When I saw the teaching, “The stewardship of time,” an image arose for me of being a flight steward on an airplane. Time is flying swiftly forward like the plane, yet inside the plane the passengers experience time moment by moment. My dharma as a flight steward is to attend to the passengers with engagement, graciousness, and mindful service. In each moment I can contribute to enhancing their experience of the flight.
Similarly, I am the steward of the time God has granted me to be here in this lifetime. My dharma is to make the most of this time, moment by moment, so that I may progress in my sadhana with joy and balance on my way to liberation. I trust that Gurumayi is flying the plane of my sadhana by guiding me now and forever.
California, United States
For me, “the stewardship of time” requires the recognition that each moment can be an opportunity to merge with the eternal. When I exercise stewardship over my time with discernment, intention, and devotion, it becomes a vehicle for my transformation, a path to Self-realization and the Guru’s grace.
Living with this awareness of time as a bridge to the infinite means making time a sacred offering and a celebration of existence.
Niteroi, Brazil
It has never been an easy task for me to be “the steward” of my own time. In the past I used to often act impulsively, making choices which were sometimes immature. Many years of following the Guru’s teachings during my sadhana have taught me to be more conscious, poised, and considerate of others, and to take more responsible choices and actions. My inner guide has grown stronger. By continuing to choose to commit to the teachings— for which I am forever grateful—I receive the privilege of being more conscious today. In that awareness, I am happy to feel the freedom to choose how to be the steward of my time in alignment with my heart.
Milan, Italy
I see the universe as a great orchestra that follows time under the baton of the divine Conductor—the ultimate “steward of time.” Being in harmony with time keeps me in alignment with God.
To accomplish this, like a spider that weaves its web with care, I install the thread of my activities into each of my days—creating an invisible time frame that serves as scaffolding I can use to build a wonderful building.
Rodez, France
For me, “the stewardship of time” involves recognizing how precious and important time is and not wasting it or frittering it away. One way I recognize the importance of time is by being in the present moment and focusing on what needs to be done right then. In that way, I am taking care of time by using it in the best possible way in that very moment.
London, United Kingdom
Along with life, God has also given me time. For me, stewardship is taking care of the time God has given me in this lifetime. Cultivating my relationship with God has never been as important to me as it is now that I am living in my eighth decade.
I used to think that when I experienced the need for more rest, I was missing time that I could be using for spiritual practice. Now, instead, I can see that rest allows me to be a good steward of time by making it possible for me to continue using my time in this body to do practices and to continue nourishing my
sadhana. If I need extra rest, that is my offering of “The stewardship of time.” I am very grateful for this understanding.
California, United States
I’m very grateful for the time to study Gurumayi’s teachings on time with the intention to experience them on many levels—from intellectual and emotional to energetic. Early each morning, I spend some time with the day’s teaching, and then I write definitions and reflect on related Siddha Yoga teachings as well as personal memories and insights. It clarifies my sense of faithful stewardship to consciously remember that my caring actions are infused with gratitude, contentment, patience, and generosity. I will have eternal thanksgiving for Gurumayi’s profound stewardship of my
Florida, United States
Managing my finances is about making everyday financial decisions that are aligned with my financial goals.
Likewise, managing my time is about making everyday decisions that bring me closer to my inner Self.
Konolfingen, Switzerland