The day that I received this teaching, I sat in my backyard under a starry sky to contemplate it and journal about my insights.
After repeating the words “the balm of time” over and over for a short while, I literally felt like I was in “the presence of time.” It was as if time itself was simultaneously sitting right next to me and within me.
I recognized in that moment that I am made up of the same fabric as time. Therefore, when I keep the company of time, I’m also in the company of God that resides within me. I felt soothed and nourished from inside out. This experience has shown me that time can indeed be like a balm to the heart and soul.
Coburg, Australia
When I read teaching 11, “The balm of time,” I asked myself what it means to me. At first, I thought that spending time with loved ones or in nature is a balm for my heart. This is true.
Then I went for a walk on the beach to watch the sunrise. One of the dogs that lives on the beach came and sat quietly beside me. I noticed she had a lot of sand stuck around her eyes. I gently removed the sand from her dark eyes and golden fur. She was so still and allowed me to do this without wincing. Afterward, she looked into my eyes for a while with so much sweetness. In my heart, I could hear her say “thank you.” My heart filled with love, and in this moment, I knew that, for me, one meaning of “The balm of time” is kindness. I understood that true kindness, from the heart, is worthy of my time. It invites grace, unites me with others, and heals me.
Nora, Sweden
I have found this particular facet of time to be a deep, tangible gift. Each contemplation of the generous word
balm warms my heart and eases me forward. Almost a year ago, I experienced a significant loss that felt like it left my heart broken. I can see now that time has indeed granted me a powerful balm. What felt broken and fragmented now feels renewed and strengthened. As the process continues, I am taking the time I need for creating and healing. My gratitude for this balm only deepens every day as love returns, shining. For me, time and grace have revealed themselves to be one, supporting me through all my experiences.
Washington, United States
Today’s calendar date marked two-and-a-half years since my mother’s passing. I sang her favorite hymn, “Song of Meetings and Partings,” by Milarepa. The refrain says, “Their meetings and their partings mark the change of time.” I contemplated how life is filled with these meetings and partings—grace notes in the song of time.
Then, as I prepared to recite
Shri Guru Gita in my mother’s honor, I opened the website and saw Gurumayi’s teaching “The balm of time.” A wave of tender and deep gratitude flooded my heart. I saw that time had quietly and steadily done its work, like a kind friend working behind the scenes. For two and a half years, the river of time had softened the edges of grief and brought with it a healing balm and ethereal joy.
I am grateful to Gurumayi for attending even the quietest moments of my life and granting them deeper meaning. Her teachings on time have expanded a single moment out to eternity and back, bringing understanding and perspective.
California, United States
I was wonderstruck when I read Gurumayi’s teaching “The balm of time,” and I was convinced that it was for me. Many months ago, an unfortunate incident occurred which deeply affected me. I prayed for Gurumayi’s protection and grace every day.
Today, the whole situation has eased, and there have been heartfelt apologies followed by forgiveness. It does seem that with the passage of time, wounds have healed and the situation is heading toward normalcy. In the truest sense, time has been the soothing healer.
Pune, India
I had a total hip replacement nineteen days ago. Each day when I get out of bed, I am more mobile, more independent, and in less pain. And I look forward to each new day knowing that because of the miraculous power of time and nature, I am going to feel even better than the day before. While it is true that some days are easier than others, and progress is not always linear, I know that over time, I will get better and better. "The balm of time"-- what a great healing power!
Pennsylvania, United States