatithi, I prayed to Bade Baba for greater clarity, deeper understanding, and a more direct experience of his grace. The next day, while listening to an inspiring song dedicated to Lord Shiva, I had a beautiful experience. I felt a deep connection with Lord Shiva, and as I sat with my eyes closed, I visualized symbols that I associate with him—the glorious Himalayas and Mount Kailas.
Then I envisioned Bade Baba walking ever so gracefully amidst the beautiful snowclad mountain ranges. Streams of tears rolled down my cheeks. I felt that Bade Baba had graciously answered my prayer. I understood from this that Shiva is everywhere, Shiva is everything, and Bade Baba is Shiva.
Thank you, Bade Baba, for this experience.
Bangalore, India

The night before Baba’s Divya Diksha Day, I dreamt I was seated in the Bhagavan Nityananda Temple in Shree Muktananda Ashram, gazing at the golden
murti. Everything in the Temple was so beautiful and pure. Bade Baba’s smile and love filled my heart.
Suddenly I realized another room lay behind the
murti. I saw Gurumayi entering this room, where she bowed before another
murti of Bhagavan Nityananda. I also entered this room, which was filled with a silver shimmering light. Bowing before Bhagavan Nityananda’s
padukas and placing my head on the marble floor, I felt a strong, pulsating energy on my forehead. My whole being entered a deep state, with this pulsating energy, simultaneously strong and subtle, permeating my heart.
During the
satsang the next day, seeing Bade Baba’s two
murtis—in Shree Muktananda Ashram and Gurudev Siddha Peeth—naturally reminded me of my dream. I realized that having my Gurus’
darshan in my dream had led me into a very deep place within myself. Bade Baba’s outer form is already of the greatest beauty. But the state of the Siddha Guru and the place to which she wants to lead us are far more beautiful—they are divine!
Gottmadingen, Germany

After my first
Pilgrimage to the Heart Retreat in 2002, I went to the village of Ganeshpuri to visit Kailas Nivas, Bade Baba’s house. There I went forward for
darshan at his chair.
The moment I bowed down, the earth abruptly stopped moving! I expected books and vases to fall off the shelves and was really surprised when this didn’t happen. The silence I perceived was so strong, I was convinced I wouldn’t speak another word for the rest of my life. Then I heard Bade Baba say: “I protect you.”
I stood for a while, quite stunned, at the side of this room. When I finally left Kailas Nivas
, I was surprised to see the sun shining as always; no tiles had fallen from the roofs, no bricks from the walls. No people had stumbled or fallen. Obviously, the earth must have continued to move, as if nothing had happened.
I felt I recognized the meaning of pilgrimage. Once you reach a certain place, everything is achieved; nothing more is to be done. A part of me is still standing there. And I know Bade Baba is protecting me.
Katzenbach, Germany

As the celebration of Baba’s Divya Diksha Day began, it warmed my heart to see one after another of Baba’s many books appearing on the screen. Seeing various editions and translations into languages that span the globe was as delightful as it was amazing—so many concrete manifestations of Baba’s love, generosity, and grace.
Singing the
arati to Bade Baba in both temples simultaneously was an astonishing delight. I truly was transported to the sacred temple in Gurudev Siddha Peeth, drinking in the sight of Bade Baba’s joyful smile, his laughing eyes, and the beautiful garlands of flowers that adorned him. I could almost perceive the divine fragrance of the flowers. Bade Baba’s comforting presence was so palpable.
My life, like that of countless others, continues to be blessed and transformed because of what Bade Baba gave to Baba Muktananda that day in 1947. Today’s celebration of that momentous event was a deeply inspiring gift.
New York, United States

On Baba’s Divya Diksha Day, I took a walk at daybreak before the
satsang began. When I came to the top of a hill, I saw the same crescent moon the host later described seeing. Venus was there, too, cradled in the arch of the crescent.
When I came up to the top of the hill a second time, the sky was filled with flaming orange light. To me it looked like the sky was ablaze with Baba’s
While coming out of meditation during the
satsang, I saw the crescent moon in my inner vision. I felt cradled in the serenity of the Self and in the Guru’s love.
California, United States
As the “Be in the Temple”
satsang in honor of Baba’s Divya Diksha Day began today, blessings showered down upon us in the form of long-awaited heavy rain showers. I was gazing at the rain outside and then gazing at Bade Baba and listening to the story of Baba’s
divya diksha. I felt the synchronicity between the rain in the story and the rain outside.
London, United Kingdom
How very fortunate to be able to participate in the “Be in the Temple”
satsang in honor of Baba Muktananda’s Divya Diksha Day. Baba’s Guru, Bhagavan Nityananda, seemed to generously bless us all.
Several times I saw Bade Baba in my mind’s eye raising his hands to mine, our palms meeting, and I felt him touching me on my forehead. I felt this was a gift of love and steadiness for my wandering mind.
New York, United States
No matter how many times I read
Play of Consciousness, I come to Baba’s account of receiving
shaktipat diksha with fresh eyes, ears, and heart. I met Baba at the end of his Second World Tour. I was amazed by him then, and I am still amazed by all the wonderful changes in my life as a result of following the Siddha Yoga path.
Virginia, United States
Today when participating in the “Be in the Temple”
satsang on the anniversary of Baba Muktananda’s Divya Diksha Day, I recalled two great events in my own life: In 1987, I received
shaktipat diksha from a photo of Baba. I saw a bolt of bright white lightning come out of Baba’s eyes and felt it enter my heart. Ten years later, I had the good fortune to visit Kailas Nivas, the place where Baba received
shaktipat diksha from his beloved Gurudev. As I listened to the readings from
Play of Consciousness today
, I was in a blissful state as I recalled my experiences of those sacred events.
Arizona, United States

satsang in honor of Baba Muktananda’s Divya Diksha Day was so powerful. I had been longing to see Gurumayi. As I listened to the
dharana, I was looking at Bade Baba with open eyes and when I closed my eyes, I saw Gurumayi, and she was smiling. I felt drawn deep inside and then I smiled, too. I wished for joy in the world, for great happiness in each and everyone’s life, and for everyone to love each other more.
Allahabad, India

As Baba's account of his
divya diksha experience was read from
Play of Consciousness, tears of love, joy, and gratitude came to my eyes. Then I felt a powerful throb in my heart, and it seemed Baba was letting me know that he's here, where he's always been—in my heart.
After the
satsang, I went to the grocery store and unexpectedly encountered the person who introduced me to Baba in 1981. We had not seen each other in decades! I recognized that Baba was showing me again that he's always with me in the myriad forms and synchronicities that Guru's grace
California, United States
Year after year, the account of Baba Muktananda's initiation is so powerful! I am reminded of the transformed vision of myself that arose when I received
shaktipat. It was the most important event of my life.
Montreal, Canada
As I read share after share, I experienced so much love! They are all so sweet, so sublime—like exquisite pearls held together on a golden thread of light, love, and gratitude for our beloved Gurus.
Texas, United States
While we were hearing Baba's words from
Play of Consciousness during today’s
satsang in honor of his Divya Diksha Day, just at the moment he was telling about Varuna's blessings in the form of “a fine, delicate rain,” here too where I live—after more than sixty days of drought—a gentle rain started to fall. Gratitude overflowed my heart, which was already full to the brim with the blessing of being in
satsang and celebrating our beloved Baba Muktananda.
Sao Paulo, Brazil

During the
satsang honoring Baba's Divya Diksha Day, as the
dharana led us to visualize the flame of Kundalini Shakti glowing softly on the water, I at first envisioned myself sitting alone next to the body of water. Then I imagined that I was in Siddhaloka and I envisioned the Siddhas sitting around the luminous blue-black lake. Some were seated within groves of trees, others were on beautiful rocks by the shore. There was profound silence and peace.
Then the scene expanded to include everyone around the world who is on the Siddha Yoga path. We were all gathered in a great circle and united in meditating on the flame in the center of the immense lake. Tears of joy streamed down my face.
I am so grateful to Gurumayi for bringing us together each week in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall, in the presence of Bade Baba, Baba, and all the Siddhas. I am filled with the deepest gratitude to be with everyone in the Siddha Yoga
sangham in these heightened moments.
Georgia, United States

This morning a gentle mist filled the air and tiny drops of moisture landed delicately on the lake in front of my house. “Interesting,” I thought. “It was supposed to be a sunny day…” I wondered where this shower had come from.
Then in the
satsang for Baba Muktananda’s Divya Diksha Day, as I listened to the readings from
Play of Consciousness being read aloud and saw the video of the raindrops falling sweetly through the green leaves, I realized the gift that Baba had shared with me this morning—his
darshan, so perfect, so gentle, and so powerful. Nature is Baba's grace bestowed on the earth.
Maine, United States

Today has been an amazing day, from listening to Gurumayi chant the mantra this morning to this astounding
satsang in honor of Baba's Divya Diksha Day. What joy it brought about in me! How inspiring it was to see all the books in many languages displayed, which Baba has so lovingly given us. Bade Baba's radiant form was sitting there as if he were in an armchair of flowers. When
arati was offered simultaneously in Shree Muktananda Ashram and Gurudev Siddha Peeth, it was wonderful to see the beauty of both Temples.
During the readings from
Play of Consciousness, as each voice reflected the essence of the words, I delved deep during the pauses after each reader, taking a word or an image as my guide. I particularly felt the gentle rain falling on the leaves as if I was there. Truly, I felt I was so present and welcomed into this
satsang that, as I offered
dakshina online, it felt as if I was before Bade Baba in the Temple itself.
Hampton Hill, United Kingdom

satsang on Baba Muktananda’s Divya Diksha Day was so powerful! As I received Bade Baba's
darshan, I felt contentment in each and every aspect of my being. As I closed my eyes for meditation, I was drawn deeper and deeper inside. I saw a series of temples, each one within the other, and at the end Baba was standing in front of Bade Baba's golden
murti. I felt that Bade Baba is everywhere and in everything within me as well as outside.
On this very auspicious day, this was the most powerful
satsang in my life.
Bangalore, India

While participating in the “Be in the Temple”
satsang in honor of Baba's Divya Diksha Day, I was transported back to my experience of being in Gurudev Siddha Peeth in 1978. I was in my early twenties and had been introduced to the Siddha Yoga path only two years earlier. My memories became alive again today as I recalled being in Bade Baba's Temple, chanting with Baba, participating in a Shaktipat Intensive, and—while Baba walked around giving
shaktipat by touch—having the profound realization that Baba was indeed my Guru, my Master.
During that Intensive, we also chanted the mantra
Om Namah Shivaya in the
Shuddha Bilaval raga, just as we did today. And so again, I relived my treasured experience of being with Baba and my own heart.
I am so grateful to Baba for this new life he gave me, which continues to grow and blossom with the guidance and grace of Gurumayi.
New York, United States

O giver of joy,
I have only a drop to offer you, and yet
you fill my cup freely until it overflows
in a cascade of pure delight,
for me to sip
whenever I remember
your mantra,
your form,
your name.
St. Lazare, Canada

During the "Be in the Temple"
satsang on Baba Muktananda's Divya Diksha Day, the third reading from Baba's book
Play of Consciousness made a powerful connection with me—specifically, when Baba said "The Guru is inside, the Guru is outside.”
In the early 1990s, I participated in a Shaktipat Intensive in Oakland during one of Gurumayi‘s visits there. Seated near the back of the Ashram hall, I was very concerned that, being as short as I am, I wouldn't be able to see Gurumayi when she gave her talk. As we were filing into the hall after a pause, the sevite at the door leaned toward me and said "Gurumayi is inside!" I was so excited to hear this, but once seated, I couldn't see her. I felt so disappointed.
All of a sudden, I realized that Gurumayi wanted me to know that “the Guru is inside"—inside my heart! And she's outside in her physical form too. Now, living far from a center or an Ashram, I know that she's always with me.
Washington, United States

With the very first display of the many books written by Baba, in today's “Be in the Temple”
satsang in honor of Baba's Divya Diksha Day, I felt my heart burst with gratitude for the devotion of everyone who offered
seva in producing those books. As the
satsang progressed, my gratitude continued to expand as I realized how much love for the Guru had been expressed to make the
satsang possible—from the beautifully clothed
murti of Bade Baba to the exquisite arrangement of flowers and fruits, from the joy on the faces of the
pujaris offering the
arati to the preparation by the sweet host, from the
shakti-filled readings from
Play of Consciousness to the ecstatic flute playing and the musical ensemble’s chanting, and the incredible technological
I am so grateful to our great lineage for bringing us the teachings of Bhagavan Nityananda. And I am grateful to all those who have offered their love for so many years so that we may all attain inner freedom.
California, United States

After the “Be in the Temple”
satsang in honor of Bhagavan Nityananda's Solar Punyathiti, I am swimming in bliss and an ocean of gratitude. This
satsang was exquisite in every way. Ami Bansal's talk on Bade Baba’s teaching, “The Heart is the hub of all sacred places; go there and roam,” had me enthralled from start to finish. It wove together such profound and esoteric teachings and made them vivid and accessible for each listener.
I am so grateful to Gurumayi for these precious and profound
satsangs. Her generosity, care, and love for each of us are overwhelming. Gurumayi’s “Blessings to Treasure” are truly sustaining my life, mind, heart, and spirit through this challenging time. They are the wind beneath my wings, and the melody that dances in my bloodstream.
California, United States

While meditating during the “Be in the Temple”
satsang in honor of Bhagavan Nityananda’s Solar Punyatithi, I relived an experience I’d had in the early 1960s. I was standing at a busy intersection on my way home. As I waited for the light to change, waves and waves of love surged through my body. I stood there enthralled for several moments in this astonishing feeling. I was in awe, as joy filled my being.
When the traffic light changed, I went on my busy youthful way. At the time, I had no way to understand this, no reference to go to. Yet I knew these rich, ecstatic sensations of love were me—and were there for me to offer into my world.
Only recently did I realize this experience had happened on the day of Bhagavan Nityananda’s Punyatithi. Ever since then, I live in a constant state of profound awe and gratitude for my life, for grace, for the Siddha Yoga path, and for Gurumayi’s hand, which is holding mine every step of the way.
California, United States

As I drove home Sunday after teaching guitar to my students, I recalled Bade Baba’s teaching, “All happiness you desire is within you,” and the lesson that Swami Ishwarananda had learned after Bade Baba told him in a dream, “You go out a lot.” These helped me keep my focus in my heart. I then noticed a wonderful little square with grass and park benches, not very far from my house. It had a magical mood to it, as it was showcased by the afternoon sun. I knew this would be a great place for me to practice my guitar the rest of the day.
My time there was an amazing gift from Bade Baba and Gurumayi. The whole time I was sitting there practicing, I felt I was in another state, filled with abundance and feeling completely happy, protected, and supported. I still can feel it.
I am grateful to Bade Baba and Gurumayi for the unexpected gift of this experience, and this incredible feeling of happiness and fulfillment.
Maryland, United States

The “Be in the Temple”
satsang in honor of Bade Baba's Solar Punyatithi was filled with the serene and joyful light of Bade Baba. Throughout the
satsang I felt calm energy coursing through my being and enveloping me.
I very much liked Ami Bansal’s scholarly talk on the first part of Bade Baba's teaching, "The Heart is the hub…" It made me feel as if I had entered into my heart and was listening to the divine glory of the place, like when you go to sacred places and there learn amazing stories and the great glory of those places.
I indeed felt blessed to “be in the Temple” with Bade Baba.
Pune, India
As the “Be in the Temple”
satsangs take place, my devotion and my connection to the Guru grow. I feel that I am growing up. I am more disciplined, my home is cleaner, my mind clearer, and my heart is often leaping with love and joy for no otherwise explainable reason.
Thank you so much, Gurumayi, for this
prasad. I am forever grateful.
Montreal, Canada
stambha, the core, the pillar
Radiating from the Heart
Through the Heart
Fed by the Heart
Is the Heart
Glowing in the center
Beaming love energy
To warm life
Animating touch
Brightening vision
Conveying connection in a smile
Pouring forth the feeling of the Self
Watering lives everywhere
Tending saplings of faith
Boosting courage
Silvery feathery light
Golden beams of infinity.
Hawaii, United States
I have taken to heart the words attributed to Bade Baba during the lunar Punyatithi celebration. His words have become a reality for me, not only during the blessed "Be in the Temple"
satsangs, but also within, in the temple of my heart, as they lead me into meditation each morning.
Washington, United States

Today as I took my morning walk, repeating
Om Namah Shivaya with each step, my eyes fell on so many beautiful wildflowers along the roadside. As I contemplated these beauties, I recalled how Ami Bansal had mentioned that flowers evoke peacefulness and that each chakra is represented by a sacred lotus. As I was reflecting on this, it seemed that I could perceive the flower petals of my heart chakra pulsing open and closing gently with my breath and the steady pace of my steps. I was filled with such a gentle, nourishing tranquility.
Soon I encountered a couple of small fawns happily foraging, who allowed me to be there with them. It seemed that repeating the mantra and tuning into the lotus petals of my heart gently moving with my breath allowed for very loving exchanges with the natural world. What I learned and experienced in this “Be in the Temple”
satsang answered my prayer to find ways to peacefully connect with the world around me during this challenging time.
New York, United States

I have been touched as I’ve experienced the strength emanating from the Siddha Yoga
sangham, which gives me courage to persevere in my
On August 8, I could not participate in the live stream because I was working at a hospital for Covid-19 patients. I told myself that I would not be sad to miss the
satsang because I had already participated in the celebration of Bade Baba’s Lunar Punyatithi. But I did miss being able to participate.
Today, I felt drawn to read the experiences from the
satsang, and I feel that the
satsang has come alive in my heart. I feel I am meditating there with everyone. The direction my
sadhana has been taking is echoed in the experiences shared by my Siddha Yoga brothers and sisters. This poem arose within me:
Bade Baba is everywhere, at all times,
in my heart, blessing all alike.
I have an inkling
gurukrupa is limitless.
The only limits are those my ego places.
My head bows,
my eyes fill,
I am home.
Patna, India

During the
namasankirtana, I focused on each syllable and saw bright white dots of sparkling light on Bade Baba. When I meditated, I continued to see that very bright white light. I experienced that Bade Baba was meditating within me. I felt I was bathing in white light.
Bangalore, India
I am amazed by the magnitude of the blessings and invaluable treasures of each “Be in the Temple”
satsang. Today, Bhagavan Nityananda’s Solar Punyatithi was a glorious celebration. I could feel the warmth and protection of Bade Baba’s presence, so profoundly reassuring, so joyful. Then, when Ami Bansal spoke, I experienced that I was in the hub, that very center of all things—so close, so magnificent.
I am so grateful to Gurumayi for each and every one of these thirty-three
satsangs, for opening the doors of the Temple for all of us, and for transforming this time of challenge to a time of opportunities and miracles.
New York, United States

My own heart filled to the brim with Bade Baba’s sweet love and potent,
shakti-filled presence as we explored Bade Baba’s teaching, “The Heart is the hub of all sacred places. Go there and roam.” As the hours have gone by since that
satsang, I continue to bathe in a deep, sacred silence inside, knowing it to be my own true essence. I am so grateful for this sacred path and the power of the Guru’s grace that has filled my life with inner and outer blessings!
Maryland, United States

As Ami Bansal spoke about Bade Baba’s teaching, “The Heart is the hub of all sacred places. Go there and roam,” I recalled a very powerful experience I had with Gurumayi many years ago that showed me the nature of the Guru’s heart.
I brought Gurumayi a handcrafted heart that was inscribed with the words, “My heart to yours.” She graciously clasped the heart in her hands and said quizzically and sweetly, “It’s for me?” I replied with great delight, “Yes, Gurumayi, it’s for you.”
“Oh, it’s my heart,” she exclaimed and handed it back to me. I thought she hadn’t understood that it was a gift for her. So I explained, “Gurumayi, it’s actually a gift for you from me.” She said, “You gave me this beautiful heart—your heart—and now it’s my heart.”
This time as she placed the heart back in my hands, I understood that when we give the Guru our heart, she makes it her own. It was her own heart that she was lovingly placing in the palm of my hand as
London, United Kingdom

Be in the Temple
Be in the hub
Be in the Heart
As a bee is to flowers
Immerse yourself in golden nectar
Sweet, sweet sound
Rapturous silence
Soft embrace
Timeless space
Guru’s grace
It IS my place
to be
in the Heart!
Colorado, United States
On the day of Bade Baba’s Solar Punyatithi, I reflected on the virtue of commitment. I asked myself: What am I committed to? What is my purpose, the goal of my commitment?
The next morning, after having Bade Baba's
darshan in the “Be in the Temple”
satsang, as I did my
puja I saw Bade Baba's radiant form in my mind’s eye. It lifted up off the dais, came towards me, and entered my heart. I realized that I always carry him with me.
I understood that my purpose is to live as an expression of his being—the One, the Self. I am committed to taking the steps, moment to moment, to realize his state.
Riverview, Australia

The “Be in the Temple”
satsang in honor of Bade Baba’s Solar Punyatithi was so full that days later I am still reflecting on it with great joy.
As always, gazing at his magnificent form was so soothing; his sweet smile made me smile. I felt his gentle breathing inviting me to know my own breath as the pathway to its source—the great Self. I loved that the
murti was surrounded with wildflowers, the most exquisite that nature can offer, Queen Anne's lace, which matched the enchanting pearl necklace around his neck. This image alone has kept me calm and content.
Hampton Hill, United Kingdom

During the “Be in the Temple”
satsang in honor of Bade Baba's Solar Punyatithi, I had an incredible experience following the
dharana leading us into meditation. Upon hearing it, I felt pulled deep inside. Being in Bade Baba's presence crafted a pathway for me to this ecstatic space in my heart.
As I came to the place of inward stillness, I became aware of the dynamic nature of my own breath. I saw its movement, its golden flowing as a dance of sorts—and it was captivating. As I continued to observe the brilliance of my own breath, I saw a flame being stoked with each in-breath. The flame, spreading in bright white light, began to resemble a white lotus, with a remarkable blue flame in its center.
As the meditation concluded and I opened my eyes, I felt such serenity in every direction I looked. It was a gorgeous experience of Gurumayi's Message for 2020 and of Bade Baba's teaching: "The Heart is the hub of all sacred places. Go there and roam."
New Mexico, United States

When I was meditating during the
satsang on Bade Baba’s Solar Punyatithi, I had a wonderful vision of Bade Baba. He was much younger then and was sitting under a tree. Floating through the air, a flute with a peacock feather perched on it reached him. Next, Bade Baba was playing the flute, while wearing anklets like Shri Krishna.
I understood that there was no difference between Bade Baba and Lord Krishna—they were the same! The vision came so suddenly and unexpectedly, I was completely mesmerized by what I saw. Whenever I remember it, I am transported to a beautiful, magical, divine world.
Navi Mumbai, India

Today we celebrated Bade Baba's Solar Punyatithi. The simplicity of Bade Baba's single white shawl only served to heighten the sense of energy and love radiating from his form. After chanting the Karpura Arati, I was drawn spontaneously to mirror the motions of the
pujari, moving the smoke and flame toward Bade Baba with one hand, and then extending my hands to absorb the purity and blessings of the camphor. As I raised my hands to my eyes and over my head, I began to weep. My heart was as open as if I were standing in the physical space of the Temple.
It is so clear that Bade Baba is alive, and present wherever and whenever my heart is open and receptive.
Rhode Island, United States

The expanded state of being I experience when I participate in the “Be in the Temple”
satsangs lingers within me for ever longer periods in my day-to-day life. When I hear disturbing news, my first impulse lately is to follow the breath, find the sounds of the mantra within my breath, and go to the still point between my breaths. There I feel protected and safe from what is going on around me. I feel expanded, joyful, and equipped with everything I need to navigate my next steps. In this way I move forward.
South Yarra, Australia

During the
satsang in honor of Bade Baba’s Solar Punyatithi, each photograph of Bade Baba shown in the beginning and during the
namasankirtana led me to move toward the Heart, so beautifully described by Ami Bansal in her illustrative talk. I found myself at one with the Self, experiencing stillness in my mind and tranquility in my heart. The splendid
murti of Bade Baba, along with its charming decoration, further enabled me to experience this bliss in the depths of my being.
All the elements of the
satsang were presented and woven together in such a beautiful and natural way that the entire
satsang was filled with the living presence of Bade Baba, leading me to my heart and establishing me there.
I am so grateful to Shri Gurumayi for the ”Be In the Temple”
satsangs, which fill me with great confidence in these difficult times.
Udaipur, India

I recently received strong inner guidance to practice the
So'ham mantra and it’s been bearing wonderful fruit. What I learned from Ami Bansal’s wonderful talk and the host’s own share is that I need to remember to enter the Heart not just during meditation but all the time. This takes practice and intention. How do I remember to enter the Heart regularly throughout the day?
As I journaled during the
satsang, I realized that a perfect opportunity exists each time I take a pause from my work. In that moment when my body tells me it’s time to pause, I can use that as a reminder to enter the
madhya by repeating
So'ham, connecting with
So'ham, and consciously finding that space between the breaths.
I then realized that the moment of pausing is itself the
madhya—the space between two activities, which recurs naturally throughout the day. So I can use that natural space to remember to pay attention to my breath and the moment between breaths to enter the space of the Heart.
California, United States

What a great
satsang this was to celebrate Bade Baba’s Solar Punyatithi!
The story that the host told us about learning to go inside reminded me of a similar experience I had when I was a long-term
gurukula student in Gurudev Siddha Peeth around twenty years ago. I was blessed in many ways. My great good fortune was to be in the company of Venkappanna during chopping
seva every morning.
Once, on a celebration day, the inner sanctum of Bade Baba’s
samadhi shrine in the village of Ganeshpuri was opened for
darshan. Everyone was excited to go there, so there was usually a very long line to enter the shrine. I asked Venkappanna, “Will you also go for
He looked at me, quite amazed, and answered very seriously, ”
Darshan? What is it? Everything is
inside!” And he touched his heart!
As Bade Baba always taught, “The Heart is the hub of all sacred places. Go there and roam.”
Palzing, Germany

In the “Be in the Temple”
satsang for Raksha Bandhan, we were encouraged to reach out to others, to be kind to them, and to heal the divisions in our world. Looking back, I see that happened for me! After the
satsang, I felt more confident and stronger and this helped me be more open-hearted and loving toward the people in my life. So I experienced a big shift as I’ve been implementing these teachings. I have grown closer to my friends and neighbors, and to my clients and other people I see.
This is a huge blessing.
Washington, United States

I had the pleasure of translating simultaneously for my sister-in-law for the “Be in the Temple”
satsang on Bade Baba’s Solar Punyatithi. During Ami Bansal’s talk, when she was describing her experience of going to the Temple some years ago and asking for Bade Baba's blessings, I simultaneously had an experience very similar to the one she described!
I had my eyes closed, translating her English into Spanish over the phone, when suddenly, I found myself in this blissful, calm space where all sense of time disappeared. There was only one sound—neither English nor Spanish—emerging from this expansive space of stillness, and Bade Baba, Ami, and I all merged into this space. There was no Ami, no me, no language. I experienced this expansive boundless space as the hub of my Heart.
I continued translating from this space, effortlessly. I regained my usual awareness only when she finished her talk. Then, during the chant and meditation, I found it so easy to enter once again into the hub of my Heart.
New York, United States

Today, during the
satsang honoring Bade Baba’s Solar Punyatithi, I rested my gaze on Bade Baba for a few minutes while meditating. As I saw his eyes, he seemed to be telling me to look at his head. "His head?!" I thought. But I obeyed him and looked at his head. And then I saw an astonishing sight!
Thousands of glittery neutrons fired and the longer I looked at them, the faster and bigger they got, and the longer they stayed. At the end only
Om Namah Shivaya remained.
an eight-year-old from Thane West, India

satsang on Bade Baba’s Solar Punyatithi has pierced my heart with its deeply textured beauty. Tears of gratitude flow as I feel the immensity of what the Guru gives us in all these
After reading the exposition about
punya last night, I found my mind contemplating purity. Then, throughout the
satsang, I experienced its expression in a new and powerful form—in each speaker’s sincerity, in the offering of the
arati, in the adornment of Bade Baba, in the lighting, in the flowers. Like a bath of radiance, removing the nonessential and carrying me into the nectar of connection with this form of
satsang, and with this
sangham of beautiful disciples, whose assiduous practice and devotion are revealed in their actions.
As an artist, I was especially uplifted, sweetly challenged, and stimulated to greater expression by the tapestry woven by the Siddha Yogis who contributed to “Glimpses of Gurumayi’s Message Artwork.” They inspired me in a way I can take forward, for I aspire to such expression in the service of joy.
California, United States

Hearing Ami Bansal share her experience in Bade Baba’s Temple reminded me of an experience I had at Gurudev Siddha Peeth during a
Pilgrimage to the Heart Retreat. After visiting Bade Baba’s Temple, I was sitting in my room when my awareness suddenly expanded, breaking me free from confinement. With no limits to my awareness, I saw without eyes, heard without ears, and perceived without thinking—all from within a vast ocean of calm and quiet.
I was more at home than in any house I’d ever known, more “me” than any “me” I’d ever known. Yet this was not something new, but rather something that had always been right here, waiting for me to notice. It was utterly simple. As I sensed the thought, “This is so simple; I will always be able to access…,” another shift occurred and I was back in my contracted state, as if a switch had just flipped back and forth.
This experience was a gift of grace. Although it lasted only a few seconds, I will always remember it.
West Vancouver, Canada

As Ami Bansal spoke about focusing on the space between the breaths when we meditate, my eyes gently closed and I saw a
mala of beads being strung. At the very moment that she spoke of the importance of that in-between space, I saw a cluster of colorful beads, in the shape of a flower with leaves, insert itself between the already strung beads, as if to honor the space between the breaths when we meditate.
California, United States
I am deeply grateful to Ami Bansal for sharing Bade Baba's teachings and related scriptural references through her own words and experiences. Though we are many miles apart, I felt as if I were literally "in her shoes" as she described seeing his core teaching inscribed over the open doorway to the Temple in Shree Muktananda Ashram!
For me, this was a lived experience of how the door to the Heart is always “wide open.” I recognize that I have been given directions to the place of loving, compassionate radiance within.
St. Lazare, Canada

The "Be in the Temple"
satsangs have been enriching, involving, and uplifting. This
satsang on Bade Baba's Solar Punyatithi vibrated with
shakti. It was so profound and powerful. It filled my being with peace. I now understand that “being in the Temple” truly means “being in the Heart”—in “the hub of all sacred places,” as Bade Baba says.
I think this time in which we have been sheltering at home has in fact been a very deep, one-on-one retreat with the Guru Principle. And now I am determined that when I walk through my life, I am going to be anchored in this wonderful hub of the Heart! I feel assured and confident from what these
satsangs have taught me that I will indeed be able to "be in the Temple" in every moment, wherever I may be, whatever I may be doing—by being in the Heart.
Mumbai, India

Bade Baba is the great center.
Bade Baba is the true Heart.
Being with Bade Baba is like being inside a black crystal cave.
Being with Bade Baba is like being inside unconditional love.
Bade Baba is the quiet bliss.
California, United States
Today's "Be in the Temple "
satsang struck a sweet chord in my heart. As we chanted
Nityanandam Brahmanandam, I was inspired to write a thank-you note to someone I’ve been having a challenging time with. It felt as if Bade Baba was teaching me to appreciate the good qualities of this person and to realize that he is an important instrument on my path toward the realization of my spiritual goals.
St. Laurent, Canada

As I watched the “Be in the Temple”
satsang on Bhagavan Nityananda’s Solar Punyatithi, everyone looked so beautiful and offered such wonderful
seva! A sense of unworthiness arose within me, asking, “What about me? What did I do? How have I contributed?”
Then a voice inside myself said, "You are worthy of the highest love; you carry inside yourself the same golden flame as everyone else! Look, look inside yourself and you will see: God dwells within you as you."
In this way Bade Baba showered his blessing upon me and taught me to stop comparing myself with others.
Unterlangenegg, Switzerland
While chanting
He Bhagavan during the “Be in the Temple”
satsang in honor of Raksha Bandhan, I felt the protection of the Guru very strongly. I felt Gurumayi, Baba, and Bade Baba really close to me, surrounding me, and my heart was full of devotion and love for my Guru.
Napoli, Italy
I was touched when one of the speakers in the
satsang called our attention to the need to bond together during these trying times. They expressed exactly what I had been feeling but was unable to articulate.
Reflecting on the Raksha Bandhan holiday and reading about it, I see how crucial it is to recognize this bond. We are all brothers and sisters. We are together in this pandemic, and it is our responsibility to act as human beings, to honor the bond of love and protection we celebrate on Raksha Bandhan.
Obing, Germany

I was deeply touched by Swami Ishwarananda’s dream in which Bade Baba appeared and told him, “You go out a lot,” and then put his hand on Swami ji’s heart, adding: “Stay here. Learn to stay here.”
In that moment I felt my own heart swell, and tears came to my eyes. I felt as if Bade Baba was speaking directly to me and touching my heart. And I admitted to myself that I do go out of my heart a lot and that what I want most is to learn to stay in it.
I am so grateful to be brought back to my heart—the temple of the Self, the Guru, and God.
North Carolina, United States

