Thinking about “Companionship with time” has helped me understand the profound presence of time in my life. Since childhood, I have felt a deep connection to time; it is always with me. I love checking it regularly, guessing the time, and even playing with it. Watches fascinate me as tools to track this mysterious and constant friend.
As an adult, time has become an essential companion, supporting my discipline and helping me make the most of each day. I deeply cherish my relationship with time, and Gurumayi’s Message for 2025 has brought me greater insight, allowing me to explore this eternal companion that journeys with me now and forever.
New York, United States
When I saw Gurumayi’s teaching “Companionship with time,” I could not quite understand what she meant. I discussed the teaching with another Siddha Yoga student, and she said that when we have a friend, we don’t move ahead of that friend or stay behind them; we tread the path
with them. I understood that this is the way I can be with time; I can practice “companionship with time” by being fully present as I go about my activities. I felt this was a great teaching for my current life!
I was used to anticipating a few really happy moments when I would do things I especially enjoyed at certain times of day. In anticipation of these times, I often bypassed the importance, the fullness of the current moment. After talking with my friend, I’ve started embracing the moment I am
in. This shift has made me feel I am being a true friend to time. I feel as though I’ve became lighter as well. And just yesterday, my manager at work encouraged me to be fully present and focused in all meetings. I was very glad to hear that since I had already begun embarking on the journey to “companionship with time.”
Bangalore, India
When this teaching “Companionship with time” appeared on the Siddha Yoga path website, I spoke with my dearest friend and shared it with her. We thought about this teaching together and recognized that, although we were in different locations from one another, we were, in essence, following this teaching because we had intentionally created the opportunity to be with one another.
Companionship, we realized, requires effort and intentionality. On this day, as I contemplated this teaching, many beautiful birds and animals appeared nearby. I wondered, “Had they always been there, but I hadn’t noticed my relationship with them? Or is it because I was thinking about what it is to be a companion that made me more aware of how many friends—human and nonhuman—accompany me through my life?”
South Melbourne, Australia
I am grateful to Gurumayi for reminding me that time is my best ally and life companion. If I know how to dance with time, I can feel the awareness of its presence flowing in attunement with the Self of all. Time and I can become best friends. I offer gratitude for its presence with patience and reverence.
I realize time is a continuum that goes beyond birth and death, yet time as love is with me from the beginning until the end, and it won’t let me down! When I was a child, I used to embrace the old clock standing next to the fireplace in my grandparents’ home. I would listen to its sound to comfort me—its regularity, its rhythm was a heartbeat, a warm, open space into love.
Waterville, Canada
In considering “Companionship with time,” it came to me that if the Lord created all that is, then the Lord must have also created time—in fact, is time. This led me to inquire what that might mean to me. I saw that in every moment, God is my companion, and this opens the door to being at ease with time and not overextending or underextending myself. Also, the doorways to creativity, love, and compassion are thrown wide open, providing a fresh look at my circumstances, like the pile of dishes in the sink—imagine washing dishes with God! It’s a thrilling and fulfilling way of approaching my life: each moment I am in divine companionship with the One I hold dearest to my heart.
California, United States
I am really enjoying these daily teachings that take me deeper in my understanding of Gurumayi’s Message. “Companionship with time” caught my attention because, to me, it means closeness with my own time, which ultimately means closeness with my own inner Self, which is no different than the Guru. I experience total happiness, peace, lightness, joy, and love in the presence of my Shri Guru. This teaching brought all of these happy emotions to my heart as soon as I read it.
Pune, India
I often perceive time as an adversary, frequently thinking, “I do not have enough time” or “I keep running out of time.” However, when I consider time as a companion, someone to work alongside throughout my day and life, it feels akin to having a supportive friend.
I remind myself that time is a construct of my perception. Sometimes when I am approaching an appointment and feel pressed for time, I tell myself, “There is plenty of time. There is plenty of time.” Whenever I say this to myself, I seem to arrive at my destination with sufficient time.
Each of these teachings provides me with an opportunity to pause and reflect on how the day’s teaching applies to my relationship with time, either on that specific day or in general, throughout my life.
Missouri, United States