This practice and study of time that Gurumayi is gracing us with is so exciting for so many reasons. I am now waking up every day asking myself with great anticipation, “Oh, I wonder what time it is today!” I go to the Siddha Yoga path website and find out what to focus on about time as guided by the Guru’s blessing for that day. When I read, “The embrace of time,” it made me feel like I am being hugged and supported by all of the Siddha Gurus—and then I clicked on the gem which offered us their darshan. How sweet!
Another beautiful thing I do is read the experiences shared by other Siddha Yoga students. I love to find out just how connected I am with the Siddha Yoga community by seeing how similar my experiences are and yet how each one is so uniquely expressed. It is another way that I can experience “the embrace of time” throughout the whole world.
Pennsylvania, United States
Today I had a beautiful dream in which I saw Gurumayi ji very close to me. Then she took two steps back. I touched the earth and bowed my head to the place where she had stood. As soon as I did that, Gurumayi ji smiled, raised me up by my shoulders with both her hands, and whispered something lovingly into my ears. Those golden words are still resonating in my being; as I contemplate them, I know understanding will arise in due time.
Right after I woke up, I opened the Siddha Yoga path website and was surprised to see the teaching of the day was “The embrace of time.” A huge smile of wonder, and of love and respect for my Guru, was dancing on my face. It was a dream come true! I am still bathing in the abundance of grace, and am filled with gratitude for having received Shri Guru’s darshan and having been wrapped in her “embrace.”
New Delhi, India
The first thought that came to my mind when I read “The embrace of time" was “I am being held by God.” As I move through each moment of my life, this knowledge brings me solace.
California, United States
When I read today’s teaching, I could feel my body relax. I had the experience that time is not the enemy, and I can rest in its embrace. When I work against time, I feel anxious and pressured. Often, the results of my actions or thoughts when I am pressed for time can lack the care and gentleness that I want to create and live in. If, instead, I make the effort to rest in time, I feel better and, in turn, those around me feel better. As time expands in front of and behind me, I realize that there is deep solace to be found by breathing in the present moment.
I am beginning to understand the nurturing and loving care of time. Time is nonjudgmental and accepting. What a gift this knowledge is for me right now. I want to make it my practice to be aware of how I feel when I think of being in the loving arms of time.
Michigan, United States
“The Embrace of Time”
Don’t resist
The embrace of time.
Enter each moment
In full participation
With its ever-new creations.
This form emerged
From the formless,
Appearing within
The confines of time.
The Guru gives me the grace
To enter my heart,
Where I discover that
I am a silent expanse
Constantly giving birth
To time.
And so, I embrace my inner child
And allow it to play,
Laughing at its antics
Crying with its pain,
While saying,
Thank you, my Guru.
New York, United States
Seeing the word embrace in this teaching filled me with an immediate sense of warmth. It felt as though a blanket of golden sunshine was completely wrapping me in peace, comfort, love, and the protection of the Guru’s grace. Maybe for the first time ever, I experienced that time was not an enemy or an obstacle. Instead, it contains the essence of everything that I need to carry me along my spiritual path to the goal. As I sat with this awareness, the feeling that I am supported every single moment of every single day moved through the cells of my body, mind, and heart.
New Mexico, United States
I feel that time has been kind to me. Yesterday, I traveled a few hours to attend a friend’s birthday party. At the party, I spent time with people I had not connected with in a few years. When I reflected on the embraces that we shared, I realized that in the moment of an embrace, I often let go of the thoughts in my mind and of any particular notion that I have of myself. Then, I am able to simply surrender to love and to being in that moment in time.
This is similar to my experiences in meditation, where I release self-descriptions of myself, and I am held in love. I have contemplated whether I am embracing time or time is embracing me. Both are happening! Just as time has been kind to me, I can keep remembering to offer my kindness and gratitude back to time by living in love.
Warrnambool, Australia