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Gurumayi’s Message for 2025

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When I heard Gurumayi ji deliver her Message for 2025 on New Year’s Day, I was overwhelmed and filled with gratitude. Everything Gurumayi said that day reflected an inner conversation that I had been having with the Guru in the fortnight leading up to Sweet Surprise. Gurumayi’s Message was exactly what I needed to hear to receive the guidance that I had been seeking.
Since then, I’ve been contemplating the nature of time and have come to understand, among other things, that time is like the pure soul—stainless and unblemished. So, it is up to me to choose how I adorn the time that has been allotted to me on this earth. Do I color it with light and uplifting shades? Or do I paint it with heavy, dark shades that weigh me down? The choice is always in my hands. And that is the most empowering thing about time.

New Delhi, India

Inspired by Gurumayi’s Message, I have become aware that I don’t use time well. I notice that I ruminate and worry about what I should be doing rather than settling into the moment and allowing myself to enjoy and take in the goodness.
As I continue to contemplate Gurumayi’s Message, I realize that making good use of time means connecting to appreciation and gratitude for what I have and letting go of worry about the future and regrets of the past. I am practicing letting go and allowing Gurumayi’s Message to seep into my heart, my soul, and my body.

Texas, United States

As I received Gurumayi’s Message for 2025, I felt an immediate stillness within me, as if her words had gently paused the restless flow of my thoughts. It was a call to introspection, to examine how I spend each moment of my life, and to realign myself and my time with purpose, devotion, and joy.
The Message awakened a deeper awareness of time—not as something to “pass,” but as something to treasure. It made me question, “Am I truly present in what I do? Do my actions reflect my highest aspirations?” Gurumayi’s words reminded me that every moment is an opportunity—to grow, to serve, to love, and to deepen my sadhana.
As I meditated on this insight, I felt inspired to refine my daily routine, to engage more mindfully in every task, and to dedicate time to what truly matters—seeking the Self, nurturing meaningful relationships, and offering seva with a full heart. With Gurumayi’s guidance, I step into 2025 with renewed determination to honor every moment I have been given.

a fifteen-year-old from Gandhinagar, India

I just finished reading shares below Gurumayi’s teaching for today about time. Several people were reflecting on how Gurumayi’s Message for 2025 was guiding them as they studied and assimilated the teachings of “In the Presence of Time” for March. That reminded me of my own question as I was going to bed the night before: “How do I know when I am acting from my thoughts, or from my deeper knowing? From my self, or from the Self?” The answer came to me this morning as I was reading the shares.
I had been upset with myself about a comment I had made during a Zoom meeting. I realized that I make mistakes when I come from my small self. When I remember Gurumayi’s Message, I speak or act from my divine Self, and feel more aligned with it.

Massachusetts, United States

I am very happy to have received and to contemplate Gurumayi’s Message for 2025. It is helping me in my sadhana, my daily routine, and my profession. I took a long pause in my profession after having a baby. But now, Gurumayi’s Message has encouraged me to restart my work. It is also helping me to focus on how I manage and respect time and how to make it worthwhile.

Indore, India

Gurumayi’s profound Message for 2025 speaks volumes to me on so many levels. In my own business, I have always told my staff, “Time is money. When working with the clients’ finances, use your time as if it were your own money.” While raising my son, I always taught him to use him time wisely in all that he did, and to always behave kindly toward others. Now, he is teaching his son those same lessons.
Since Gurumayi gave us this Message, I have signed off of news and social media, and instead have filled my heart, my mind, and my home with my Guru’s teachings, devotional chants, and Messages. My entire being is now grounded in peace, tranquility, gratitude, and love.
I am filled with so much gratitude to Gurumayi for the many years she has been gently, patiently, and lovingly guiding my sadhana, but especially this year for her timeless gift.

