There are moments in time when I experience true love—a smooth and most natural quality in a moment, a perfect connection with life. It happens spontaneously, like the gentle push of a steady wind while sailing in the sea, or like the bird I just saw drifting with freedom through the clear morning sky. These events bring me “the silken sensation of time”!
In these moments I feel time is the perfect friend, the tool that enables me to feel fully alive and open to the sheer joy of existence. Through devotion to my Guru, this feeling has become greater and I am filled with a sense of deep gratitude.
Milan, Italy
My first response to this teaching was that I don’t usually experience “the silken sensation of time”—since I tend to be doing, doing, doing and thinking, thinking, thinking. The only time I experience that “silken sensation” is when I am centered, connected to my heart, connected to God within, whether in meditation or in daily activities.
So this teaching seems another reminder to reconnect to the Heart again and again so that whatever I am “doing” is no longer frenetic activity but something I can recognize as God working through this body. Then the experience of “the silky sensation of time” happens of its own accord.
Just having that insight brought back to me the experience of “the silky sensation,” the easefulness of the breath, the sense that I am in the right place, doing the right thing, at the right time.
California, United States
To touch “the silken sensation of time,” I offered my recitation of Shri Guru Gita to the present moment of time today. It felt so calm and touching to my heart. After that, a “silken sensation” arose in the form of a wish that Mother Earth may feel abundant blessings. She gives us so much and what can I do? In answer, I paid homage to Mother Earth by offering her the Bhumi Gayatri mantra in her honor. I felt so blessed in the moment. Many prayers arose within me, and I wished, “May Mother Earth flourish and blossom with every moment.”
Delhi, India
This morning I had an important task to complete within a time frame and other commitments were also calling on my time. I started to feel a bit frantic.
As I walked to the first of these commitments, I started repeating today’s teaching, “The silken sensation of time,” over and over silently. I started to feel soothed, caressed, and comforted inside about the pending task, as if being stroked by silk. With calmness I was able to schedule a time to deal with the important task a bit later in the day when I knew there would be more spaciousness.
Later this afternoon I was feeling more of a sense of time pressure on me. Again, I repeated the teaching—and serenity reigned once more!
Ripon, United Kingdom
Reading today’s teaching from “In the Presence of Time,” I feel myself exhale. My breath shows me how much more I can relax into time’s gentler nature. Gurumayi’s teaching, “The silken sensation of time,” feels soft and inviting to me. Isn’t time like that if I allow my breath to melt into its essence?
each breath
a beat
melting me
into the infinite
blue sky
the air everywhere
time’s hourglass
of satin memories
love-filled moments
my Guru’s grace
holding me
in the most glorious
silken tapestry of time
in this most blessed life
New York, United States