Each day as I walk into my office building, I pause to examine the developing buds on the rose bushes. I live in the Northern Hemisphere and I know that each day the rosebuds will become larger and fuller according to the rhythms and rules of time. I understand that it is time that is in control; they are still at the nascent stage and it is a foregone conclusion that they will bloom fully. It is wonderful to look at them, knowing exactly what will happen to them.
Perhaps this is how each one of us appears to a great being like our beloved Gurumayi. I imagine that she can see us as “nascent blooms,” just on the threshold of becoming established in our inner divinity, and knowing most assuredly that it will happen according to the dictates of time.
Pennsylvania, United States
Today I performed a hard winter pruning of my rhododendron bushes, cutting back old branches that are no longer able to produce any new growth. It was quite a severe haircut, and yet necessary for the old bushes to be revitalized. It was exciting! As I cut, I was already visualizing “the nascent blooms” I can expect in the future.
Similarly, as I work with my mind to cut back old thoughts, to prune misunderstandings and ancient concepts that are preventing new growth, in that very moment I experience the joy of anticipating “the nascent bloom” that in time will grant me freedom.
Connecticut, United States
This teaching has offered me a beautiful way to understand and experience time. It has shown me that, in every moment, there sprouts a new beginning in which something unique unfolds in the manifestation of my life. It reminds me of spring.
The First Green Sprout
I spotted the first green sprout of spring.
It caught my eye
Like an emerald, glinting,
In the mist of sleeping gray stone.
I stopped to admire its perfection.
It glanced back at me, and I saw
Myself sprouting there.
I recognized the ancient yearly ritual,
When the human spirit looks out of a quiet winter shelter and sees
Nature extending its delicately inviting tendrils
As a sweet reminder that it’s time, again,
To laugh and shine and grow.
There is no guesswork.
It is all designed, already,
We just follow the cues.
Pennsylvania, United States
Last month, I read many of Gurumayi’s talks in her books, as well as some of Baba’s teachings. I read so much that I felt quite saturated.
Today, I paused to ponder in my memory many of these teachings that I had recently read. As I did so, I experienced wonderful streams of love surging forth in my heart. I felt that I was receiving the fruits of my study, which I had not originally allowed myself to experience. Gurumayi’s teaching “The nascent bloom of time” resonated with this experience. The love and gratitude I was feeling were there within me all along, waiting for the right time to unfold in my heart. I believe that through my gentle self-effort today, I opened myself to grace.
Warrnambool, Australia
When I first read Gurumayi’s teaching “The nascent bloom of time,” it evoked for me the very early hours of the morning, way before dawn, when everything is still and dark. Sometimes, during this period, the moon is shining. Often there are birds chirping, their voices alerting me that it is time to rise for meditation.
I continued to contemplate this teaching as I experienced the bright daylight sun. This brought up for me the thought that “the nascent bloom of time” is contained in each and every moment. I am so thankful for Gurumayi’s teachings on time. I feel that they are showing me the way to truly respect and honor time.
Garges-lès-Gonesse, France