New Mexico, United States

This morning when I was reciting Shri Guru Gita, at verse 135 my eyes caught on the phrase, “delivers one from the fear of time.” It was a sweet sign for me that Gurumayi’s Message for 2025 is helping me to gently remove my fearful thoughts about both my past and future. This, in turn, is beginning to allow me to bask in the splendor of each moment. I am so thankful to Gurumayi for her ever-present, transformative guidance. 

Alaska, United States

I am grateful to Gurumayi for the two hearts—one in the leaves and another in the branch. The bird is very beautiful. I am so happy to see the colors in it.

a six-year-old from Thane, India

Gurumayi’s Message reverberates deep within for me. When I contemplate it, I feel how profound it is. The words are like a deep bell ringing in the depths of my soul. I am no longer young, even though my heart feels young. Time is precious to me, now more than ever. For some time now, I have been conscious of the fleeting passage of the months and years.
Falling asleep one night after contemplating Gurumayi’s Message, I had a meaningful dream with my parents and grandparents. They were alive and together—smiling at me, present in a timeless realm. This deepened my sense of how Gurumayi is with me all the time. I saw that I am not bound by time and that I am called to be fully present in the space of my time.

Michigan, United States

I love Gurumayi’s Message. Each time I notice I’m reacting negatively to anything or anyone, I repeat the Message. My mind becomes calm, the thoughts dissipate, and I feel a connection to my heart.

Florida, United States

Over a month has passed since we received Gurumayi’s Message for 2025. I feel the teachings are opening up within me, vividly, like a flower blooming. When I read the Message and look at the Artwork mindfully, petal after petal begins to unfold for me, spreading its unique color.

As I continue to recall Shri Gurumayi’s words during Sweet Surprise, my understanding expands. Areas that are waiting for me to work on are revealed to me. I am able to identify when I spend time in an unworthy way, and I restructure my choices.

As I practice the daily teachings that help us understand Gurumayi’s Message, I find my heart is filled with gratitude. The more I contemplate the teachings, the more I feel inspired from within. The Message is inviting me to spend more time with myself and enjoy the benefits of being in the company of my own wisdom. 

 Cuttack, India

As the days go by, my contemplation of Gurumayi’s Message has been replete with new discoveries! I have been beginning my day, first thing, while I am still warm under the quilt, by looking with affection at my hands. I open my hands and hold them out in front of my face, and then I repeat Gurumayi’s Message—“Make your time worth your time.” This reminds me that my Guru’s grace is in her instruction and that it is my effort that will help this powerful grace to flourish.

Then I kiss my fingertips and palms, acknowledging their sacredness and their ability to give and receive. I feel so much tenderness, compassion, and gratitude for my hands and all they do for me. The respect and appreciation are spreading to my awareness and care of my whole body. My body, truly, is my temple.

New York, United States

The beautiful image of the hummingbird with the flower reminds me that it is up to me to make the effort to extract nectar from the circumstances and moments of my life that are right there in front of me. 

California, United States

When Gurumayi gave us her Message, I experienced each word as a weighted drop of water, dropping to the depths of my being. As we chanted Narayana, I experienced Gurumayi’s Message as a river that travelled within me, carried by the chant and its own power. When Gurumayi gave us the dharana to install her Message in our being, an image came to me showing the words of her Message as drops of molten gold.

When I received Gurumayi’s Message Artwork, I recognized each part of my experience within it. There were the molten, gold drops and the words of Gurumayi’s Message forming infinity—reflecting the infinite nature of time and of her teachings. The words of Gurumayi’s Message are in blue, flowing like a river, guiding us in time, traveling with us in our sadhana. The single blue drop—the full stop at the end of Gurumayi’s Message—is like a drop of water, the Blue Pearl, stillness.

I receive the backdrop of the golden peacock feathers as the presence of Gurumayi's grace, greater even than the infinity of time, supporting my path, supporting our study of the Message—the grace of Shri Guru supporting time itself.