In the “Be in the Temple”
satsang celebrating Raksha Bandhan, when we were invited to reflect on our experience of receiving the Guru’s protection, my attention was drawn to the violin music that was being played. I noticed melodic elements of the
namasankirtana He Bhagavan, and I closed my eyes and listened.
My mind became fully present to the sound, and my heart was melting in it. It was soft and full. When the music concluded, my mind was still, and I was reveling in this profound experience.
I realized that this is how I feel in the presence of the inner Guru. This is how I experience the Guru’s love and the Guru’s protection.
Quebec, Canada

As I listened to the speakers during the August 1 “Be in the Temple”
satsang, my heart overflowed with gratitude. For many months I had experienced challenges and uncertainties. There were moments when I felt pain and fear. In those moments, Gurumayi’s teachings from each of the “Be in the Temple”
satsangs were my support, providing me with just what I needed to proceed with my life with honor, faith, and wisdom. I keep going back to Gurumayi’s talks, and her words continue to guide my thoughts and actions.
Willemstad, Curacao
Since the “Be in the Temple”
satsang in celebration of Raksha Bandhan, I’ve been feeling more protected by the Guru than ever before. It’s as if Gurumayi and Bade Baba are holding me in the light and caring for me with exquisite delicacy. This experience encourages me to shine my own light onto others.
Barcelona, Spain
A few days ago I was singing the
Shiva Arati in the afternoon. As the
Arati progressed, stanza after stanza, I felt everything around me was fading out. After a point I could feel that only Bade Baba and I were present. Then I felt Bade Baba moving slowly toward me and ultimately “I” also ceased to exist. Only the magnificent form of Bade Baba remained, encompassing everything.
To me, this experience is a clear sign that Bade Baba is watching over me and taking care of everything. This experience revealed to me the significance of “Being in the Temple.”
Thane, India

Yesterday I invited someone to participate in the “Be in the Temple”
satsang celebrating Raksha Bandhan. Although she was thrilled to join in, she was concerned about her limited English. I told her to stay open and alert.
During the
satsang, just before meditation, my gaze was resting on Bade Baba's
murti. I started to feel waves and waves of love flowing forth through his being. Without speaking, the Guru's love had found its natural way to my grateful heart. Everything in Bade Baba's Temple is an embodiment of this bond of love. Every little flower tells me how much I am loved, how much I am protected.
At the conclusion of the
satsang, I knew for sure that the Guru’s love and protection are accessible in all languages—in everyone's heart.
Joliette, Canada

I was especially grateful for the time we were given to reflect and journal during the “Be in the Temple”
satsang for Raksha Bandhan. As I reflected on the question, "How have you given or experienced protection in your life?" my heart went immediately to the infinite ways I have experienced my Guru's protection. There have been countless times in my life when I would seek guidance or protection for specific transitional moments in life.
One day, I had the opportunity to ask Gurumayi a direct question about a dilemma before me. Gurumayi told me directly, "When has Gurumayi not been there for you? Gurumayi will always be there for you and your family!" From that moment on, I stopped doubting or seeking answers on the outside. Instead, I practiced asking my heart, where the Guru constantly resides. There I have discovered a wellspring of inner resources, true knowing, and gifts that continue to guide and protect me even in these most uncertain and challenging times.
California, United States

As the chant was starting in today's "Be in the Temple"
satsang in celebration of Raksha Bandhan, I jumped up from my seat to open the blinds and the window so the vibrations of
He Bhagavan could go out into the world. As the outer landscape was revealed, I noticed a beautiful bird standing near my window.
This bird was so beautiful! I had never seen one like this one in this area— brown with bright red feathers on the front of his neck and chest. He stood outside the window for a few minutes, taking in the sacred sounds and relishing the
shakti. I felt he had come to receive love and protection before taking flight once again.
It was such a sweet gift to witness how nature responds to our offerings and how strongly all beings on this planet are connected!
Naucalpan, Mexico

During this
satsang in honor of Raksha Bandhan, I experienced one revelation after another of the Guru's love and protection in my life, beginning in my mother's womb and extending to this very moment in time. At the end of the
satsang, when we were asked to listen inside to Bade Baba, I was shown images from my life that were crucial turning points at which the Guru intervened to protect me, in some cases literally saving my life.
My gratitude has swelled to embrace not just my being but the world itself. I thank Gurumayi, Baba, and Bade Baba for their eternal grace and protection.
Georgia, United States

I loved chanting
He Bhagavan! My love for this chant began when I first chanted it with all my heart during the Mumbai floods of 2005 when the city was completely overwhelmed; I was at home with my mom but my father and two sisters were stuck elsewhere. During that difficult time, without electricity or phone connections, I kept singing
He Bhagavan while sitting in front of my
puja and praying for protection. And indeed all three of my family members were protected and returned home in the next few days.
Today, while chanting this once again during the “Be in the Temple”
satsang, I remembered the protection I experienced in those days. Very recently I have also started chanting
He Bhagavan as I pray for protection for myself and the entire world during the pandemic.
Ulhasnagar, India

I am so grateful for this “Be in the Temple”
satsang on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan, and for its profound teachings on protection, both received and given. The “Glimpses of Gurumayi's Message Artwork” reinforced my experience of the Guru's waterfall of grace and love, which stills my mind and allows me to focus my awareness in the heart, on the "thumb-sized being of the heart, which is Consciousness" and on love and peace. Thus, I can lose myself in the all-pervasive blue light and still stay centered in the Self. Such divine protection!
New York, United States

In this
satsang celebrating Raksha Bandhan, I felt a much needed anchoring of my heart and spirit to heaven and earth, and to our beloved Siddha Yoga lineage, bringing me back to what is true for me and the
seva I offer in this lifetime.
I recalled the promise I sang to my beloved husband on his passing two years ago: "I will always sing in service for the healing of all humanity,” knowing that he would hear me and know I am not far away. Even though at this time I don't have the physical presence of my husband and other dear ones nearby, I know it is well beyond time to sing once again—for the healing of all humanity, as Gurumayi taught me so many years ago.
Kentucky, United States

In the “Be in the Temple”
satsang celebrating Raksha Bandhan, when we were invited to sit quietly with Bade Baba and listen to what he had to say to us about protection, this is what I heard: “When you ask for protection with love in your heart, rather than out of fear, that love forms the bond that draws grace to you and the protection you seek arises.”
Wisconsin, United States
When I heard David Katz speak of
arpana, I thought of my practices of offering
seva and
dakshina. When I perform these practices, I feel pure and free.
I am grateful for these weekly
satsangs that connect me to the purity of my heart and the knowledge of the Self.
Maputo, Mozambique
More than half an hour after the
satsang ended, I am still sitting in the stillness and silence of the
satsang. I am so grateful to my Guru for her continuous, wondrous gifts of grace, love, and knowledge. Watching my breath and the inner silence, I bow to my Shri Guru within, who has utterly transformed me and guided me so resolutely and with such affection.
Melbourne, Australia
This week is my birthday. I was so grateful for the “Be in the Temple”
satsang today. It felt like birthday
I loved the hydrangeas around Bade Baba. This is a flower I have blooming now at home. After the
satsang, I went outside with renewed appreciation for my garden. It is a sanctuary in my life—full of peace and calm and beauty.
Washington, United States
As I was sitting in the “Be in the Temple”
satsang yesterday, I experienced a deep sense of oneness. I felt as though my eyes were filled with the light of Bhagavan Nityananda. There was a stream of light connecting our eyes, and I felt I was seeing through his eyes. I felt as though my old beliefs were melting away, and I was being born again with a golden body.
I prayed to Bhagavan Nityananda, expressing my longing for the veil of separation between my small self and the infinite Self to be removed.
Florida, United State
When I am in the Temple, I become aware that I am in the presence of the deepest love, the greatest wisdom, and the highest knowledge.
South Carolina, United States
The “Be in the Temple”
satsangs give me great peace and positivity. They show me the sacredness of the vibrations I feel in my heart. They revive and strengthen my faith. All my blues fade, and I get relief. In these “Be in the Temple”
satsangs, my heart rejoices in eternal happiness.
In the latest
satsang I felt connected to all five elements present in nature and within me as well. I felt the orange light of the rising sun as the element of fire within me. I felt the boundless expanse of sky, and the stability and fertility of the earth within me. I felt enveloped by the calmness of the blowing wind.
And I find my resolve to be crystal-clear, and my ideas to be flowing like a pristine, pure stream of water. With the Guru’s abundant grace, we will all surely come through every phase in life.
Kota, India

Tears of love for Gurumayi came to my eyes while I listened to David Katz’s speech, expressing his unreserved love for the Guru. Each “Be in the Temple”
satsang has been glorious. Bade Baba’s robes, turban, and flowers are exquisite—a feast for the eyes and heart.
Somerville, Australia

July 4 was the day I received
shaktipat during a Shaktipat Intensive focused on discipleship many years ago. My father had passed away the year before. A few months after this Intensive I had a dream in which both Bade Baba and Baba were standing in my father's bedroom, which was completely empty of furniture. As they stood there, they were consulting with each other and gazing at me with kindness and understanding. I perceived they were there to give me solace and teachings, as well as support like that which a father offers to his children.
I remain grateful for the many teachings only a Master can share with a disciple. I offered many prayers for my father tonight during the
satsang. I loved the pictures of the children interacting with each Guru. They reminded me to come with a child’s open eyes and open heart into the presence of the Guru's grace.
Texas, United States

During the “Be in the Temple”
satsang my ears perked up when the host talked about the sky. I love looking out of the window and seeing the sky, especially in the morning and evening because of all the different colors one can see. So I loved hearing what he told us about the
golden sky.
That made me think, "I haven’t seen a golden sky for a while…" This morning, when I woke up to get ready for work, I opened the curtain and I could see a golden sky! I was very surprised. I was able to see it as I drove all the way to work. And at the end of the day as I was driving back home, the sky was golden too.
Obing, Germany

This evening in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall I was experiencing divine
shakti coursing through my entire body throughout the
satsang. My heart was bursting with devotion for Bade Baba, Baba, and Gurumayi, and I knew that I was having a powerful healing experience of Guru's grace.
Then, when I saw Gurumayi's teaching about the value of our being and that we should therefore “remember to handle it with care,” I knew that I had been given a direct experience of what that means. It showed me clearly that the grace-drawing practices are the path forward.
I love the Siddha Yoga path!
California, United States

For me, the “Be in the Temple”
satsang that concluded the month of Gurupurnima was filled with the presence of Baba Muktananda. When I saw the
pujari offering camphor and waving the
arati lights, it looked to me as if Baba was waving the lights. As I meditated on Bade Baba, one beautiful white garland was on Bade Baba and many beautiful white flowers in the shape of a heart had been placed on his lotus feet. I had the wonderful and amazing experience that it was Baba who had offered these flowers to Bade Baba. Within me, throughout the
satsang, Baba was worshiping Bade Baba.
It was so blissful to experience Baba's
puja to his Guru. After meditation I remained in that
bhav for some time.
Bangalore, India
I came into the “Be in the Temple”
satsang on Gurupurnima with scattered attention, and ended feeling peaceful and focused, seeing beauty.
California, United States
What a beautiful and powerful
satsang, filled with Bhagavan Nityananda's grace! When the
satsang started, my heart exploded with love, and tears streamed down my face. As we chanted
Om Namo Bhagavate Nityanandaya, I found myself transported into the Temple with Babe Baba, in a state of ecstasy and feeling so connected to the Guru's love. I felt like a fountain of love moving through space and time. Throughout the entire
satsang, I felt the Guru's palpable presence.
California, United States
I am very grateful to the Shakti Punj area in the SYDA Foundation for bringing forth the images and words of Bhagavan Nityananda that we heard during the seemlessly beautiful “Be in the Temple”
satsang in honor of his Lunar Punyatithi. His presence came through powerfully and radiantly!
My experience of it felt like a radiant shower of blessings. May these blessings flower within me and may they flower within all who were touched by this divine
New York, United States

Purity—this is what I experienced flowing through the voice of each person who spoke, and through the steady movements of the people who offered
arati and
naivedya in the “Be in the Temple”
satsang honoring Bade Baba. They were all pervaded by a luminous purity and the sweetness of steady devotion, like messengers sent by Bade Baba to embody these facets of his teachings.
As I immersed myself in this
satsang, I found that I too was becoming pervaded by these qualities. This experience reached a peak as I listened first to Bade Baba’s voice, and then to Lilavati, as she gave the translation of his words and guided us into meditation. It was like listening to the voice of my own heart—that subtle, divine voice I always long to hear. Lilavati’s voice carried an invitation that ushered me into the sacred realm in my own heart.
A profound inner quietness and connection with the purity and steady devotion I witnessed have stayed with me since this
California, United States

As I sit virtually at the feet of Bade Baba, I too am the dusty devotee who came to Ganeshpuri from far away to meet Bade Baba, whom the children pulled from the
darshan line, and who was taken inside to meet him. I am before the Lord, who always knew I was on my way.
St. Lazare, Canada

During the “Be in the Temple”
satsang honoring Bhagavan Nityananda’s Lunar Punyatithi, the most amazing thing I heard was that Bade Baba took
mahasamadhi fifty-nine years ago. Since I am sixty-seven, that meant he was alive for eight years of my life, which I had been unaware of. I feel that Bade Baba has guided my life since my birth. And when my child was a baby, we offered his life to Bade Baba. I feel that my child has been protected in many ways, and through Bade Baba’s grace I have come to know Baba and Gurumayi.
I often focus on Bade Baba’s open hands, which to me represent detachment from the ephemeral world. So I was grateful to see those close-up photos of his hands.
I am forever grateful for the lineage of Siddha Yoga.
California, United States

When I was chanting, I looked at Bade Baba, and I felt as if he was going to come alive anytime now and speak. Suddenly, I heard Baba speaking his teachings in the
To me, Baba is showering his grace upon us all.
eight-year-old from Thane West, India
In the “Blessings to Treasure” given on June 27, Gurumayi taught about the importance of purpose. Since then, I've found growing clarity about my life's purpose—to serve my beloved Guru and the Siddha Yoga vision for the world.
In a recent “Be in the Temple”
satsang, I heard one of the speakers share her own experience of putting forth effort toward her goals to achieve her purpose. In that moment, the goals I need to put in place to achieve my purpose crystalized almost instantaneously. It is a great gift, great
prasad, to move forward with this direction and invigorated intentions.
New York, United States
During today's meditation I felt Baba’s right arm embrace my right arm and hand. I experienced sweetness, gentleness, and kindness. I felt that I was touched by the hand of God.
Kentucky, United States
What a special moment hearing Bade Baba’s teachings in his own voice today! I was inspired to reflect on “the state of bliss” and composed the verses below in honor of Bade Baba’s Lunar Punyatithi.
Amazing! The state of bliss
is like meditation, a true mantra, and yoga:
It is both the seed and its fruit.
It is the very nature of both the path and liberation.
All salutations to the beloved Guru,
the radiant Nityananda.
His form is the root of deep meditation;
he dwells in the hub of the Heart.
Montreal, Canada

In the
satsang, Bade Baba’s love melted my heart. After the
satsang concluded, I closed my eyes to absorb all the love I had received. I again began to experience strong rays of love from Bade Baba. Tears of joy welled up within my closed eyes.
Moments later, I had a vision of myself sitting in Bade Baba’s Samadhi Mandir in Ganeshpuri. And a while later, I saw myself in Bade Baba’s Temple in Kanhangad, waving the
arati light to him. Rays of love poured from my heart.
Soon after, I asked Bade Baba, “You have given me so much love today. How can I make your love grow within me?” I realized that he had already given the answer during the
satsang: “Mantra is the awareness of oneness.” So I began to repeat the mantra and entered meditation.
Bangalore, India

I am so grateful for the jewel of a
satsang held in honor of Bade Baba’s Lunar Punyatithi. It felt like a sumptuous outpouring—a feast for the eyes and ears, and a complete banquet for the heart!
A highlight for me was the offering of
naivedya in the form of delicious
upma and Siddha coffee. It has been many years since I have tasted these delicacies, and I was thrilled to see them.
As this nourishment was offered to Bade Baba with devotion and care, I experienced a delectable sense of satisfaction within myself. It seemed to me that as Bade Baba accepted these offerings made on behalf of the
sangham, we were receiving the sustenance of the
naivedya. With all of the abundant content of the
satsang up to this point, who would have thought I could have felt fuller, but with the offering of
naivedya, I did!
Guildford, United Kingdom

satsang for Bade Baba’s Lunar Punyatithi was sheer magic, filled with generosity! As I viewed the photos of Bade Baba and listened to his sweet voice giving sacred teachings, I was overwhelmed by the love radiating from him into my entire being.
Later that evening I was drawn outside. I gazed up at the panorama of the last rays of light and the small clouds in the night sky, and I was filled with a sense of Bade Baba’s serene presence. As I joyfully thanked Bade Baba for this gift of his presence, I felt a sudden, powerful, tingling throb in my heart, rich with love and a sense of connection. In that moment I understood a line in verse 23 of the Arati: “His body is all-pervasive, like space
Hastings, United Kingdom

During the
satsang in honor of Bade Baba’s Lunar Punyatithi, I had a profound experience while listening to the audio recording from the Shakti Punja archives of Bade Baba giving teachings.
As I was focusing on Bade Baba’s voice, my awareness of my body dissolved. I became intently focused on a thick column of energy at the core of my being. After a few moments, I started experiencing the column of energy pulsating with the words
Shivo’ham. It was as if with every beat of my heart,
Shivo’ham spread throughout my being.
Shivo’ham, Shivo’ham. I am Shiva, I am Shiva. It was an instantaneous and powerful experience. After this, I understood even better all the stories of people’s experiences of being in Bade Baba’s presence.
I am grateful to the SYDA Foundation for making this archival material available for this
Utah, United States

Having witnessed firsthand the devotion that the villagers in Ganeshpuri have for Bade Baba, I have often wished that I had been born earlier so that I could have had Bade Baba's
darshan in person. During the
satsang, I felt my wish came true when I heard Bade Baba's voice. I felt that I was kneeling at his feet and personally receiving the full measure of his grace and protection. It was a profoundly sweet experience, one that I will treasure forever.
For me, these
satsangs are resplendent gifts of divine experience. I’m so grateful to Gurumayi for this holy
Georgia, United States

I have always felt a distinct bond of love with Bade Baba. As I watched his image during the
satsang, I recalled sitting in the Bhagavan Nityananda Temple for meditation and feeling that I was sitting at the “right hand of God.”
During the Nityananda Arati, I found myself not only singing, but also dancing in slow motion. I cannot explain the meditative state I experienced—I only know that I long to return to it!
New York, United States

I felt I was carried to Bade Baba himself by the photos shown in the
satsang and by all the grace I experienced behind them. I decided to try to do what the speaker suggested, to sing with all my heart. As I did this, I could feel the warm atmosphere of Bade Baba's home. The birdcall reminded me of the sounds coming from outside the room where Bade Baba took
At the end of the day, the Nityananda Arati was still on my mind and I sang it again. The next morning I woke up to the melody and the words of the refrain. Sounds of construction at a neighbor’s house that had previously disturbed me now reminded me of construction I’ve witnessed around the Ashram. They mingled with my inner harmony.
Even now as I go about my everyday work, Bade Baba's subtle presence is still alive in me. How awesome!
Hindelang, Germany

Seeing Bade Baba’s radiant form during the
satsang in honor of his lunar
punyathiti made me realize how blessed I am to have a relationship with him.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The “Be in the Temple”
satsangs have been such
prasad from Sri Gurumayi. They have brought a wave of protection, care, and strength to our family as we have participated together in each one.
In the
satsang for Bade Baba’s Lunar Punyatithi, it felt like
mahaprasad to receive his
darshan after chanting. His voice and his teachings took us into deep inner silence. We could feel his presence tangibly in our hearts, and we are still experiencing a state of bliss.
We are so grateful to be in the Universal Hall, where we feel the Guru's presence and grace so strongly.
Kolkata, India

Attending this
satsang was like bathing in the ever-flowing ocean of Bade Baba's grace. I felt an upsurge of joy the minute I laid my eyes on his glorious form. As I listened to the stories from Bade Baba's life and sang his name, I was transported to Ganeshpuri! I imagined myself dancing and singing the glory of Bade Baba in the streets of the small village.
Then, at the onset of meditation, as I focused on my breath and Bade Baba's words reverberating inside me, I felt one with everyone in the Universal Hall. I could recognize in my heart the love that was emanating from the many hearts around the world.
With love and gratitude, I offer a thousand pranams to our beloved Bade Baba.
Mumbai, India

As I gazed at the photographs of Bade Baba, listened to the stories of encounters with him, and heard his voice speaking and singing, my mind was drawn inward and became quiet. Then in meditation, I was embraced by a beautiful silence that pulsated with blissful energy.
I knew I was experiencing the
darshan of Bade Baba.
New Jersey, United States
During the live video stream honoring Bade Baba’s Lunar Punyatithi, I felt as if I were in Ganeshpuri having Bade Baba’s
darshan. Later in the day, as I was doing
japa, I was suddenly drawn into meditation. One of the pictures of Bade Baba that had been shown in the
satsang appeared before my mind’s eye. Deep devotion to Bade Baba welled up within me, and I found myself doing a full
pranam to him, thanking him for his abundant grace and blessings in my life.
Burnaby, Canada

During the
satsang in honor of Bhagavan Nityananda's Lunar Punyatithi, as I listened to the story about the origin of the Nityananda Arati, I became absorbed in Bade Baba's
murti. The words "Bhagavan Nityananda is the goal, Bhagavan Nityananda is the path, Bhagavan Nityananda is my final destination" arose in my consciousness. And throughout the
satsang, the
murti was so alive for me that I could experience it breathing, and I synchronized my own breathing to Bade Baba’s. It was an experience I will forever remember and cherish.
Rennes, France
The “Be in the Temple”
satsangs have reignited my connection to the Guru and the
sangham during these challenging times. My commitment to the practices has reemerged. I have faith that whatever happens will be all right because I am “seated” at my Guru’s feet and supported by the great Siddhas of our lineage.
Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico

Watching the
naivedya, the beautiful food offering to Bade Baba, I thought how wonderful it would be to carry out my own activities, particularly cooking and eating, with such loving attention. I felt inspired to pursue this idea, to develop a particular reminder and simple ritual that would help me slow down and be more consciously present as I cook and eat in the midst of the bustle of my everyday life.
I have to admit that when I first tried to pay loving attention to my eating a few hours after the live video stream, I found it challenging. I saw how ingrained my habits were. I decided to coax myself gently to experiment with a new approach. When I did this, I felt a rush of love and
shakti supporting me. I teared up with gratitude, and I feel empowered to continue my efforts.
Being with Bade Baba provides me with a never-ending source of love and awareness.
Ohio, United States

This evening the setting sun looks like liquid gold, reminding me of Bade Baba’s presence this morning in the “Be in the Temple”
satsang in honor of his Lunar Punyatithi. I feel Bade Baba smiling in bliss from deep within my heart, where he is. My heart is telling me, “Even the sun melts in love on the anniversary of Bade Baba’s Punyatithi.”
Connecticut, United States

When the host said there could be a big surprise after chanting
Om Namo Bhagavate Nityanandaya, I decided to keep my eyes wide open. As I chanted with my eyes open, I saw golden light flowing through Bade Baba’s eyes, and felt his presence very strongly. I felt so much bliss and love within and around me. And it was
mahaprasad to hear Bade Baba’s voice for the first time in my life. I felt so blessed!
It also happened that I had offered
upma and chai to Bade Baba, Baba, and Gurumayi at breakfast time in the morning. When I participated in the
satsang that evening, and saw the
upma being offered to Bade Baba, I felt as if the
upma I had offered had reached Bade Baba. What a joyous celebration!
Midstream, South Africa

In today's “Be in the Temple”
satsang in honor of Bade Baba´s Lunar Punyatithi, while in meditation, I experienced Bade Baba's unconditional love—an all-pervasive love, a force that enveloped my whole body from the outside and filled my inner being with profound peace.
After meditation these words arose from within:
Bade Baba's love is my only refuge.
Bade Baba´s love is where the answer is.
In his love lies my longed-for happiness.
In his love is where it all begins.
In Bade Baba's love, I'll find liberation.
Guadalajara, Mexico

Today, after the “Be in the Temple”
satsang in honor of Bade Baba’s Lunar Punyatithi, I want to say "thank you" to Bade Baba.
Seven years ago, on July 25, 2013, I had participated in the local
satsang in honor of Bhagavan Nityananda's Punyatithi. When I was driving back home, I got into a big accident—and I had the strong feeling that Bade Baba was with me the whole time. And this accident has brought me a new life, full of grace!
Seven years later, during this
satsang, I suddenly felt, "Have I missed something? There was no meditation…” Of course, I
was meditating—not sleeping—and emerged with a feeling of great love, just in time for the Nityananda Arati. I felt I had been somewhere else—in a secret place with Bade Baba.
Thank you, Bade Baba, for your immense grace!
St. Sebastien sur Loire, France

After listening to Bade Baba's voice flow over me and through me, I felt as if another layer over my heart or self was being gently lifted off, allowing my own light to shine brighter within and to mingle with the Guru's vibrant Consciousness. All there was to experience was perfect peace.
I am so grateful to Gurumayi for establishing Shakti Punj, the area in the SYDA Foundation responsible for gathering, protecting, and sharing such rare gems and teachings that illuminate for all of humanity what is possible for us to experience! I am also grateful to know that offering
dakshina is one way I can express my profound gratitude.
South Yarra, Australia

What an exquisite “Be in the Temple”
satsang in honor of Bade Baba's Lunar Punyatithi! The pictures of Bade Baba as a young man were amazing and so beautiful. They are a hundred years old! The sound of his voice was so powerful. And the Nityananda Arati felt like a bubble of golden light. I felt so uplifted by the Arati.
Bade Baba's presence was very strong for me during and after the Arati. His presence today feels very tangible and so loving, light, and joyful. What a blessing it has been to receive this beautiful experience during this time!
Washington, United States

Being in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall for Bade Baba’s Lunar Punyatithi brought me blessings beyond belief! I was totally immersed in the magnificent form of Bhagavan Nityananda—serene, unshakeable, confident, and filled with eternal bliss.
mahaprasad it was to be able to listen to his bliss-filled voice! For so long, my eyes have been blessed to see his form, but today, my ears were blessed too in hearing his sacred voice. Words cannot do justice to the gratitude I felt in my heart. The two stories about him were new to me, and filled me completely. His great teachings will stay with me and guide me forever.
satsang reminded me of a dream I once had. Bade Baba was shampooing my hair and he said, “I have washed you clean of all your karmas; now go and clean yourself.” I answered, “Bade Baba, you started this so you should finish it.” He responded, “No, my job is done. Go and clean yourself.” This is the immense blessing I received from Bade Baba.
Hosur, India

With each “Be in the Temple”
satsang I have felt more and more oneness with Bade Baba as I am immersed in his radiant form. In the
satsang in honor of his Lunar Punyatithi, the sweetness and power of the stories about him and the audio recording of him speaking and singing brought tears of love and immense gratitude for the grace that he is constantly showering on us all in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall.
Illinois, United States

What an exquisite program today, celebrating the Lunar Punyatithi of our beloved Bade Baba! My heart continues to sparkle with the golden light of this beautiful
I must emphasize that I loved seeing the watermelon with a beautiful heart carved into it that decorated the platform on which Bhagavan Nityananda’s
murti sits. Looking at it, I remembered the blessings of all the fruits that Mother Earth offers us. It also reminded me of why I changed my diet to a plant-based one, out of compassion for myself, the earth, and the animals. All this gratitude arose in me when observing the beautiful watermelon!
Queretaro, Mexico

The “Be in the Temple”
satsangs have been wonderful experiences. And reading Siddha Yogis' shares about them has given me another level of
satsang and an experience in itself.
In the last few days I have personally interacted with a few key young sevites and a few people offering leadership
seva in different cities, inviting them to encourage the Siddha Yogis in their community to share on the Siddha Yoga path website and to cultivate the habit of articulating their experiences in this way and others.
I was surprised by the positive response I got. Everyone readily accepted the invitation to contribute by sharing their own insights. Young Siddha Yoga students got ready to help older people translate from their local language to English. And those offering leadership
seva have shared this further with many others.
I'm hopeful that many will be inspired to articulate their experiences through shares on the website. This in turn will benefit them in their own
sadhana. As I see it, on the Siddha Yoga path, it's always a win-win!
Thane West, India

I had the most amazing experience when I heard Bhagavan Nityananda's voice during the
satsang in celebration of his Lunar Punyatithi. While listening to his voice through my physical ears, I simultaneously heard his words arise from within my heart. It felt like his voice was my own heart speaking.
Soon after, when I heard the English translation of Bade Baba's teachings, I was plunged even deeper into his words, as if they were a bottomless well. One teaching in particular resonated with me: that “mantra is the awareness of oneness” and leads us to that oneness.
As I repeated the mantra
Om Namah Shivaya during meditation, I experienced the teaching I’d heard before—that the Siddha Yoga Gurus, the mantra, and the mantra’s repeater are already and always one. The mantra was like a cup overflowing with unity, with the presence of
nityananda, “eternal bliss.”
I now have renewed faith and deepened conviction that Bhagavan Nityananda is very much alive in my heart and that his grace and blessings are flooding each moment of my life.
New York, United States

It was wonderful to hear the story of the origin of the Nityananda Arati. It had particular significance for me.
About ten years ago I had the great good fortune to be able to spend a week traveling throughout Maharashtra, visiting the shrines of the holy beings and saints I’d heard about from Baba and Gurumayi. I started my journey in the village of Ganeshpuri, and happened to be there on the day of Bade Baba's Punyatithi. With his blessings I then visited many sites. The two that had the most power and presence for me, sending me into deep meditation, were the
samadhi shrines of Sai Baba of Shirdi and Akkalkot Swami. It felt so similar to my experience of Bade Baba.
Later, when I read the translation of the Nityananda Arati, it all made sense—I had received
darshan of the same great being in all three places. Apparently the author of the Nityananda Arati had the same experience. What a miracle, and what a blessing!
California, United States

I feel so blessed and grateful for today’s “Be in the Temple”
satsang in honor of Bhagavan Nityananda’s Lunar Punyatithi. Today I was able to say to Bade Baba, “I love you," and to feel in my heart that he heard me. He always says, “Welcome, my child,” to me and this brings tears of joy.
After hearing Bade Baba’s sublime teachings in his own voice, I feel very calm and deeply content. I had a vision in which my physical body kept disappearing. It was amazing to experience this oneness.
Eastbourne, United Kingdom

In my meditation room, I have many pictures of the Guru, and pictures and statues of many deities. When we were all singing the Nityananda Arati during the
satsang in honor of Bhagavan Nityananda’s Lunar Punyatithi, I glanced around the room, and felt that all the deities were honoring and loving Bade Baba, and enjoying his Arati. I was surrounded by love.
When we were chanting
Om Namo Bhagavate Nityanandaya, I experienced Bade Baba's teachings of oneness and freedom. When I heard the lead chanters, I felt it was me chanting. This feeling of oneness then permeated the rest of the
satsang. Little by little I began to feel that I was everyone.
I am so grateful to Bade Baba for his presence and for his teachings in my life.
Maryland, United States

Listening to the “Be in the Temple”
satsang in honor of Bhagavan Nityananda’s Lunar Punyatithi reminded me that I made my first connection with Bade Baba in his Temple in Ganeshpuri in 1982. I also remember sitting in his Temple in South Fallsburg with my very young son as we both observed Bade Baba's
murti breathing. So he has been very much alive for me ever since.
Today during the meditation in the
satsang in his honor, I experienced that his entire being came into
my being, filling my whole body with his divine presence. It felt like he was giving me all of himself, not just a part.
I am feeling so much gratitude for his magnanimous and generous heart—a gift I will treasure for the rest of my life.
South Carolina, United States

The “Be in The Temple”
satsang honoring Bhagavan Nityananda's Lunar Punyatithi was resplendent with grace, perfection, and sweetness. I was lifted beyond my mortal self into the sacred arms of the Divine, where true fulfillment and peace are found. I am feeling unity, bliss, and gratitude.
New York, United States
In the meditation today, during the “Be in the Temple”
satsang in honor of Bhagavan Nityananda’s Lunar Punyatithi, I had
darshan of Bhagavan Nityananda in my heart. I could see him sitting in my heart space. I felt very close to him. I feel very protected by him.
During the
satsang, it was amazing to hear Bade Baba's voice! I never thought I would be able to hear it. It was wonderful!
Massachusetts, United States

I had the most amazing experience when I heard Bhagavan Nityananda's voice during the
satsang in celebration of his Lunar Punyatithi. While listening to his voice through my physical ears, I simultaneously heard his words arise from within my heart. It felt like his voice was my own heart speaking.
Soon after, when I heard the English translation of Bade Baba's teachings, I was plunged even deeper into his words, as if they were a bottomless well. One teaching in particular resonated with me: that "mantra is the awareness of oneness" and leads us to that oneness.
As I repeated the mantra
Om Namah Shivaya during meditation, I experienced the teaching I’d heard before—that the Siddha Yoga Gurus, the mantra, and the mantra’s repeater are already and always one. The mantra was like a cup overflowing with unity, with the presence of
nityananda, "eternal bliss."
I now have renewed faith and deepened conviction that Bhagavan Nityananda is very much alive in my heart and that his grace and blessings are flooding each moment of my life.
New York, United States

