As I contemplated teaching 14, I became aware of how I sometimes allow my mind to drive me to complete things on my to-do list. Today, for instance, I was focused on a particular activity and wanted to get as much of it done as I could. As a result, I was feeling stressed at what I perceived as a lack of time.
When I noticed this, I sat to meditate. I opened to a state of love and gentleness and to simply being without an agenda. This helped me to remember that time exists in infinite Consciousness.
With this shift in my awareness, I was able instead to offer the activity with love and to be fully present in and enjoy each moment. When I feel limited by my perceptions of time, I now intend to use that as a reminder to open instead into an expansive understanding of time’s boundlessness.
Connecticut, United States
It has taken me some time to glimpse how time’s influence has been my most fundamental source of fear. I was taught that time is the adversary, to be wrestled with and forged into accomplishments.
As I learn about time from Gurumayi, I connect to the quality of stillness in time. Then I experience that, in this moment, time is liberating, time is luminous, time is free. My ego’s tricks lose their power and fear dissolves. Time’s influence becomes sustaining. I see that time is not an adversary; time is my best companion. May we walk on together, moment by moment, in grace.
Washington, United States
Walking this afternoon with “The influence of time” in mind, I imagined myself to be a traditional pendulum clock. I could see that the rhythm of my walking was in tune with the cycle of my breathing. It gave me a deep sense of ease.
When I stay connected to my breathing and do not let myself be disturbed by the pushes and pulls of external situations, the prana circulates in my mind and body, and I live in harmony with the world around me.
Rodez, France