Cheltenham, Australia

Being a teacher and scientist, I immediately noticed the infinity sign comprised of the words of the Message and the golden dots. For me the words of the Message represent Gurumayi’s grace, and the golden dots represent my right self-effort to study, practice, assimilate, and implement the Message in my sadhana and daily activities throughout the year.

It is my observation that if I take my time to do my spiritual practices and daily activities, I am at peace in my heart, and time seems infinite. Then I feel I am flowing with the grace of Shri Guru, and I often experience bliss.

Surprisingly, my habit of procrastination has changed into “do it now.” This is helping me to complete my tasks on time and giving me happiness and a sense of fulfillment.

Udaipur, India

In reflecting on Gurumayi’s Message for 2025, I feel Gurumayi has given me two different teachings. The first teaching is very clear—whatever my situation, I must make time for sadhana, for my spiritual practices.
However, to discover the second teaching of the Message, I had to explore the meanings of each word. After contemplating, I realized the pronoun your doesn’t indicate the individual “I.” Instead, I must remember the presence of the Self, residing within me and everything around me. Similarly, the word time doesn’t mean I should count the hours spent on the practices. Rather, the Message reminds me to remain connected with my own divinity at every moment. And in contemplating the word worth, I realized I could align each action, word, and thought with God.
How to do that? Only when I turn within and listen to the inner voice do I receive insights about what to do and what not to do; I also receive the strength to implement them. Thus, what is important for me is to remain connected with my own Self and lead a conscious life.

Thane, India

When I learned that I would need to go to a medical clinic three times a week for six weeks, I was initially very upset at the inconvenience and the amount of time I would waste in traveling back and forth. However, I realized that, precisely because of the distance involved, I would now have time to listen to the sacred texts of Shri Rudram and Shri Guru Gita.
I am thrilled and looking forward to the unexpected opportunity to support my sadhana during my trips.
I am grateful that Gurumayi’s Message for 2025 is one more way that she teaches me how to experience the miraculous in the mundane at any moment in time.

New York, United States

As I viewed the Message Artwork, I marveled at the golden hues, followed the gentle, sweet flow of the words, and perceived the symbol of infinity, a lemniscate formed by the golden dots.

These words formed themselves in my understanding: “My time is folding into eternal time.”

The arbitrary separation I’d imagined between my time and eternal time dissolved; I became silent, resting in this new awareness of my inner Self.

Arizona, United States

I have heard it said that time is gold. This understanding about the utter preciousness of time comes to mind when I see what I perceive to be generous chunks of gold as the background in the Message Artwork. To my mind, it is as if gold is the raw material from which time is made. I feel that my time is my chance to carve this raw gold in the best way possible, thus living my life with awareness and a great attitude.

Montreal, Canada

As soon as I heard Gurumayi’s Message, I became aware of what I was doing moment by moment. I was able to immediately perceive if my actions were wasting time. If so, I moved to something worth my time. Applying Gurumayi’s Message helped me to contemplate the value of my actions quickly and efficiently.
The result is focused attention on everything I do. It has given me more time and a feeling of closeness to my Guru. All of this influences how I live my life and how it affects others. It is changing my life for the better and gives purpose and meaning to everything I do. I find it delightful!

California, United States

This morning I awoke at 2:30 a.m., unable to sleep. I looked at the clock several times, and after the third time, I felt the urge to get up and meditate. Before sitting to meditate, I looked at the Siddha Yoga path website, and there was Gurumayi’s Message guiding me to make my time worthwhile. Instead of looking at the clock and twisting and turning in bed, I felt that meditation was inviting me to enter a different realm. I exited linear time and entered the velvety infinite. It was the best use of my time.