It was wonderful to hear the story of the origin of the Nityananda Arati. It had particular significance for me.
About ten years ago I had the great good fortune to be able to spend a week traveling throughout Maharashtra, visiting the shrines of the holy beings and saints I’d heard about from Baba and Gurumayi. I started my journey in the village of Ganeshpuri, and happened to be there on the day of Bade Baba's Punyatithi. With his blessings I then visited many sites. The two that had the most power and presence for me, sending me into deep meditation, were the
samadhi shrines of Sai Baba of Shirdi and Akkalkot Swami. It felt so similar to my experience of Bade Baba.
Later, when I read the translation of the Nityananda Arati, it all made sense—I had received
darshan of the same great being in all three places. Apparently the author of the Nityananda Arati had the same experience. What a miracle, and what a blessing!
California, United States

I feel so blessed and grateful for today’s "Be in the Temple
" satsang in honor of Bhagavan Nityananda’s Lunar Punyatithi. Today I was able to say to Bade Baba, "I love you," and to feel in my heart that he heard me. He always says, "Welcome, my child," to me and this brings tears of joy.
After hearing Bade Baba’s sublime teachings in his own voice, I feel very calm and deeply content. I had a vision in which my physical body kept disappearing. It was amazing to experience this oneness.
Eastbourne, United Kingdom

In my meditation room, I have many pictures of the Guru, and pictures and statues of many deities. When we were all singing the Nityananda Arati during the
satsang in honor of Bhagavan Nityananda’s Lunar Punyatithi, I glanced around the room, and felt that all the deities were honoring and loving Bade Baba, and enjoying his Arati. I was surrounded by love.
When we were chanting
Om Namo Bhagavate Nityanandaya, I experienced Bade Baba's teachings of oneness and freedom. When I heard the lead chanters, I felt it was me chanting. This feeling of oneness then permeated the rest of the
satsang. Little by little I began to feel that I was everyone.
I am so grateful to Bade Baba for his presence and for his teachings in my life.
Maryland, United States

Listening to the “Be in the Temple”
satsang in honor of Bhagavan Nityananda’s Lunar Punyatithi reminded me that I made my first connection with Bade Baba in his Temple in Ganeshpuri in 1982. I also remember sitting in his Temple in South Fallsburg with my very young son as we both observed Bade Baba's
murti breathing. So he has been very much alive for me ever since.
Today during the meditation in the
satsang in his honor, I experienced that his entire being came into
my being, filling my whole body with his divine presence. It felt like he was giving me all of himself, not just a part.
I am feeling so much gratitude for his magnanimous and generous heart—a gift I will treasure for the rest of my life.
South Carolina, United States

The "Be in The Temple"
satsang honoring Bhagavan Nityananda's Lunar Punyatithi was resplendent with grace, perfection, and sweetness. I was lifted beyond my mortal self into the sacred arms of the Divine, where true fulfillment and peace are found. I am feeling unity, bliss, and gratitude.
New York, United States
In the meditation today, during the “Be in the Temple”
satsang in honor of Bhagavan Nityananda’s Lunar Punyatithi, I had
darshan of Bhagavan Nityananda in my heart. I could see him sitting in my heart space. I felt very close to him. I feel very protected by him.
During the
satsang, it was amazing to hear Bade Baba's voice! I never thought I would be able to hear it. It was wonderful!
Massachusetts, United States

In the
satsang we were asked if we like our “go-to” place in times of difficulty, and if not, whether we are taking steps to change that. I realized that my go-to place is one of “lacks.” I recognized that I need to practice gratitude. There are many things to be grateful for, and the one that is foundational for me is that the living Guru resides in my heart and will never leave. As I reminded myself of that, I immediately saw that when gratitude arises, my heart softens and opens, and I am able to accept this presence within. And then what flows from that almost immediately is surrender, allowing my dear inner Guru to guide me.
The meditation that followed this realization was so nourishing and powerful, very deep and full of love. Instead of battling against my lacks, I had opened my heart and being to my Guru right here within me; my heart breathed a deep sigh, and my whole being was suffused with the love and power of my Guru’s
California, United States

As the three young Siddha Yogis shared their personal experiences, they touched my heart with their pure love for Gurumayi and the Siddha Yoga path. The way they imbibe and live the teachings was so uplifting and inspiring to me! I could feel their devotion and trust shine through their talks and songs.
I feel that the future of this Earth is in the hands of young people, and I am so grateful to Gurumayi for endowing them with such powerful guidance to make this world a better place.
Palzing, Germany

During the most recent “Be in the Temple”
satsang I was gazing at the beautiful flowers around Bade Baba. At first I was marveling at the beauty of the arrangement, the colors, the delicacy of the blossoms. Then suddenly I felt the love. The love of the ones who made the arrangements, who put so much effort and care into the decoration of the
puja—and the love and devotion of the disciple for the Guru, which became visible through this work of art.
And then, after taking in the beauty of the lilies and irises, suddenly I felt the love of the Creator, who created this beauty, and also the love of the flowers for their Creator, God. Feeling the love brought tears to my eyes and my heart was filled with bliss. And suddenly I understood that there is a message in the flowers which is beyond their beauty.
I am grateful to Gurumayi for these precious and uplifting
satsangs, which are a great support for all of us.
Großkarolinenfeld, Germany

Encouraged by the host of last night’s “Be in the Temple”
satsang, I feel inspired to share my experience of hearing the young woman's story of performing in “The Golden Tales” years ago.
I was moved by her taking to heart Gurumayi's instructions on how to practice the song she was to perform. She shared so vividly how she walked around Lake Nityananda, singing to the sky and the trees, as she implemented Gurumayi's teachings day after day. The photo from the play showed her as the blue Lord Krishna, and she described how she had fully imbibed Gurumayi's instructions and taken to heart her role as Lord Krishna. I could feel her voice to be speaking the Truth.
This morning when I awoke, I recalled her words and her blue form in the photo. I then became aware of my entire being being blue, dyed in the color of scintillating blue particles of Consciousness. These “Be in the Temple”
satsangs are indeed a treasure!
Georgia, United States

The “Be in the Temple”
satsang that included three young people speaking about lessons they’d learned from Gurumayi was rich with teachings that apply directly to me at this time.
For many years I have hurried from one project to another, one thing to another. Over the last few years, I have been making it a practice to pause and take a breath between activities. When I heard Janaka speak about his practice of "pausing and connecting," I realized that whenever I had been pausing, I hadn’t been consciously connecting to my Self.
After listening to Janaka and reflecting on what he said, I have come up with a new intention. As I transition from one activity to another, it is my firm intention to take a breath, pause, and—with full awareness—connect to my heart. Then and only then will I proceed.
My gratitude for the “Be in the Temple”
satsangs fills me with love and gratitude.
California, United States

I really like the “Be in the Temple”
satsangs because they make me feel happy and joyful. Today my heart was pumping up and down when I heard the chant
Om Namo Bhagavate Muktanandaya. In this
satsang I was really ​happy to see all the speakers telling their experiences and singing chants.
Thank you, Gurumayi, for all the
a nine-year-old from Wellington, New Zealand

A few days ago, I lost the audio on my only internet device. So during the latest “Be in the Temple”
satsang, I watched Bade Baba, kept an eye on the screen as I began dinner, and attempted to read the speakers’ lips although without success. Finally, blissful words came on the screen with a spectacular backdrop of nature's colors, bringing with them the confirmation of my answer to a longstanding question: “How do I ‘float’ above my past and live with a more positive attitude?”
Gurumayi's commands and her confidence in us to fulfill them sparked joy, confidence, and determination throughout my being. What a great opportunity we have to help the world! We have everything we need! As I think of Gurumayi’s many creations in her life, the transformations she has brought about in thousands of us, and her eternal help in fulfilling our dreams to benefit everyone, I am blissfully soaring once again!
Washington, United States

The “Be in the Temple”
satsangs have been a lifesaver for me. To have this refuge in the Guru's house offered almost every week during these times of uncertainty first kept my hope alive. Then I began to pay more attention to the seriousness of the teachings, to the absolute need for me to apply effort with every breath and step—and the absolute fact that, when I do so, my life and hope and joy are saved and preserved and nurtured and shared.
Like so many others, I have experienced many difficult moments over the past months. But the one constant throughout for me has been the blessed presence of the Guru through these
satsangs, and the amazing opportunity to devote more and more time to the practices.
Alone? Hardly!
California, United States

I love receiving the Siddha Yoga teachings through stories and experience shares, as we have been doing in some of the recent “Be in the Temple”
satsangs. I instantly feel as if we have been gathered around a blazing campfire beneath a sky aglow with the sunset; slowly the stars emerge and the moon rises. Enveloped in warmth and complete trust, everyone shares a sense of wonder, heightened awareness, and repose.
How I look forward to being “around the campfire” in the Temple once again!
Dulwich Hill, Australia
Singing the Arati in the “Be in the Temple”
satsangs has inspired me to continue singing it every day. I feel so connected and grounded, being able to perform my practices, renewed by each “Be in the Temple”
satsang. It feels as if the Ashram Daily Schedule has embedded itself in my own daily life during this lockdown period.
I am deeply grateful to Gurumayi ji for inspiring this enthusiasm in me to integrate these uplifting Siddha Yoga practices at home every day.
Mumbai, India

I am still savoring my experience of the “Be in the Temple”
satsang in celebration of Gurupurnima. In the Universal Hall, I felt the pristine presence of Gurumayi’s
sankalpa, her divine intention. I recall the sweet offerings and powerful mantras dedicated to the Guru's sandals as they emanated from Gurudev Siddha Peeth. I remember the tender devotion of the music ensemble bringing sweet tears to my eyes as they sang
Shri Guru Sarikha.
This experience leads me to want to express my joy and gratitude always.
Vermont, United States

Truly, these “Be in the Temple”
satsangs have been a lifeline for me. During this time of the pandemic, while I have had to endure some hardships, I feel that I have also existed in a parallel realm in a parallel time—in the Universal Hall with Siddha Yogis from all over the planet, in intimate communion with Gurumayi. The words from a Psalm come to me as I reflect on my experience: “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”
Virginia, United States

For me, the “Be in the Temple”
satsang for Gurupurnima 2020 was a profound experience of Guru's grace. As I watched the
abhishek of the Guru's sandals in Gurudev Siddha Peeth, my whole being was filled with bliss. This feeling continued throughout the
Later in the day, I took some time to review my journal entries for the month of June and to read a chapter from Gurumayi's book
Kindle My Heart. As I engaged in this study, the feeling of bliss returned and bathed me in a sweet and comforting energy.
I am so grateful for the Siddha Yoga practices and the sacred experiences they bring to my life.
New Jersey, United States

This was one of the most wonderful and powerful celebrations of July 4 and Gurupurnima that I have ever had! The power of this
satsang was incredible. I loved seeing Bade Baba dressed in blue and surrounded by red and white flowers. He looked radiant and exquisite. His facial expression is always one of such deep calm and benevolence.
satsang brought me into a deeply serene state and I stayed in this all day, listening and chanting
Om Gurudev and repeating
Guru Om. Such a gift! I feel so close to the Guru.
Washington, United States
I had been contemplating the form of Bade Baba that we saw yesterday in the “Be in the Temple”
satsang during the
abhishek for the Guru’s
padukas since I was having a desire to see Bade Baba’s form in Guru Chowk once again. So seeing him yesterday brought me great joy and love. My mind and heart were full of ecstasy and infinite love toward Bade Baba.
This unique gift is one that I will cherish all my life.
Bhopal, India
This morning the “Be in the Temple”
satsang for Gurupurnima was a dream come true! I had always longed to return to Gurudev Siddha Peeth and now my prayer was answered through this
satsang. To see Bade Baba's divine form in Guru Chowk again and to witness the
abhishek for the Guru's
padukas left me with an overflowing heart that ended in tears of joy by the time I'd heard the global ensemble's powerful singing.
California, United States

Today, on Gurupurnima, I was totally drawn into the heart and I remained absorbed there throughout the entire “Be in the Temple”
satsang. What a cascade of grace, devotion, and teachings, of offerings, of music, of love! I feel so profoundly grateful for having received
shaktipat diksha, spiritual initiation, and having this divine path as the center pillar in my life.
During the
satsang, after we had been sitting at the feet of Bhagavan Nityananda's wonderful form in Gurudev Siddha Peeth as
abhishek to the Guru's
padukas was performed, I was overpowered by gratitude to Baba Muktananda. I allowed this feeling to fill my entire being. I sensed how he offered every cell in his body, every atom of his breath, every light particle of his being in devotion to his Guru, Bhagavan Nityananda. Without his magnanimous effort and
sadhana, neither I nor anyone else would have been able to participate in this
satsang today.
I bow to Shri Guru!
Oslo, Norway

Being invited into the courtyard of Guru Chowk in Gurudev Siddha Peeth was
mahaprasad. And then to be able to witness the
abhishek for the Guru’s
padukas was simply glorious!
When I was a young man living in Gurudev Siddha Peeth, I would get up before dawn to offer
seva—by sweeping and cleaning the exact spot where the
abhishek was performed today. The whole courtyard would be silent apart from the sound of awakening birdsong and the swishing of our twig brooms. Their to-and-fro on the marble floor resembled the sound of waves lapping on the beach but they also reverberated with the sound of
So’ham as the figure of Bade Baba benevolently watched over us.
After concluding this
seva each morning, I would offer
pranam to Baba Muktananda’s
padukas, then I would wish Bade Baba a good morning with hands in
namaste, and finally I would run my fingers across the marble in front of Gurumayi’s chair in the hope that I would collect a single speck of dust from her sacred feet.
I now have a treasure chest of divine dust in the temple of my heart.
London, United Kingdom

I felt beyond honored to participate in this Gurupurnima
satsang, in which I truly experienced the divine wonder of our Guru.
Recent events in the world have been challenging and I have felt that the planet is at a tipping point. During the
satsang, I felt golden light radiate throughout my being. I now feel and accept that we are on a golden path, that is leading us to where we need to go. I felt a lot of inner cleansing and the presence of grace that, together, will help me to accept what is, to be kind, to act with love and compassion for others and myself, to encourage others to do the same, to give authentically, and to be silent in the golden light.
Gurumayi's light illuminates all—as it always has.
Exeter, United Kingdom
I was awed by the amazing and profound
satsang held today for Gurupurnima. The talks, the chants, the music, the host, and the teachings were magnificent. I feel renewed and rejuvenated from the depths of my being.
Florida, United States

During a recent “Be in the Temple”
satsang, my husband and I had our window opened so we could hear the gentle sound of the waterfall outside. This sound reminds me of the showering of grace that I see in Gurumayi’s Message Artwork for 2020 and is a perfect backdrop for these
satsangs via live video stream. At the precise moment the host said the name of Baba’s book,
Mukteshwari, the wind chime next to the waterfall rang just once in the still air. I felt a rhapsodic flow of
shakti and the sacred recognition, “Nature is honoring Gurumayi’s
Birthday Bliss month!”
This wasn’t the first time nature has surprised us in connection with a “Be in the Temple
” satsang. At the end of May, just when the last
satsang for Baba’s Birthday Month concluded, we heard an unexpected downpour of rain outside our window. My husband and I scurried outside, and began to dance, whirling about in the purifying heavenly waters pouring down. It was an exhilarating finale to celebrating the month of Baba’s Birthday.
Oregon, United States

Singing the Arati and reciting the Upanishad Mantras together was very beautiful and sweet. It was a great morning for me. During the
dharana for meditation, I felt like I was part of the sun and that the sun’s light was entering me through the Guru’s grace. This experience reminded me that the light of the Guru is everywhere and always watching over me, wherever I am. This light frees me from suffering. I feel happy inside as I think about the Guru always blessing me and always being with me as the shining light of the inner sun.
Valsad, India

The “Be in the Temple”
satsang today was so deep and rich. I loved the daisies and the fruit and ferns around Bhagavan Nityananda’s
murti. To me, Bade Baba looked like a celebration of nature.
The Arati was beautiful, so smooth and melodious. It felt like a stream cascading gently as it flowed. And my eyes loved the massage I gave them, as the
satsang host instructed us to do.
The words at the end were a wake-up call for me to focus on the gift of life and on my vision for a life of service.
Washington, United States

My husband and I cleaned our home, bathed, set up a
puja in our TV room, lit candles, waved incense, offered
prasad, and sat eagerly waiting for the “Be in the Temple”
satsang to begin. When the Message Artwork appeared, and then Bhagavan Nityananda’s
murti, so eloquently dressed in green and gold and surrounded by daisies and honeysuckle, our hearts exalted!
After the
satsang, I was so lit up with wisdom, I felt myself to be palpably enveloped in heavenly light and divine sound. My husband and I are both aglow with renewed energy and the desire to do our daily
sadhana wholeheartedly and with clear purpose.
Oregon, United States

As we started reciting the Upanishad Mantras in the “Be in the Temple”
satsang, I felt Gurumayi's presence and was flooded with grace and love. My heart, which has felt closed since the trauma of the bushfires, opened like a daisy in the sun. My grief over the loss of wildlife and plants began to lessen.
I am so grateful for Gurumayi’s love and guidance in these challenging times.
Lismore Heights, Australia
As we sang the Arati and recited the Upanishad Mantras, the sweet words and melodious tunes penetrated my entire being. I felt content and experienced a sense of oneness with the ultimate Truth.
Mumbai, India
In the Temple today after chanting, hearing the host’s light-filled words, then meditating, and listening to the blissful sounds of the song based on Baba's
Mukteshwari, it was time for
darshan of Bade Baba. When the camera moved back to Bade Baba's
murti, I saw a halo of golden light around his head. I knew that for a brief moment my sweetened eyes had seen the light of God.
California, United States

My husband and I are at my mother's house, our children sleeping peacefully, as we enjoy our reunion after a long confinement. As my mother, my husband, and I gather for the livestreamed
satsang, I am in charge of simultaneously translating for them.
During the
satsang each word, each
dharana, each visualization evokes so much light within me! While I translate for my family, I feel a lot of energy taking me inside. The camera focuses on Bade Baba, the voice is from the host, but the words that enter me feel like they come directly from Gurumayi. The light is penetrating my eyes, my brain, and all the cells of my body. I feel as if the universe is opening within me, while a very subtle yet powerful energy opens my third-eye chakra.
During meditation I feel as if I am going into a very deep state and currents of energy move along my spine. I feel that this powerful energy is lodged in my eyes to purify them and to teach me to see both the inner and outer worlds with the eyes of the Siddhas. I am full of gratitude!
Barcelona, Spain

As this exquisite
satsang began with the Evening Arati, I gazed upon Bade Baba's golden form, taking in the delicate green and gold silks and yellow turban amidst the balm of green fronds and sparkling daisies.
It was Bade Baba's yellow turban that caught my focus, and tears began flowing from my eyes. I heard a voice saying "I am the sun. I am the sun. I am the Truth," repeating this several times, along with the drum, the bells, and other instruments. I then realized it was
my voice! I was speaking these words, and these words were the Truth.
Melbourne, Australia

Ever since the “Be in the Temple”
satsangs began, my pleasure has been to go and pick wildflowers to make a beautiful
puja for this special occasion. In picking the flowers, I think of the Temple, and how the
murti might appear. Then I let myself be guided by the power of spontaneity. It is also a play as I can only pick the flowers that nature provides. Most often, the colors in the Temple have been extremely close, if not identical, to the flowers on my
puja—with a remarkable harmony in color and tone.
Yesterday morning I took a new path, which was lined primarily with daisies. I created a bouquet, thinking, "Well, tonight we may not be as harmonious as previously, but let’s see." And surprise! It was a night for daisies!
This moment of profound connectedness has strengthened my understanding that the Guru never leaves you. She is always offering us experiences that reinforce our profound intuition, our connection to the Divine, our faith in the Self. That is the greatness of the Guru—we are never alone.
Castrelnaudary, France

I have been hearing the celestial music lately. The other day I noticed that the dot in the
AUM symbol visible in the image accompanying the virtue for Gurumayi’s Birthday,
Samyama-niyama, had a Blue Pearl in it. I started to wonder “What is the relationship between light and sound?” This
satsang completely answered this question for me.
Now I see that meditating on my Self, delving into the unstruck sound, knowing without a doubt that I am “lit,” and offering
seva in service to my Guru—this is the purpose of my life. I understand that by fulfilling the purpose of my life, other things I care about—family, nature, other people—all benefit as well. I feel complete and grateful for being given such clear, careful guidance on the purpose of my life.
Washington, United States

While in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall for
satsang today, I was at the same time walking on a mountain path among granite boulders. The clear morning sun of Australian winter streamed between the eucalyptus trees, perfectly illustrating the “light, light, light” streaming from this “Be in the Temple”
satsang. And the raucous sound of a cockatoo overhead declared, “Sound, sound, sound!”
As I sat for meditation leaning on a boulder, I felt my whole nervous system settle. Tightness in my face and jaw melted, and my shoulders released. Gently opening and closing my eyes, as our host instructed, I began to experience the boundary between inside and outside dissolving. I felt I was being bathed in pure light, pure gentleness.
May the whole world bathe in the light of this
Castlemaine, Australia

The most recent “Be in the Temple”
satsang was a blessing. Bade Baba, surrounded by the beautiful daisies, was radiant and regal and evoked calmness and peacefulness in me.
To be in the Temple and participate in the chants grounded me in experiencing the love, blessings, and guidance showered on us by Gurumayi. The beautiful composition with Baba's words from his book
Mukteshwari on experiencing the light within still resounds within me, as do the teachings we read at the conclusion of the
I feel held in grace through these challenging times.
Massachusetts, United States
The “Be in the Temple
” satsang was a divine experience. The
dharana based on the Upanishad Mantras was wonderful. Several hours later, while meditating, I felt that I was breathing in lots of Gurumayi’s love. My whole being felt like a balloon filled by her love and bliss.
Vadodara, India
Today’s “Be in the Temple”
satsang was perfectly inspirational. The teachings shown after
darshan were so beautiful. I feel very blessed to be able to take the essence of what was written there into my heart. This will support me in living my life truly as I wish and with all the divinely inspired purpose that guides me. I am grateful to be reminded that I can rise above the seen and be guided by the light and sound of the subtleness that underlies the preciousness of our universe and my place in it.
Melbourne, Australia
Every “Be in the Temple”
satsang helps me to enter into a peaceful state and, in this way, overcome the mental agitation due to this pandemic. After each of these
satsangs, I am able to be at peace with myself and think about how I can offer prayers to the world instead of just praying for my own needs and situation.
Maputo, Mozambique
I am grateful for the June 20 “Be in the Temple”
satsang. I found it to be very helpful in dealing with the events in the world at this time. For me, the words at the end of the
satsang were like the peaceful and calming light of the moon.
California, United States
I feel so grateful to Gurumayi, Baba, Bade Baba, and to everyone who made this live stream possible. Participating in this live stream made my world more heavenly today. I appreciated hearing from Swami Akhandananda about the eclipse happening in Africa and parts of Asia, and learning about the ways the eclipse affects people and animals. Instantly, I felt in touch with all creatures across the earth, united in this common experience. Now, I feel a deep stillness, peace, and sense of well-being. Each live stream is such a wonderful gift!
Washington, United States

My birthday is two days before Gurumayi's Birthday. For many years, I had the great good fortune to spend that time in Shree Muktananda Ashram, often celebrating by participating in a Shaktipat Intensive. For some time, however, thoughts of unworthiness had begun to creep into my mind, leaving me feeling disconnected.
Then, in the most recent “Be in the Temple”
satsang, we were invited to chant
Om Namah Shivaya in the
Shuddha Bilaval raga. Immediately, I had the experience that I was back in the Intensive, chanting the mantra and preparing for Gurumayi to enter the hall. The energy of the Intensive was so palpable and so strong that I was drawn into a place of peace and healing deep inside. Ancient feelings of unworthiness melted away, and I emerged from meditation with the awareness and the certainty that I do carry the divine light—and with the desire to bring that light to every person and situation in my life.
I am very grateful to Gurumayi for this beautiful birthday gift.
North Carolina, United States

Every single "Be in the Temple"
satsang has been a nourishing breath of fresh air for my soul. It reaffirms the importance of my daily practices in strengthening my connection to the Self, and reminds me that I am under the protective umbrella of the Siddhas.
New York, United States

What an exhilarating satsang it was! I felt perfectly guided into joyful peace after we chanted the mantra melodiously and heard the splendid dharana on light before we meditated. It was especially exhilarating because I have been conducting a personal study retreat on the sadguna vaibhava, the divine virtues.
My intention for the retreat was to engage with the virtues with the understanding that they are the rays of the light of the Self. So each day, as a result of studying the virtue posted for that day on the Siddha Yoga path website, I kept returning to this focus on being aware of the inner light. In today's satsang, when Swami Akhandananda guided us with a dharana on breathing the light of heaven in, and then out, I was overjoyed at this confirmation for me that my efforts have been perfectly aligned.
Pune, India

It is in the “Be In The Temple”
satsangs that I find my closest companion, my most trusted friend and guide, my teacher, the source of all that is good and wise—my Guru, Gurumayi Chidvilasananda. Every image, every sound, every word we receive in these
satsangs inspires me to fulfill my duties in my life in this turbulent time, while being anchored to the sweet experience of love, laughter, joy, peace within. The more I connect with this ever-present sense of joy, the more I am able to be generous and find practical ways to contribute.
Inspired by the teachings in the
satsangs to support myself and others, I have become more attuned to how to do this—and to doing it. Although the effort required to manage through this uncertain time can sometimes seem insurmountable, taking action on the outside has not felt insurmountable as long as I connect to the power of joy and peace within.
I am forever grateful to my Guru for her ever-present, generous, and always accessible guidance and grace.
South Yarra, Australia

satsang was perfect! I loved chanting
Om Namah Shivaya in the
Shuddha Bilaval raga—the same
raga that is now on the Siddha Yoga path website. That meant I could spend the rest of the day extending my “Be in the Temple”
satsang experience by chanting and listening to the chant.
I was very grateful to hear about the solar eclipse and how it affects us. That explained the strong inward pull I have been feeling and encouraged me to go with that pull inwards. The teachings at the end about being kind to ourselves and to others were very comforting.
These “Be in the Temple”
satsangs are a blessing.
Washington, United States

As we sang the Karpura Arati in today’s satsang, one of the flower vases I saw suggested to me the image that everyone in Shree Muktananda Ashram is holding a different flower with a different color and fragrance, as they offer their service and devotion to Bade Baba.
After we chanted
Om Namah Shivaya, as I closed my eyes, I saw a translucent golden light in the form of the Temple. Then I realized that I myself am pure, golden, translucent light. My whole being is blazing with this golden light.
Bangalore, India

I have enjoyed the “Be in the Temple”
satsangs. A dear friend who is a Siddha Yogi lovingly invited me to participate. My friend encouraged me to stay close to the Guru during this time of lockdown.
During the meditation session in one of the live streams, I opened my eyes to see the tiniest blue light emanating from the quartz crystal that sits behind Bade Baba’s
murti. I love the moments when I see this tiniest of blue lights. It simply appears in a moment of contemplation and peace.
I was also touched by the positive messages on the screen after the Evening Arati.
Melbourne, Australia

I am so very grateful for these “Be in the Temple”
satsangs. I loved seeing Bade Baba as we sang the Evening Arati. He was surrounded by beautiful peonies, pink roses, and other fragrant flowers, and looked so radiant. It is such a gift to see his beauty and to worship him. He looked so regal, kind, gentle, strong, and benevolent.
Just looking at Bade Baba for an hour completely changes my outlook on life. It helps me to see what is really here as opposed to what I have created from my mind. After the
satsang I felt filled with peace, and practiced joyfulness, the virtue of the day.
It was a perfect day, and such a blessing during this time.
Washington, United States

After participating in today’s “Be in the Temple”
satsang, I felt gratitude and a deep connection, as well as peace and reassurance. It was like being in Bade Baba's Temple in Gurudev Siddha Peeth. I have recently offered
seva as a
pujari, so the exquisite beauty of this Evening Arati was a true delight—and so welcome at a time like this.
Tezoyuca, Mexico
We have just finished participating in the "Be in the Temple"
satsang, in which we sang the Evening Arati. It reminded me of being at Shree Muktananda Ashram years ago and singing this beautiful hymn.
This time, there was no verbal introduction; the
satsang began with the waving of lights and the drum and other instruments making their sounds, like vibrations of the Heart. Because it began this way, I somehow felt as if I were staying at the Ashram and performing the Daily Ashram Schedule, which was always filled with so much grace. And now I continue to experience the Guru's endless grace.
Oregon, United States
I am grateful to be able to participate in singing the Evening Arati with Bade Baba during this Birthday Bliss month. As I closed my eyes and meditated, I saw Bade Baba in a golden temple, like heaven. He looked so young. I realized that he is inside each one of us in the form of eternal bliss.
Bangalore, India
As I accepted the precious gift of the golden form of Bade Baba in tonight's “Be In the Temple”
satsang, and as the
pujaris offered lights upon lights to Bade Baba, I felt the simplicity and the profundity of
Atma ki Prashanti. This “Peacefulness of the Self” arose within me and my environment as I joined the
satsang through the chant.
New Jersey, United States
It was to be late at night in Europe when the “Be in the Temple” live video stream would start, so I set my alarm clock in order to participate. As the
satsang began, I felt such joy. Then, somewhat tired, I found myself floating in a realm between the waking and dream states.
At one point, I dreamed of Baba Muktananda and Gurumayi together in a small room. When I saw them, Baba turned his head toward me, and our eyes met. I felt as if Baba had funneled a shower of bliss straight to my heart, saturating my entire being.
Freiburg, Germany

What an ecstatic “Be in the Temple”
satsang. Launching into bliss, into the celebration of Gurumayi’s life and the blessings she has bestowed on this planet, is truly a moment to honor.
When Swami Ishwarananda said that our breath is the sound of bliss, it shifted my perception of my breath. I realized that my breath is not only the energy that gives me life, but it carries on it the sound of bliss. Experiencing my breath as the sound of bliss gave me the same experience I have when I hear the sound of Gurumayi’s voice, when I see her, and when I listen to her teachings. For me, Gurumayi is bliss. To be so close to her through my own breath fulfills my ultimate wish.
South Yarra, Australia

As my family was enjoying the sound of the flute at the beginning of the
satsang, a storm was brewing outside our home. After Swami Ishwarananda said “God originally manifested as sound,” he paused, and a huge rolling thunder shook our home. We all started to laugh and enjoy the downpour of rain. It felt like nature was agreeing with Swami ji’s words. Even though we are far away from Shree Muktananda Ashram, it feels like nature is aligned with the
shakti wherever we are in the Universal Hall.
Minnesota, United States

Shivaya Namah Om in the
satsang was so sweet. I became absorbed in the chant and wished it would go on longer. Prior to the
satsang, I had been chanting most of the day, and during my walk in the forest, I chanted loudly. I am feeling on top of the world!
I have fond memories of chanting with our beloved Baba ji and Gurumayi ji and in our home over many years. My heart wells up with deep gratitude to Gurumayi ji for these
satsangs in the Universal Hall.
Oakville, Canada
From the “Be in The Temple”
satsangs I learned the importance of focusing my mind on my inner temple. I learned to strengthen my connection with the Guru and to check
and recheck my connection with her throughout the day. I understand that I can make this connection smoother and stronger by cultivating the virtues. In this pandemic situation, the “Be in the Temple”
satsangs are a powerful way for me to connect to my inner virtues and to Shri Guru.
Chinchwad, India
I experienced strong inner movements of energy and powerful purification when I chanted and meditated during the culminating “Be in the Temple”
satsang of Baba’s Birthday Month.
Later in the afternoon, I took a long walk in my neighborhood and enjoyed seeing all the flowers in bloom. I noticed that my posture was easefully aligned and relaxed, and my state was exalted.
Colorado, United States
I am so grateful for the “Be in the Temple”
When I went to the Siddha Yoga path website for the
satsang, I was deeply moved by the image of Earth on the home page. As I watched the image dissolve from one part of the planet into another, and another, showing all seven continents, my heart filled with deep love for our beautiful Mother Earth.
Maryland, United States

I found myself deeply drawn into the visual feast shown in the “Be in the Temple”
satsang in honor of
Birthday Bliss. Each close-up of Bade Baba’s
murti, the flowers, the fruits, was like an exquisite still life—yet the views were not “still” at all, but visually dynamic, pulsating with
shakti as if all the glorious colors and forms were united as a chorus, singing joyful praises to God.
The lights glinting off the magnificent crystal behind Bade Baba reminded me of summer fireflies, dancing through a garden at twilight. And the flowers—oh, the flowers! They found their own way of silently celebrating
Birthday Bliss—by embodying two of the virtues already posted on the Siddha Yoga path website:
Abundance and
Devotion. The profusion of vibrant colors
and elegant arrangements gave new meaning to the word
abundance for me, while devotion was exemplified by the great care offered by those who created Bade Baba’s garland, the bouquets, and the stunning flower arrangement on Bade Baba’s
Illinois, United States

As we meditated together in the beautiful
satsang in honor of
Birthday Bliss, I felt “the bliss of the breath” as an electrifying current that was loving, caring, peaceful, ever present. During
darshan, as we heard Gurumayi sing so sweetly to her Gurus, my heart opened wide with gratitude for the ocean of grace that is flowing now, carrying me and all of us to peace.
Montana, United States

