The teaching “Confidence in time” stood out to me because I often lack the confidence that there will be enough time. But there always is.
My goal with time is to trust that whatever needs doing will be done, and that I can flow with life with more ease. I want to make time my friend.
Delaware, United States
What a bold and powerful word
confidence is. When I hear the word spoken aloud, I stand tall in myself and want to inspire others to do the same. Since the start of the series “In the Presence of Time,” I have developed a practice of keeping a journal of the teachings. This allows me to engage with each of the teachings in a different way. Some teachings inspire contemplation. Some remind me of a song. For some I look up their meanings in the dictionary. I feel this teaching is asking me to trust in time—to trust that the teachings of the Guru contain everything and reveal everything in time.
Maine, United States
When I saw this teaching in the morning, I felt some tension in my body and some doubt as to whether I could fully embrace this. Throughout the day, I had questions such as “What does it mean to have confidence in time?” and “There appears to be such uncertainty and suffering in the world; can I truly have confidence in time?”
This evening, after further contemplation, what came up for me is that when I understand time as Consciousness itself, and not only this specific moment in history or social context, I can have confidence in time. This expanded awareness of time—from the perspective of the fullness of time—supports me in having confidence in time. And it requires a sweet effort on my part: that I keep turning inside, coming back to the Heart.
Vienna, Austria
As I reflected on Gurumayi’s teaching “Confidence in time” today, I realized that I do indeed have confidence in time. Time heals my wounds, time opens new doors for me, time brings me understanding, time is my friend.
I also realized that I can deepen my confidence in time because time gives me space to open up and grow. And then I also realized that I can have confidence in knowing that I have enough time to anchor myself in inner peace and inner freedom.
Konolfingen, Switzerland
Gurumayi’s teaching, “Confidence in time” has taught me to surrender to that divine energy that knows what’s best for me in any given moment. If I can surrender to that aspect of time, I will have no complaints about anything; instead, I will be grateful for everyone in my life, for everything that’s happening, for every teaching I am able to assimilate.
Realizing this brings me loads of positivity, and that in turn makes me feel love and tremendous gratitude for having a Siddha Guru who’s guiding me in every single moment. I am aware that because I have confidence that I am in the right hands, I am able to receive the teachings and enjoy their ambrosia.
Pune, India
I eagerly await each day’s gift of a golden pearl of wisdom from Gurumayi. As I contemplate the teaching for the day, I feel supported and guided inwardly to align with her Message for 2025. This morning I recognized that having confidence in time evokes a deep feeling of trust in my inner connection to Gurumayi and, from that, in my increasing ability to make my time worthwhile.
California, United States
When the time to be born or to die comes along, then that is what happens. When the time comes for sleep, I am likely to sleep. I am beginning to think of time as being like energy. I know there is a finite amount of it in my life, and what I do with it determines what happens next.
I have confidence in the structure time provides—giving me opportunities to discover things, contribute, laugh, cry, fall in love… And although I might or might not like what I do with my time, it certainly doesn’t mean I blame time for my choices. I exist within time, and in making time my friend, I trust time.
When I am intentional in staying close to the inner realm of my life, more often than not I find myself experiencing joy and lightheartedness and feeling like I am in the right place at the right time. This gives me confidence in the relationship I am creating with time.
South Melbourne, Australia
This teaching reminds me to trust time and give it my utmost respect. It gives me the resolve and strength to approach whatever I decide to do with confidence in the divine presence of time.
Florida, United States