New York, United States

When Gurumayi spoke about the awesome power in our hands, I realized that I take my hands for granted. So I thanked my hands for everything they do, whether it’s washing the dishes or driving with both hands on the steering wheel. As I deepened my contemplation of the power in my hands, I became aware of how I hold my chanting book while reciting Shri Guru Gita, how I hold out both hands to receive prasad, and how I place my hands in chin mudra while meditating.
Following Sweet Surprise, I reflected on what I was reading, what I was watching on television and the internet, and how it affected my sadhana. I asked myself if this was worthy of my time and what virtues I could bring to my application of the Message.
My answer is discrimination, vigilance, and discipline. I realized that if I step back, repeat the Message, breathe, and allow a space to open up, it allows me time to reconsider the choices I make and to make my time worthwhile.

LaSalle, Canada

After receiving Gurumayi’s Message on January 1, I have been consciously and intentionally deciding not just what to do with each period of time available to me, but also how to approach it.
I understand time as a precious gift given by the universe, which I can approach with intention. I am grateful to have the good fortune to choose the actions I take.
For example, when I have a certain amount of time to be with my kids, I often ask myself, “How do I want to spend this time? How can we make it a good experience, engaging with each other, and creating memorable moments?”
I experience this freedom to shape actions and experiences as really nice—a treasure to cherish and apply as much as possible.

Berlin, Germany

My heart pulses with delight as I see the golden infinity symbol on the background of what looks to me like radiant ripples.

When I draw the infinity symbol, I feel as if the past and the present are intersecting in the middle, and the middle is the eternal now. I sense the brightness of the Blue Pearl in the ever-present now. This precious moment requires my full attention; I experience it as love becoming action and radiating endlessly.

Washington, United States

Typically, I start every day feeling that I won’t have enough time to do everything I want or need to do. But today, as I contemplated the words of Gurumayi’s Message for 2025, I understood that whenever I pursue something with steady intention, then that action will be infused with grace. So, what matters is not how much I “get done” but how fully I perform every action with inspired awareness.

California, United States

The beautiful golden image makes me feel so joyful. I noticed thirty-six golden beads creating an infinity symbol. My understanding is that the prayer beads on japa malas are in multiples of nine. I feel a divine hint in this image that—at any time, in any circumstance—japa, repetition of the mantra, will be a beneficial use of my time and a connection to the infinite Self within.

Woollamia, Australia

Every one of Gurumayi’s Messages for each New Year—ever since I first started following the Siddha Yoga path in 1992—has given me the opportunity to progress in my sadhana.

Yesterday, I was waiting in a very long line to pay for a purchase. Instead of giving into my old tendency to think I was wasting time, I heard within that repeating the mantra is always a good use of my time. As this awareness dawned, I felt transformed. And, as I repeated the mantra, I soon reached the front of the line.

New York, United States

I’ve been going through a challenging time with my dad, who is ninety years old, since before the beginning of the new year. He has been in the hospital with a serious condition.

Bur Gurumayi’s Message for 2025 has transformed this moment of hardship. Contemplating Gurumayi’s Message has created the sense of a vast space. This has enabled me to find the precious time to experience more discoveries and joy with my father, the family, and even the medical personnel who are taking care of my father.

Sao Paulo, Brazil

“Make your time worth your time” means spreading love all the time to everyone around you instead of wasting time doing things that are not important and when you see people and they say “Good morning” to you, you say “Good morning” back.

an eight-year-old from Hong Kong

Soon after receiving Gurumayi’s message for 2025, I knew that I wanted to apply it to the way I spend my free time each evening. Last night, I settled down on the sofa to watch a football game on television. When I turned on the TV, I discovered that the channel that the game was to be on was not functioning. All the other channels I checked worked fine. Only the one that was to carry the game was not. I took this as a hint! And so, I very happily recited Shri Guru Gita instead.
What this incident highlighted for me is the distinction between using my time to engage in activities that are beneficial in the highest sense versus using it to do things that are merely pleasurable.

New York, United States

What beautiful golden Message Artwork! Each time I view the image, something new presents itself. Until now I hadn’t noticed that the sentence contains the Blue Pearl. I see this not as an ending, but as representing infinite possibility.
May I make use of my God-given time for my spiritual growth and for the good of all.