This very early morning, it was worth the effort to stay awake and alert for the “Be in the Temple”
satsang to celebrate
Birthday Bliss. From the very beginning of the
satsang, I was in awe at the beauty of the images of Shree Muktananda Ashram. Then to be in Bhagavan Nityananda's Temple never stops being a heart-lifting experience. Today Bade Baba was surrounded by such glorious flower arrangements, the colors could not be captured by any artist, even masters like Renoir and Hockney! I was enthralled.
Having such
darshans in these chaotic times brings me to a place inside that gives me such happiness and contentment. I appreciated the chanting instructions because I think that without them, I could have just curled up and drifted off, I was so at ease. What a sweet way to start a new day!
London, United Kingdom

These "Be in the Temple"
satsangs are the highlight of my life! Today's
satsang in honor of
Birthday Bliss was so beautiful. The host was kind, gentle, and so welcoming. Bade Baba was radiant, strong, calm, and serene.
During the chant
Shivaya Namah Om, I envisioned the Self filling some people from my past that I have difficulties with. This is a practice I have been doing in the past weeks. Today I felt very supported by the strong
shakti of the
satsang, which opened my heart wide. I am learning that, by seeing the Self in all, I open myself to love.
Washington, United States

As we chanted
Shivaya Namah Om during the “Be in the Temple”
satsang to celebrate
Birthday Bliss, beloved memories of my experiences with Gurumayi arose, and my love for her overflowed my heart. Then I had a vision in which Gurumayi appeared and said, “You’re invited.” She gestured for me to follow her, so I did.
We arrived at a door in the shape of a huge
AUM symbol, and Gurumayi invited me in. As we entered, Gurumayi, the entire universe, and I dissolved into sparkling blue, blissful light. I felt that not only was I in Shree Muktananda Ashram, but the Ashram was in everything. I understood that I only need to chant the mantra to experience it.
Illinois, United States
After the
satsang today to celebrate
Birthday Bliss, I felt drenched in Gurumayi's grace. When I came out onto my balcony, a gentle rain was falling, and the trees were wet and swaying in the breeze as if nature was reflecting my inner state.
New Delhi, India

What a wonderful experience it has been to participate in the “Be in the Temple”
satsangs in the company of Gurumayi and Bade Baba in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall.
satsangs—including Gurumayi’s talk “Employing the Virtues”—have connected me to a deep longing to continue to put the Siddha Yoga teachings into daily practice. Day by day I experience the benefits and fruits of doing this. Reciting
Shri Guru Gita, singing the Evening Arati and
Jyota se Jyota Jagao, meditating, and exploring the Workbook on Gurumayi’s Message have all given me an opportunity to go deeper into my inner universe.
This afternoon, as I was singing the Evening Arati, I experienced a great column of light rising from inside, with great power and strength, bliss and love. Afterwards, I became more focused on the syllables and pronunciation of the Sanskrit words. Through my daily practice I am experiencing peace, love, and understanding. I feel so blessed and supported!
Gentofte, Denmark

My family and I have participated in these
satsangs from our home, and we have experienced that Bade Baba and Gurumayi ji have been present in our house in the same way that we have been present in Bade Baba’s Temple. In this way, we feel that our house has transformed into a temple. Our home is full of the divine energy of Shri Guru, who, with these
satsangs, has covered our hearts and lives with blessings, prosperity, and protection.
Udhana, India
I am grateful for this experience of Baba Muktananda ‘s life and grace. Deep within me, there will always be his smile, his words, his love resonating in his teaching “God dwells within you as you.” Like a light from the sun, that reverberation, that truth, is ever present within me.
New York, United States
Each and every “Be in the Temple”
satsang has, for me, been a meeting with my own Self in the radiant presence of Bhagavan Nityananda.
After the
satsang on May 30, I found myself completely at peace and wrapped in the bliss of the
namasankirtana Jay Jay Muktananda, and I felt the presence of Shri Gurumayi.
I attentively listened to the moral of each story elaborated by Swami Akhandananda. The stories penetrated my being and inspired me. I resolved to become liberated in this very life by following the Siddha Yoga teachings and doing the Siddha Yoga practices with great yearning and zeal.
Udaipur, India

While we were chanting during the live stream for Baba’s solar birthday celebration, my mind was distracted by memories. As I focused on the memories instead of the
namasankirtana, all of a sudden a super-loud radio frequency interference came through my headphones, which startled me. After a moment, I sensed it was a message from Baba to let go of the past and focus on the joy found in the present moment.
New York, United States

The live video stream
satsang culminating the month of Baba's birthday shifted my perception of myself and my life.
I knew about the good fortune of receiving the three boons—a human birth, the longing for God, and the grace of a Siddha Guru—yet until the
satsang yesterday, I wasn't really able to accept them.
During the meditation, I experienced a strong buzzing sensation in the crown of my head, and then the word “accept” arose. With this, my awareness was flooded with white light and I was filled with deep peace and contentment.
This morning I felt a new and tangible sense of respect for myself and worthy of these three great boons.
Burnaby, Canada

During the culmination
satsang for Baba’s Birthday month, Swami Akhandananda invited us to look for signs of Baba’s presence in our daily lives.
Earlier in the
satsang, while chanting
Jay Jay Muktananda in the Universal Hall, I saw flashes of light in the dark sky outside my window. Suddenly there was a great rumble of thunder and the rain came. I was transported back to Ganeshpuri a few decades ago, where I stood in the blazing sun outside the Yagna Mandap watching the Brahmin priests perform a sacred ceremony. Suddenly there was an enormous clap of thunder, the blue sky was overtaken by dark clouds, and the heavens opened, dropping a deluge of rain upon us.
Baba thrust his arms high, pointing skyward, and shouted, "He is pleased! He is pleased!" In India it is considered very auspicious if it rains upon an event. The thunder and auspicious rain outside my window during our
satsang reminded me of that. I felt Baba's presence, and I felt that he was pleased!
Washington, United States

I live in Hawaii, and though I intended to be up at 4:00 a.m. to participate in the “Be in the Temple”
satsang, I didn't wake up until 6:00 a.m. I rushed to the computer, anguished that I'd missed it all. I had not. I got to hear Swami Akhandananda wrap up the program and see devotees come up for Bade Baba’s
darshan. I felt like I was coming up for
darshan myself. And in the live video stream closing, when the peacock in the graphic held up its feathers and shook them around, I felt as if Gurumayi was giving me her
darshan. It made me laugh with joy. For me, this path is the yoga of surprise and delight.
Hawaii, United States

Swami Akhandanda's invitation to continue looking for signs of Baba filled me with great bliss and excitement. "Oh yes, Baba!" I thought. "Where will I find you?" I reminded myself to be on the lookout after the
satsang. After we chanted and the meditation began, I suddenly found myself in the courtyard of Gurudev Siddha Peeth!
I offered
pranam to Gurumayi's chair and Baba's seat, and then made my way to Baba's Samadhi Shrine. I touched the ground and then my heart at the entrance as a powerful force invited me to enter the cool, fragrant sanctuary. I offered
pranam at the
padukas, and slowly did
pradakshina around the lamps at each corner. And then I sat for meditation—
with Baba!
After meditation I marveled at how quickly Baba had answered my heart's prayer. But I’d found his sign not on the outside, as I’d expected, but in the temple of my own heart. I could almost hear Baba chuckling, "Don’t just look for Baba on the outside! Signs of Baba are also in the Heart!"
California, United States

Over the past week, thinking about Gurumayi, Baba, and Bade Baba has brought me to moments of perfection.
In the marketplace, the mangoes reminded me of Baba so I decided to buy one to celebrate the impending
satsang in his honor. The first one I saw was perfectly ripe. I made a delicious dessert with strawberries and mango pieces. Then, during the
satsang, I was surprised to see Bade Baba dressed in a cape of the same golden-orange color of the mango—with strawberries at his feet.
In the coolness of this morning, while crossing the forest, I began to repeat
Atma ki Prashanti, Gurumayi’s Message for 2020. At that moment, I saw a heart-shaped stone at my feet and carefully put it in my bag. In the afternoon, during the
satsang, I felt perfection in everything. The Guru’s
shakti was illuminating everyone with respect, joy, beauty, clarity, and simplicity.
After the
satsang, I cooked a pie for a family meeting and once again felt wrapped in Baba’s perfection. The pie was perfect!
Rodez, France

Today, after the “Be in the Temple”
satsang, I went for a
japa walk along a path in the woods. Looking up at the sky, I was thinking about Baba and wanting to see a sign of him. The clouds and play of sunlight were so magnificent! And then I saw it! An
M-shaped cloud right where the sun was, so the
M was illumined. I kept watching as the
M transformed into a glowing heart and then into the syllable
I feel Baba gave me this direct teaching:
Baba is love. When I am connected to my heart, I am inside Baba's heart and the universal Heart at the same time. And Baba is vibrating within me as
AUM, and as the awakened Kundalini. It felt as if Baba was continuing the “Be in the Temple”
satsang by reminding me: “Remember you've received
shaktipat. You are blessed. Remember your life is precious and offer your gratitude back to life and to this path.”
New York, United States

I am deeply thankful, with all my heart, for the “Be in the Temple”
satsangs. In these times these
satsangs have been filled with so much love, knowledge, and upliftment. Because I can participate, I know I am so very blessed.
Celje, Slovenia

During the chant
Jay Jay Muktananda, I visualized myself standing in the hot springs in the village of Ganeshpuri. The presence of Baba Muktananda and Bade Baba felt strong. Often during the chant, the sound of the live video stream
satsang would stop, and then resume about four seconds later. I found that by focusing on standing in the hot springs, I was able to keep time and enjoy the chant.
When any doubts arose, I immediately thought of the demon in the story of the wish-fulfilling tree, and returned my mind to the image of myself standing in the hot springs, with the warmth and energy of Baba all around me. In this way I was able to stay confident in my ability to keep the beat, and could chant with extra vigilance and enthusiasm.
I had a wonderful chant, and felt my heart expand with love.
Auckland, New Zealand

As soon as the "Be in the Temple"
satsang to conclude Baba’s month had started, I felt I was about to enter a deep meditation. I tried to stay alert, but I couldn't resist and a very deep meditation ensued. I kept repeating the mantra
Hamsa. As I did so, I experienced peacefulness, strength, and trust.
I feel so blessed having had this wonderful time in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall.
Obing, Germany
My heartfelt gratitude for all the beautiful blessings and abundant joy I have received through the "Be in the Temple"
satsangs. I am grateful for the beautiful opportunities we have been given to connect with each other in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall, especially with the children and young people who have made the
satsangs so full of love and joy. It feels like every
satsang is unlocking whatever tensions and knots are within me and filling my world with positive energy.
Croydon, United Kingdom
The “Be in the Temple”
satsangs are my medicines. They keep me reassured and healthy in these crazy times. As soon as I start to worry, I feel Gurumayi holding me and my mind in her love again through the
satsangs. They are like a tonic that revives my energy, my love, and my own divine light.
Alwar, India

I feel great gratitude for this wonderful culmination to the “Be in the Temple”
satsangs during Baba's month. When Swami ji spoke about how not valuing life can cause one's own divine light within to grow dimmer, I realized I was hearing the answer to an urgent question I’d had recently about why so many people show such disregard for others’ lives.
I now understand that if I had not been lovingly taught the value of my heart and my life, it would have been so easy for me too to believe that my life's value is to be measured by such things as country of origin, language, or status in society. I am very grateful to Gurumayi for showing me the myriad blessings inherent in my birth and in pursuing
sadhana, and for reminding me of my responsibilities in life.
May we all indeed use our divine light, so preciously nurtured and enlivened by Shri Gurumayi, to encourage that light to expand within the lives of others too.
Massachusetts, United States

Participating in these "Be in the Temple"
satsangs is such a joy. They always leave me with a feeling of great calm and serenity, and the awareness of God within. I appreciated the various stories that were selected from Baba's storehouse of treasured tales.
Sharing Baba's month with the global Siddha Yoga
sangham through these live video stream
satsangs reminds me of the greatness of our Guru, whose compassion continues to grace the lives of so many people around the world. As Swami ji reminded us, this human birth is indeed a gift, and the longing to remain in the awareness of the divinity of all is priceless.
New Jersey, United States

This month my family and I have seen an amazing sign of Baba in our backyard. Our apricot tree has had an abundant yield of about a thousand apricots—orange, juicy, ripening fruits that make me think of Baba again and again! We have brought these blessed apricots to over sixty families, in addition to eating many ourselves!
We have experienced Baba’s love manifesting in these apricots and in the connection we feel as we share them with friends and neighbors. When we bring the apricots, it has been so sweet to stop and visit with people, find out how everyone is doing, and share stories—while keeping the necessary “social distance,” of course.
I also experience grace in the joy of picking the apricots themselves. I touch each apricot to see if it is softening. If it is, I hold it gently and, if it's ripe, it comes off right into my hand—as though the tree is giving it to me! This tree has blessed us with such beautiful experiences of giving and receiving in Baba's month.
California, United States

Today as we were chanting
Jay Jay Muktananda, I felt sadness about the world's most recent events arise within me. Swami Akhandananda's meditation
dharana helped change that sadness into a recognition of our interconnectedness, and a new sense of my sacred dharma burned brightly. I felt my love of God rising like the sun, and the divine light within my very own heart grow until it filled my entire being. I am left with an urgent, purposeful desire to use the days of my life to keep the light of divinity shining.
Florida, United States
Today's "Be in the Temple"
satsang abounded with gems of sacred wisdom and spiritual advice. In these challenging times, it’s wonderful to be reminded of the value of our human life and of our main goal in life. This
satsang was like a spiritual anchor for me, dropped deep into my heart.
St. Laurent, Canada

In the “Be in the Temple”
satsang at the conclusion of Baba’s month, I was especially touched by the inclusion of the three stories that Baba used to tell, each one narrated with great verve and understanding.
I first delighted in my own memories of hearing Baba tell stories like these in his own inimitable, exuberant fashion. Then I marveled once again at just how effective stories like these are for bringing home spiritual teachings. The unique and colorful characters, the special settings, the vivid imagery all help students like myself to remember the story—and thus, the precious teaching embedded in it. Each time, the child in me delights in the narrative's twists and turns, while my adult self is nourished by the teachings it bestows for my contemplation and further study.
Illinois, United States

As I sat receiving
darshan of Bade Baba's radiant form at the end of this
satsang concluding Baba’s month, l realized something was happening with the light. As a bright white light framed the
murti, I heard Bade Baba telling me, “This is what you really look like too!”
After Swami ji spoke at the end of the
satsang, I suddenly realized that this is the way to live my life—like a saint! I am grateful to him for his eloquent descriptions of a sacred life. I can imagine walking hand in hand with Gurumayi for the rest of my days.
Ajijic, Mexico

I feel I have bathed in the radiant forms, music, and teachings of the Siddhas during today's
satsang via live video stream, concluding Baba’s month. As the last image of the peacock in full display faded to black on my screen, I found myself staring intently into the reflection of my own eyes, and feeling blessed with serenity—and curiosity to know more about the inner Self residing at my core. I am experiencing a centered certainty about my own life path, and feel filled with peace and vigor.
St. Lazare, Canada
After listening to the meditation instructions during the “Be in the Temple”
satsang on Baba’s solar birthday, I saw the divine flame in the lotus within myself. Almost immediately, I also saw that flame in everyone in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall—like a vast reflection, mirror within mirror.
Illinois, United States
During the “Be in the Temple”
satsang in honor of Baba’s solar birthday, Swami Ishwarananda talked about Baba’s teaching "God dwells within you as you." As he did, the teaching dropped deep into me, like a stone into water, and it went right to the ground of my being. The felt sense I had of my own being—what I call "me"—
that is God, within me! And with that realization all fear dissipated, and what remained was only my sense of an inseparable, loving connection.
I am grateful to Baba for putting this teaching so simply and clearly.
Eastbourne, United Kingdom

During this morning’s exquisitely beautiful
satsang in honor of Baba’s solar birthday, my heart was filled with gratitude, peace, and love. As the
satsang ended, I suddenly felt the pang of separation from that love, from Baba’s and Gurumayi’s presence. I immediately saw Swami Ishwarananda’s face in my mind’s eye and remembered the beautiful teaching of Baba’s that he had given us: “God dwells within you as you.” Suddenly my heart began to fill with love, ever so gently and sweetly. I began to experience Baba’s and Gurumayi’s presence within me... and then as me.
California, United States

Near my computer, there is a window with photos of the Gurus on the windowsill. As I was waiting for the live stream to begin, a beautiful orange and black Baltimore oriole landed and proceeded to hop from one branch to another, chirping excitedly and pecking on the glass. He was joined by a bright yellow canary finch and then a third bird of a deep, dark blue hue that I have never seen before. The colors so bright, all together like that, were dazzling. A gift from Baba, I thought.
New York, United States
During the
namasankirtana, I experienced a deep yearning arising from my heart. The melody of the
namasankirtana took me into deep serenity. Afterwards, when I meditated, I entered the cave of my heart and experienced profound silence and an intense yearning to melt in it forever.
Bhandara, India
I have been meeting weekly via conference calls with some friends to share our experiences of applying the teachings in the “Be in the Temple”
satsangs. At our recent meeting there were so many uplifting and powerful shares. At one point, I closed my eyes to savor them, and I saw the color red. I then shared that it reminded me of Gurumayi’s words in her talk
Be Attuned: “Red is beautiful. It is
shakti.” In her talk, Gurumayi encouraged us to let our blood sing and dance. After the conference call, I chanted for a few minutes, and I could imagine the blood dancing within me—dancing to the name of God, to Baba’s name.
New York, United States

During the “Be in the Temple”
satsang in celebration of Baba’s birthday, I became immersed in the graceful pictures of Baba, and in my mind’s eye I imagined the moments in which the pictures were taken.
When the chant started, I continued to contemplate and visualize Baba’s journey. I felt my heart swell with bliss, realizing that Baba’s journey had supported my own
sadhana and that of all Siddha Yoga students. It was powerful to feel Baba's presence and his importance in my life.
I offer my gratitude to Baba for his
Hyderabad, India

At the end of the
satsang celebrating Baba Muktananda's solar birthday, I was sitting quietly watching the Siddha Yoga students in the Temple come before Bade Baba's
murti for
darshan. My heart overflowed with love as I watched them come forward with so much devotion, each one offering flowers at Bade Baba's feet. I thought how happy Baba would be to see how beautifully his Guru was being honored.
Then I felt this rush of gratitude for the Siddha Yoga path. I realized that, in this wide, wide world, this is a path that I can completely trust; this is the path that I know to be true. I don't need to go anywhere else. Everything I seek, everything I need is here.
Washington, United States

When Swami ji gave meditation instructions today during the live video stream in honor of Baba’s solar birthday, I could clearly see the “beautiful pink lotus, its petals tinged with gold” that he asked us to imagine, and the pure white flame of the Self that arose from it. As I offered my breath to the flame, I saw it expand to fill my entire body, and then the entire room. From there it continued to all the states, countries, and the whole world.
When it had expanded to the entire universe, I saw the exquisite image of Gurumayi's Message Artwork and I understood that image exists both within and without, and includes all Consciousness. It is as Baba said: "God dwells within you as you." This teaching of Baba's is what brought me to the Siddha Yoga path thirty-nine years ago.
Florida, United States

I am grateful to Swami Ishwarananda for his talk about Baba's basic teaching, “God dwells within you as you.” To me this teaching is one of the jewels of the Siddha Yoga path. It means that I am the Lord and my body and mind are the Lord’s temple. Remembering this every day of my life and remembering that each person that I encounter is also God will carry my focus and
sadhana for the rest of my life.
New York, United States

During the “Be in the Temple”
satsang in honor of Baba’s solar birthday, when Swami Ishwarananda gave us meditation instructions, he told us to imagine “a beautiful pink lotus” in our heart, with a flame arising from it.
One evening forty-two years ago, maybe on this very date in May, I was sitting in the courtyard of Gurudev Siddha Peeth, along with a few other people, in Baba's presence. I closed my eyes and went into meditation. As I did so, I felt myself become a flower, from which a soft flame arose.
It was so wonderful to be in the Temple today on Baba's birthday, and to be reminded of this beautiful experience. I am grateful to Gurumayi for making it possible for us to “be in the Temple”!
North Carolina, United States

After the
satsang on Baba Muktananda´s solar birthday, I realized how much love he bestowed on others. I could see that he felt so blissful that he wanted to share that with others. In my view, that is seeing God in everybody. That is how to implement the teaching "God dwells within you as you."
I felt rekindled in this
satsang by Baba’s words and actions. I feel nurtured, loved, and much happier now.
Madrid, Spain

On Baba’s lunar birthday I decided to set up the live video stream in my son’s play area. I didn’t expect him to show much interest at all, but I thought I’d at least give him the chance to connect. So I set up my phone in front of us and placed a little speaker box onto the cushion right next to him for better audibility.
I should say that my two-year-old son is gravely hearing impaired and also has limited muscle tone, which means that he can’t yet sit by himself without support. I was therefore deeply surprised to see him sit upright on his cushions for an entire hour, watching the little blue speaker and listening intently to the
satsang. Especially heartwarming was the sequence of video clips at the beginning of the
satsang, which showed Baba laughing. My son smiled and laughed the softest and sweetest laugh along with Baba. I have never seen him laugh this joyfully before.
Duisburg, Germany

When I was meditating in the morning on Baba's solar birthday, I saw a very sweet, gentle light on Gurumayi ji's photo, and it looked so beautiful. That light revealed to me a different sentiment in the smiling photo of Gurumayi ji so I started smiling too. Then I saw the same light on me as well—a beautiful and delicate light. It was a pleasant experience for me, and I noted it in my journal.
Later, when I took part in the
satsang in honor of Baba's solar birthday, I heard Swami Ishwarananda speak about Baba's teaching "God dwells within you as you." I then realized that God and my soul were connected to that same light, and I came to understand Baba’s teaching more deeply.
Allahabad, India

During the
satsang in honor of Baba’s solar birthday, Swami Ishwarananda said that Baba’s teaching “God dwells within you as you” was the "distillation" of Baba's experience of becoming one with the Self. When I heard the word
distillation, I truly experienced the immensity of the truth in Baba's teaching. My heart felt such profound gratitude for Baba.
As I reflected on Gurumayi's Message for 2020,
Atma Ki Prashanti, I had the understanding that the “peacefulness of the Self” was a state already well within me, and all that I needed to do was to claim my birthright.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

During the meditation in the “Be in the Temple”
satsang in honor of Baba Muktananda’s solar birthday, I concentrated on the exquisite
dharana given to us by Swami Ishwarananda. As I did this, I visualized Baba giving me a very warm hug, and I felt united with him during the rest of meditation. Heat spread inside my chest and a feeling of sweetness arose in my being.
Thank you, Baba, for your
darshan and for your loving presence, always.
Rome, Italy

While chanting
Om Namo Bhagavate Muktanandaya in the Temple on Baba’s solar birthday, I felt fully present—present in the Temple and present within myself with the chant. There a gateway opened.
The chant connected me to the great love of Baba. This love sparkled all through my body. I found myself, how shall I say in English, in the world of Siddha Yoga love—ancient, mysterious, yet right here dear to my heart. I perceived the great light of the Siddha Yoga Gurus and saw how much my entire being wants to serve them, here in this life where I live, with all my capacities. And with great joy.
Siddha Yoga is...miraculous.
Happy Birthday, Baba!
Deggendorf, Germany

The day after the “Be in the Temple” celebration for Baba’s solar birthday, I was reciting
Shri Guru Gita. At one point in the recitation, I silently prayed, imploring Lord Shiva, “How can I love myself?” The experience and vision of Gurumayi arose within me and I heard the answer: “Simply love myself as Gurumayi. God dwells within me as me!”
It feels so simple to love myself this way. I am so grateful for this blessed path to God.
Oregon, United States

I am filled with gratitude for Gurumayi, Baba, Bade Baba, and the swamis and staff of the SYDA Foundation for the "Be in the Temple"
To have the good fortune to connect so directly to grace, especially in this time, is the kindest, most supportive gift I can imagine. I relish the heart-opening
bhajans, the gorgeous flower offerings to Bade Baba, the opportunity to chant with everyone, and the reverence of the participants, all enveloped in Gurumayi's love and Bade Baba's presence.
I settle on my
asana and experience gratitude to be home again.
California, United States

During the
satsang in honor of Baba Muktananda’s 112th solar birthday, I felt warmth in my heart. I had the thought: I am part of this splendid community! And, with this thought, I felt a lot of energy, enthusiasm, and gratitude.
Then Swami Ishwarananda told us Baba’s teaching: “God dwells within you...” He paused, looked at the camera, and then, pointing directly to us, continued: “…as you”! When he said that, I felt the words pierce my heart. I grasped the teaching in a new way. Even now, I continue to be aware of it in a new way that makes me very cheerful!
I am grateful to Baba for allowing me to feel such self-confidence.
Pineto, Italy

The conclusion of the
satsang in honor of Baba’s solar birthday was especially sweet for me. I relished watching the staff members and Swamis offering the orange tulips to Bade Baba. I felt these sweet, kind, good people were offering the flowers on my behalf and on behalf of the global
As I watched this offering, I felt a longing for Gurumayi. In that longing, I felt my heart open and I felt connected to her. Her presence was tangible. The heaviness I had been carrying lifted. The blessings in the closing frames of the screen appeared, and just as the blessings described, I was able to connect to the comfort in the words and generosity of my family and friends. I also felt Baba’s and Gurumayi’s love illuminating every corner of my life!
Vermont, United States

Yesterday I participated in the beautiful “Be in the Temple”
satsang in honor of Baba´s 112th birthday. It was very moving for me when Swami ji shared with us that Baba’s light transformed his life.
Later in the evening I sat together with my mother, and we looked out of the window. Suddenly my mother said: “There is something different today. The sky is still so bright; it is not at all getting dark.”
I thought to myself: “She is right. This is Baba´s light that is with us all the time.” What a marvelous gift on Baba´s birthday!
Münster, Germany

I have been reciting
Shri Guru Gita daily for over forty years, since I met beloved Baba ji. But when I received the gift of verse 99 of
Shri Guru Gita directly from dear Gurumayi ji at the “Be in the Temple”
satsang, my love, awareness, and understanding of this
Song of the Guru have increased. I feel how much my Guru’s every word and action is for our upliftment. This gift from Gurumayi is very precious for me, and I hope I will remember it for the rest of my life.
London, United Kingdom

Yesterday we had a magnificent
satsang in honor of Baba’s solar birthday. Afterwards my mind was so quiet, I felt nestled into a still, safe place— very peaceful. So much of my day is usually doing, doing, doing, and yesterday there was a feeling of just being, of savoring every moment of precious stillness. Today as I sat for meditation, this stillness came to saturate my mind and my whole being. Even though there was some work being done on the exterior of my house, the pounding hammers didn’t disturb me in the least.
I’m so grateful to Baba for bringing me to the Self, for giving me the incomparable gift of s
haktipat diksha, for always being there for me.
Washington, United States

Baba’s powerful transmission of grace quickly gave me experiences of expanded states of consciousness, so when I heard his teaching “God dwells within you as you,” I knew it to be true.
However, during the times between the ecstatic, otherworldly states, I’d return to the sense of being a separate identity as this person, and I would wonder, “How is God dwelling in this ordinary me now? In the sad or confused me?” I equated God with higher states.
Over many decades of
sadhana, I have felt that the gap between the human me and the divine me is closing or overlapping or merging, as I simply do the Siddha Yoga practices—meditating, studying the Guru’s teachings and the scriptures, offering
dakshina, and chanting.
More and more, I experience the awakened
shakti in each moment and detail of my life, whatever it brings. I experience that when I am present, the celestial is here and now—in clouds, birds, people, work, nature. I feel that divine Consciousness lives in and through all things and through me as me.
Ocean Shores, Australia

After participating in the magical
satsang in honor of beloved Baba's 112th birthday, I was inspired to offer the following poem:
You melt my heart every time
with the touch of your magnetic gaze
and the warm embrace of your grace.
You strengthen my being every time
with your charismatic smile,
and the twinkle of your eyes.
You nourish my soul every time
with the stream of your unconditional love
that flows from your giant heart,
and with the ever-flowing wisdom
that you so effortlessly impart.
I stand tall in the shade of your presence
and I will keep coming back to you every time
as you have been my home since the beginning of time.
Mumbai, India

While meditating during the “Be in the Temple”
satsang for Baba’s 112th solar birthday, I allowed my awareness to fall into the flame in my heart. I felt like normal ”me” meditating.
A moment came when I felt a release, an unfurling of the energy field of my heart. Nothing changed except my perspective.
I noticed how the “me” who has worries and struggles is in my mind, but the whole of me is so much larger than that. I am that large and loving space within which my mind sits.
This understanding was so pure, so simple and evident—God as me.
Hurlstone Park, Australia

During meditation in the
satsang in honor of Baba Muktananda’s solar birthday, I felt a deep peace and sense of calm. Any worries or concerns that may have been present before were replaced by a river of tranquility that continues to flow. It feels like my initial
shaktipat experience has been rekindled and my
sadhana deepened and renewed.
I feel Baba’s presence so strongly now. I feel he is with me as I walk the path of
sadhana. I am so grateful for Baba’s and Gurumayi’s grace and for these “Be in the Temple”
satsangs that bring us all together to celebrate and dance in the sublime light of God.
Maine, United States

This morning during meditation, I told Baba, "Baba, I have difficulty in feeling true, unconditional love for myself. Please help me!" And within one hour, four miracles happened!
At the beginning of the
satsang for Baba’s solar birthday, I felt Baba’s presence in the room. First sweet miracle. Then, as Swami ji spoke, I entered a meditative state. My body started to move spontaneously; then I started to cry— with tears that opened my heart. It felt like Baba was saying, “Be confident. Love is here. Feel it!” Second sweet miracle.
Soon after Swami ji talked about synchronicity, I turned my head and saw three beautiful roses floating on the surface of a nearby canal. Immediately, an inner voice said, “Those are the three Gurus!” They stopped right in front of our window. Third sweet miracle. Then Swami ji asked us to imagine a pink flower in our heart—and those roses were pink! Fourth sweet miracle.
I feel so blessed. I received four gifts today. And it's not even my birthday—it's Baba’s!
Gissey sur Ouche, France

In the “Be in the Temple”
satsang for Baba Muktananada's 112th solar birthday, as Jasmine sang the
bhajan "Jo Bhaje Hari ko Sada," I experienced my body, mind, and soul harmonize and enter a state of profound restfulness and bliss. When I heard Jasmine sing this
bhajan in her own unique voice
bhajan I’ve heard Gurumayi sing before—it became clear to me that we, as Siddha Yogis, have the power to share our Guru's light with the world by sharing our own goodness and talents with others.
Shortly after this, Swami Ishwarananda spoke about Baba's teaching "God dwells within you as you." As I listened to Swami ji speak, I realized that the divine light and peace I experienced within as I heard Jasmine singing was not different from me. It was actually me! This insight elevated the happiness and peace I was already feeling to a state of ecstatic contentment.
I'm so incredibly grateful to Gurumayi for sharing her light and wisdom through these “Be in the Temple”
New York, United States

In the
satsang in honor of Baba Muktananda's 112th solar birthday, I was filled with gratitude that I could be in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall with my Guru, chanting the name of God, singing to Baba and Bade Baba while watching the dancing
arati lights. I imagined the smell of camphor. The experience was deep. I felt a tremendous sense of well-being. I was at peace.
My room has a large glass sliding door through which I can see a yard full of flowers, trees, growing fruit and vegetables. I am so grateful for my garden. As I gazed out this door, while the beautiful song was sung during
darshan of Bade Baba, two blacktailed deer grazed their way through my yard. These delicate animals had come for Bade Baba's
darshan! I was overwhelmed with joy. My heart, already filled with the light of God, blazed hotter and filled my being.
I am grateful to Gurumayi for this spectacular beginning to my day.
Oregon, United States

When I heard Swami ji speak about Baba's teaching, "God dwells within you as you," my mind made a connection between the words
dwells within you and the words
Be in the Temple. It was a new understanding of supreme Consciousness residing within me. The sacred space of the inner temple became more tangible for me.
As I contemplated this insight, I felt my awareness grow subtler, and my body and mind become light and exuberant. The experience carried a beautiful freedom with it. I was honored to be in the presence of Muktananda, “the bliss of freedom.”
Vancouver, Canada

In today's
satsang in honor of Baba's solar birthday, during the meditation I experienced Baba's teaching "God dwells within you as you." In the meditation, nothing existed but the light and the breath.
After coming out of meditation, I realized that "I" had experienced this, yet during the meditation I wasn't aware of any "I" in the way I normally experience myself. In reflecting on my meditation experience, I understood that the light, the breath, and I were one.
California, United States
As I began to contemplate today’s
satsang in celebration of Baba’s 112th solar birthday, I was filled with waves of pulsating
shakti and bliss; I didn’t want to think about anything. Then Baba’s teaching, “God dwells within you as you” crossed the landscape of my mind and suddenly I realized, “That’s it!” The all-consuming ecstatic bliss that fills my being
is God dwelling within me as me. That’s all I need to know.
San Felipe, Mexico

After hearing Swami Ishwarananda express his heartfelt “Thank you!” to Baba, I began reflecting on my own gratitude to Baba and I was reminded of my first experience of Baba's presence.
Years ago, while driving alone through a blizzard, I cried out to the pitch-black night, "I want to know the Truth!" Just a few weeks later I found myself in a Siddha Yoga
satsang in New York City, receiving
shaktipat from Gurumayi. My heart was forever touched.
Throughout the “Be in the Temple”
satsang for Baba's solar birthday, I was brought back to my
shaktipat experience and all of the mystical grace in my
sadhana since then. In retrospect, I understand that Baba had been listening to me the night of the blizzard. I thank Baba and Gurumayi for listening to me and answering my deepest longing.
New York, United States