New York, United States

One day when I was a teenager, my friend and I were leisurely lying on my living room carpet asking ourselves, “What is infinity?” Trying to answer the question, I was drawn into a spaciousness within me that I learned later in life was the Self. That was the first moment I understood there are questions my mind cannot answer, but something in me can experience an answer.

Gurumayi’s Message Artwork reminds me of that moment. I see in the Artwork the relationship between that which is material and temporary, which to me is represented by the golden background, and infinity, which is represented by the figure eight. I see the words of the Message entwined with the infinity sign and ending in the Blue Pearl. This reminds me of how my limited time here on Earth exists within the spaciousness of eternity—like two teenage girls leisurely lying on a carpet contemplating infinity.

I learn from the Artwork that I can balance the temporary and the timeless in my daily life, and this makes me feel peaceful.

California, United States

I was not able to participate in Sweet Surprise on New Year’s Day. One evening several days later, I prayed to Gurumayi to reveal her Message. The next day I opened the Siddha Yoga path website and was astonished to see the icon button entitled “Gurumayi’s Message for 2025.” I signed in and was overcome with aspects of the image—the gold color and texture of the Message Artwork and the movement of the lemniscate. As I read the Message, a strong energy began to pulsate in my heart center, quickly spreading across my whole body as a sensation of golden waves of bliss. I felt the movement of time within me and valued its worth, and I valued my own worthiness to experience the shining grace of Shri Gurumayi!

New Jersey, United States

I was eagerly anticipating the Artwork for Gurumayi’s Message. It is beautiful! It is comprised of a golden ​color, which reminds me of the golden light inside me. The infinity sign that is made with dots reminds me of the various stages in my life and how they too are connected to form this sign of infinity. The blue dot at the end inspires me to strive to see the blue light inside me, which is the ultimate goal of my life.

Pune, India

The first word that arose upon receiving the Message Artwork is “Dancing!”

The words of the Message seem to me to be gliding and dancing, happily moving through the infinity beads, evoking lightheartedness in me. Every bead seems like an opportunity to discover something new, enjoy the splendor of the moment, and then move to the next moment with delight!

The infinity beads remind me of a japa mala. After each full round of mantra repetition, I find that starting a new round either builds the experience already occurring or allows for a renewed experience, filled with excitement and delight. This image encourages me to truly act in ways that connect with joy and to experience a never-ending dance with my true Self.

New York, United States

Seeing the Message Artwork for the first time, I felt such love for it. I felt a deep appreciation of its beauty. I’d imagined the words in my mind, but this is exquisite. For me the Artwork echoes the ocean, the deserts, even a magical cloak! What better way to use my time than just soaking it in so it becomes my own inner landscape.

Hampton Hill, United Kingdom

As I looked at the golden dots that form the infinity symbol, they reminded me of smiles. I simply laughed with sincere happiness at their sight. To me, it seems as if time is made to enjoy this precious life fully and fill it with laughter. I am grateful to Gurumayi for such a life-transforming Message!

Rome, Italy

For me, honoring time is related to staying connected to nature—the light and darkness of day and night, the seasons, and the tides of the ocean. Living in a city, I find that it can be hard for me to feel connected in this way. I often feel rushed by a human-invented system that we call time. I long to live with the primal concept of time created by nature. Participating in Sweet Surprise strengthened my confidence in staying connected to time as I experience it in nature. I love that.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

As I first viewed Gurumayi’s Message Artwork for 2025, my eyes were drawn to the beautiful gold beads, like individual moments in time, creating the shape of the infinity symbol.
My early contemplations of Gurumayi’s Message had me thinking about how my time on this earth is limited, and therefore had me asking, “How do I want to spend it? How can I implement Gurumayi’s Message in doing so?” The Message Artwork, including the infinity symbol, has now shifted my contemplation to these questions: “How can I fully understand that time is infinite? And once I embrace that understanding, how will I move through life?”
The background shapes appear to me as golden peacock feathers and remind me of how Gurumayi spends her time bestowing the golden gift of shaktipat and teaching Siddha Yoga students to know the Self within. Her unwavering focus on her purpose in this lifetime is a model for me, inspiring me to place my focus on my own true life purpose: to see that God is in everything, and to understand and live from that knowledge.