When I woke this morning, as I threw my feet to the floor and stretched up, these words arose: “Today is Baba's blissful birthday!” It felt the most natural thing to do—to be joyful in welcoming the day with unbounded energy. That delight continued as I prepared for this afternoon’s “Be in the Temple”
satsang to celebrate Baba's solar birthday. My heart swelled with love and gratitude.
I had been thinking of how I would describe Baba, and the word
generosity came to my mind. With every word, every look, he just overflowed with love. And I feel the same kind of love for Gurumayi, and for how she gives us the experience of being in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall while staying safe at home.
To chant in the Temple, to sit and have
darshan of Bade Baba's glorious form—these sacred privileges are treasures that will keep me steadfast as we go through this extraordinary period.
London, United Kingdom

In this lockdown period, my husband, our eight-year-old son, and I have been chanting daily after our evening
arati. One evening, when our chant was very beautiful and indrawn, I remembered Gurumayi's teaching to include the world in our practices by sending their power to everyone. Suddenly, I saw the planet Earth revolving in the universe. I saw the planet’s overall energy was gloomy, sad, and fatigued. My heart was filled with compassion and love for Mother Earth.
For the next two weeks, I continued to offer the vibrations of the chant to the earth. These days we are chanting Baba’s name—and I have again been visualizing the earth. This time I saw it also absorbed in the chant, dancing on its axis and completely soaked in ecstasy! This strengthens my intuition that everything will be all right.
I am grateful to Gurumayi for her teaching that allowed me to expand my awareness and connect with Mother Nature and the earth.
Thane West, India

I logged onto the Siddha Yoga path website at 4 a.m. in Los Angeles, expecting the
satsang for Baba's solar birthday to start. When I finally realized I was three hours too early, my computer screen had gone to screensaver mode, and happened to show one enlarged word, plus its meaning:
"EXUBERANT—a lively energy and excitement; growing luxuriantly and profusely." This startled my body and delighted my heart. I so loved the synchronicity! It summed up my total journey on the Siddha Yoga path, and what I feel is my own essence. I sat for a while enjoying this unexpected recognition and feeling grateful for what I felt was a gift from Baba on his birthday.
Later during the live video stream, indeed even the brilliant tulips in the Temple were exuberant, luxuriant, and profuse! I feel very, very grateful for the
satsang in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall on Baba's solar birthday, filled with the most exuberant photos, singing, sharing, chanting, and love!
California, United States

As the chant
Om Namo Bhagavate Muktanandaya began, I was immediately overcome with joy and gratitude for this moment, this experience, and this opportunity to connect with the great spiritual power within. Throughout the chant this pure joy and gratitude overtook me in waves. I felt Baba’s and Gurumayi's grace glide over me like an outstretched hand, sweeping over my heart to reveal past, present, and future blessings. I felt held, protected, and loved.
My heart was so full and overflowing, I danced. I found freedom within the rhythm. I marveled at the beauty and abundance surrounding Bade Baba. The mangoes nestled amongst the flowers, with their hues of reds, pinks, and warm oranges, were soothing nourishment. All the while, the photographs of Baba held my attention, calling me to go deeper, to remain steadfast, to be free.
New York, United States

As I listened to Swami ji's talk, at first I heard his voice but with a lag of about two seconds. I slowly adjusted to this. Suddenly I realized the sound transmission was back in sync! This experience is like my
sadhana. I had heard Baba's teaching, “God dwells within me as me,” but hadn’t really assimilated it. I was not in sync. However, I continued doing the practices and serving my Guru. And today I got it! Inside I was weeping tears of joy.
Every so often Swami ji would take a drink of water and look out at us with twinkling eyes, like he was saying "Wait! There's more!" I felt Baba's presence in Swami ji's twinkling eyes and good humor. This too, is like my
sadhana. No matter what happens, whether I am happy or sad, I always tell myself, "Wait! There's more!"
When we chanted
Jyota se Jyota Jagao, I found myself looking outside at the blue sky, and experiencing Baba's presence within and without.
Maryland, United States

As I was absorbed in listening to Baba's beloved
bhajan sung devotedly by Jasmine, I felt in one moment as if I were tall and strong. And this thought arose in my mind: my life is important because I am here to realize God.
So I was delighted to hear Swami Ishwarananda speak about Baba's teaching, “God dwells within you as you.” And I was grateful to receive this sweet “sign of Baba” as we celebrated his 112th solar birthday.
Montreal, Canada

Baba's book,
I Am That, has been my favorite Siddha Yoga book. I have read it countless times over the years, always finding new joy and inspiration by going deeper into the transformational power of Baba's teachings on the mantra
On the morning of Baba’s solar birthday, May 16, I was inspired in meditation to deepen my
Hamsa practice by forming the intention to listen ever more carefully to the sound of the inhalation and exhalation arising from within—as the voice of God. Then, during the celebratory
satsang, as Swami ji spoke of Baba's teaching, “God dwells within you as you,” I immediately recognized my experience of the
Hamsa mantra as the most powerful manifestation of God dwelling within me as me.
As we were led into meditation with the vision of the heart lotus and the flame arising from it, the sound of my breath united with the flame of the lotus and opened up my inner consciousness as never before. And I knew: God is mine, I am God's!
California, United States

What a boon it is to have participated in this
satsang in celebration of Baba’s 112th solar birthday!
During the chant I found myself repeatedly drawn inside even though a part of me kept urging greater alertness. As I kept bringing my mind back to Swami ji’s instruction to remember Baba’s teaching, “God dwells within you as you,” any inner conflict or judgment about myself dissolved, like a hailstone in the ocean of bliss.
What an expanding joy it will be to remember Baba for even more days as May continues to unfold and brings me ever closer to him.
New Mexico, United States

In the
satsang celebrating Baba Muktananda's solar birthday, we meditated on the flame in the center of the pink lotus of the heart. I recalled having once seen in meditation a beautiful pink peony whose center was a living eye of Consciousness. During
darshan today, I mentally offered that flower to Bade Baba. As I did so, I saw people coming up to offer flowers to Bade Baba's
The delicacy of this synchronicity is a marvel to me—the subtle hand of the Guru constantly revealing the unity of the Self.
Washington, United States

In the
satsang in honor of Baba's solar birthday, Swami ji told us twice that the synchronicities we see, especially in May and October, are “signs of Baba."
Today, when I heard that the young singer is named Jasmine, I smiled because my own teenaged daughter, Jasmine, was participating with me in the “Be in the Temple”
satsang. It was her first time participating in a “Be in the Temple”
satsang. And in the
satsang today, after the singer Jasmine had sung the
bhajan, Swami ji chose one adjective to describe her singing, and that was
exquisite. I was deeply touched since two days ago, I felt the urge to call my daughter and tell her from deep inside my heart, "Jasmine, you are an exquisite girl!"
I feel deeply blessed for being able to recognize these synchronicities in my life as “signs of Baba”—and of my Guru's love.
Versailles, France

During this "Be in the Temple”
satsang in honor of Baba's 112th solar birthday, a bright star shone in the eastern sky above my home, which I felt to be “a sign of Baba.”
Every element of this
satsang led me to a deep sense of joy and peace.
Thornbury, Australia
satsang in the Temple this morning in honor of Baba's solar birthday has left me all aglow, as if I had been sitting in the sun and the sun had entered my heart and put a smile on my face. Whenever I experience the deep love that Gurumayi has for her Baba, I melt with my own love for my Guru.
I thank Gurumayi for embodying Baba's teaching, "God dwells within you as you," and sharing this with the world.
California, United States
While meditating during the
satsang on Baba’s solar birthday, I was able to make the effort and perceive the light in the center of my chest. And as I breathed out, I was able to expand it to my whole being, becoming a living blessing for my own inner Self and for the entire universe. A prayer from God to God—God within me, blessing God all around me.
Mexico City, Mexico
As soon as the
satsang honoring Baba’s solar birthday began, I was drawn deep inside, savoring the sweet, regular flow of my breath. This sweetness enhanced my senses and I found myself listening and watching with much care and attention.
Through the love I received during this wonderful celebration, I experienced in the depths of my heart the truth of Baba’s golden words, “God dwells within you as you.” Baba’s presence connects me to my own Self, from which I see God in everything.
Rodez, France
In the
satsang in celebration of Baba Muktananda's solar birthday, I experienced a wellspring of love, devotion, and bliss; a deeper understanding of Baba's core teaching “God dwells within you as you”; and a refreshed, deeply felt sense of gratitude for this most auspicious, beneficent, and grace-bestowing lineage.
Washington, United States

While listening to Jasmine singing the
bhajan, I experienced delicate feelings of joy, love, gratitude, and admiration. I felt proud of her and happy to belong to the global Siddha Yoga
sangham. These feelings manifested in spontaneous mudras and harmonious dance gestures.
Afterwards I lost the internet connection, but regained it before the chanting ended. I was glad I did not give up on connecting with the
satsang, for I was still able to chant a little while, view the beautiful photos of Baba, meditate, and offer
arati in the Temple.
Earlier today, I had made a drawing of a pink lotus surrounded by golden shapes. During the meditation instructions, as I envisioned the pink lotus and the golden flame in my heart, I was grateful for this serendipitous sign of my connection to the Siddha Yoga path. For me, this was a lesson that our efforts to be in the presence of God, to “adjust and readjust” our inner connection—as Gurumayi has reminded us to do, in recent
satsangs—are never fruitless.
Paris, France

What a joyous celebration of Baba’s solar birthday! While we were chanting
Om Namo Bhaghavate Muktanandaya, I kept smelling incense although I have not burned incense in my home for several months. I knew that this was “a Baba sign.”
While meditating and seeing the inner light of the Self, I felt expanding waves of well-being and warmth throughout and around my physical body. I felt that I was contributing to healing my family and the turmoil in the world.
I am so grateful for the teachings and practices that Baba and Gurumayi have given to the world.
Virginia, United States

My heart feels expanded, and I am overwhelmed with the joyful memories sparked by the pictures of Baba Muktananda. I can feel all my family and friends here with me who have ever made positive impacts on my life. I can feel the love and shared experiences from our time together over many years. I see their faces and they are always a part of my heart.
Remembering Baba is like remembering the love that is always present in my life. The Guru's grace is alive within me. I am so thankful for this
satsang in honor of Baba’s solar birthday and for our "Be in the Temple" time together.
Brasilia, Brazil

At the beginning of the
satsang, Swami Ishwarananda told us to look for signs of Baba; he assured us they would present themselves to us if we would only be aware of them. Just as he finished saying those words, a lovely, plump, orange-red cardinal landed on our birdfeeder right in front of our window. The cardinal sat calmly for a minute or so and my husband and I looked at each other and smiled, knowing Baba had come to say "Hi!"
Massachusetts, United States
As we contemplated Baba's teaching, "God dwells within you, as you," I got the strong message that Baba was reminding me that I am worthy. I am worthy of meditation. I am worthy of
darshan. I am worthy of creativity.
My birthday is two days after Baba's solar birthday and I am going to turn it into a celebration of worthiness. I am so grateful to Baba for his grace and compassion.
New York, United States
satsang in honor of Baba’s solar birthday took me straight into my heart and connected me to the precious, deep longing to be nothing but love, to bathe in love, to radiate love. During the
arati the confidence arose in me that yes, I
will be with you, Baba; I
will be a part of your love, with the support of your grace and my
Nottuln, Germany
Hearing about the flame in my heart made Baba’s teaching extra clear: the flame of the Self is in
my own heart! God dwells within me,
as me!
As I meditated, I experienced many
kriyas and was drawn into the thick, smooth quietude of my own Self.
California, United States

Baba’s solar birthday began for me with a dream. In it my family, some fellow Siddha Yogis, and I went to a beautiful hilly place surrounded by nature. Then I was in a bed near some huge windows through which I could see the vast expanse of night sky. Suddenly I saw a tiny, shimmering golden-orange pearl shining in the sky near the horizon. The sun was about to rise.
That pearl turned into a thin, golden-orange rod of light from which emerged the golden orb of the sun. In it, there was someone meditating in orange robes. It was Baba! He was seated in the sun, meditating in the middle of the sky. I was mesmerized and filled with devotion for Baba. I offered him my salutations.
After waking up, I realized that today is Baba's solar birthday. And on the Siddha Yoga path website, I saw the same image as the one in my dream: an orange circle with Baba seated in it.
Happiest birthday to beloved Baba!
Thane West, India

I met Baba Muktananda in person in early October 1976 at his Ashram near Ganeshpuri, right after his second World Tour. I had already studied yoga for a year, and had traveled extensively in India, visiting different ashrams.
But all that was merely preparation for meeting with a great Siddha Master—Baba Muktananda.
The most amazing spiritual magic started the moment I arrived at Baba’s Ashram in the fall of 1976. I spent the most blissful, mystical nine months of my life at the side of Baba Muktananda. Every single day during that time was filled with the most remarkable spiritual experiences. Even now, years later, when I read my own notes about my time with Baba, I find the stories amazing.
Warsaw, Poland

As I was participating in the live video stream
satsang today for Baba’s solar birthday, I heard the chirping of birds outside my window. As the
satsang progressed, the chirping got louder, and louder—and louder. By the end of the
satsang, the chirping was so loud I couldn’t ignore it. I looked toward the window and saw a whole family of birds sitting right outside looking in. They seemed ecstatic, as if they had been participating in the entire
satsang. And then, as the
satsang ended, they got up to leave.
Even the birds were singing to Baba today!
California, United States

In the evening “Be in the Temple”
satsang to celebrate Akshaya Tritiya, Gurumayi asked us at the beginning of meditation to connect with “the inner flame in the shrine of your heart.” As I slipped into my heart, I was surprised to find what seemed like a blazing bushfire there! Since I am Australian, I was a bit alarmed. Then Gurumayi asked us to focus. I looked more intently and realized that what at first had seemed like a bushfire was in fact thousands of
arati lights.
As I went further into this experience, I came to understand that these lights were representative of every
arati I had ever performed to the Lord, every prayer I had ever offered to God, every good deed I had ever performed. My heart was alight in a blaze of golden goodness!
I offer my thanks to Gurumayi for these amazing, resplendent, and glorious “Be in the Temple”
satsangs. I feel immensely blessed.
Melbourne, Australia

As I sat for meditation after the
satsang in honor of Akshaya Tritiya, I found myself entering the cosmic space of the sky of Consciousness within. Through Bade Baba's grace, the inner heart-sky of divinity has become familiar territory in my meditations, but this morning, something was different.
I sensed a prayer rising out of that sky, something like "Please, God, humanity is suffering. Please relieve the pain and anguish." I don't often pray for anything, so I feel this transcendent experience emanated from the power of Bade Baba’s
darshan during the
satsang to unite the individual with the universal for the good of all.
satsang has strengthened in me the understanding that this pandemic presents all of us with an unequaled opportunity to embrace the entire world as one. We are together!
California, United States

Today, as I listened to Gurumayi, I kept in mind my longing for all Siddha Yogis to understand her wonderful teachings. Then we began to meditate. When meditation was over and the chimes began, they sounded as if they were filling my whole house! At that moment I realized the sound was coming from within me and it was both profound and moving. Then I remembered the name of the Siddha Yoga Audio Satsang in Celebration of Baba’s Birthday:
Sound, Self, Serenity. I was amazed!
Cancun, Mexico

The "Be in the Temple"
satsangs on Akshaya Tritiya brought so much auspiciousness to the day through Gurumayi’s teachings and gifts. I’d been suffering from strong migraine and tiredness, but after the two
satsangs, those problems disappeared. I was filled with a revitalizing energy and strength, along with a grateful heart, a serene mind, and a feeling that the day could not have been more perfect.
The Guru's teachings and
shakti have always been there for me during the most challenging times of my life, in many forms. I feel the teachings we have been receiving during "Be in the Temple"
satsangs carry such power that I do want to make space for them to live in me and to be expressed through me. It is wonderful to receive the Guru's love in this way.
My octogenarian parents are also enjoying these
satsangs. They are learning how to better process this strange time, and feel supported in overcoming fear and focusing on a better direction for themselves—one which gives them more peace and purpose.
Jerez de la Frontera, Spain

From the beginning of the very first “Be in the Temple”
satsang, a deep understanding came to me. That is, to
be in the temple of my heart in every moment of every day, and in all that I think, say, and do—
that is the true state of being.
I am immensely grateful for the grace showered upon us by our beloved Gurumayi, Baba, and Bade Baba.
California, United States
During this lockdown due to the pandemic, I find myself in this Himalayan home of mine, surrounded by awesome nature, flowers, and birdsong. I am welcoming each new flower that blooms! Now the “Be in the Temple”
satsangs are filling up my days, making each more sublime and full of my Guru’s grace. I am actually enjoying the lockdown for the new meaning it brings to me—a glimpse into my soul.
Shimla, India

Again and again, I am filled with lightness, courage, and steadfastness in my responsibilities on this awesome Siddha Yoga path. I feel the blessings profoundly, and now more than ever. I feel both honored and humbled to be on this global retreat in such auspicious and golden company. We are becoming more strongly united and allowing great goodness and truth to shine forth.
I know through my
sadhana and Gurumayi's teachings that I am able to collect myself again and again, thereby aligning myself more solidly to the temple within my own heart. Now I want to dedicate this lightness, courage, and steadfastness that I feel to the entire globe.
Glenbrook, Blue Mountains, Australia

For each of these “Be in the Temple”
satsangs, I keep thinking how many of us are joined together in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall. Each time we chant or meditate together, we are subtly uplifting the planet, all the beings in it, and nature. We radiate divine
shakti when we chant and it expands, uplifting our neighborhoods and our neighbors, and the buildings we live and work in. The
shakti that expands from my devotion meets with that of other Siddha Yogis who are participating in the
satsang at the same time.
And so it expands from all neighborhoods to nearby cities and towns, and then blends with the
shakti sent forth by all who participate in each of our countries and on each continent. In this way, all the continents are brought together as we blend our love and blessings for each other and for the world.
California, United States

Last night before falling asleep, my mantra had spontaneously changed to
Guru Om, as if being in the Temple had already begun. During the meditation in the Temple, the sound of the tamboura became a magical concert. I heard the rhythm of drums and bells and a divine choir singing. I felt Gurumayi’s love pouring over me and all of us.
I feel amazed at how the Temple expands and envelops all our homes—and the planet. It fills me with trust and the conviction that I am not a victim. I am enveloped by the feeling of having a strong purpose to being alive here and now. In spite of all that is happening in the world, I feel so good to have the awareness that all the grace I have received and am still receiving has been growing inside of me, like endless fields of rice paddies. And now is the time to give back!
Frabertsham, Germany

As I began to listen to the tabla being played in the live stream, I felt the rhythm was touching every cell in my body, and my body was responding to the call of the drum. I could even feel it in the individual hairs of my eyebrows. As I immersed myself more and more in the sound, my body started to move spontaneously—sometimes subtle movements of my fingers, sometimes large movements of the arms. Sometimes I simply danced.
After a time, I felt I had become the sound itself. Yet this was no out-of-body experience; I felt strongly centered in my body throughout, and my feet felt connected to the floor as I moved and danced.
One day later, as I think of this sublime experience, I feel I am dancing within. Such synchronicity, as I see that this day, April 29, is International Dance Day!
Havant, United Kingdom

During the “Be in Temple” s
atsang, as I listened to the magnificent tabla playing, I beheld images of nature unfolding like a painting before me. Each tap in the drum evoked gurgles in a brook or bird calls and flowers. I was completely entranced by the freedom and transcendent qualities of the tabla sounds. I had no idea such an experience could happen from the sounds of a drum! It opened my heart so fully, and I felt I was diving deep into
darshan with Bade Baba.
I am so grateful for these extraordinary
satsangs; they support me in keeping my focus on
New York, United States

I was fortunate to attend the “Be in the Temple” satsang in honor of Baba’s Lunar Birthday. I felt purified by every aspect of the satsang. Because of the difficult times we are living in, my office environment has seemed frazzled, and I have felt myself losing touch with my center.
I was especially uplifted by the song “What One Man Can Do” that was played at the beginning of the satsang along with photos of Baba with animals and children. In particular, the line “What one man can do is change the world and make it young again” was so reassuring to me. I was further reassured as I listened to Siddha Yogis share their experiences with Baba. These shares reminded me that I am not alone and Baba is with me.
Hosur, India

What a glorious celebration we had in the “Be in the Temple”
satsang in honor of Baba's Lunar Birthday! From the very beginning I felt so much joy. I was moved by the pictures of Baba, his palpable love for everyone, his divine laughter. When
Jyota se Jyota Jagao began, tears were rolling down my cheeks. The presence of Baba was so powerful. Throughout the whole day, I felt wrapped up in his love.
Thank you, Bade Baba, Baba, and Gurumayi, for your divine presence in my life, and more than ever, in these exceptional times.
Montreal, Canada

Gurumayi’s teachings about rhythm inspired me to write this poem:
If I want peace, I must live in peace within myself.
Achieving peace within myself, when I was younger,
felt so possible, then impossible, then possible once again.
With great effort I clung to my center,
but my own gripping exhausted me.
through determined intention,
through focused study,
from guidance I received,
from grace and gentle self-effort,
I learned to “Be with…”
Be with my emotions, even when they stormed
Be with my fears
Be with my ideas
Be with the circumstances of my life
Be with my losses
Be with my gains
Be with my children
Be with my family
Be with my friends
Be with the surges of energy
that would arise when I felt
deep sadness and elevated happiness
Be with my Guru,
her energy awakened
within me
Be with my Self
How can I extend and expand this experience of “being”
so that it is an uninterrupted state?
Be in the Temple
Be with grace
Be in rhythm
South Yarra, Australia

During the “Be in the Temple”
satsang celebrating Baba's Lunar Birthday, I was so moved to witness Bade Baba being served a cup of Siddha coffee.
It reminded me of a dream I had shortly after Baba Muktananda took
mahasamadhi. In the dream I entered Baba's Samadhi Shrine, and found Baba sitting in great contentment and radiance, drinking tea from a beautiful cup, very like the one with which Bade Baba was served in the
satsang. Baba smiled at me in delight as if I had just uncovered a great secret. I said, “Baba! I thought you had gone and here you are, drinking tea!”
In this delightful way Baba gave me the teaching that the Guru's radiant presence is eternal.
Castlemaine, Australia
After the live video stream
satsang for Baba's Lunar Birthday, I saw blue everywhere I went. I saw blue in other people too, and that’s when I realized that Baba's love is everywhere you go. Even if you’re outside, you can just look up at the sky and see and feel Baba's love.
New Jersey, United States
Today I had the wonderful opportunity to celebrate Baba's Birthday in the "Be in the Temple"
satsang. During the chant
Om Guru Jaya Guru, I felt profound silence deep in my heart. The flow of my breath remained steady. I was connected to my own Self. After the
satsang, I went out onto the terrace for the
darshan of Baba's moon. As soon I glanced at the moon, I experienced Baba's presence. A wave of love and joy touched my heart.
Khamgaon, India

I give heartfelt thanks to Gurumayi for Baba's Birthday
satsang online, and for including so many beautiful pictures of Baba. It was the best birthday party I've ever attended!
It recalled for me the excitement that I first experienced when I began to explore the Siddha Yoga path, guided by the photo of Baba on the cover of his book
Play of Consciousness. Baba's eyes in the photo were so full of love that my heart trembled whenever I saw it. I felt the same awe during the “Be in the Temple”
satsang for Baba's Birthday, and the same inner strength and conviction that I can follow the path, which Baba’s and Gurumayi's love have always evoked in me.
Burnaby, Canada

When the mandated quarantine began because of the pandemic, and I realized I wouldn’t be going back to work very soon, I became acutely aware of the choice before me: follow the fear about the impending loss of money and security and spiral downward into a negative mind frame—or stay upbeat, focused, and disciplined in continuing to envision a successful outcome. I had to choose how I was going to live my life. I chose to be strong!
I prayed to Gurumayi for grace and asked her to be with me during this time because, together with her, everything is possible. One week later Gurumayi initiated the “Be In The Temple”
satsangs. I'm so grateful for this
prasad from my Guru! These beautiful
satsangs have transformed sheltering in place into immersion in a retreat. I’ve had time to take care of my family’s needs, and also give the required attention to my spiritual self. One way has been by reciting
Shri Guru Gita more frequently, followed by
Shri Mahalakshmi Stotram and meditation.
New York, United States

The morning after the
satsang in honor of Akshaya Tritiya, near the end of my meditation I had a profound experience of being a flower! Because I was in meditation, I saw myself from the inside. It was such a beautiful experience, and one I've never had before. I feel that it happened because at one point in the
satsang, Gurumayi spoke about the beauty of flowers.
The next morning, when I was meditating with the mantra
Hamsa, I spontaneously started leaving a space between the breaths, and reveled in that space. I felt this too was due to the
satsang. I am so grateful for the grace of these gifts.
Winnipeg, Canada

On April 25, Akshaya Tritiya Day, I visited my elderly Mum, who was in confinement by herself in her apartment. She’d recently expressed some interest in attending
satsang, so I suggested that we use her tablet to join the “Be in the Temple”
satsang with Gurumayi.
She hardly understood the English, but I could see from the softness on her face that she was being touched by the
shakti. Then, while Gurumayi recited
Shri Guru Gita, my Mum read a book while I cleaned her bedroom.
Later, I went outside and found a beautiful pink flower on the pavement. I had no idea where it had come from. I brought it upstairs and placed it on the kitchen table. When my Mum saw the flower, she opened her eyes wide and said, very surprised, “Where did you find that beautiful flower?” I said, “On the street, Mum.” She got very indrawn, and from deep within herself, she said, “Then this is a gift from the heavens!”
Rixensart, Belgium

This morning, the singing of a bird woke me up. It sounded like the birdsong at the beginning of
Shri Gurudeva Sharanam played during
darshan at the end of the "Be in the Temple"
satsangs. When I heard the bird, immediately the image of Bade Baba in the Temple, along with the beautiful lullaby from the
Sweet Dreams CD, came to mind, and I felt the presence of grace.
I recalled the meaning of
Shri Gurudeva Sharanam: “I take refuge in the Guru.” Since then, my heart has been filled with warmth and love, remembering that in every moment Guru's grace is with me, surrounding me, protecting me, smiling at me. I feel there is no better place to take refuge than in my Guru's love and presence in the Temple.
Jerez de la Frontera, Spain

During the celebration of Akshaya Tritiya
, Gurumayi spoke about the financial difficulties this period was causing for some people. I have been out of work and had been trying to file for unemployment, but due to the volume of people applying, it has been challenging.
During the
satsang, we sang
Shri Mahalakshmi Stotram and Gurumayi spoke about the enormous power of this hymn. When the
satsang ended, I saw that I had missed a call from the U.S. Department of Labor. A few hours later a very nice man called again and answered all the questions I had been trying to get answered for many weeks. He told me that my unemployment application had been approved and processed.
I felt this was a tangible expression of the power of grace. I am amazed and so very grateful.
New York, United States

After I first participated in a "Be in the Temple"
satsang at 3:30 AM in my time zone, I noticed I had to make a little extra effort in my usual morning routine because I was more sleepy than usual.
Then, I suddenly heard Gurumayi’s voice from within, "So, how did you like getting up early to attend the
satsang? Isn't it great to get up that early?"
I recalled my experiences of joyously getting up early when I was visiting Gurudev Siddha Peeth. So I inwardly answered, "Yes, it's a wonderful gift to "Be in the Temple" with Bade Baba when the world is so still and quiet at 3:30 AM."
Then I heard inwardly, "Good, I'm glad because we're going to have many more
satsangs at 3:30 AM!”
Then I prayed for the gift of strength to be able to get up early and not feel tired since I want to be wide awake to do my practices throughout the day. And that is exactly what has happened!
Nevada, United States

I am so grateful for all Gurumayi is doing to make our spirits soar. My entire family--children and adults--participates in the “Be in the Temple”
satsangs, and then we all meet up virtually to joyfully share our experiences. During today's
satsang as we were chanting
Samba Sadashiva, tears of devotion and gratitude flowed from my eyes. My heart was saying, "Gurumayi is Karunakara, the embodiment of compassion."
North Carolina, United States
In the
satsang, when focusing my attention on getting into the rhythm, I felt my blood begin to pulsate. The pulsating blood seemed to rush into every single cell of my body, bringing purification.
Yokohama, Japan
I am so grateful for the “Be In The Temple”
satsangs. My heart is overflowing with a renewed love and rejuvenation of spirit. Like the images in Gurumayi's Message Artwork for 2020, my heart is rising and I am so grateful to be overflowing with exquisite joy! I have received so much grace to discover that I am being invited to be, to be filled with grace and joy, to be home and to be safe in the Temple with Bade Baba, with Gurumayi, with the entire global Siddha Yoga
Melbourne, Australia
Last night in the moonlit sky I saw clouds in the form of bunnies and salamanders, hearts and crocodiles. I laughed and smiled, knowing love is everywhere. I loved having the experience of Gurumayi’s teaching in “Be Attuned”: “The universe
wants you to be happy.”
California, United States

It was beautiful to see the performances of the participating children and teens during the live video stream of “Be in the Temple” this morning. After lunch I went for a little nap to get ready for the evening
As I was about to wake up, the picture of Bade Baba sitting on his pedestal came to the screen of my mind. Suddenly I heard these words coming from within: “Bade Baba is real.” It kept repeating, “Bade Baba is real. Bade Baba is real.” All of a sudden I saw the
murti of Bade Baba become alive. Bade Baba moved the upper part of his body and moved his head to the left. It was a mesmerizing scene!
Previously, in the
satsang “Be Empowered,” Gurumayi had said, “Bade Baba is real. Make yourself real as well. Bade Baba is strong. Make yourself strong as well. Baba Baba is sweet. Make yourself sweet as well.”
I am grateful to Gurumayi for reinvigorating my
sadhana in this way
Illinois, United States

This morning on a bicycle ride to visit my mother, I spied two geese on the side of the path near a local pond. Remembering Gurumayi's words during the recent
satsang “Be Attuned,” I wondered, “Maybe these geese have come all the way from Shree Muktananda Ashram to visit me.” Why not? In some way they had.
I stopped to admire and quietly greet the pair. I moved closer, to about three feet away, when I spied, nestled between them in the grass, a sweet, fluffy little bunch of brand new goslings. I remembered what Gurumayi said and smiled, thinking that maybe these geese parents were imagining their babies were invisible to my admiring eyes. I bid the family farewell.
Continuing my ride, I absorbed the natural beauty all around me, feeling buoyed by the earth’s most miraculous gifts. And the blue sky—oh, the perfect blue sky!
California, United States

The offerings of all four children and teens were such a delight! I was drawn into the world of pure devotion, serenity, playfulness, and greater awareness. Listening to Kedar playing the mridangam, I felt a release of tension that I was not even aware I was carrying. This
satsang gave me a really happy time!
Hindelang, Germany
I have been so inspired by the young people who have been hosting the “Be in the Temple”
satsangs. So much love, light, and happiness rise up within me through spending time with them. I'm so grateful for their virtues,
sadhana, and purity.
Toronto, Canada

As I contemplated the teachings that Gurumayi gave on Akshaya Tritiya, the key words that emerged for me were
serenity, service, and
stay tuned. I committed to making peacefulness a priority throughout my daily life and staying tuned to serenity in service.
Yesterday, my work as a medical doctor was especially chaotic and time-pressured, with various emotional and technological stressors. Thankfully, with grace and the strength of my
sankalpa, I remembered to prioritize peacefulness. I'd truly pause, readjust, and silently repeat the
shanti mantras,
Guru Om, or Gurumayi's Message
Atma ki Prashanti, Peacefulness of the Self.
I'm so grateful for Gurumayi's grace to deepen my study and implementation of the Siddha Yoga teaching to explore the path of peace.
Colorado, United States

For many years, whenever I visited Shree Muktananda Ashram, my favorite place to go was the Bade Baba Temple. Meditation there was always so profound. The
shakti would take hold of me and carry me into magical worlds of meditation. Bade Baba revealed many divine qualities of God and the inner Self, and showed me how to transform fear into courage.
Since those visits, my devotion to Bade Baba and love for the Temple have taken me there in meditation on a regular basis. Various Siddha Yoga mantras arise from within and carry me on waves of love, like a magic carpet, to Bade Baba in his Temple. Once there, I offer
pranam to Bade Baba and his sandals. In this way, Bade Baba, even from afar, has been very close and offers oceans of grace.
So when Gurumayi named the live video stream
satsangs “Be In The Temple,” my jaw dropped open. I felt so thankful that the Temple would be available, live-streamed, in my own home. Such love, blessings, and grace!
Illinois, United States

I am married to a surgeon, so I have naturally worried about his becoming infected with COVID-19. I started to wake up at night, unable to go back to sleep. “What is going on?” I asked myself. “Where has my inner peace, my connection to the inner Self gone?” Reflecting, I discovered a deep inner fear and aversion to the pandemic. Embracing this, recognizing that we are all mortal, I overcame that state.
However, my inner peace and confidence in the Self were shaken. In early April I developed a cough and high fever. Late that night, “Be in the Temple” would again take place. I woke up right on time, and watched Bade Baba. Such bright colors, so much warmth emanating from the
murti. I saw only Bade Baba. I felt so protected, as if I were sleeping at his feet. I did not want anything, nor did I pray for anything, nor expect anything. It felt so good!
When I woke in the morning, I felt a deep inner healing had taken place at the level of my soul. After a few days, the fever was gone. What will stay with me is this experience of complete and therefore wonderful surrender. I now see clearly that all attainment lies in complete surrender. That’s when all is given.
Rome, Italy

Before the morning “Be in the Temple”
satsang, I was in the midst of a conversation with my husband. Suddenly I heard little pings from my phone. They were very sweet and gently insistent. They came from fellow devotees reminding me of the program. To me they were saying "Yoo hoo, time to come to the Temple!" The pings were like birdsong. At that moment, I felt so happy—to be reminded in this inviting and loving way.
So I entered the Temple feeling totally loved. Imagine my continued delight when I got to listen to the children's offerings to Gurumayi! I felt like a child, and I realized how important it is for us to be children inside.
I offer my gratitude to the children who performed. They opened my heart to the child who is always there, sending out little pings of love to me and to the world.
Maryland, United States

I am so grateful for the inspiration, energy, and love shown by these younger Siddha Yogis. Just as the live video stream
satsangs have erased space and distance, so the offerings of these children have erased time for us. How fortunate we are, all of us, to see into the future through these young people as we come together to “Be in the Temple.”
Washington, United States
Many years ago I spent the six best years of my life offering
seva in Shree Muktananda Ashram. Of course, I knew that I was going to have to leave at some point. I had a favorite spot in the Bade Baba Temple and I would sit there and pray to Bade Baba with all my heart to bring me back to the Temple at a later time.
What a way Bade Baba has found to respond to my prayer! I am so grateful to Gurumayi and Bade Baba for bringing me back to the Temple through these “Be in the Temple”
Mexico City, Mexico

Words cannot describe my gratitude for the "Be in the Temple
" satsangs we have had together. They have been beautiful and inspiring. Gurumayi’s teachings are incredible, and remind me of the amazing teachings Gurumayi gave us after difficult events in the past.
In these challenging times of the pandemic, Gurumayi is sending huge waves of grace that uplift every molecule in my body and every inch of my home. What unprecedented teachings and blessings we are receiving for such unprecedented times!
I am grateful to Gurumayi for her strength and vision, and for the challenge of bringing one hundred ”grains of rice” back to her, while what she gives to us is immeasurable.
New York, United States

For some years I´ve been moving around without having the opportunity to be with my mom. We had planned for her to come to Madrid from Mexico in April. But then the coronavirus outbreak happened and her travel had to be cancelled.
Today I was feeling sad because I miss her so much. But then I realized we had the opportunity to be together not in Mexico, not in Madrid, but in Shree Muktananda Ashram in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall, sharing our practices and love for our Guru. What a blessing this has been!
Madrid, Spain
These “Be in the Temple”
satsangs have been powerful, sublime, and regenerating for me. As I sat by the fireside chanting
Samba Sadashiva, I looked down to the basket of fire starters, and lo, the brand name is Samba.
I realize there is no separation from the Guru, the
shakti, the Siddhas, all of the seekers in the
sangham. This day is sacred and I am in bliss; after many years of traveling, I am home—in the heart with my Guru. It feels so good.
Murrurundi, Australia
This morning, as I reread the teachings from the “Be in The Temple”
satsangs, I was awestruck and amazed at the amount of wisdom and blessings Gurumayi has showered upon us during this shutdown period. There are enough “grains” of wisdom to contemplate in these
satsangs for a lifetime of harvesting wish-fulfilling trees! Just contemplating even one of her talks gives me the experience of profound
Atma ki Prashanti.
Hawaii, United States

The “Be in theTemple”
satsangs coincided with the time that my wife, our two young adult sons, and I all came down with symptoms of COVID-19. Having Gurumayi's and Bade Baba's
darshan during this time filled me with a sense of peace. Receiving Gurumayi's teachings over the first two weeks of feeling physically ill, while not knowing which direction the illness would take, was literally a godsend. I became filled with
Atma ki Prashanti and emboldened to utilize the wisdom gained over years of
I am eternally grateful to Gurumayi for her leadership and grace in opening the Temple, a sanctuary of compassion and healing, to all of us.
Virginia, United States

I am very grateful to the four children who offered their talents to Gurumayi in this morning’s “Be in the Temple”
satsang. Their performances were exquisite: so pure, so bright, so generous! They really made my soul soar in the blue sky. Their gracious and radiant souls will certainly lead the world to be a better paradise.
Annecy-le-Vieux, France
This morning it was such a delight to hear all the wonderful offerings to Gurumayi and Bade Baba that the children made, so freely and authentically. As a singing teacher for children in middle school and high school, I was so moved to hear the purity and love in the music and other offerings. I could feel the love emanating from each performance. The power of music to heal is truly amazing.
Wisconsin, United States

Today I woke up with one thought in my mind: I would like to be with Bade Baba. I would like to talk to him and sit with him, the way Gurumayi ji did when she was young. Then I remembered that today we will be in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall together and I felt my whole self smile.
As I listened to the children and their offerings to Gurumayi, I couldn't help but bless them again and again for their wisdom, goodness, and radiance. One phrase kept playing in my mind as my blessings came forth: "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."
I am very grateful to Gurumayi for the gift of
darshan in the Bade Baba Temple in the company of the purest of pure—the children of the world.
Versoix, Switzerland

Being in the Temple so often has seated Bade Baba's golden form in the forefront of my mind. When I close my eyes to meditate, he is already there. When I go about my day, he is there.
I am so grateful to Gurumayi for these
satsangs and for those offering
seva to support them. I am filled with gratitude to be able to have Bade Baba's
darshan again and again.
Georgia, United States
I went forward for
darshan of Bade Baba in the Be in The Temple
satsang in my home yesterday, just as I would have if I were there in person. I placed my head on the
padukas and felt as if fragrant flowers enveloped me! It was divine!
In that moment, my automatic response was to want to offer
dakshina, just as I would when I had the opportunity to visit the Temple in person. I realized that during these sublime
satsangs in the Universal Hall, it was just as natural, meaningful, and important to me to make an offering. It feels wonderful to participate in this way.
New York, United States

In the “Be in the Temple”
satsang in honor of Akshaya Tritiya, just after Gurumayi led us into chanting the Mahalakshmi
gayatri mantra multiple times and then chanting
Om as one universal choir, an unusual and heavy rain began to fall in my region. This torrential rain stopped after a few minutes. I felt as though the heavens had heard our prayer and were declaring full acknowledgment of this invocation of Mahalakshmi—the embodiment and bestower of beauty, wealth, abundance, and auspiciousness.
Washington, United States
We were so fortunate to experience such a beautiful “sound bath” in the Temple with Bade Baba today! As the exquisite
bhajans were sung so sweetly, my heart glowed warmly and felt soothed, as if it were being bathed in the gentle melodies. I am grateful for this gift of grace.
Wolli Creek, Australia
As I listened to the beautiful singing of the
bhajan, my entire being relaxed and I settled into a place of deep peace. I had the thought that this place of peace must already be there, and that the
bhajan simply provided the means to experience that peace.
Being in that place of peace led me to following the movement of my breath as the object of my meditation. My longing to meditate has been watered; my commitment to practicing meditation every day has been strengthened.
Alaska, United States

I am deeply grateful for the “Be in the Temple” live video streams. Just seeing Bade Baba’s resplendent
murti as I open my computer transmits a singular feeling of peace and harmony. They reminded me of when I offered
seva as a cashier in the Amrit café years ago, during some of the busiest seasons in Shree Muktananda Ashram. During pauses on those days, I would enter the Temple for just a few minutes. That would enable me to return to
seva invigorated, smiling, and cheerfully greeting everyone.
The “Be in the Temple”
satsangs replicate this experience for me. I find myself smiling as I work from home and connect with family and friends by sending happy notes and memes to brighten their day. This series of
satsangs during this extraordinary period is an immensely compassionate and gracious blessing.
Florida, United States

When I tuned into the live video stream “Be in the Temple” on this auspicious day of Akshaya Tritiya, Gurumayi was talking about Mahalakshmi, goddess of prosperity and abundance.
That day my mom went to a food bank for us, and she came home with the entire car filled with boxes and boxes of food. It was astonishing how much we’d been given! We called our friends and shared it all with them. We still had too much so we took the rest to my mom's church.
This was truly an auspicious day!
Washington, United States

The ''Be in the Temple''
satsangs are uplifting my life and my
sadhana in so many tangible ways and I am immensely grateful. I’d been very caught up with all that was happening in the world, and feeling very anxious at times. The "Be in the Temple"
satsangs have changed all that.
Gurumayi’s talks made me
truly understand that the only way to conquer my fears was to turn within, to take shelter within, to ground my being within my own Self. I’ve made time to chant, meditate, and view the Siddha Yoga website, even though, as a mother of three, lockdown keeps me busy! When I catch myself complaining about how much housework I have to do, I remember Gurumayi's teachings about cleanliness, and performing what we have to do with love, and it fills my heart with a warm glow.
I also decided to make the conscious effort to more often bring forth some of my “angelic qualities.” Yes, my spirits have soared and my
sadhana has deepened, thanks to the "Be in the Temple"
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

For years I have offered
seva playing harmonium for
Shri Guru Gita and the
namasankirtanas at the local Siddha Yoga meditation center. During this stay-at-home period, I have missed this tremendously, and felt such longing to return to the company of the
sangham and the practice of
seva. Today, I was reminded that
satsang takes place in my heart. The tears of gratitude that streamed down my cheeks during today’s recitation of
Shri Guru Gita tell me that teaching landed in its fullness
I am so thankful to be on this sacred path, and to be a disciple of Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, whose love is the most powerful force in the universe.
West Vancouver, Canada

Know that you belong just where you are.
Love is not banished.
Love is not in exile.
Even through the body's flailings and the mind's confusions,
You are so much stronger than you know.
There is a pulsating strength within.
Feel it coursing throughout your being—
Each beat affirms the presence of love.
Be in that love. Live in that love.
Then offer it back ten thousandfold.
New Mexico, United States

During the golden "Be in the Temple"
satsang on Akshaya Tritiya, when Gurumayi so lovingly led us into meditation after the recitation of
Shri Guru Gita, I was immediately transported to the temple of Bhagavan Nityananda in Gurudev Siddha Peeth. In exquisite robes of white and gold, Bade Baba was sparkling and brimming with love and compassion. I dropped into a beautiful, peaceful meditation and, upon leaving the Temple, received holy water and
prasad of freshly made
sheera. The abundance and generosity in this vision washed over me, leaving me in complete contentment and gratitude for the eternal grace of the Guru.
Toronto, Canada

While chanting with Gurumayi in the Temple this evening, I had a revelation with regard to a challenging situation or "problem" I am presently dealing with.
In the morning
satsang Gurumayi said, “Learn to embrace every situation as though it’s a gift.” As we chanted “
Krishna Govinda” tonight, I realized that it was because of this problem that I was seeking refuge in the Guru's grace, guidance, and protection. In effect, the problem has drawn me closer to God, and my connection with Gurumayi has also been strengthened. Since I experience this connection as invaluable, I now see that having to deal with this problem
has been a gift.
Connecticut, United States

During the powerful and blessing-filled
satsang on Akshaya Tritiya, Gurumayi offered us so much—like a mountain of gifts and
prasad. She was taking care of all of us with so much love! When she gave us the gift of verse 99 of
Shri Guru Gita, I took it to heart as a gift filled with her grace and blessings. Following her invitation, I repeated it before going to sleep. During the night, I woke up and heard these words within: "Be a warrior, with the virtues as your weapons."
As I reread the verse this morning, I saw it was also a command to “follow the path shown by the Guru." I have received so much over the years, and if I want to be a true disciple, I have to make efforts to really “follow the path,” imbibing and applying the teachings in my life in gratitude for all I have received.
I will write this verse down, read it, and keep it with me every day.
St. Bauzille de la Sylve, France

Our family has been so grateful for the "Be in the Temple”
satsangs. They have been a healing balm and a powerful way to connect as a family during these times.
We lit a fire in our backyard last night and were listening to and chanting "
Krishna Govinda" in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall outside in the dark, warmed by the fire, when a bird flew right above us in the dark and sang with us while we were chanting! We were both surprised and not surprised to have the birds rejoice with us on this golden day-and-night, as we shared the opportunity to "Be in the Temple."
Massachusetts, United States

Today during the chanting
satsang, Gurumayi and Eesha spoke about birds chirping and that birds are often seen as “a good omen." Here in Gurudev Siddha Peeth, I noticed that when Gurumayi invited everyone to have Bade Baba's
darshan, two birds came into Hridaydeep Hall. One sat on a plant behind Gurumayi's chair and the other sat to the right of Gurumayi's picture. They were there for almost five minutes, sitting quietly. I felt as if they’d come for
darshan upon receiving Gurumayi's invitation, and were offering their love to her in response to her own love in remembering them.
It truly felt as if we were in a Universal Hall where all beings on this planet can come to be in the presence of the Guru. It was an experience of oneness. Later I referred to the virtue for this day in the month, from
Sadguna Vaibhava, and it was "Unity." I am in awe at such divine synchronicity.
a Gurukula student in Gurudev Siddha Peeth

When I receive a text about another "Be in the Temple"
satsang, my heart immediately jumps with excitement. As we can no longer attend
satsangs or see other Siddha Yogis in person, these
satsangs have made my home into an abode of grace. In these uncertain times I have been reciting
Shri Guru Gita daily and sharing daily meditation with my husband.
I am very grateful to Gurumayi for such great joy at this most interesting of times.
New York, United States

This morning when I was participating in the “Be in the Temple”
satsang, I was sitting in front of my computer, and behind it there is a window facing my garden. Right before
Bhaja Govindam began, a big bird called sabiá laranjeira, which is known to sing very beautifully, came walking slowly and very calmly to the window and stayed there throughout the
bhajan. I felt that it wanted to join with me to receive the Guru's
prasad and the beauty of the sacred moment.
Thank you, Gurumayi, for teaching me to observe nature and delight in all its varied aspects.
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Be the Temple
The time is here!
I cannot walk through the world
And pretend that I don’t know my Self.
The joyful, reverent, and pristine Awareness
of entering a Temple
Must be present in my daily life.
My beautiful mind and body
Is the Temple
Where my Self
Should be present and shine.
New York, United States
About three months ago, I had a dream: I was in the Temple with Bade Baba. He came down from his pedestal and prostrated towards me. He said, “Both sides are equal; it doesn't matter which one you are." I felt he was honoring his own Self within me and showing me that his greatness is also my greatness.
Every time I participate in the “Be in the Temple
satsangs, I remember this dream. Now a focus of my
sadhana has been looking inside, into the inner greatness of the Self. What an amazing life this can be!
Montreal, Canada
These last weeks have been challenging for me, but thanks to the “Be in the Temple”
satsangs, I feel uplifted and blessed by the Guru, and I don't feel lonely anymore. I'm still working on many things inside myself, but I know that the Guru's grace is there and will always be.
Bogota, Colombia
satsang was wonderful
prasad. As I listened to Ojas playing the tabla, each petal of my heart was singing to the rhythm, and as I continued to tune in deeply to the sounds of tabla, I experienced its dance along my spine. My heart is happy.
Eastbourne, East Sussex, United Kingdom
When Gurumayi led us into meditation with the mantra
Guru Om, I immediately found myself looking at a range of mountains. I was drawn to one majestic mountain. I knew it to be Mount Kailash. It rose and expanded in front of me. An inner knowing told me it was a symbol of the Guru's love—a love so vast, so sacred and beautiful, so deep, so enduring--just like the mountain itself. For me, this was a blessed reminder of the profound compassion and never-ending presence of the Guru's love in my life.
Crowthorne, United Kingdom

A thousand thanks
to my Guru, Gurumayi,
for her boundless energy
her unfathomable love
her pure artistry
her infinite golden heart.
A thousand thanks
to my Guru, Gurumayi,
who keeps on giving and giving,
inspiring, challenging
and urging me
to learn, imbibe and transform.
A thousand thanks
to my Guru
who never tires
of offering her knowledge
sharing her experiences
filling my heart with her divine voice
leading me into meditation.
What can I give
to my Guru, Gurumayi?
What can I offer
to my Guru, Gurumayi?
How can I show
my unending gratitude
for her presence
in my life
at this time
and all time?
I offer a thousand thanks
and implement her teachings,
imbibe her wisdom
learn, learn, learn
from her bottomless cup
by staying awake and listening
to her sublime voice.
My gift to you
my Guru, Gurumayi,
is to become one with you,
to see what you see
to know what you know
and to surrender to the love rising from
the depths of my golden heart
Fitzroy North, Australia

On Sunday, during the evening
satsang program for Akshaya Tritiya, the sun was rising where I live as we were singing to Lord Krishna. I felt nostalgic and wanted Gurumayi to see this magnificent light of the sunrise. I got up from my
asana and went outside onto my balcony. I turned my mobile phone, which was my source for watching the
satsang, and held the screen toward the sunrise and said, "Gurumayi, this is for you. See your beautiful Indian sunrise!" Then I said inside, "Can you hear the birds?" because the symphony of bird song began right then. In that moment, Gurumayi said on the live stream, "I can hear the birds."
Pune, India
Here is my intention for the world: I offer my love, protection, strength, and goodness to every being so that they may experience love, solace, protection, and well-being in their body, mind, and spirit.
Chinchwad, Pune, India
At the end of Gurumayi’s talk "Employing the Virtues," I experienced that so much grace had been poured into my being, and I sat in ecstatic silence and stillness. As I listened to the
Pasayadan on Easter morning , my eyes filled with tears of gratitude to our Gurumayi. I feel that I am being re-wired to become even greater so that I can serve in an even more profound way. Today I plan to get the workbook to study Gurumayi's Message for 2020.
Hawaii, United States

The day after the “Be in the Temple”
satsang on April 25, I experienced a conflict with a family member. I took some time in silence to find peace in my heart and to reflect on my part in the conflict. In the evening, I fell asleep making the wish that things will get better.
In the morning during my meditation time, I remembered the invitation Gurumayi gave during the
satsang to visualize ourselves meditating in the Temple with Bade Baba. I visualized myself sitting near Bade Baba, and I prayed a prayer without words. Then I started to meditate, and I experienced a wave of joy, love, and vitality that pervaded my whole being. I let this energy take its place in my heart, my mind, and my body. By the presence of this grace, I knew that the relationship with my family member would become more fulfilling for us both. By applying Gurumayi’s teaching, I received her blessing.
Annecy le Vieux, France

As we were in the Temple with Gurumayi, my 4-year-old daughter drew a picture of herself and Gurumayi. She wrote, “This is me. This is Gurumayi. We are together.” She drew a big heart in the center surrounded by many smaller hearts. To me, her image
is the experience of these
satsangs. And as a mom, seeing my child having this experience is a huge blessing.
Mexico City, Mexico
My experience in the “Be in the Temple”
satsangs has turned my home confinement into the brightest of all golden opportunities.
I realize that my anxiety and fear emanate from the pull and demand of the outside world. But tuning in to Gurumayi’s teachings frees me.
My intention is to multiply the “grain of rice” I have received from Gurumayi, and return it a thousand-fold.
Geneva, Switzerland
I was touched by the logo in the center of the banner for the “Be in the Temple” mini-site, which depicts a delicate symbol of a temple inside a heart.
The more I reflected on it, the more I realized that in my own heart there is a temple, and it’s to this temple I must turn to experience the Self.
Ganeshpuri, India

Last night when Gurumayi was chanting with us in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall, she turned and looked directly into the camera for a very long time, and I experienced such a powerful sense of her love! What I loved most about the way her love was coming through to me was that it felt completely free. It seemed to me that it went from ecstatic to humorous to joy, and on to more sweet ecstasy and more joy and more humor. There were moments when she gave a glance that said to me, “You and I know what’s going on here, and it’s love.”
One more thought came to me as I reflected on being in the Universal Hall. I remembered the many years of
satsangs in the Ashram when I stood in line for a long time to try to get a seat close to Gurumayi. Last night the wonderful understanding arose that, in the Universal Hall, we all always have a front row seat.
Massachusetts, United States

I received
shaktipat in 1991. Since then, my meditation practice waned. A friend recently told me about the live video stream
satsangs. The moment the
satsang went live, and I received
darshan of Bade Baba, I found myself in tears—tears of joy, tears as my parched soul was nourished in his presence, and I felt the
shakti flow through my heart. The moment I saw him, I felt the fullness of the gift of his presence. I stepped into my own stillness and inner expansiveness once again. It was awesome. The fullness of my being, which was the gift of the Guru, had not gone away. This connection to the Guru and all that comes from it had remained inside of me, undiminished, waiting for me to return.
satsangs have been like homecomings for me. It’s such a familiar space—as I participate in the
satsangs, and as I reconnect with my chanting and meditation practice. I now understand, with conviction, that I am nourished by this path, by the Guru—and always have been.
District of Columbia, United States

After the first
satsang via live video stream on Akshaya Tritiya, I shared with my daughter that every day I recite a poem to Lakshmi that I love, which I once read in an issue of
Darshan Magazine. During the second
satsang it was wonderful to hear Shambhavi Christian sing a beautiful
bhajan, and then recite the translation. I realized, to my great delight, that it is the same poem that I recite daily, and that it is Gurumayi´s favorite
I am so grateful for these live video streams!
Valladolid, Spain

I feel so connected through the gift of these sublime “Be in the Temple”
satsangs. Our home has become an annex to the Ashram and my husband and I are on a life-transforming retreat—for however long it takes! Even when I am not participating in a live video stream, I have so many ways to still be in the Temple: I close my eyes and picture Gurumayi and Bade Baba, or I focus on my breath; I remember one of Gurumayi's teachings, or reflect on a question she has asked; I meditate, chant, or walk in nature—and each time I am in the Temple.
I love this path with every fiber of my being, and am eternally grateful to be living in this world, right now, with Gurumayi as my beloved Teacher.
Llwyn-y-Groes, United Kingdom

During meditation, I saw all our meditations, united across all the countries, becoming a huge
Om, filled with light, in the sky. And from this
Om, millions of bubbles of light were descending to earth, offering light and love everywhere. I immediately offered the fruits of my meditation to support all the health-care workers and all the people who are suffering from the coronavirus disease.
I feel so blessed and fortunate to be able to offer my best from the heart. Through the grace of Gurumayi, I am safe, at home, doing work on my computer and other tasks. And as a Siddha Yogi it's my duty to help from home in this way. I feel so much serenity. I feel as if my heart is a reservoir of love which can give so much to others.
St. Bauzille de la Sylve, France

I have training in homeopathy, so when Gurumayi gave us the homework question, " Why do I say your heart is made of gold?" I decided to research the healing properties of homeopathic gold, whose Latin name is
Aurum metallicum. One of my sources said, "Aurum is the sage, the wise counselor, who has experienced all things and attained wisdom." It is known to heal depression, anxiety, and feelings of isolation and joylessness.
When Bade Baba and Gurumayi direct us to "roam in our hearts," I now can see this as an instruction that leads us to the wisdom of the golden sage within—the Self.
New Mexico, United States

This most auspicious day, April 25, 2020, is also my birthday. What an amazing day this has been, filled with abundant grace and a cornucopia of blessings!
When Gurumayi shared about spending time in the Temple with Bade Baba, quietly, when no one else was around, I remembered my own experience in the summer of 2004. While I have had many profound meditative experiences, the time I spent with Bade Baba in the Temple, over a long weekend, was one of the deepest and most transformative times in my life. I lost myself in the stillness, serenity, and resplendent beauty of his presence. Perhaps other people were there, but I didn't notice.
I meditated for hours in deep reverence. There was only Bade Baba, only beingness. I'll never forget the blessings bestowed upon me in the Temple. Today I remembered that this was one of the most auspicious gifts I have ever received and I felt bathed in protection and grace.
Texas, United States

I am grateful to Gurumayi for the beautiful and empowering
satsangs in honor of Akshaya Tritiya.
During the morning
satsang, when Gurumayi was speaking, she said, "I need a drummer!" On his own, my eighteen-month-old son enthusiastically jumped up, ran to the closet, pulled out his drums, and started to play them for Gurumayi.
California, United States
What an amazing opportunity to celebrate Akshaya Tritiya! This morning-to-night celebration will last me for a full year! I will honor Mother Nature—the trees, the flowers, the plants; all the people who are the core of love, reflecting God; and all the creatures who cannot talk but give their love to us. I will stay attuned to the now, enjoying the splendiferous gifts and blessings we receive through the Siddha Yoga teachings. They are a multifaceted jewel that shapes our spiritual path.
Mersin, Turkey

This was another splendid “Be in the Temple”
satsang. I feel a shower of love bathing and oxygenating all the cells in my body. The flame in my heart is ignited and growing. I yearn for God, and feel him both immanent and transcendent in the words of Gurumayi, which echo within me as a command. Gurumayi makes me recognize God within myself.
Today was perfect from the first ray of sunshine, to the sweet breath of the flute at the start of the
satsang, all the way till nightfall. I am feeling pure ecstasy, love, and gratitude for belonging to this magnificent and edifying path.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Once, while I was chanting verse 99 of
Shri Guru Gita, in my inner vision l saw—a banana! As the verse continued, the banana peel peeled off. It felt like this vision was illustrating for me what the verse was saying: “Whatever transient things are ascribed to the Self should be discarded.” When these things, such as “I’m this body” or ”I’m this or that” are peeled away, what is left is the golden fruit—the pure Self, which is
I’ve always loved this verse, and I loved it when Gurumayi encouraged us to contemplate this verse in
Shri Guru Gita, after we had recited it earlier in the
California, United States

At dawn, this morning I attended the “Be in the Temple”
satsang on the occasion of Akshaya Tritiya. It was a magical experience chanting with Gurumayi in the early hours. After the chant there was a short period of meditation. When the music heralded the end of meditation, in the quietness I was startled by a bird chirping loudly in my garden.
Gurumayi's first words after the chant had been, "The birds are chirping. I can hear them." In that moment I had the tangible experience of Gurumayi's presence, here in my home, here in my heart. I had the experience, “This is the Temple.”
Mangalore, India

During the "Be in the Temple"
satsang on Akshaya Tritiya, Gurumayi spoke to us about our golden hearts. This brought back vividly the experience I had a few years ago in a dream or vision, in which some other people and I were invited to come forward for
darshan with Gurumayi and to offer her something of gold.
I was first in line and everyone was waiting for me to go forward for
darshan. I did not have anything of gold to give Gurumayi, so what to do? At that moment I felt this immense jolt of
shakti go right through my heart with such love. With deep inner knowing, I went before Gurumayi and these words poured from my heart: "Gurumayi, I give you my heart. It is gold." Gurumayi welcomed me with such love and responded,
Wisconsin, United States

I'm so happy we got to sing
Shri Mahalakshmyashtakam Stotram a third time—because I got to pray for the destruction of my biggest enemy, which right now I see as the challenges of parenting. During this pandemic, with schools closed, it's been a real struggle for me, without extended family, as I have extra balls to juggle while still working and also homeschooling.
As we sang, I was patting my five-year-old’s head as my four-year-old sat on top of me. And as I did this, I had this desire for them to be guided by the Guru. It was then that I realized that my arm can be the vehicle, the channel, for that guidance. It came to me with such a force of love that
this is how I can find my way through—by allowing the Guru to work through me and guide me as I parent them! And I am the vehicle for that.
Bangalow, Australia

Words and sounds dipped in golden nectar,
Anointed with the divine protection of grace.
Sacred healing balm for each heart, sacred prayers for the world.
Massachusetts, United States
These "Be in the Temple"
satsangs have brought all of us in the family together to chant, meditate, and learn Gurumayi's teachings. Every time we hear about the next
satsang, there is so much enthusiasm in the whole family for participating in the
satsang. I have an eight-year-old son and yesterday he recited
Shri Guru Gita with Gurumayi ji from start to finish for the first time and later meditated.
I am so grateful to Gurumayi ji for her blessings and love for all of us and for helping us to experience our golden hearts.
Mumbai, India

In the "Be in the Temple"
satsang this evening
, Eesha Sardesai shared her experience of several kinds of birds approaching the window where Gurumayi was speaking with her recently; Eesha felt they were coming to receive Gurumayi’s love. Eesha also explained that in researching the word
auspicious—this being one of the most auspicious days of the year—she’d learned that traditionally, an auspicious event was often heralded by the presence of birds.
I immediately remembered that earlier today, while taking a short drive, I noticed the presence of a wild turkey on the road as I was coming home. In at least one Native American tradition, this is considered an omen that one is about to receive a gift. This took place prior to tonight’s
satsang. When I heard Eesha share about her experience and her research, I immediately felt that my seeing this wild turkey was indeed an omen that tonight's program would be a powerful gift for me as well as others. And it has turned out to be just that!
North Carolina, United States

The “Be in the Temple”
satsangs have been an awakening for me. I have a small business and this is an especially worrisome time. But these
satsangs are so powerful that they have shifted my mind from being agitated to being at peace.
What Gurumayi ji said about our golden hearts teaches me that I need to be steady in love and to practice my
sadhana to help make a better world. Last week I often felt disconnected in the way Gurumayi ji described; her words showed me very clearly why I was feeling distant from her love and from serenity. I realize this is a time for me to decide what I want in my life.
Swami Ishwarananda shared with us about the time that Gurumayi ji told him, “Stay on duty during these trying times. It is not the time to sit down.” I realize that this teaching means, for me, that I must take ownership of my responsibilities and always act according to my dharma.
Maputo, Mozambique

I swam in the sweetest and most unique bliss on this auspicious day of Akshaya Tritiya. After singing to Mahalakshmi and reciting
Shri Guru Gita at home with my husband, I suddenly had the strong urge to clean our home—especially all the nooks and crevices that I often notice but don't create the time to clean. My hands just kept cleaning and cleaning, and I was enjoying it thoroughly.
When the time came for the evening
namasankirtana, and we started again with
Shri Mahalakshmyashtakam Stotram, I realized that my cleaning had been to prepare my home for
her! I was welcoming Mahalakshmi into our temple—into my own temple of the heart.
The chant was beautiful. And when I heard Eesha Sardesai speak and witnessed her beautiful, flowing interaction with Gurumayi, I suddenly felt the power of the lineage of this incredible path—all that has come before and all that will come in the future. I clearly envisioned a world filled with saints. This is now my dream too.
California, United States

When Gurumayi spoke about the properties of gold, I decided to research them. Here are some that I found: gold is precious, captivating, malleable (and thus flexible), indestructible (and thus eternal), and unalterable.
Wow! What qualities for our own golden hearts!
Verrières le Buisson, France

In the
satsang honoring Akshaya Tritiya, Swami Ishwarananda shared a story about his not staying in the place where he was supposed to be. This reminded me of recent times when I’ve been frightened by the global situation—because at those times I do not always stay in the place of truth in my heart.
Gurumayi called this
satsang “a golden
satsang.” And it happened to take place on the day of my husband’s and my golden wedding anniversary! We celebrated at home, and watched the movie
Casablanca, a movie from another dark time in history—World War II. It was a love story. And beyond the love between the main characters, it was a love story among people in the community of Casablanca, about how they struggled, and how so many of them stayed in their place of truth.
satsang and this movie have strengthened my inner resolve to stay in my inner place of truth—to help myself, my loved ones, and the world.
Maryland, United States

During the live video stream
satsang on the auspicious occasion of Akshaya Tritiya, when Gurumayi ji was about to conclude the
satsang, a sudden loud sound outside caught our attention. I went out to see what had caused it, and discovered that the thud we’d heard was from a coconut that had fallen from the tree to the ground. I was not only surprised but very touched to see this. I felt that Gurumayi ji had sent this
prasad to our very door, in order to bestow her blessings upon us.
We are very grateful to Gurumayi ji for this golden gift.
Pune, India

Shortly after I first met Gurumayi and began to follow the Siddha Yoga path—years ago now—I started to experience these blissful moments of joy. These moments would come seemingly out of nowhere and for no apparent reason, and were always accompanied by a sense of well-being, a sense that everything is well with the world. They used to last for just a few minutes or, sometimes, for several hours.
In recent weeks, after the "Be in the Temple"
satsangs started to be streamed live in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall, a wonderful change has happened. These occasional moments of joy have become longer and longer and longer. Now they last for days at a time instead of minutes or hours. They feel more solid, more formidable.
I am amazed at the power of the Guru's grace, which can transform our state even during such a difficult time as this one. I am deeply grateful to Gurumayi for her presence in my life, her love, and her powerful and abundant grace!
Russian Federation

The other day a friend of mine shared a very beautiful insight. She said, “All the temples are closed in India, but Gurumayi ji has opened Bade Baba’s Temple for us.” I had never thought of that before but my heart opened when she said that.
With all that is happening around us, the “Be in the Temple”
satsangs help me pray more instead of getting worried about the current situation. Gurumayi ji’s teachings give me a clear direction for how to go about during the lockdown. Here at home, we do not switch on the news but instead keep chanting, so this helps us to send prayers to the the entire world. And reciting
Shri Guru Gita helps us to stay strong and courageous.
Dombivali, India
I simply feel so blessed and full of gratitude for these “Be in the Temple” live video stream
satsangs. In the midst of a worldwide lockdown, being with Gurumayi is like bringing the sun indoors and having it shine in every corner.
California, United States