Connecticut, United States

I really love the Message that Gurumayi gave us. Watching my breath, listening to my heartbeat, experiencing the joy that arises when I gaze at the splendor of nature, appreciating the love that fills my heart while I spend time with the many beautiful animals that visit me, and realizing the great love I feel as I keep my gaze turned inward are a few of my favorite things that are worth my time.

San Felipe, Mexico

I am grateful for this beautiful visual expression of Gurumayi’s Message for 2025. It conveys a promise of infinite blessings, happiness, and grace in the year ahead. As I study the artwork, I experience that I am witnessing the subtle movement of an infinity pattern, etched with pearls of wisdom. I recognize that these pearls are mine to harvest and explore, as long as I make good use of my time and as long as I stay focused and available to whatever I’m engaged with in each present moment.

The golden fabric’s peacock-feather pattern is a reminder to me that I can truly experience the Guru’s darshan when I am present to receive her grace.

North Carolina, United States

The words of Gurumayi’s Message for 2025 have been echoing in my mind these past several weeks. When I’m feeling restless, tired, or just unsure of what to do next, I remember to be aware of the value of my time. Then, I am drawn to take the action or do the task that makes the best use of my time. As a result of this, I am happier and more content at the end of the day.

I am also thanking my hands and making an intention each morning. This further supports me in having a clear and fulfilling day. I am so grateful to Gurumayi for her Message, which is easy to remember and yet so rich in application.

Winnipeg, Canada

As I read Gurumayi’s Message, I felt like it means that you have to add love into every moment of your daily life. I’m going to practice Gurumayi’s Message by being kind in every moment and being grateful for every moment.

A nine-year-old from Hong Kong

Precious time, blessing my life,
I find you in present awareness.
A whisper of grace, gentle and bright,
You are light. You are all.
You are infinite sunshine,
A golden light in every moment,
Eternal, yet subtle,
You are my time.
You are my most valuable treasure,
A gift beyond measure,
May I always honor you.

New York, United States

As I contemplated Gurumayi’s Message Artwork, I recognized the Blue Pearl and entered into the silent and infinite space where words dissolve. I saw that when I am present, when I pay attention to my breath, to my being, and to the world around me, I enter a dialogue of precious love.
Time is the space that God has given me to dialogue with his creatures in an uninterrupted cycle from heart to heart.

Rodez, France

As soon as I opened the Message Artwork from Gurumayi ji, my mind stopped and my awareness was drawn within to a vast, expansive space reverberating with stillness. When I looked at the end of the flow of the words in the Message Artwork, I noticed one tiny, shining blue dot. It revealed to me the infinity that is present in this potent point where all starts and ends. My mind was filled with joy, enthusiasm, and gratitude to explore my deeper understanding of the Message and the Artwork.

Pune, India

Sweet Surprise via live video stream from the Universal Hall was a blissful family affair at our house! My son came running with his journal and pen to note down Gurumayi’s Message. My toddler and husband followed him, not wanting to miss out on anything in the satsang. My one-year-old joined her hands in namaste as she watched Gurumayi on the screen. I had no idea what prompted her to do so. It was very satisfying, and I smiled to myself, to see my children’s immense faith in Gurumayi.
Upon hearing the Message, my husband and I looked at each other, realizing its importance. It was simple, yet I felt it held such meaning for everyone. I was spontaneously led to delete social media apps on my mobile phone. In the following days, when I became distracted during work, I recalled Gurumayi’s Message and brought my attention back to the task at hand. I decided not to waste my time on something that did not deserve my time.

Mumbai, India