During this period of self-isolation, when we have the opportunity to spend more time with ourselves, these “Be in the Temple”
satsangs have given a different flavor and dimension to my practices. I experience the vastness of my inner world, the vastness of the Self, and in the center a strong feeling is now taking its proper place—God’s love for me.
Today during the
satsang in honor of Akshaya Tritiya, Gurumayi said, “Feel my love for you within.” Even though this is not the first time I have heard Gurumayi talking about her love for us, instantly this new feeling of God’s love that I have recently started to touch in my heart, came back—and I was put into a space where I had a glimpse of the absolute immensity of Gurumayi‘s love for us and humanity. She allowed me to deeply experience and trust in her love for me and for the world.
Castelnaudary, France

I am very grateful to my beloved Guru for giving these live video stream
satsangs during this lockdown period. Because of these beautiful sessions, I feel more and more like I am with Gurumayi in her Ashram. Every day I feel that my residence is becoming more like the Ashram. Although I am away from my actual home, this gift from Shri Gurumayi has meant that I never feel alone here. I continue with my regular spiritual practices, and experience the presence of Shri Guru in this crucial time for all of us.
Ujjain, India

I am feeling immense gratitude for each infusion of grace,
shakti, and love that I receive from the “Be in the Temple”
satsangs. The powerful energy that comes through each
satsang, pulsating from Bade Baba to us at home, is pure light! It soothes and nourishes me instantly.
As soon as I enter the Temple, I feel I am home again. Gurumayi's teachings are such timely, powerful reminders. She is my compass, guiding me back to my inner strength, to the Truth, and to my true essence—which never fluctuates.
California, United States
Pause on Busy-ness
Clear blue sky
No planes, no contrails
Spring blossoms
Breathe in, breathe out
Pause button on the normal busy-ness of life
Road traffic—quieter
Breathe in, breathe out
Atma ki Prashanti
Thank you for this blessed life.
Thank you for this blessed day.
Thank you for this blessed moment.
London, United Kingdom
Though I did not understand the language
per se, I felt the beauty of today's
bhajans in my heart. Beyond their musicianship, the deep authenticity of the musicians' devoted voices reached me. I felt a veritable shower of energy from head to toe. As the graceful offering touched me, I was filled with gratitude to Gurumayi for inviting me to “Be in the Temple.”
My heart is singing today!
St. Lazare, Canada
Each of these Be in the Temple
satsangs has created different textures and colors of emotion for me. Today, the musical “sound bath,” as Swami Akhandananda called it, moved me deeply and at the same time brought me to stillness. Listening to the
bhajan of the poet saint Kabir, I was stirred to tears—tears from comprehending the essence of the song, from sharing in that exquisite love for the Guru.
London, United Kingdom
I entered the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall this morning at 3:30 to “Be in the Temple.” The palpable devotion for Gurumayi and for Siddha Yoga music brought a big smile to my face. I felt invited into the great Heart, and I willingly followed.
As the two musicians shared their musical offerings, I felt transported deeply within, where I experienced a tender euphoria. For me, there is something mystical and enthralling about hearing
bhajans performed by Indian musicians who are not only accomplished, but also steeped in devotion for the Guru.
California, United States

As I sang and watched the
arati lights being waved to Bade Baba, I saw the branches of the trees outside the Temple swaying and dancing in rhythm with the
arati tray. I felt that nature was offering gratitude to Bade Baba along with all of us. I felt that nature was waving
arati with the
And then I looked outside my own
puja room window and saw the trees dancing with joy right here! I sensed that we—the global Siddha Yoga s
angham—are all in alignment. We are one. We are together.
London, United Kingdom
Today in meditation I imagined I was in the Temple meditating with Bade Baba. I was surrounded by blue Consciousness; I was submerged in indescribable bliss.
Barcelona, Spain

My husband and I, together with our three daughters and our son, have been participating in the "Be in the Temple"
For me, being in the company of the Guru and bathing in her grace has been the best support in overcoming uncertainty and restlessness. Each word from Gurumayi, each teaching has been a gem of light, wisdom, and strength. They have calmed my fears and brought me back to the heart.
Gurumayi’s teachings have shown me that the day has come to start working with a higher and global consciousness for the good of all humanity from a place of inner steadiness, anchored in the virtues. To me,
sadhana is an inner path that supports us in serving humanity.
Thank you, Gurumayi, for your presence, your guidance, your words, your strength, your infinite love, your tenderness, and for being so close to each one of us.
Barcelona, Spain

Being in the Temple this morning to hear the blessed
bhajans was so sublime! When Shambhavi said the word
Nam to introduce the first
bhajan, I heard so much love and tenderness in her voice.
When I heard Lakshmi's pure and crystalline voice, my heart quaked. Then she spoke of Janabai's devotion to her Guru, Namdev, and my heart ached with longing and gratitude.
I truly experience the grace-bestowing power of Gurumayi in each of these
satsangs, these golden moments together! I feel that Gurumayi is pouring love on all of us.
Massachusetts, United States
Everything is light.
Bade Baba is the sun of the universe.
I have received his light.
My body is healthy now.
My heart is open and full of love.
My soul is light and scintillating.
Bade Baba is
Atma Ki Prashanti.
By his
I experience
Atma Ki Prashanti.
Heaven on earth.
Heaven in the Universal Hall.
My mind is calm.
Madrid, Spain

When Gurumayi spoke about her feelings for the souls of the animals that died in the Australian fires, I realized how connected the souls of all beings are.
She asked how we could help bring peace to these souls and to the distressed people around the world.
At first, deep grief arose in me. To face my emotions, Gurumayi's teachings about strengthening our virtues supported me.
Later, in meditation, a large white lotus appeared in the inner sky of my consciousness, its petals dancing gently. Many sparkling particles—the souls of animals and humans in distress—floated above the lotus. I could feel that the souls closest to the lotus were calmed and uplifted by everyone's prayers.
Now, I practice sending my love to the departed souls and to people in distress. And on a material level, I'm inspired to reach out to help people affected by the pandemic.
California, United States

Each time I participate in a "Be in the Temple"
satsang, I feel like I am taking one more step into my heart. With Bade Baba's grace I am experiencing wonderful insights. I feel warmth all around my body, which feels like a protective shield. I saw a beautiful aura around my body and a few angels standing with me.
I am grateful to Gurumayi ji for this grace and great experience of protection and love. I am enjoying this inner joy ride and looking forward to experiencing more peace and power within.
Pune, India

Today I was deeply touched by the live video stream
satsang, as I sang the Arati to Bade Baba in the Universal Hall with everyone else.
It reminded me of my last visit to the Temple in Gurudev Siddha Peeth. I was saying goodbye to Bade Baba, wondering if I might ever return, and expressing my gratitude. Suddenly this huge wave of Bade Baba´s love came toward me, going right into my heart, so powerfully that I almost stumbled backwards. This tangible expression of the love that Bade Baba has for us will always stay with me.
Nottuln, Germany

Both my husband and I are retirees, and our two sons live not far away. Hearing about what is happening these days and not being able to meet our sons in person sometimes makes us nervous. However, ever since Gurumayi has started offering these live video stream
satsangs, we feel very peaceful. We feel we are safe, staying in our Guru's embrace.
Every time I feel stressed, I think about “being in the Temple.” I put my hand on my heart, and feel calm once again.
Virginia, United States

We are connected together in the Universal Hall for the Evening Arati (celebrated here in Australia as the Morning Arati). As I write, it is snowing at Shree Muktananda Ashram. And amazingly, it's raining in Perth, Western Australia, at 4:30 in the morning; we are experiencing the first good autumn rainfall here in Perth. Nature’s blessing!
Thanks to the live video stream, I can see Bade Baba in the Temple, cloaked in the blue color of Gurumayi's recent experience and surrounded by tulips and daffodils in the colors of warmth and love. I witness this experience on the outside
and the inside, and rest at the feet of Bade Baba in lightness and love. The flute is playing and the birds are rejoicing. What a beautiful play of Consciousness! I offer much gratitude for the Guru's grace.
Perth, Australia

I have a three-year-old daughter and a one-year-old son. Together with my wife, we have all been participating regularly in the
satsangs in the Universal Hall.
Since the beginning of these “Be in the Temple” live video streams, my son has started to sing spontaneously, at any given moment of the day, “
Jay Jay Vitthala!” My daughter joins him with great enthusiasm and they spread joy throughout the house.
Almost every day, my son reaches out to our bookshelves to grab Baba’s book
Play of Consciousness or Gurumayi’s book
Sadhana of the Heart. He looks through the pages, finds the pictures of the Gurus, and says their names. He often travels around the house with Baba’s book
Where Are You Going? under his arm, while his sister carries
The Nectar of Chanting.
We are grateful to Gurumayi for these live video streams and for her teachings. We feel connected, supported, and blessed.
Magog, Canada

I have felt the enormous power of each of the
satsangs in the Temple. Since the
satsang on Easter Sunday, in particular, I have been in a state of bliss, joy, and calm. On the day afterwards, I participated in a virtual family meeting, in which I felt strong, carried by the love of my Guru. I sensed that my inner state helped my relatives find their own confidence and sense of lightness.
I feel so fortunate to have the grace of my Guru supporting and accompanying me in these historic times.
Montreal, Canada
As my daughters and I navigate the heightened atmosphere and strong emotions at the hospitals where we work, and my husband concerns himself with our safety, every
satsang provides a comforting shelter that helps us through the day. This morning’s
satsang brought each of us deep within, and we felt enveloped by a cloak of serenity. What a great way for us to start the day, robed in the gratitude we experienced within us!
Brossard, Canada

One of the many fruits of the Be in The Temple
satsangs is that they have turned my home into a temple. I have been reliving many divine moments earlier in my life when, through chanting, meditation, and offering seva, I felt God's presence with me so clearly.
Over the month, I have begun to see that my spiritual practices are becoming my primary focus and my worldly activities are now less in the forefront. I‘m finding it deeply nourishing to experience this reorientation of my priorities, and I see now that I can always choose this focus, even when I once again engage in public life.
I’m so grateful to Gurumayi for turning this challenging time into an opportunity for spiritual enrichment.
New York, United States

Being in the Temple with the many live video streams has kept me balanced. I feel I’ve remained close to my heart by remembering who I truly am.
When we realized the seriousness of the pandemic here, we took action. Closing our shop after being open for thirty-six years was quite a move. I coped with it by silently talking to the presence of Gurumayi within and asking her for guidance. This went on for a few days, until I really listened to myself and realized I had the tools to cope. Reassuring and organizing my work team came naturally to me. I think my coworkers sensed my resolve, and we now feel set up for whatever presents in the future.
At this point, I am steady in my practices. Reading and rereading the talks from the Temple has given color and light to accompany me through each day.
Thanks to your grace and teachings, Gurumayi, I am being the best I can be.
London, United Kingdom

Early Spring 2020
The plump trout lily bud portends the flowering of spring.
A bird calls out and a squirrel scurries unaware of human turmoil.
Let me choose this moment fully.
No silver linings for me.
No limits whatsoever.
When I feel happy, I can feel even happier.
Blue sky. Clear sky.
My gratitude soars for my Guru who teaches the highest.
There is sadness too.
It is a sadness filled with compassion.
I feel it carving deep within, tapping
samskaras from this and many lifetimes.
Let me choose to feel this moment too
(sans self-pity),
until the stuff of sadness falls away.
Nature is primal and immediate.
Nature is Truth.
Nature is without judgment.
I become the urgency of the peeping frogs in the vernal pond.
I become the pink hue on each petal of the spring beauty flower on the forest floor.
I become the one-pointedness of the chipmunk with its tail straight up as it zips lickety-split along the log into its safe hole.
With this connection peace arises.
Michigan, United States

I feel I am not alone. I feel the greatest company with me through the "Be in the Temple"
I am relishing this time at home with my son. Now I have more time to think of God, pray for humanity, meditate, chant to offer blessings, read Gurumayi and Baba's teachings, and chant
namasankirtana while cooking and cleaning. I am working with more enthusiasm than ever with my work team. We are supporting each other and using our skills to navigate the current challenges. I am also enjoying feeling supported and supporting family members and friends through conversations.
I pray that this suffering will cease and people can be healthy, peaceful, prosperous, and happy. I also thank God for what this situation is offering me and for having such an extraordinary, compassionate, and perfect Guru to be with me during this time and other times of adversity in my life. I will continue trying my best to breathe deeply and breathe out long, to face fears, to cultivate virtues, and to make happiness my lifeline.
Doha, Qatar

On April 11, when we were offering
arati to Bade Baba on the livestream, suddenly my eyes fell on the trees behind Bade Baba’s
murti. I noticed that the trees seemed to be swaying back and forth in rhythm as the
pujari waved the
arati tray. Then I turned my eyes to the window of my own house, and I saw a huge bird moving around close to our home. It seemed to me that the bird was waving the
arati tray, too. It brought me so much joy.
I have been contemplating the virtue of unity, and this experience made me feel at peace and reminded me that we all are one, the Consciousness that exists in all.
New Jersey, United States

I have been watching every one of the “Be in the Temple” live video streams with my parents at home. Being part of this has connected us and helped us go through this time period, reminding us that we have a responsibility toward each other and the planet.
Gurumayi´s teachings have filled our house with love, discipline, hope, and strength. Listening to Gurumayi´s wisdom is like nothing else in the world. It uplifts my mind and my spirit, it helps me keep myself afloat, and it keeps me happy and sane. I feel inspired by her words—inspired to be present and do the work that God is asking of all of us. I feel supported and cared for, knowing that there is a space where we all come together to speak about what is happening in the world and to pray for this earth.
I am so grateful!
Mexico City, Mexico

Because I work in a disability agency, we now have to wear medical grade masks for our entire shift to protect those we serve. All my co-workers, like others in medical fields, have expressed how very sweet the first breath of fresh air smells and tastes when we remove our masks at the end of each shift.
When Gurumayi talked about the gratitude she feels for fresh air, it made me smile a very big smile. Now, at the end of my workday, not only will I savor that sweet breath of fresh air, I will hear Gurumayi's words from today.
Truly, knowledge engenders confidence and compassion. I see it more than ever now!
New York, United States

This morning (Swedish time), during the live video stream from Bade Baba’s Temple, I focused wholeheartedly and devotedly on the chant “
Kali Durge.” I consciously observed the vowels and consonants of the chant, and where their sounds originate in my body. I experienced the column of light within me and the syllables within the
sushumna nadi, the central energy channel in the subtle body. It was exquisite! I was filled with
shakti. Every cell in my body was vibrating with each syllable as if I had become the chant.
I also noticed this ecstasy spilled over into my daily video communications with my sisters and friends far away. My energy was so joyous that it spread to my sisters and friends and filled them with happiness too.
Stockholm, Sweden
This evening, as the Arati drew to a close, I experienced the golden form of Bade Baba gazing into my heart with boundless, breathtaking benevolence. I feel a deep inner peace and gratitude.
Ohio, United States

As I meditated on Bhagavan Nityananda's form in the first “Be in the Temple” meditation, his form would change. After another "Be in the Temple" meditation, I decided I didn't really know what form his supreme love would take, so I'd have to pay attention and wait and see.
On Easter Sunday, while I was reciting
Shri Guru Gita, I decided that the energy of
Shri Guru Gita and my energy were mingling, and that my fragance was becoming like its fragrance. I also decided that everywhere I took a step, I was really stepping in Bhagavan Nityananda’s Temple, that the breaths I breathed were from the air in his Temple, and that I should regard the food I ate as
prasad from his Temple.
After the
satsang in the Temple later that morning, I suddenly recognized the form that Bhagavan Nityananda's supreme love would take—and it was
my form. And when I bow to my Guru, that supreme love is actually the one who is bowing and causing me to tremble with devotion.
New York, United States

As I was in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall with Gurumayi ji, I understood that instead of allowing fear to take place in my soul, I must fill my soul with the light of the Self.
During the
satsang I seemed to see a sun at the place of the kumkum on Gurumayi's forehead. I experienced this as the sun of knowledge, which is shining and spreading its light on me and throughout the world. Thanks to Gurumayi ji, I have found the courage to continue my
sadhana and my daily activities in a disciplined manner.
Bangalore, India
It was wonderful to hear Gurumayi speak about the robin dancing outside the Temple, because we had a robin dancing at our window too! He has a beautiful red chest and our daughter calls him Baba.
I am so grateful to Gurumayi for uplifting my experience and vision of what is happening, and for reminding my family and me (again and again) that
sadhana is our priority. Gurumayi’s direct words and teachings make my heart light and my mind tranquil.
Valle de Bravo, Mexico
My experience of these live video streams has been so serene and purifying. Gurumayi’s talk on Easter Sunday reinforced my resolve to stay steadfast and calm in the current situation.
Kansas, United States

In the first live video stream, Gurumayi spoke about approaching this time as a long retreat. I loved this thought! Inspired, I set an intention for my participation in this retreat titled, “Be in the Temple.” As my intention took shape, I was filled with a powerful
shakti. It arose in my heart and pervaded my whole being. Then I contemplated what I should do in this retreat. The answer I got was to meditate three times daily—in the early morning, at noon, and at sunset.
I followed the inner suggestion and started meditating. After each meditation, I’m filled with a deep and resonant silence. It arises from within and suffuses me. When it reaches my ears, I can hear its roar. I realized that silence is a key element in every retreat. In
this retreat, I’m not observing outer silence but the silence that arises from within!
Meditation makes me feel stronger and more anchored within. Experiencing the inner
shakti and this silence is so delightful!
Bangalore, India

Since being in the Temple with Bade Baba last weekend, I’ve reconnected with a favorite photo of him in our meditation room. I feel that I’m seeing, as though for the first time, that he’s looking at me with so much love. I hear him calling to me, “O beautiful one, O precious one.” I respond with tears of gratitude, self-acceptance, and a longing to be with him always.
Ohio, United States

This "Be in the Temple" series has been a lifeline in these trying times. Participating in the live video stream
satsangs has reinforced my heart connection with the Guru. And the postings on each
satsang have helped me keep focused on implementing Gurumayi's teachings into my daily life.
As I pursue my office work, social communications, cleaning, and cooking—all while staying home—following Gurumayi's priceless teachings has initiated a new phase in my life. I feel like I am participating in a retreat in which the gap between my spiritual practices and my mundane life is diminishing—I can "be in the Temple" at any time, while being with myself, at home!
New York, United States
Sitting at the feet of Bhagavan Nityananda during the live video stream, I feel my exhaled breath taper off into infinity and my heart settle deeply in my chest as if wrapped in the softest, warmest velvet. I am safely tucked in my physical home and my heart is in its true home.
St. Lazare, Canada

During each live video stream from the Temple, my whole being hums and vibrates with
shakti. At the most recent one, I fell into deep meditation while gazing at Bade Baba. A shimmering golden light arose from within and I found myself inside his golden form.
Gurumayi then appeared in front of me; her radiant eyes and smile embraced me with tender, crystalline light. The humming
shakti rose up in a wave of deep compassion for the widespread suffering on our planet. As I let it go, subtle and luminous white wings appeared. As they opened, so did I. The mantra
Hamsa began breathing me from a subtle space deep within. My hands opened in the mudras of fearlessness and blessings, and the wings carried me aloft into shimmering white light. As we soared through transcendent space, I felt blissful, safe, and at peace.
I realized Gurumayi was showing me how the mantra offers a way to transcend even the most troubling times, carrying me across on wings of divine love, grace, and peace.
Illinois, United States

During this pandemic, I am working seven days a week in the administration of a network of twenty-one primary care clinics across a four-hospital health system. It's a time of great stress, long hours—and building my resilience.
When Gurumayi began the “Be in the Temple”
satsangs, I found deep comfort in being at the feet of the Guru. When Gurumayi invited us to "cultivate an angelic attitude" and "perform angelic actions," I received her words as
chaitanya, alive, and as a command. Each day since, I’ve made it my intention to act on her words, especially at work. I’ve volunteered for more work, reached out and checked in with my team a little more than usual, acknowledged and thanked colleagues each day and taken an extra moment to recognize their hard work. I know this project is my opportunity to put Gurumayi's words into practice.
I am grateful to Gurumayi for showing us how to live a divine life amidst the most challenging of circumstances.
Washington, United States

The Be in the Temple
satsangs have been a lifeline for me in these past few weeks when I’ve been working as a respiratory therapist with patients on ventilators. Practicing what I've received from Gurumayi, I’ve been able to stay calm and centered as my colleagues and I work with these very ill people. I speak to them softly and with love, as their families cannot be there with them. I silently say prayers for them and visualize my hands offering God's healing energy.
Coworkers have sweetly noticed my calm approach and have expressed their thanks. Only I know that I am rooting myself in my Guru's teachings and grace, and that is what guides my actions.
Thank you, Gurumayi, for sharing your grace, your wisdom, and your teachings to hold us steady during these difficult times.
Minnesota, United States

When Shri Gurumayi led us into meditation, I felt that Bade Baba was breathing with me and that he looked charming, like Lord Ram. It was a divine experience.
During meditation, I offered blessings for every living being in this world. I prayed that every human being and animal would be happy. This has become a precious time for me to explore and cultivate virtues.
Allahabad, India
I am so grateful to Gurumayi for gifting us with the live video streams. During the
Jai Jai Vitthala, I felt Gurumayi’s presence within me, and I felt her standing right next to me with her hand over my head. I felt so blessed, happy, and protected at that moment.
Midstream, South Africa

Gurumayi's teachings, the
prasad she extended to us in the “Be in the Temple” live streams, steady my mind and strengthen my heart as I grapple with the effect of listening to the sad news of the world. The moment I feel lost in the sad stories, I open the teachings in “Be in the Temple,” and I bathe my mind and heart there. Reading Gurumayi's words out loud strengthens my resolve to be responsible and to bring the light of Gurumayi's love that is within me into every task and every action I take. As I feel the sorrow from somewhere in the world, I offer love, hope, and kindness. I know my offering will reach the source of the sorrow, just as the sense of sorrow reached me.
Thank you, Gurumayi, for your words, for your guidance and unconditional love and grace that are so precious to share with the world.
South Yarra, Australia

During this time of silence at home and now, through “Being in the Temple,” I am reconnecting to the joy of my early years on the Siddha Yoga path. Recently I have been rereading books about the early days in Ganeshpuri with Bhagavan Nityananda and reading about journeying through India and around the world with Swami Muktananda. I feel so appreciative, knowing that Baba has always been there with me through this interesting life of my own experiences, wanderings, struggles, and blessings.
Even though now is a time when nothing seems normal, in my
sadhana each day there is a new realization, a new teaching, a new discipline, a new bird, bunny or flower that appears to make me smile. I feel so much love for Gurumayi and gratitude for her continuous guidance in keeping this path flowing with peace, grace, and endurance throughout the years.
Virginia, United States

Being in these
satsangs was like being physically present in the Bhagavan Nityananda Temple. My heart felt it instantly: the palpable
shakti, the feeling of being in the presence of the divine. Receiving Gurumayi's divine guidance, I feel at peace. I remember that God is with me, and I am with God. I feel strong. Words really can't convey my sense of the power of these
satsangs going out into the world; I feel I am so, so blessed.
Florida, United States
I am changing course to “Be in the Temple” within.
This quiet time is proving to be such a boon for me. I get to slow down and focus on the basics: cleanliness, and loving, serving, and caring for my loved ones and myself. As I slow down, I am doing the deeper work of building my temple of inner virtues!
My work on the weekly Workbook questions has been enriched by listening to Gurumayi’s recent talks. As I physicalize Gurumayi’s teachings, I feel like a multi-faceted diamond embedded with Gurumayi’s teachings and guidance.
Mumbai, India
I appreciated Swami Akhandananda’s sharing of what he learned offering
seva on long-term projects in the Ashram gardens for so many years.
I remember Gurumayi's Message for 2020, inhaling and exhaling the serenity of the Self. And I look forward to working with Gurumayi’s questions in the Workbook tomorrow. Each day is a new day where my practices and my state can be a blessing to our world at this tender time.
California, United States
During this time of change, I had been feeling overwhelmed, but the moment I heard Gurumayi say, “Be strong!” my energy shifted, my breath dropped into my heart, and I felt embraced with love by Mother Earth. I experienced anew that the Guru’s grace is always with us. A loving vibration of golden light arose within me, and since that magical evening, I am able to hold this golden, loving light for me and everyone around me.
Texas, United States
As Gurumayi played her tambourine, I felt a surge of energy crackling and rising up within my being. Indeed, it felt like a cobra. I feel so strong today –so, so strong.
London, United Kingdom
"Be in the Temple"-- These words invite me to go to Bhagavan Nityananda’s Temple. Recently I have been at the hospital caring for a loved one, and these words sweetly arise: "Be in the Temple." I am so happy to hear them. I remember being in the Temple and also imagine my loved one being there, having
darshan of Bhagavan Nityananda.
Thank you, Gurumayi, for this sweet invitation.
Zurich, Switzerland
satsang was very special for me. I felt Gurumayi awakening my strength from within so I can face the outer and inner challenges of life. Creating heaven in my home and in my heart is my responsibility, and to do this, I need inner strength. I will create strength in each thought and action. I will keep the company of strong and motivated people and the Siddha yoga teachings and practices.
During the
satsang, I felt a longing to give. I want to give to this planet, to humanity, to my Siddha Yoga path.
Pune, India

I work for a corporation that manages and operates four behavioral health hospitals. During this pandemic, I am responsible for purchasing all the PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) required for all four hospitals. Over the past three weeks it has been extremely stressful and very difficult to find the necessary protective gear to keep the staff and patients safe.
Participating in the “Be in the Temple”
satsangs has healed my soul, nourished my heart, and calmed my mind.
darshan of Bhagavan Nityananda, chanting, and listening to Gurumayi’s teachings has given me new strength and courage to keep moving forward in doing my job to help my staff get what they need.
This has been an unbelievable gift, and I am extremely grateful to be able to experience love so tangibly through the Live Video Streams.
Texas, United States

I love the “Be in the Temple”
satsangs! My own kitchen feels like a Temple! What
prasad at this time!
During the meditation yesterday, I felt Bade Baba's presence so strongly, filling me with pure blue energy and light.
I feel a renewed commitment to my practices and study. They are getting me stronger as I build my own inner temple, brick by brick, practice by practice, as Swami Akhandananda described.
Washington, United States
A few minutes before the Live Video Stream, I wrote a short message to find out if the
satsang was happening. My intention was to write "Live streaming today?" but the spellchecker on my cellphone changed it to "Love streaming today?"
And that was exactly what I felt! Love was streaming from Bade Baba’s
murti, from Gurumayi, and from the sweetness of the chant. I felt so protected and cared for.
Sao Paulo, Brazil
This morning, very early—around 3 a.m. in Europe—during the last
darshan with radiant Bade Baba, I found myself resonating with Gurumayi's beautiful voice chanting
Jay Jay Vitthala, Jaya Hari Vitthala so sweetly along with the relaxing musical arrangement. Gurumayi's gift of peacefulness nested deep, deep in my being. I am still relishing it.
I know that my beloved Gurumayi is always with me, wherever I am, whatever I do, whatever happens.
Annecy-le-Vieux, France

Hearing the drums and other instruments at the start of tonight's Evening Arati reverberate in my being purified all the thoughts in my mind, filling me with what felt like a mountain of courage and an ocean of contentment. Afterwards, during
darshan, I sat at Bade Baba's feet and reread the translation of the Evening Arati in my chanting book. Every word blazed off the page with new meaning, imprinting itself on my heart under Bade Baba's loving glance.
Later, chanting
Jay Jay Vitthala was sublime. In the meditation that followed, I accepted Swami Akhandananda’s suggestion that we could repeat Gurumayi's Message,
Atma ki Prashanti, on the in-breath and out-breath, and it felt like pouring honey over my heart. What an incredible practice, so sweet and tender.
And just when I felt blissfully replete, we heard the recording of Gurumayi singing
Jay Jay Vitthala slowly during the final minutes of
darshan. I felt Gurumayi's voice washing away whatever was left of my cares and bestowing deep rest, tucking me into the temple of my being.
California, United States

I am currently away from home. I came back to the state I grew up in to care for my terminally ill mother and to see her through her end of life.
When Gurumayi repeated her teaching, "Be strong," over and over with all the depth and clarity of her
sankalpa, it set up some
stambha, or supportive pillar, of inner strength within me. An experience I had feared for decades instead became a situation I entered into with calm strength, purpose, and ability. Those last days with my mother became some of the most important and meaningful of my life, and provided my mother with an opportunity to go through her transition with the power of Shakti by her side.
satsangs via live video stream have been rays of beneficial grace and compassion pouring over me.
Maine, United States

Last night in the Temple with Bade Baba, I followed Swami ji's suggestion to repeat Gurumayi's Message inwardly as we meditated, and send it out to the world. I experienced that my repetition did reach others.
Later I remembered reading in a share that angels are seen as "messengers of God.'' I recognized there is no greater message than Gurumayi's Message. It all fell into perfect alignment, as I realized and experienced that the sweet vibrations of peace emanating from Gurumayi’s Message do reach others in a mysterious, tangible, and profoundly comforting way.
Washington, United States

This morning I woke up to the sun streaming through the window. I was immediately reminded of Bade Baba's beautiful form as I saw it in last night’s
satsang, “Be in the Temple.” Bade Baba had shone so radiantly that as I gazed on him, I was reminded of the sun. I felt his golden rays shine right through me, making me the same colors—yellows and deep oranges. This feeling felt so good.
It is still there now as I approach today with love shining from me. I am filled with gratitude to the Gurus of the Siddha Yoga path.
London, United Kingdom

After the blissful chant of
Jay Jay Vitthala today, Swami Akhandananda guided us into meditation, suggesting that we repeat Gurumayi's Message,
Atma Ki Prashanti, as we breathed in and again as we breathed out. As I did this, I started to experience the beautiful blue shimmering Self, and saw my thoughts, feelings, and impressions start to emerge and disappear into the shimmering blue Self. These emerging thoughts were in the form of clouds of different colors. I started to experience the joy and bliss of
Atma ki Prashanti, “Peacefulness of the Self.”
I am grateful to Gurumayi for giving me this wonderful experience of her Message.
Burnaby, Canada

As a mother of three children, working full-time in health care and also teaching, life does and can get busy. This time of slowing down due to COVID-19 has allowed me to reconnect with practices I had done more regularly as a teenager and young adult. And being in the Temple via these live video streams has been an extremely powerful experience for me.
Today I sang the Evening Arati with my kids around me, joining in. At the conclusion, I experienced a strong tingling inner sensation in the middle of my forehead, and fell into spontaneous meditation. The tingling sensation pulled me inward to become quiet and deeply indrawn. It was a blissful experience.
I am so grateful to Gurumayi for showing me how to reconnect to the Siddha Yoga practices during this challenging time. I love how Gurumayi shows us how to lead a divine life and let the inner magic of peace and joy unfold, no matter what the outer circumstances are.
Washington, United States

When Swami Akhandananda announced
darshan after we had sung the Evening Arati, I felt flooded with grace and love. I feel so grateful to have the gift of
satsang, chanting, and
darshan in my home, especially in these times when we cannot attend
satsang in person at the local Siddha Yoga meditation center.
I see my
sadhana bringing me to new levels of strength and commitment as Gurumayi's words and blessings inspire me to make choices for peace and the betterment of myself and others—as well as helping to keep harmony in the home as we self-isolate. The virtues remind me what space I want to choose to be in.
When we start chanting, I feel as though I'm an anchor in this spot of the earth, along with all the other Siddha Yogis and seekers offering the energy of peace, harmony, and love in these trying times. I feel like part of a network of love and peace blanketing the earth and all its inhabitants. What a precious, precious gift!
Lismore Heights, Australia

I had been longing for "Temple time" again this week and felt so blessed to be able to participate in the latest live video stream from Bade Baba’s Temple.
Jay Jay Vitthala is my very favorite chant of all time because it always puts me in the state of the joy and ecstasy of being alive.
When we meditated after the chant, I felt the Temple inside my heart, with all the orange and yellow colors of the flowers and Bade Baba's robes warming my heart. I felt the love and peace inside me, but I also knew it was radiating from me to all the people in my life as I think of each one, talk to them, or connect with them in some way.
I am so grateful to Bade Baba for this warm, radiating love and peace. I know they are always there for me.
Massachusetts, United States

It has been so perfect to be able to join the global Siddha Yoga
sangham in the Universal Hall for Bade Baba's
darshan, and to participate together as one in singing the Evening Arati and chanting a
namasankirtana. Seeing Bade Baba so radiant inspired me to write this poem:
Bade Baba sits resplendent
in golden robe and orange turban,
adorned with an orange scarf
embroidered with a garland of flowers.
His bouquets of roses are orange and apricot.
His shining face has a teaching for me:
"Be strong in your heart.
Face your responsibilities with fortitude."
His hands rest gently on his knees.
Namaste, dear Bade Baba.
Thank you for the blessings you bestow on us and the world.
Your sweet grace flows through me to all I love and encounter.
Wolli Creek, Australia

As the coronavirus pandemic spreads around the world, Shri Gurumayi gathered us together in the Temple. How blessed are we by our Guru's great compassionate heart! I felt comforted, consoled, encouraged, and strengthened.
In the midst of unprecedented challenges, I was given peace and solace, and the experience of Gurumayi’s Message for 2020:
Atma ki Prashanti. My Guru gave me the gift of calm in the storm.
Today I am singing back to the birds, because I can! I am sending that peace, calm, happiness, and love back to the universe.
New York, United States

During each of the recent live video streams, Gurumayi showed us by her powerful presence, as well as by her words, what it means to fully embody steady wisdom. This is one main reason why I need a living Master—I need to see, hear, feel the living reality of joy, peace, and fearlessness incarnate. I need to witness for myself the actual possibility of being fully anchored in the Self—the imperishable, blissful One.
Massachusetts, United States
I feel completely recharged after spending the evening with Bade Baba in his Temple. My entire home is permeated in a new tranquility and joy. Even my cat responded to the special energy. As soon as the Temple was on my screen, she came right over and lay down with me so lovingly; I have never seen her so calm.
It feels like Shree Muktananda Ashram is here—and it is here to stay. What a glorious blessing!
New Jersey, United States
At the moment that Gurumayi said, “Be strong, and you will survive,” I felt so empowered, and so supported from my core! Her teaching reminded me to go to my own Self, because it is there that the strength, protection, love, and shelter that I need in this moment dwell. And she also reminded me that I can choose to go there, to go back to that state and to that place. I felt so nourished!
Zapopan, Mexico

This morning after the empowering
satsang in which Gurumayi emphasized her teaching, “Be strong,” I sat for meditation. I immediately heard the sentence, "The Guru is outside, the Guru is inside." I experienced Gurumayi as I had seen her in the livestream—but inside, in me. I kept hearing a voice saying, "The Guru is outside, the Guru is inside." With a big smile, Gurumayi and her tambourine swept through my whole being.
After meditation I opened my chanting book to the words for
Shri Guru Gita and every syllable made sense in a new way; deep understanding came over me.
I am so grateful to Gurumayi for sharing her strength and wisdom so generously.
Bern, Switzerland

My heart overflows with gratitude for the
satsang in the Bhagavan Nityananda Temple this morning, Australian time, and for the
darshan of Bade Baba. So clearly did I feel his strength and virtues that they are reflected in my soul.
I am especially grateful for Gurumayi’s teaching, “Be strong!” The Siddha Yoga practices do give us such a strong foundation to draw on in difficult times. Chanting
Om Namo Bhagavate Muktanandaya indeed inspired me to stay strong, and to share my strength with others.
I am refreshing the Ashram feeling of my meditation room with my gardenias, which are suddenly in full bloom. And we had blessed rain this afternoon.
Campbells Creek, Australia
After having
darshan of Gurumayi and Bade Baba today in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall, I feel stronger, more confident, and protected. I can feel the positive energy and vibrations which are residing within me. I am so grateful to Gurumayi for filling my heart with an abundance of love.
Pune, India
I am making face masks for my community. As I sew, I envision the sounds of the veena, the tamboura, and my own yearning voice permeating these fibers, which will go to nursing homes, personal care attendants, health- care workers, and friends. In this way, I feel that each mask I sew is imbued with Shri Bhagavan Nityananda's golden radiance.
Massachusetts, United States
These long days spent in the confinement of my home resemble a retreat, a retreat into myself, in the temple of the Self, the Heart. I'm so grateful to my Guru for inviting me to join her in the Temple, to receive her teachings, and to share the practices with everyone in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall. Thanks to Gurumayi, I'm learning to surrender to every challenge, and to recognize the presence of grace—always, in any situation, at any time.
Torino, Italy

Being confined in my home for ten days, reorganizing my life, and seeing what was happening in the world and in my city, I found it very comforting to be able to participate with the global Siddha Yoga
sangham in these live-streamed
satsangs with Gurumayi in the Temple with Bade Baba. They have brought me a sense of peace, joy, calm, grace, and protection. And they have allowed me to refocus on what is most sacred: prayers, chanting, meditation, the Guru’s teachings, and the constant presence of Gurumayi and Bade Baba in my life.
During the week, I read over several times my notes on Gurumayi’s teachings that she imparted to us in the Temple, and each time it felt like I was coming back to the Temple. Each time, it helped me to refocus and let go of anxiety.
I am very grateful for this gift, and for knowing that Gurumayi is always with us and within us, and always taking care of us wherever we are in the world.
Montreal, Canada

These blessed events—Be in the Temple—have given me the feeling that I am physically there, just as I was when I lived in the Ashram. I experienced the joy of feeling not as a guest, but as someone who had come to offer
seva as I did years ago. Walking silently into Bade Baba's presence, as in the actual past, has been beyond sublime. The
satsang of the past several days has filled my heart to overflowing. I remember Baba saying that when the heart is full, the tears will come. And that's how it is now for me.
Thank you, beloved Gurumayi.
North Carolina, United States

During the live video stream, I had to refresh my internet browser to regain access to the Temple, and then there was Bhagavan Nityananda, so strong and glorious. This made me realize that whenever I lose my balance, I can refresh my own internal “browser,” and enter the temple of my heart to be with Bade Baba. I thought of this as I listened to Gurumayi saying: "Reset, reset, and reset."
After being in Bade Baba’s presence and listening to Gurumayi's teachings, I am now sitting still, as though I have become the eye of the storm. I feel happy, peaceful, and strong. I’m thinking of how, over the years, the Siddha Yoga teachings and practices have chiseled away the hardness of my outer crust and erased needless fear from my inner being. I feel able now to embrace Gurumayi's teachings.
Washington, United States

I am so grateful to Gurumayi for the live video streams. It was so beautiful to have Bade Baba's
darshan and to chant and recite the evening Arati.
I feel that I always get the right direction from my beloved Guru when it is needed. During the live video stream, I felt I also received a
precise message for me at this time. This tells me how much I am connected with the Guru through my feelings, thoughts, and heart. I have no words to explain this lovely connection between us.
I feel so much stronger and so loved. I feel the Guru’s divine
shakti in me and around me.
California, United States

So much protection. Again and again, I heard Gurumayi imploring me to awaken to the protection inherent in my own being and in all that I have received. The protection of my inner strength, my inner light, my very own treasure house of virtues and the unwavering grace of the living Sadguru—it’s all here, right now, for me and for each one of us.
Shri Gurudeva Charanam, Shri Gurudeva Sharanam. I take refuge in my Guru’s feet, the fount of grace and protection.
Ohio, United States

Over the last couple of days, I have been exhibiting symptoms of the Covid-19. My doctor told me to stay home and isolate and to follow up if I have any difficulty breathing. My sisters back in India and I were full of worry for me and for the world.
Then we all participated in the
satsang with Gurumayi. Her words touched and took root in every single cell of my body. I heard myself saying, “Yes! Yes!!” As I repeated “Yes, Yes” to myself during the chant, Kundalini Shakti rose within me with a strong force, purifying me. I was filled with Gurumai’s love, and in that love, I experienced strength.
I slept that night feeling protected in Gurumayi’s grace. When I awoke, I felt well again and I experienced tremendous inner strength.
I also noticed that my sisters had experienced transformation. Instead of sending their daily blessings to me with a worried tone, they have now begun sending me blessings suffused with strength and courage.
Stockholm, Sweden

As Gurumayi’s words entered my soul
, I felt my own strength push through the mire of many unnecessary thoughts. My strength became the palpable resonance in my being. I had the thought, “Yes! This is the way to approach life! Strong, energized and alert!"
I am awash in gratitude amidst the grace showered upon us in these
satsangs. I have doubled my efforts to study Gurumayi's Message for 2020 and am all the better for doing so.
New York, United States
Participating in each of these
satsangs has been a doorway for me to enter and connect to the core of my being. In this place, I am strong, clear, loving, thoughtful, and grateful for this amazing universe and specifically for this Earth. I reflect on how I will move from a place of peace and strength, and how I can gently remind myself to return, reset, and renew as often as needed.
New York, United States
What a blessing to be with Gurumayi, Bade Baba, and our
sangham in the Universal Hall! What a great blessing to have Bade Baba’s
darshan. As we chanted, I felt my cells renewed with great energy and determination. When we sang the Evening Arati, I felt as though Bade Baba’s form is like a golden pillar in the center of my being, and I am the golden light form in this house in which I live.
Georgia, United States
Now whenever I remember Bade Baba, I feel I am in the Temple with him and he is constantly with me. During this time of retreat, I feel and experience that Gurumayi and Bade Baba are helping me remove negativities and impurities from my mind. I am so lucky to continuously receive my Guru's guidance from within.
Valsad Gujarat, India

My heart is moist with profound gratitude for Shri Gurumayi’s
When I received the divine news late at night that there would be a live stream
satsang with Shri Gurumayi in the Temple in a few minutes, I became completely ecstatic. I jumped out of bed and I contacted my family and friends to be in the Temple as well.
Bade Baba’s golden
darshan made me forget all fears and uncertainties. When I was chanting the Evening Arati with my beloved Guru, I felt my entire being was fully present in the Temple. Chanting
Hare Rama Hare Krishna with Shri Gurumayi late in the night was one of the greatest experiences I have ever had.
Gurumayi gave me specific and precise teachings in these
satsangs. Her words still resonate in my heart every time I close my eyes.
Bedford Gardens, South Africa

After reciting
Shri Guru Gita, when I meditated on Bade Baba’s form, I had a vision of a golden colored heart that was shining and blazing with the light of the Self. Rays of that light spread throughout my being. I also experienced that the power of mantra, my intention, and my being were one with the Self.
Bangalore, India
Chanting with the global
sangham and listening to Gurumayi's words on the live stream satsangs have given me tremendous strength to deal with the challenges of the moment. I am constantly referring to and repeating Gurumayi’s words throughout my days. The chanting and Gurumayi's words have given me courage, understanding, and peace of heart, and have inspired me to do at least one Siddha Yoga practice every day. This has been very uplifting, and I am feeling renewed from within! I feel very grateful to have Gurumayi's guidance and to be following the Siddha Yoga path.
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Participating in the live video stream with Gurumayi from the Bhagavan Nityananda Temple, and having Bade Baba’s
darshan, I felt so relieved, protected, and loved! This is the company I seek!
I am so grateful for Gurumayi’s words, for her guidance.
Sesto San Giovanni, Italy

As Gurumayi spoke to us during the live stream Siddha Yoga
satsang, I felt that I was connected to the Guru in a way that transcended distance and rational logic. Gurumayi asked a question. I smiled at her in response and she smiled back, our communication as seamless as it would have been if we were sitting together physically.
Later my mind wandered away for a moment and I got a surprise when Gurumayi directed me back to her with a call for my attention. My experience throughout the
satsang was that I was participating in a symphony of consciousness. Perhaps this symphony is a “surround sound” for the whole planet.
My wish is that our chanting, our prayers, our
satsangs, and our devotion envelop the whole world with strength and with love.
Marrickville, Australia

During the
satsang I had the experience of seeing a giant serpent wrapping itself around our planet Earth. The serpent's head was raised and active. It was a powerful image that reminded me that
kundalini shakti is all-powerful and omniscient!
Woodend, Australia
As I focused on Bade Baba‘s
murti during meditation, I experienced my back elongating upwards, the corners of my mouth lifting ever so slightly in a benign smile; my shoulders relaxed, and my head was held regally.
I realized that I had assumed a sitting posture just like Bade Baba's
Turning my focus within, my body became the Temple, and Bade Baba was within me!
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

As the
satsang on March 28 progressed, I began to feel a warm, peaceful, sweet, loving radiance emanating from my heart. This feeling continues to resonate like a flame that is gently burning, keeping me strong and absolutely steady. This flame of love is bringing forth in me enthusiasm, a desire to bring forth my virtues, and a feeling of wonder and overwhelming gratitude for the Guru's grace and protection.
This is the company I want to keep going forward. I want to keep my mind on this inner light and, in my current solitude, make this light my constant companion. I want to tell Gurumayi, “Yes, Gurumayi! Absolutely yes! I
am feeling your intention that the hand of the Divine is holding me!”
Sydney, Australia

satsang via live video stream on March 28 was the most profound I have ever experienced! The power with which Gurumayi told the global
sangham we must be strong in the face of crisis reminded me of Lord Krishna counseling Arjuna on the battlefield to remember that he is a warrior and his dharma is to fight. This scene from the
Bhagavad Gita is taking place now, and Gurumayi is every Siddha Yogi's divine charioteer. How blessed we are!
I am intensely focused on getting my 100-year-old mother through this crisis safely. After this
satsang, I feel a deep and unmistakable presence of grace and protection, and am inspired to serve this purpose with even greater mindfulness. The home I share with my mother is heaven, and my heart is at peace, thanks to Gurumayi’s grace, love, and leadership.
West Vancouver, Canada

What a blessed event: welcoming the sight of the Bade Baba Temple into our living room, watching radiant Bade Baba, hearing Gurumayi's teachings, and chanting with her and Siddha Yogis all around the world!
Following Gurumayi's recommendations, I used the strength of my tongue to touch the upper palate while chanting
Vitthale, Vitthale, and to feel joy while chanting
Jay Jay. I really could feel the name Vitthale like an explosion of light and
Jay, Jay as shimmering light. Each round was like fireworks, sending protective light to explode in my inner sky and to shimmer down upon my heart.
I received so much inner strength for keeping my sky blue, pure, and shining by performing angelic actions “with confidence, conviction, and clarity”! My heart is full of gratitude.
Annecy-le-Vieux, France

Since Gurumayi said “Put your energy into making sure your sky is blue,” during the live video stream in honor of Gudhi Padva, my vision has spontaneously cleared. Like a deep-sea diver coming up for air, I more often have momentary flashes of waking from the pressurized state of
maya, with its clouds of uncertainty, and emerging into the bright light of day—and into the experience of Gurumayi’s Message for 2020.
During today’s live video stream with Gurumayi, eight to ten bald eagles convened on the sand at low tide, occasionally lifting their massive wings into the air to ride the wind currents, circling high above, lighting on a branch outside my window, then returning to the shore. A rare sight, the eagles remained in view for the entirety of our
darshan in the Bhagavan Nityananda Temple. I took it as a sign, a blessing, and offered my prayers to be carried to the world on their wings!
Washington, United States

The namasankirtana and Gurumayi’s encouraging words made me feel closer to the Guru than ever, closer to humanity, closer to Bhagavan Nityananda, closer to my own heart. I felt strong, very strong, a strength deeply rooted in my heart. And I feel safe, resilient, and ready to face anything.
Mexico City, Mexico

Through these live video streams, I have experienced a powerful
darshan of Gurumayi. Her guidance and the immense grace pouring out of her have filled me with strength and wisdom for handling these times. Her teachings bolstered my inner conviction that I am in exactly the right place at exactly the right time. I was left with a deep conviction of the perfection in everything that is happening.
Gurumayi infused me with the reassurance that I am in a situation I was born to be in and that, empowered by her grace and her teachings, I have everything I need to utilize the opportunity of these times to take a giant step closer to my goal—that of living every moment in potent, uninterrupted connection with the Self and of being a pure vehicle of the Guru’s grace in this world.
Maryland, United States

Without worrying about the time, I turned on the computer and, to my great astonishment, I entered the Bhagavan Nityananda Temple with the deep feeling of having received an inner invitation.
As I gazed at Bade Baba, the mantra
Om Namah Shivaya began to repeat itself spontaneously within me, in harmony with a gentle breath. With a feeling of interiority, I entered into my heart, the inner temple of the Self.
From my window, thousands of miles away, I was able to attend a
satsang at Shree Muktananda Ashram. After happily watching Bade Baba receive his food, seasoned with mantras, I carefully noted the heartfelt words pronounced by Gurumayi. I felt protected and nourished, invited to a universal feast in the company of our Siddha Gurus.
Rodez, France

Our beloved Guru always comes to guide us. She knows when we are all in need and comes to take us all inside the Temple to immerse ourselves in the bliss of Bhagavan Nityananda. My heart is rejoicing in deep gratitude.
Through this live video stream Shri Gurumayi has showered me with great love and given me new courage. As I contemplate this experience, a strong sense of peace enters my heart with the certitude that, if there is one sure thing in this world, that is the Guru's grace and love.
Milan, Italy
During this time I have felt myself being held in a bubble of grace, in the constant company of the great beings. There has been such synchronicity between what Gurumayi shared during this morning’s chanting and my own experiences that it brought joyful, grateful, and humbling tears to my eyes. I know that Gurumayi holds me in her heart at all times.
Mumbai, India
prasad we continue to receive as a global
sangham from our beloved Gurumayi! When Gurumayi played the tambourine and kept beating it in different rhythms and speeds, I felt it to be purposeful—as though Gurumayi were awakening the qualities of strength and love in us all and beating away any remnant of fear and weakness. This powerful, compassionate experience will stay with me, especially now.
I am so grateful to Gurumayi for continuing to show us how to experience divinity in all situations.
Washington, United States

I woke up this morning with "
Hari pahila re, hari pahila re" ringing in my ears this morning, after hearing Shambhavi sing the
abhanga by Jnaneshvar Maharaj called
Aji Soniyatsa Dinu. What grace! I will try to learn this beautiful
abhanga today as it reminds me of what our beautiful Sadguru has asked me to do: to stay steadfast and remember that adversity is a time to learn, to transform, and to continue to live in joy, knowing everything has a purpose and a greater plan.
Versoix, Switzerland
It is very warm and sunny today here in Wattamolla. Yet, at the conclusion of
Gurudeva Hamara Pyara during the live video stream, a light rain showered the land where we're living with its blessings—a reminder of the strength of prayer and the power of intention, as I recalled Gurumayi playing the tambourine.
My heart is overflowing with love and gratitude for the blessings and love I’ve received from Gurumayi and Bade Baba.
Wattamola, Australia

The two
abhangas that Shambhavi sang during the
satsang in honor of Gudhi Padva—and which I found posted on the Siddha Yoga path website—were so appealing that I rejoiced in my heart as I heard them, despite the difficult times we are in. I was also dancing in my heart and physically through my feet during the
namasankirtana, as I chanted along with Shri Gurumayi. Receiving the
darshan of Bade Baba took me to greater heights and deeper into my heart than I can describe in mere words.
Shri Gurumayi’s emphasis on the need for cleanliness and discipline also led me to correct some of my negligence in this regard.
Udaipur, India
As we spend this time at home while our country observes full lockdown, we feel immensely grateful to “be in the Temple” with Bade Baba and Gurumayi! Having this extra time to dedicate to the Siddha Yoga practices is such a blessing in this difficult time. We feel strong and deeply peaceful.
Kapiti Coast, New Zealand
What an extraordinary gift it has been to “be in the Temple.” Chanting with Gurumayi, gazing upon Bhagavan Nityananda's splendid form, and being with Siddha Yogis from all around the world—all this was so uplifting, exciting, and nourishing. I couldn't get enough of gazing at Bade Baba. Gurumayi was so loving, letting us see how she performs worship of Bhagavan Nityananda.
Chanting with Gurumayi in the Temple has been amazing! I felt I was inside the Temple, that the world was inside me, that I was everywhere at once. The ecstasy is indescribable. We are so blessed!
Florida, United States
The power, the force, and the strength came right through me, like neutrons, tonight with Gurumayi. Although I have weak lungs at the moment, I felt directly the healing power coming through my lungs when chanting with Gurumayi. What a Guru we have, what a power!
Amsterdam, Netherlands

On Saturday night, I was longing to have Gurumayi's
darshan, either through a dream or through a live video stream. At 2:45 a.m. I received a call from a friend in the United States that a live stream was going on and Gurumayi was about to come for the Evening Arati. I was flying in bliss!
I enjoyed doing the Arati with Gurumayi in my
puja room and felt that Bade Baba and Gurumayi had joined me there. I have been so happy to have one live stream after another in just a few days, to sing and dance with my beloved Gurumayi, to have her
darshan, and to receive her life-transforming teachings.
I am also so thankful for all this time in the company of Bade Baba. I loved just sitting with him before and after each
satsang and meditating with him. I felt like I was right there in the Temple. It was so joyous to have
darshan of his form, filled with his profound silence, stillness, and smiles.
Gandhinagar, India

Sharing this beautiful time with Gurumayi in the Temple filled my heart. Gurumayi’s reassuring words were heard, loud and clear, by my head and my heart! I feel doubly invigorated to “be responsible” and to remember to “be in the Temple” wherever I go.
Oregon, United States
As we meditated on Bade Baba's form, I saw that light particles of
shakti were flowing from Bade Baba and through the computer screen towards me. It was an incredible experience and made this happy person even happier!
California, United States
Yesterday I came home from work, at the end of a very challenging week, both within and without. I lit a candle and some incense on my
puja and actually said aloud, "Right about now, feeling Gurumayi’s presence would be very welcome and helpful all around."
Being able to participate just then in the live stream with Gurumayi in the Temple at Shree Muktananda Ashram felt so much like an instance of "Ask and you shall receive." And indeed it was welcome, and helpful, and so very sweet.
I have more calm now and am feeling resolute about creating my own beautiful world. I feel so much gratitude and love.
New Mexico, United States

I am filled with gratitude! I have been keeping my mind positive and committed to being a positive light for others. When I heard that there would be a live video stream, I was looking forward to getting together with many people in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall.
When I logged on and saw Bade Baba—dressed so beautifully, so elegantly, appearing so majestic and magnificent—and heard chanting in the background, my heart opened and I felt at home. I felt “I am not alone.” I'd seemingly forgotten that we are all one, that I am the Self. I'm not just stoically looking to be positive, but "I am"! Tears came down my face with so much love and incredible gratitude!
California, United States

I am grateful for being able to participate in the beautiful recitation of
Shri Guru Gita today. I will bring the stillness and peace that I experienced during the recitation with me today to offer to the people I work with, to my students, and to others. I am grateful for this support in connecting with my heart.
Washington, United States
What a profound gift it was to be in the Bade Baba Temple for the Evening Arati via live stream. As a senior citizen, living alone and now unable to see my family due to the pandemic, I was feeling isolated.
But once the live stream started, all at once I felt viscerally as if I were back in the Temple as I'd been so many times on
seva visits to Shree Muktananda Ashram. The world slowed down, and I could even feel the carpet of the Temple under my feet.
For however long it takes, my house will now be a place of retreat, reflection, and peace.
Canberra, Australia

My family and I have been enjoying the opportunity to participate in the recent series of live video streams with Gurumayi. Each time we have learned new teachings from Gurumayi ji.
When we participated in the recitation of
Shri Guru Gita, Gurumayi spoke about “the dance of Shiva.” So during the next live stream for Gudhi Padva, as we chanted
Jay Jay Vitthale, my young son and daughter and my wife and I all stood up and danced with great delight. When Gurumayi herself got up and danced around the Temple, we felt so happy to witness her enthusiasm and joy joining with ours in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall.
Pune, India
Sharing this moment in time with Gurumayi, participating in the chanting, and seeing my Guru so joyful gave me the sense of illumination I needed to lift my spirits in these challenging times.
Texas, United States

While focusing on the
murti of Bhagavan Nityananda during today’s live video stream from his Temple, I experienced a life-changing understanding of two Siddha Yoga teachings.
Because of the current pandemic, I have not been able to attend the Siddha Yoga Meditation Center in Los Angeles, or to have
darshan of the
murti of Bade Baba in the Temple there. Yet when I witnessed the food being offered to Bade Baba during the live video stream today, my understanding of Baba’s teachings “See God in each other” and “God lives in you, as you, for you” deepened, and I understood that the walls separating us physically these days are truly a mere illusion.
I felt total oneness with the
murti in the Temple at Shree Muktananda Ashram and the
murti in the Temple in Los Angeles. And I felt that both
murtis were receiving these food offerings simultaneously. Tears of love and gratitude welled up from my heart, and I felt myself expanding into scintillating golden light.
California, United States

Can we have any deeper expression and experience of Gurumayi’s Message for 2020 than that of being in the presence of our beloved Gurumayi, with Bade Baba presiding over all in the Temple? I am filled to overflowing with gratitude for the sweetness of their
I relished Gurumayi’s reminders of the virtues of discipline and responsibility, most especially at a time such as this. And may our chanting, meditation, and
mantra japa support serenity in the souls of family, community, and the whole world!
Washington, United States
Being in the Bhagavan Nityananda Temple via the live video stream of the recitation of
Shri Guru Gita brought so much grace, as always. My first thought was “So much protection! We have the Guru inside and outside, we have the practices and the teachings. What more do we need?”
After the live video stream ended, there was such a sweet roar of silence echoing though my being.
California, United States

Today I woke up here in Australia in the early hours of the morning. In my heart, the Morning Arati was being sung, and a feeling of warmth and love for Bade Baba suffused my being. After a while, I remembered that there might be something new on the Siddha Yoga path website. There I found “Be in the Temple”—a live video stream in honor of Gudhi Padva.
Because of the time difference, I heard only the last few minutes of the chant
. Then the screen went blank. But the feeling of warmth and love is still there in my heart. The inner connection appears to be working quite well!
Sydney, Australia

In the moments before the recitation of
Shri Guru Gita in the Temple this morning, Eesha Sardesai read out loud Gurumayi's share about her intention the previous night: that each Siddha Yogi might experience the hand of the Divine holding us.
That reminded me of my experience during the live video stream of the Evening Chant,
Hare Rama Hare Krishna, the night before: I had a vision of Ram gently holding the earth in cupped hands next to his heart, tenderly leaning his cheek toward the world in the loving way that one holds a baby.
I recognized that my own intention for the healing and restoration of the earth and all its beings reflected Gurumayi's intention in this beautiful expression of tender love.
Washington, United States

What an amazing experience this has been of "being in the Temple"! I really felt as if I were sitting there. I am so grateful that all of us around the world were granted such a blessed gift, at this difficult moment when we need to be even more united as a community, and connected to the Divine.
Aracaju, Brazil
Particularly in these troubled times, I found it very reassuring to hear Gurumayi’s loving words, kind words, and strict words. Her instructions to observe cleanliness and discipline and to “be responsible” are a wake-up call for me. They are a reminder for me to watch my thoughts, words, and deeds, and to be vigilant and mindful, in order to avoid being carried away by the energy of the current situation. I will cherish those instructions.
Hosur, India

During the recitation of
Shri Guru Gita via live video stream from the Bade Baba Temple, I went into a deep meditation. I had a vision of walking with Gurumayi. She was directing many people into a line. But I just wanted to get in line myself, in
my way, so I went and sat down by myself. Then I moved into a car with some other people and sat in the back seat.
Shortly, Gurumayi came to get me from the car. Then we began to walk together, holding hands, laughing, and I felt a deep love for her and her acceptance of me. We were walking side by side and I knew she is always with me. I can become aware of this and walk with her anytime!
I feel so much gratitude.
Hawaii, United States
We are so lucky and fortunate to be receiving all these gifts and love from Gurumayi. I have enjoyed “being in the Temple.” Every cell of my body and my mind are full of bliss and gratitude.
Charlottenlund, Denmark
When Gurumayi came into the Temple, the sun came out. Her guidance on how to take advantage of this “retreat time” warmed and lightened my heart. I am so grateful to receive her loving wisdom.
California, United States
Although I hadn’t heard of Gudhi Padva until I read “An Introduction to the Month of March” on the Siddha Yoga path website, I marked the day on my calendar to be sure to commemorate this new beginning. What joy it was to find a live video stream from the Bhagavan Nityananda Temple and to chant
Jay Jay Vitthale with Gurumayi!
I felt such excitement and joy as I chanted, feeling the syllables in my mouth, articulating them by following Gurumayi’s pacing—and dancing in place. What a fabulous and auspicious new beginning! What great gifts are being showered upon us! “Thank you!” resonates deep inside.
New Mexico, United States
This live video stream of the recitation of
Shri Guru Gita was such a refreshing dive into the Self for me! It revitalized my spirit, and gave it a clarity and strength I hadn’t realized had been lacking. What a great sense of well-being I received, even a sense of "Everything's right with the world," despite the challenges of these times.
Washington, United States

We are all practicing “social distancing” in this city and have therefore not been able to visit our children as planned. This morning, while talking to them on the phone, I found myself saying, “Let's have a virtual family
satsang this evening at 5 p.m.” We all felt very uplifted over this plan.
Little did we know we would be having
satsang with Gurumayi and the entire Siddha Yoga
sangham exactly at 5 p.m.! Throughout the Evening Arati, I felt I was physically there with my Guru in the Temple, or that Gurumayi was with me at my home, and we were having
darshan of Bade Baba together. I felt closer to Gurumayi than ever. She heals our hearts with her words, her state, and her life of service.
Brossard, Canada

After hearing Shri Gurumayi's comforting words and her teachings on dharmic action, and participating in the recitation of
Shri Guru Gita and the singing of
namasankirtana, I feel like I'm standing under a gentle waterfall of love and perpetual grace. What amazing good fortune! I pray that I can honor these righteous gifts by being responsible and understanding the purpose of my life.
Georgia, United States
A few weeks ago, I made a wish about how to spend Mother's Day, which was March 22 this year in the United Kingdom; my wish was to go to a temple that is nearby in London. However, with the way things are in the UK due to the pandemic, that wasn't going to be something we could do.
Little did I know that I would be spending the afternoon on Mother's Day in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall, chanting and experiencing the joy of “being in the Temple.” The last twenty-four hours have been a blessing beyond anything I could have asked for.
Sunningdale, United Kingdom

I am away from my own home, in quarantine, as I care for a beloved relative who is ill. Participating in the live-streamed events in the Temple has given me the chance to bathe in the Ganges of the Guru's grace, to be steeped in Bhagavan Nityananda's sweet
shakti, and to wash off the outer world for a blessed time.
My heart is now filled with gratitude and my focus refreshed. I will remember my homework: “How can I help? How can I develop an angelic attitude?”
Maine, United States

This morning during the live video stream from Bade Baba’s Temple in honor of Gudhi Padva, I went outside to the garden so I would not disturb my neighbor who works at night and sleeps in the mornings. There I could chant
Jay Jay Vitthale robustly. There I could offer all my love to Mother Nature and to everyone’s precious lungs around the world.
After we sang
Jyota se Jyota Jagao, a cloud that had gathered between the blue patches in the sky began letting soft droplets fall. I felt so refreshed, so protected.
California, United States

Today I participated in the live video stream of the recitation of
Shri Guru Gita with Gurumayi in the Bade Baba Temple. The Siddha Yoga path has been in my life for many, many years, but I live in a very rural area of Montana and know of no other Siddha Yogis nearby.
Yet today I sat for nearly three hours with countless others from around the world, receiving the
darshan of Bade Baba and Gurumayi, reciting
Shri Guru Gita with them in the Temple, with verses and melodies that came to me from beyond memory. I heard Gurumayi sharing that the fourth stanza of
Sadguru ki Arati is her favorite. And I received her reminder to find the love that is always within our heart, and to bring that to the world around us.
This was an unexpected homecoming for me. I feel so deeply, profoundly blessed.
Montana, United States

It was so wonderful to be reminded by Gurumayi that I am responsible for my own thoughts and feelings! In this time of seclusion here in France, I recognize how much the Siddha Yoga retreats and courses in which I have participated over the years, as well as the spiritual practices of
seva and meditation, have taught me to remain one-pointed, to accept my feelings and contemplate them, and to understand that everything will pass. It is when times become difficult that I see the value of
sadhana, and the Siddha Yoga teachings, even more clearly.
Marlanval, France
After having darshan of Bhagavan Nityananda, I feel secure, calm, peaceful, and full of gratitude. It made me go into a deep meditation, where there was complete silence. I can feel his blessings over me, my family, and my friends.
Shubh Gudhi Padva to everyone!
Pune, India

During the live video stream of the recitation of
Shri Guru Gita, I experienced the vibration of joy. During the recitation, I was not in an environment that enabled me to recite aloud. So I was wearing headphones and following along with the text in my chanting book.
It was when Gurumayi said, "It's the dance of Shiva. Keep the rhythm," that I began to focus physically within my body on the rhythm of the syllables and sounds—and their vibrations of deep joy. I experienced the highly dynamic quality of this sacred text in a way that I never had before.
It made me think about the fact that, before babies know the meanings of words, they are starting to learn their language by experiencing its rhythms. So like a baby, today I discovered the language of joy through the rhythm and vibrations inherent in
Shri Guru Gita—the dance of Shiva.
New York, United States

I would like to express my deepest thanks for the opportunity to be with Gurumayi in the Bhagavan Nityananda Temple via live video stream. What a blessing this is, in these difficult times; what a marvelous gift! I felt that we were participating in a retreat from our homes, and sharing our Siddha Yoga practices to connect with each other and to put light into our world.
Jerez de la Frontera, Spain
It felt enormously uplifting to be swept up in the compassionate current of the Guru’s love and to recite
Shri Guru Gita with her.
Seeing Bhagavan Nityananda’s magnificent garland reminded me of when I was young and we were growing flowers for Baba Muktananda. Every evening we brought him a garland of marigolds. He would smile and always say, “
Nityananda murti.” Later, when we would have
darshan of the
murti, he was always wearing the garland!
Florida, United States
I am full of gratitude for being invited into the Temple of Bhagavan Nityananda. Chanting and reciting
Shri Guru Gita with Gurumayi is something I had always dreamed of doing, and now it was really happening in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall.
During the recitation of
Shri Guru Gita, my heart opened and I felt a warm stream of love deep inside me. When meditating on the form of Bhagavan Nityananda, I was drawn into the golden light in my heart. What an auspicious experience!
Dyssegaard, Denmark
prasad it has been to receive Gurumayi’s grace, love, and compassion through these live-streamed events. Gurumayi always shows us how to turn any situation into a divine opportunity. I work in a hospital environment and I will now be taking my “angelic attitude” with me into my work.
Washington, United States